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How To Use Admiral In A Sentence

  • There is a great deal of feeling and perhaps some bitterness, but do you not all agree with me that it is quite possible, since there is a fashion of armament in Europe, and since there has been no withdrawal on the part of the Admiralty from the stand taken by the First Lord some months ago, to have the entire Canadian people approach this situation in a calm and in an impartial manner? Canada and the Empire
  • The rage and the disappointment of the admiral were beyond all bounds; what to him was the value of the capture of Aisa, of the Turkish alcaid, of the ten thousand of the baser sort; nay, what to him was the value of "Africa" itself when once again like a mocking spirit Dragut had glided beyond the sea horizon to devastate, to plunder, and to slay once more, the scourge and the menace of Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean
  • Fish and chips for the white van man and beef wellington for the admiralty. BritChick Paris: Why a High Society Wedding in France Is Tres Tres Posh
  • The geographical results were fruitful; the Ross Sea, the Admiralty Range and the Great Ice Barrier were discovered and some eight hundred miles of Antarctic coastline were broadly delineated. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • A collection of tattered men o'war and patched sloops is firing directly over the decks of the old admiral's flagship and into the area of HMS Brown.
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  • Admiral Lopez is one of the two flag officers in the U.S. Navy to achieve the rank of four-star admiral after direct commission from enlisted service.
  • The Admiralty court was declared by statute to be a sovereign court.
  • In Admiral Spruance, it had found one of the Pacific War's most effective tactical naval commanders.
  • One of Egypt's top-ranking admirals would be participating in sailboat races on the Nile River the same day.
  • In November 1875, Sir Frederick Evans, newly appointed hydrographer of the British Navy, ordered 123 doubtful islands banished from Admiralty Chart 2683 of the Pacific Ocean. A Furnace Afloat
  • Not surprisingly, Metung attracted a number of distinguished early holiday-makers, some of whom settled there permanently, including the explorer and mineralogist Dr. Alfred Howitt; His Honour Judge John Burnett Box; and John King, the second son of Rear Admiral Philip Parker King. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The Admiral had refused to listen to anything Marcus said, and eventually Marcus had been dismissed and ordered back for the tribunals.
  • On Navy Day July 27, 2008 the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky spoke of a revival of Russian naval power over the next decade and declared that the navy would add six carrier battle groups to its complement of warships. News on
  • This general rule of construction should especially guide a court of admiralty in interpreting a contract of bottomry and respondentia.
  • Napoleon, the greatest of all generals, dismissed and disgraced Admiral Bruix when he questioned an order to sail his fleet.
  • He was thirty years in Admiralty, all through the period of the Napoleonic War, and he devised the new doctrine, really based on the old rule of 1745, known as "Continuous Voyage". The Freedom of the Seas
  • He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart, with the time and date. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • The ship was to set sail at once, on the admiral's orders.
  • They were now near the east end of the north coast of Cuba, and they stood in to a harbour which the Admiral called Santa Catalina, and which is now called Cayo de Moa. Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery — Complete
  • In 1740, British Admiral Vernon (whose nickname was ‘Old Grogram’ for the cloak of grogram which he wore) ordered that the sailors’ daily ration of rum be diluted with water.
  • Lovelock was saying, `We have charts for the whole world aboard, both airways and admiralty. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Our noble captain did not get rid of his angry looks for some days, and actually wept at what he termed the treacherous conduct of the Admiralty. A Sailor of King George
  • We observe the Admiral, dressed in a cinnamon coloured velvet coat trimmed with elaborate gold clasps.
  • The only major sea battle in World War began with fighting between Royal Navy squadrons of battle-cruisers under Beatty and a German squadron under Rear Admiral von Hipper.
  • Admiral Boyle commanded the entire crew to assemble on deck.
  • Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.
  • The Admiral wants to see a greater involvement of Leading Hands and Petty Officers in the daily management of junior ratings.
  • The Consul and the Admiral would lose a huge asset.
