
  1. mix or blend
    Hyaline casts were admixed with neutrophils
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How To Use admix In A Sentence

  • Balzac expended a great deal of pains, and one of whom he seems to have "caressed," as the French say, with a curious admixture of dislike and admiration. The Thirteen
  • But as Neanderthal as a whole went extinct anyhow, these hypothetically admixed individuals left surely no heirs either. Quantifying Neanderthal introgression by serial coalescent simulations
  • I think he said that those opposing the creation of 'human admixed embryos' were, in effect wanting to kill future sufferers from illnesses such as Parkinson's Disease and Motor Neurone Disease. Victory for the scientists
  • Cuius dignitatem reatus ipsi etiam qui detulere uiderunt, quam uti alicuius sceleris admixtione fuscarent, ob ambitum dignitatis sacrilegio me conscientiam polluisse mentiti sunt. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • On another occasion Heine writes that Kalkbrenner is envied for his elegant manners, for his polish and sweetishness, and for his whole marchpane-like appearance, in which, however, ihe calm observer discovers a shabby admixture of involuntary Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • If lime water or barytic water occasions a precipitate which again vanishes by the admixture of muriatic acid, then carbonic acid is present in the water. A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons Exhibiting the Fraudulent Sophistications of Bread, Beer, Wine, Spiritous Liquors, Tea, Coffee, Cream, Confectionery, Vinegar, Mustard, Pepper, Cheese, Olive Oil, Pickles, and Other Articles Employ
  • The result of this admixture of the real and the unreal is confusion thrice confounded. The Somnambulists
  • However, preliminary genetic analyses showed offspring admixture was probably caused by apicultural drift (beekeepers' term for the change of hive or colony).
  • Aluminum-silicon composite ultra-fine fume is a fume mineral additive with utility model patent, which won Fume Mineral Admixtures Extracted from Corundum Soot and Production of Synthetic Potash.
  • The plant can produce up to 100 cubic yards per hour on the job-site and can handle up to four chemical admixtures.
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