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How To Use Administrative In A Sentence

  • They will have a great deal of expertise to offer within the administrative support function.
  • I mean, who doesn't want a product that is easier to use, has less locking contention, minimizes storage administration, makes access to administrative data easier, and so on?
  • The establishment of administrative accountability system in our country soon, And accountability is still in the consubstantial Accountability stage.
  • Lisa has two daughters, 12 and 16, and works as an administrative assistant in a bank.
  • The powers of the administrative receiver are extensive and he will have complete control over the management of the company.
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  • Here retired US diplomat Ellsworth Bunker drew up a plan to transfer the administrative authority for West Papua from the Netherlands to a neutral administrator, and thence to Indonesia.
  • All the territory of an administrative chiefdom is technically held by the paramount chief.
  • Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency.
  • Its wealth depended on the scientists who worked in a large lab behind the administrative block.
  • It should certainly have administrative headquarters worthy of the sobriquet.
  • Besides this diocesan system of priestly pastoral care, there are two other administrative bodies of crucial importance.
  • The manager lacks administrative ability.
  • He was the victim of an administrative error.
  • Public and administrative law Law can prohibit or regulate activities: The citizen can obey or break the law.
  • All that remained was that lovely blank undecorated space upstairs which led up to the administrative offices.
  • The next line presents five options: Requests Awaiting Checkout, Your Checked out requests, Requests you've completed, Requests you marked not completable, and Requests you flagged for administrative attention. Gutenberg - Recent changes [en]
  • Or possibly sitting in the administrative court with a wig on my head. Times, Sunday Times
  • Myanmar's population is divided primarily into seven separate administrative states, in addition to the Burmans: the Chins, the Kachins, the Karens, the Kayahs, the Mons, the Arakenese and the Shans.
  • The epidemic threshold has been crossed in two administrative units (Guli in Blue Nile State and Wad el Heleu in Kassala State).
  • This should not be taken to imply that administrative allocations are inevitably worse - a market has costs, and if those costs exceed the value, then markets result in misallocation.
  • Much of Barbarossa's continual political conflict was connected to administrative matters of this sort.
  • Besides this diocesan system of priestly pastoral care, there are two other administrative bodies of crucial importance.
  • It is divided into ten administrative regions, exclusively staffed from the central government.
  • Taxes for great patrimonies should be increased, the costs of politics should be decreased as should the size of administrative structures. Walter Veltroni: The Future of Italy
  • It is at this point that the nation state begins to acquire a psychological as well as a purely administrative significance.
  • His condemnation of violence and wealth, of government repression and church hypocrisy, brought him administrative pinpricks and excommunication.
  • Group staff perform a variety of duties, ranging from administrative routines to drafting background memos, following developments in committees and drawing up whips in plenaries.
  • The rapid expansion of administrative rulemaking may also be a factor.
  • The questions at issue in the administrative hearing are whether an adult teacher in the course of his classroom behavior (a) willfully or neglectfully injured a child, (b) was insubordinate toward the administration, (c) violated the guidelnes for his behavior in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and/or (d) violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment in his display of religious items and posters, including multiple instances of the Ten Commandments, in his classroom. Freshwater: Playing fast and loose with the truth - The Panda's Thumb
  • The rest of the second day we are available for air testing or administrative tasks. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an application writes new data, free capacity within the array is configured and provisioned autonomically -- intelligently, automatically, and without consuming administrative resources. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • In connection with the criminal case, the Prosecutor contemporaneously filed an administrative petition, asking the court to seize all assets of ALEC within Aspatria.
  • An administrative error has been blamed for robbing Bradford of the title of Britain's curry capital - to the fury of its restaurateurs.
  • Professional Mark Bradley today claimed that his dream of playing in the Open Championship at Muirfield was bunkered by an administrative error.
  • Where there special provision in any other law or administrative regulation the special provision shall prevail.
  • Feeding soldiers is not a glamorous business; for the most part it is an administrative function that goes unnoticed.
  • The first and most important task of the new administrative system is to abolish the dictatorship of the producer and to overcome the deficits of our economy. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • Nowadays, systematization is the concrete carrier of administrative style construction.