  • Note 62: Fishing admirals had the first choice of fishing rooms in harbors for any given season, and certain coves were repeatedly selected because they were well situated in terms of shore facilities and proximity to fishing grounds. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • _Item_, when we shall see a convenient time to fight with the enemies our vanward shall make with their vanward if they have any; and if they be in one company, our vanward, taking the advantage of the wind, shall set upon their foremost rank, bringing them out of order; and our vice-admiral shall seek to board their vice-admiral, and every captain shall choose his equal as near as he may. Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. XXIX.
  • But when, on 17 December, Captain Bonaparte's gunners drove the British and Spanish troops from the key forts on those heights, Admiral Hood saw that he must evacuate the port immediately or have his fleet shot to matchwood.
  • In March 1681 the king agreed to grant young William, the admiral's heir, proprietary ownership of the lands west of the Delaware River and north of the Maryland border in exchange for canceling the old debt.
  • Mints. wild bergamot, and yarrow, attract the American Painted Lady, Anise Swallowtail, Gray Hairstreak, Monarch, and Red Admiral.
  • Thus a legend was made: " On the sea there was Admiral Yi Sun-shin and on the land there was the General Kwak Chae-u."
  • William Penn, son of a vice-admiral, resolved to go and establish what he called the primitive Church on the shores of A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Admiral Boyle commanded the entire crew to assemble on deck.
  • On his return three years later he was appointed director of electrical engineering at the Admiralty, Bath.
  • He had the ultimate power to approve the appointment of generals, admirals and prime ministers.
  • Jimmy knew the Admiral would get the message within the next fifteen minutes. BARRACUDA 945
  • Though the admiral was a perfectly nice and personable woman, she was not in the habit of casually dropping by to visit junior officers. Star Trek: TNG: Losing the Peace
  • Wildlife spotted in East SussexButterflies (13) meadow brown; hedge brown; speckled wood; essex skipper; small skipper; large skipper; comma; small tortoiseshell; large white; small white; green-veined white; purple hairstreak; white admiral How to get back to nature when camping
  • Behind him stood the many admirals and commodores under his command, all of them dedicated to the task at hand.
  • None of the astronomers or admirals on the board had any knowledge about the Watch or what made it run so regularly.
  • According to Page there are still more admirals ashore than ships afloat, more air marshals than squadrons aloft. Times, Sunday Times
  • On his return three years later he was appointed director of electrical engineering at the Admiralty, Bath.
  • The book was made to be practically un-filmable, but the crew and cast have done an admiral job making it as good as it is, especially since the movie has been in and out of production f**k-loads of times and no-one has ever got this far before. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Watchmen tonight…
  • At one extreme of these is the proceeding in rem of the admiralty, which conclusively disposes of the property in its power, and, when it sells or condemns it, does not deal with this or that man's title, but gives a new title paramount to all previous interests, whatsoever they may be. The Common Law
  • The Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Michael Boyce, said further British forces, including paratroops, infantry and armoured units as well as RAF strike aircraft, could be deployed into the region at short notice.
  • There the mayor attempted to arrest them, and Buckingham had to pull off his beard, confess his identity, and claim that as admiral of the fleet he was off to arrange an impromptu inspection at Dover.
  • The Admiral remembers all too clearly returning from long Cold War submarine patrols, and having to queue on a rainswept jetty to use a phone.
  • The fact that a coastguard was the first on board may save some complications, later on, in the Admiralty Court; for coastguards cannot claim the salvage which is the right of the first civilian entering on a derelict. Dracula
  • He entered the navy a midshipman in the era of cannon balls and oak hulls powered by sail, and retired as admiral of a fleet of steel, powered by steam, that fired huge shells thousands of yards.
  • But, in the end, he settled for the position of Admiral, and watched every other lucky bastard as they boarded, what should have been, his ship.
  • He is an admiral in the US Navy.
  • “Maybe what we need more than another admiral is another James Kirk.” Star Trek: TNG: Losing the Peace
  • Between 1594 and 1602 he produced plays for the Admiral's Men, after which he concentrated on writing pageants for the city of London and on revising the Survey of London by John Stow.
  • Admiral Denton has also served as a flight instructor and naval test pilot.
  • There we find simply, that “the admiral was surprised to see the inhabitants of Paria, and those of the island of Trinidad, better made, more civilized (de buena conversacion), and whiter than the natives whom he had previously seen.” Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Both Becca and Kade saluted as soon as they caught sight of the Admiral, snapping to attention almost in unison.
  • First, it is to be considered that every of the captains with the said ships appointed by this order to the vanward, battle and wing shall ride at anchor according as they be appointed to sail by the said order; and no ship of any of the said wards or wing shall presume to come to an anchor before the admiral of the said ward. Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. XXIX.
  • The US admiral's impulsive behaviour reflected the mood of a navy which had grown accustomed to overwhelming superiority. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • The American commander, Admiral Nimitz, was understandably reluctant to join the battle.
  • He sipped his whiskey, interested in its deep smokey flavor, and said, "Admiral, tell me something. NIMITZ CLASS
  • He had been many years a lieutenant, and his temper had been considerably soured before he had got his promotion; indeed, some of those whom he had known as midshipmen were now admirals, and he seemed to take especial pleasure in acting in a dictatorial manner towards all those under him. The Three Commanders
  • Alongside her on the top deck of the Antarctic survey ship HMS Endurance, stood the Duke of Edinburgh in the uniform of Admiral of the Fleet, encrusted with gold braid.
  • It was said that an ordinary seaman on the Admiral's flagship publicly disagreed with this conclusion and was promptly hanged from the yardarm for his insubordination.
  • Built in Glasgow in 1910, this vessel tramped her way around the globe for the next three decades, until she was requisitioned by an Admiralty hurriedly preparing for a war it was desperately unready to fight.
  • Poor Admiral Boxer has fallen a victim to its remorseless gripe, and is buried at the head of the harbour, where he worked so hard, early and late, to endeavour to rescue Balaklava from the plague-stricken wretchedness in which he found it a few months before. Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol
  • No one enjoyed the Fuji-san more than Admiral Tarrant. The Bridges at Toko-Ri
  • In the confusion only three of the line kept up with him, the much-battered "Orel" and the "Admiral Apraxin" and Famous Sea Fights From Salamis to Tsu-Shima
  • Vice Admiral Charles Style says they were more than three kilometers within Iraqi waters.
  • I am glad to have met you, Mrs Campbell," said Captain Lumley; "I found, on paying my respects to the Governor, that there is what they call the Admiralty House here, which is kept furnished by Government for the senior officers of his Majesty's ships. The Settlers in Canada
  • He had the ultimate power to approve the appointment of generals, admirals and prime ministers.
  • It was the advent of a new day, however, when the activist decided to help administer the treatment for the adolescent and help the Admiral fight this adverse situation.
  • Cuba was beleaguered by the Americans under General Shafter; the forts had been destroyed by Admirals Schley and Sampson; General Linares, in command there, had been wounded and placed _hors de combat_; the large force of Spanish troops within the walls was well armed and munitioned, but being half-starved, the _morale_ of the rank-and-file was at a low ebb, and General Toral, who succeeded General Linares, capitulated. The Philippine Islands
  • On the following morning I accompanied Admiral Porter in the ram Price, several iron-clads preceding us, up through Steele's Bayou to near Black Bayou. The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
  • ROGUE GUNNER": Admiral: 'tinpot' armed services skip to main Admiral: 'tinpot' armed services
  • He entered the navy a midshipman in the era of cannon balls and oak hulls powered by sail, and retired as admiral of a fleet of steel, powered by steam, that fired huge shells thousands of yards.
  • Rear Admiral Harry Harris, Commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo what drives human beings to take their own lives, whether it be through suicide bombing or just plain suicide, is desperation, fueled by a belief that nothing less could possibly make a difference … Think Progress » ThinkProgress is leaving Las Vegas.
  • He shall come, sidesmen accostant, by aryan jubilarian and on brigadier-general Nolan or and buccaneer-admiral Browne, with — who can doubt it? — his golden beagles and his white elkox terriers for a hunting on our littlego illcome faxes. Finnegans Wake
  • With the promotion of Grand Admiral Xeraux, he was now the admiral of the entire fleet.
  • Have the Admiral and the General reported in?
  • After more abortive attempts, the Admiralty decided, in 1845, to send Sir John Franklin with two steamers, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, to resolve the problem.