  • The fellow is part of a pediatric ophthalmology team that includes University of Pennsylvania ophthalmology residents and medical students, elective trainees from the pediatric residency program at Children's Hospital, orthoptists, ophthalmic technicians, and professional administrative staff. Ophthalmology Fellowship
  • And within this relationship local authorities were seen as decentralized administrative agents, acting at the behest of the centre.
  • The village ceased to be a voluntary, personal association and became an administrative division existing for the convenience of the state.
  • In the absence of any clear division between administrative and judicial functions, even the humblest official enjoyed arbitrary power.
  • There is a powerful argument for saying that, in general, it should be subject to the rules of administrative law.
  • Principals must pay attention to the concerns of these groups when making administrative decisions.
  • Sometimes that means having company desktops locked down and administrative rights to laptops restricted so people cannot install unapproved software on the network.
  • With this transformation came administrative change and consolidation of a coherent political agenda.
  • There were a further 303 prisoners held under administrative detention, without trial.
  • Fitted with state-of-the-art equipment, the complex meets the highest international standards and, apart from the gas compressor station, includes gas purification, dehydration and cooling units operating on the basis of latest technologies, a control panel of automatic management, a gas turbine power station with the capacity of 8 mW / h, a water desalter unit with reservoirs, an administrative-social building and other facilities. Новости
  • Implementation next year will save considerable administrative effort at head office.
  • Under the proposed changes, most of the same acts would be covered under an array of criminal and administrative laws.
  • All appointments to military and administrative posts were in the gift of the king.
  • Administrative institutions such as kin, hundred, borough, and witan figure prominently, as do feast, fast day, religiosity, and language.
  • He criticised central government for seeking to "emasculate" the Zulu Kingdom by reducing it to an administrative centre with no political power. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The regulatory system is mainly legislative, judicial, administrative and social supervision, and other means.
  • After getting into trouble in October 1985, he was sent to administrative segregation, known to inmates simply as "seg" and where he stayed locked up in a tiny cell 22 hours a day. The Seattle Times
  • He will replace acting chief administrative officer Gary Stephany, who will assume his former post of assistant administrative officer.
  • Administrative personnel should also acquire some technical skills.
  • The basic tactical and administrative units of those forces were the regiment and troop for the cavalry and the battalion and company for the foot. The British way in Warfare - 1688-2000
  • There are some certain connections between the origin of inadequate phenomena and the hierarchically administrative structure.
  • The tax will require a massive administrative apparatus.
  • A run through the historical record, staring with Tacitus on Nero's blaming the Christians for the Great Fire, then Pliny on his administrative problems in Bithynia, then a long section on Cyprian (who I think gets more coverage than any other non-emperor); then a period of relaxation, which however is abruptly reversed by Diocletian (though that period of persecution seems to be more effective in the East). Gibbon Chapter XVI
  • In the Soviet Union it is difficult to disentangle political from administrative controls.
  • Organisationally, the working of both payroll and personnel records has been very useful in providing an efficient administrative service.
  • During his mayorship, he demonstrated great administrative ability but a disastrously ill-tuned political antenna.
  • One thing that saves me in this process is my administrative assistant. Christianity Today
  • She said her new role would be a more managerial and administrative one.
  • Elected governments and administrative elites are passive functionaries who simply facilitate the bargains struck by the functional elites.
  • The cruxes of the success of the adjustment and reform of health service system are the reform of health administrative system and regional health programme.
  • The new arrangement caused much criticism of the administrative board members, who maintained a discreet silence.
  • Tiknis darts in and out of the hall, attending to the administrative business of interviewing a candidate for marketing director.
  • Federal Trade Commission charges Thursday, Twitter is is just now accepting responsibility for past privacy and security lapses that resulted in involved a hacker's automated password guesser, which uncovered a Twitter administrative password that was a lower case, dictionary word (in other words: not very secure), resulting in a number of prominent users 'accounts -- including Barack Obama's -- being used to transmit spammy offers for free gasoline. hacker gaining access to a Twitter employee's personal email account, and eventually to personal information about founder Evan Williams. DailyFinance
  • Larger churches usually divided the town into administrative districts and assigned an elder to each. Christianity Today
  • Symptomatic, some would say, of the nebulous world of the continent's football, where administrative chaos and indiscipline are rife.