  • The young hero has an inauspicious beginning, turns it to his benefit through pluck and luck, then begins the cursus honorum of the sea: sailor, midshipman, lieutenant, captain, admiral, commemorative 30th-anniversary boxed set, remainder pile, deliquescence. At Journey's End, a Ship of the Line
  • The Admiralty order, "Let the Regulating Captains send them as he desires," [Footnote: _Admiralty Records_ 1. 1983 The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • PAs tend to be civil servants who work for high-ranking naval officers, generally from rear admiral upwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vice Admiral Jamnong said that patrol boats have been relocated to patrol the area and helicopters are flying twice a day to report on the movements of the slick.
  • He built a fort on Pigeon Island on which he perched his telescope; through which he squinted, discovering to unabated delight that his old French foe, Admiral De Grasse, was becalmed along with his naval fleet.
  • In 1925 he'encouraged'his admirals to endorse a decision not to build any carriers.
  • Besides the flying foxes, the admiralty cuscus (Spilocuscus kraemeri) is the only endemic cuscus in the hotspot, being confined to the Admiralty Islands. Biological diversity in the East Melanesian Islands
  • Our admiral had brought his squadron to anchor in a single line, his headmost ship being close to a small island, forming the neck of land upon which the fort of Aboukir is built.
  • Another gunboat was the "Presidente," which had figured in history, for it was nothing less than the yacht "Deerhound," on which the Confederate Admiral Santo Domingo A Country with a Future
  • Andrians and Corinthians, and the decree for the mutilation of the captives, of which Philokles was the author.] [Footnote 149: Golden crowns, at this period of Greek history, was the name applied to large sums of money voted by cities to men whose favour they hoped to gain.] [Footnote 150: A spit is called obelus in Greek.] [Footnote 151: Probably of each of the Spartan admirals who had commanded during the war. Plutarch's Lives, Volume II
  • While plans were drawn up in case the raider was a pocket battleship and not just one of the many German merchant ships which had sneaked out of the sanctuary of a South American port and armed herself, the Admiralty signalled to Admiral Lyon and Commodore Harwood that the order recalling the 4th Destroyer Division was cancelled and they were "to be retained in the South Atlantic for the present. Graf Spee
  • My position was the more perilous because that very admiral happened to be Chosrew pacha. A Start in Life
  • The Lord Mayor of Hall and Admiral of the Humber, Fred Beedle, welcomed the 28-strong crew after he was piped aboard the vessel.
  • The doors of Kirribilli House, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's official Sydney home and neighbouring Admiralty House, the governor-general's Sydney home were thrown open to the public for a bit of a stickybeak. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • During the war, he joined the British Admiralty Research Laboratories where he designed acoustic and magnetic mines.
  • But what intrigued me most of all was a postscript was appended to the Hardy letter: ‘Remember me to Coffin and the admiral.’
  • Unfortunately, Reigart's hands are tied by Admiral Piquet (Joaquim de Almeida), a French NATO officer who shadily puts a halt to Reigart's rescue operations.
  • The admiral pushed the file towards the edge of the desk.
  • When Duquesne Light and Power "beached" one of Admiral Hyman Rickover's 70-MW submarine reactors at Shippingport, Pennsylvania, in 1957, it became the nation's first commercial plant. The American Spectator
  • Hemp agrimony, bird's-foot trefoil and knapweed attracted the attention of commas, common blues, red admirals and the only painted ladies we've encountered so far this year. Country diary: Durham coast
  • The title went to Her Majesty, and with it yet another flag - the Admiralty flag of a gold anchor on red.
  • _ Chambers, [385] the Supreme Court held specifically applicable in admiralty proceedings the law of Florida whereby a cause of action for personal injury due to another's negligence survives the death of the tort-feasor against his estate and against the vessel. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • He is an admiral, do you understand, an _admiral_! Madge Morton's Secret
  • His career as Admiral and Governor was consumed with never-ending anxiety to secure a comfortable living.
  • Admiralty , bankruptcy and company winding-up proceedings are also undertaken. Most of these cases relate to employees' wages and severance pay.
  • Me and the landlord of a public there came to words, by reason he called his house 'The Admiral Howe,' but on his signboard was the face of a different man altogether. The Mayor of Troy
  • Admiral Ting formed his ships in line abreast, that is side by side with every bow towards the enemy. Famous Sea Fights From Salamis to Tsu-Shima
  • Here he had a grandstand view of the day's action, of the admiral fighting his fleet and the captain fighting his ship. Times, Sunday Times
  • The watermen joined in drinks at the Admiral's Head to deplore this sad dropping away from standards. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • [The dishonourable flight of the Spanish nauy; and the prudent aduice of the L. Admirall.] The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The Lord Mayor of Hull and Admiral of the Humber will unveil the memorial after a parade led by a pipe band.
  • Painted lady and red admiral butterflies, both of which migrated here in early summer, have produced abundant new broods and buddleia blossom is a magnet for their dazzling displays.
  • This move was ordered by Admiral Vernon, who was famous for his grogram cloak - hence the term ‘grog’ for the rum and water mixture, and the consequent sensation of grogginess.
  • He took aim at what he called a bloated bureaucracy, wasteful business practices and too many generals and admirals, and outlined an ambitious plan for reform that's almost certain to stir opposition in the corridors of Congress and The People's News Portal - Business, Money, Sport, Music, Forex, Auto
  • War Admiral in a race left part of his forehoof on the track and had to retire until it grew back. Celebrities
  • Even Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is now twittering to the troops.
  • Beds of nettles are slashed to the ground when the caterpillars of red admiral and other butterflies are hatching for next year's generation.
  • The Admiral likes going to the Royal Thai Navy Course at Sattahip.
  • He says in a low, dark tone, saluting the Captain and Admiral.
  • Certain it is, that after he had left the island called La Mona, and when he was approaching the island of San Juan, a drowsiness, which Las Casas calls "pestilential," but which might reasonably be attributed to the privations, cares, and anxieties which the admiral had now undergone for many months, seized upon him, and entirely deprived him for a time of the use of his senses. The Life of Columbus
  • The White Admiral however is smaller, far more graceful and delicate in flight.
  • The Army had barred Donovan from going in with any of its contingents, no way a Navy admiral would countermand orders from a sister service and take a stowaway, Stark told him. Wild Bill Donovan
  • Birdwing, a damaged galleass in tow, dipped its ensign to its nominal Zhir admiral.
  • Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.
  • The scenes in the subterranean offices of the Admiralty are remarkably subdued; the war seems to be a deuced spot of bother bound to blow over any day now, but damned unpleasant in the clinch, eh?
  • Voltaire alludes to Admiral John Byng, who was court-martialled and executed in 1757 for failing to “do his utmost” to prevent Minorca falling to the French following the Battle of Minorca. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Pour encourager les autres”
  • Derec scarcely noted this magnificence, his attention instead riveted on the admiral's other visitor, a portly man plainly dressed.
  • He was fifteen and a midshipman on the HMS Boyne, Admiral Neale's flagship.
  • Queen Elizabeth might do it, but how likely was it that the Admiralty would permit the prize superdreadnought to be exposed to the dangers involved in entering the Sea of Marmara? Castles of Steel
  • You can find certain retired generals and admirals who are sceptical about spending money on Trident. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is code-named Clasciaris, and is the only fleet not to be controlled by an Admiral.
  • The smaller command reflects British naval influence and its recognized right to have a major command regularly assigned to a British admiral. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • We now have more generals than battalions, more air marshals than fighter squadrons and more admirals than ships. Times, Sunday Times
  • le paon du jour is a peacock butterfly le vulcain is a red admiral la vanesse petite tortue is a tortoiseshell la piéride = pierid Faux amis - French Word-A-Day
  • The marplot was the mad-dog Spanish Admiral, whom they encountered on the second day out, when halfway across the Gulf of Gonaves. Captain Blood
  • I would like to ask the admiral if modifications have been made to the grist after the subversion successes on Titan. METAPLANETARY
  • Perceval appointed him secretary to the Admiralty in 1809, a well-paid post which he held for 22 years, never quitting his office ‘without a kind of uneasiness like a truant boy’.
  • In his third effort to convince the Athenians of the threat from Macedonia, Demosthenes finally won some support and was appointed admiral of the Athenian fleet.
  • Researching some obscure question of admiralty law for your boss's next move? BALANCE OF POWER
  • House of Commons and the Admiralty — Author attempting to cut out a Spanish zebec, is taken prisoner — His pleasant experiences while in captivity — At last released. A Sailor of King George
  • To copy correspondence, an admiral commanding an entire fleet might have two or three clerks, an aide/flag lieutenant, and occasionally a supply officer.
  • Mayo man Admiral William Brown, who left Foxford aged nine when his family emigrated, is honoured as the Father of the Argentine Navy.
  • The Governor of Adamawa State, Admiral Murtala Nyako (rtd.), has rated performance of the Nigerian press very high in recent years considering what he described as the hydra-headed challenges journalists encounter in the discharge of their duties. Thisday Online
  • The US admiral's impulsive behaviour reflected the mood of a navy which had grown accustomed to overwhelming superiority. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • Captaine Axe's as Vice Admirall; and then some shares wer delivered accordinge to every man's part, to the common marriner [s]; and all the Tobacco belonginge to them, was shared and delivered. Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents
  • The King followed the coffin; the pall-bearers were the admirals and field marshals of the Empire.
  • I can do it, I can do it, but why don't you get the Admiral to put you in,
  • Admiral's solicitors have also sent a request for the CCJ to be removed from the register, which should ensure your daughter's credit rating will not be affected. Admiral all at sea over botched car claim
  • To the Admiral's question asking him when he had joined this ship, the young snottie replied that he had just joined. Canada's Defence Forces
  • The US admiral's impulsive behaviour reflected the mood of a navy which had grown accustomed to overwhelming superiority. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • Admiral William Halsey was a senior American naval commander in the Pacific region during World War Two.
  • He began to serve as a privateer in the Ottoman Navy as a youth and after many years of fighting against Spanish, Genoese and Venetian navies, he rose to the rank of Reis (Admiral).
  • Of course, some of them, though indecisive as regards loss and damage, were strategetical victories: thus, Admiral Arbuthnot beat back Admiral Barras off the Chesapeake, in March of 1781; and near the same place in September of the same year the French had their revenge in the victory (one at least in its results) of the Comte de Grasse over Sir Thomas Graves. The Naval War of 1812 Or the History of the United States Navy during the Last War with Great Britain to Which Is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans
  • Without Chambers, the genealogist would be left to wonder why her great-grandfather was set adrift by Admiral Peary for being a "mallemaroking jobernowl. Defined Intervention
  • The island is only a quarter of a mile in diameter, and on it are situated an Admiralty coalshed — where A Goboto Night
  • Such caution had won him an admiralcy, but at the cost of rarely seeing sky above him. CATALYST OF SORROWS
  • Once he learned of the disaster that had struck his carriers, Admiral Yamamoto, still hundreds of miles to the west with the main battlegroup, reversed course.
  • Admiral was forced to pull its new system after the web giant intervened. Times, Sunday Times
  • In it, the admiral wrote: ‘I can neither eat nor sleep for thinking of you my dearest love.’
  • 'What you two pirates need,' says the admiral's yeoman, 'is to learn a little respect for the shore-going departments where your orders are made out,' and goes back to his office and takes that hose-pipe communication and reads through the sixty-seven endorsements again, and then he carefully typewrites on a new leaf: Wide Courses
  • He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.
  • Such an attack would truly be "calamitous" -- to use the same description as the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen. Shawn Amoei: Neocon War Plans Undermine Iranians' Quest for Democracy
  • Due to the diligence of the admiral and good support from the Royal Tribunal, all the gentlemen and noblemen, and all those who had a horse in the city followed him.
  • But Perfect View, poised on a ledge above Snow Hill and beneath Richmond Heights, gazing serenely across to Bathampton and what – in my young day as a cub reporter on the Bath Chronicle – we called the Admiralty hutments: Perfect View is the real thing. Britain's best views: Bath
  • Sailors, officers and retired sea admirals hailed the end of an era. Times, Sunday Times
  • Replacing the green and white away kit of old, this new strip - again made by Admiral - has thick blue flashes with red trims down the sides of the sleeves and shorts.
  • In 1801, as 1st lord of the Admiralty, St Vincent prosecuted an inquiry into theft in the dockyards which contributed to Lord Melville's impeachment in 1806 for malversation of funds.
  • There are also historical personages with almost mythical status - Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake, Admiral Nelson.
  • Under the command of Admiral Firmus Piett from the Star Dreadnought Executor, the Imperial fleet engaged the Rebels in an effort to annihilate them once and for all.
  • Among his midshipmen was the afterwards Admiral Lord Keith. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 342, April, 1844
  • Up to 1916, the German High Seas Fleet had been commanded by Admiral von Poul.
  • Admiral Yamamoto, as supreme commander of the Fleet, was particularly conscious of this naval responsibility.
  • Th en one day he found Malcolm busily reworking designs for small, non-rigid airships, with Admiral Pike. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Bombs and guns, generals and admirals will have a place, but they won't determine the way forward for Europe in a heteropolar world. FPIF Latest Content
  • Can the British, do you think, pull this off, Admiral?
  • The assembled Generals and Admiral winced as Whitcomb emotionlessly uncuffed the briefcase, spun a pair of combination locks, opened the lid and deposited it on the desk before the president. 365 tomorrows » Roi R. Czechvala : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Admiral mullen said today that "the 2011 exit date is just a target date and the troop withdrwal wil depend on conditions on the ground" This is iraq bush speak all over again. Lawmakers question 2011 Afghan exit plan
  • A followup statement clarified that Vice Admiral Jeffrey Fowler believes the Herndon Climb may eventually be supplanted by the Sea Trials program, a 14-hour regimen of physical and mental endurance tests including "hill assault," a two-mile regimental run, simulated bridge defense and demolition, pull-ups and something called "pugil stick jousting," This year's Sea Trials is set for Tuesday. USNA reconsiders Herndon Climb
  • Furthermore, some such as Admiralty House whilst 10 Downing Street was undergoing renovations or repairs. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Vice-Admiral had the rudder of his skiff strucken through with a saker shot, and a little or no harm received elsewhere. Summarie and true discourse of Sir Frances Drakes West Indian voyage
  • I asked that the admiral send a storeship there at once. Seven Pillars of Wisdom
  • Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.
  • British Admiral Philip Jones will have six warships and three spotter planes at his disposal over the next year for his naval force, dubbed Atalanta, which took over protection duties Monday from four ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Captain, the admiral of the main fleet has contacted us and requests to speak with you.
  • Admiral Jellicoe flew his flag in the battleship HMS Iron Duke at the Battle of Jutland in 1916.
  • Establishment (ASEE), where he was involved with the development of asdic, an early form of sonar, and then for the Admiralty Signals Establishment (ASE). The Guardian World News
  • It has also been home to an admiral, a church minister and a teacher as well as being a hunting lodge.
  • So it's completely logical that he flew the Union Jack at the foremast as an admiral of the fleet.
  • The Admiral Barbarossa, eighty-four years of age, used to call Doria, his eternal rival nearly ninety years old, "my brother. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
  • This inlet they called Port Dalrymple, after the late hydrographer to the Admiralty in England. A Book of Discovery The History of the World's Exploration, From the Earliest Times to the Finding of the South Pole
  • The Mexican government apologized, but this wasn't good enough for the admiral commanding the local U.S. naval squadron.
  • Admiral Piett signalled from Executor that the moon has been completely incinerated, reducing the likelihood of damage from the kind of outflying debris we saw when we toasted Alderaan. Archive 2005-05-08
  • An excellent discourse whereof, as likewise of the honourable expedition vnder two of the most noble and valiant peeres of this Realme, I meane the renoumed Erle of Essex, and the right honorable the lord Charles Howard, lord high Admirall of England, made 1596. vnto the strong citie of Cadiz, I haue set downe as a double epiphonema to conclude this my first volume withall. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
  • Of the large colourful butterflies, red admirals are the most noticeable so far. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among those attending were First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Alan West, retired First Sea Lord Admiral Jock Slater and several former commodores and captains of Dryad.
  • When I went to speak to the admiral who sailed the fleet over, he asked me where I hailed from.
  • In the meantime, he was contacted by Admiral Natasi Daala, who had come out of hiding to assist Gilad Pellaeon on a mission to capture the planet Fondor.

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