  • For seven years, he had been administrative director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service, more popularly known as the mukhabarat — the secret police. No Tee Time for Zubaid
  • After the reform of administrative examination and approval, social security administration should begin with the work to reinforce supervision.
  • This book is based on the view that the general principles of judicial review of administrative action are worth studying.
  • His executive perks grew by 52% to $548,821, mostly because of $319,878 in postretirement benefits to cover the cost of home security and five years of technology support and the services of an administrative assistant. Compensation for Caterpillar Executives Jumped in 2010
  • A case can be made for both its constitutional propriety and its administrative efficiency.
  • The first and most important task of the new administrative system is to abolish the dictatorship of the producer and to overcome the deficits of our economy. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • The chair of the Supreme Administrative Court also said that the article should not be amended.
  • Either keeping personal creditors accounts or making sundry creditors adjustments can consume inordinate amounts of administrative and accounting time.
  • The Rwandan genocide could not have occurred without the existence of a strong and effective administrative structure-the burgomaster system-left over from the colonial period.
  • Many states have statutes or administrative rules about some specific content to be required in medical records, and these can and must be tailored into any CBE system.
  • In 1991, the city was divided into 16 administrative areas or regions through negotiations between urban residents and the municipal authorities.
  • The administrator role is required for you to register or deregister a base node with the administrative agent.
  • Casualty investigation, treatment, legal and administrative regulations otherwise specifically stipulated.
  • This encouraged the courts to draw a rigid distinction between judicial and administrative decisions.
  • The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.
  • Because of this, a strong administrative apparatus was needed to plan the use of scarce resources, organize production and regulate distribution.
  • An administrative support team handled such matters as payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, and employment sourcing.
  • Administrative professionals, if they're any good, save their bosses' behinds every day.
  • When establishment railway transportation brand strategy, may establish the brand in administrative levels.
  • this decision was made administratively
  • Or possibly sitting in the administrative court with a wig on my head. Times, Sunday Times
  • The administrative reorganization of France into departments, sweeping away the jurisdictional jungle grown up over a millennium, survives not much altered to this day.
  • His career epitomizes the interactions between the obligations of patron and client and the public service under the old administrative system.
  • The General Secretariat carries out the decisions of the Council and provides financial and administrative services for the personnel of the League.
  • It was the council administrative headquarters and the police station.
  • His Lordship drew no distinction as to the scope of review for inferior courts and administrative institutions.
  • We get the word sheriff from a combination of she English word "shire," representing an administrative area, and "reeve," a person a monarch appointed to carry out judicial, police, works and military functions. The Times Today's News
  • Among other things, we will challenge the primary focus of much of the study of administrative ethics in public administration.
  • Penn State placed assistant coach Mike McQueary on administrative leave, capping a tumultuous week in which his name surfaced as a... The Full Feed from
  • Lt Welch has a team of 31, including 27 divers, an administrative assistant, a boatman and two artificers to maintain their equipment.
  • However, this does not mean that administrative agencies are free from political accountability.
  • What's more, it turned a difficult, obtuse administrative issue - campaign financing - into an easy-to-grasp, emotionally appealing one.
  • In the absence of any clear division between administrative and judicial functions, even the humblest official enjoyed arbitrary power.
  • The lack of help has forced the part-time student and administrative assistant to move to her parents' South San Francisco home.
  • In China, the administrative hearing system is a new area of administrative research in recent years.
  • Extra responsibilities and administrative burdens were a major factor.
  • Mata, a consummate politician, seemed to enjoy his powerful administrative role as middleman between the communities and the private sector.
  • In peacetime, the navy's warships are deployed in groups of the same class ship at one base or patrol area, which is called administrative grouping.
  • The third major restriction upon presidential power lies in the efficiency of the administrative instruments at the disposal of his office. The Government and Politics of France
  • This structure would be responsible for implementation of a long term reparation process, and serve as the responsibility for all outstanding reparations e.g. community, symbolic, administrative and legal, following the life of the Reparations Committee. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • First of all I had been subjected to two substantial costs consequent upon some unexplained administrative delay.
  • Larger churches usually divided the town into administrative districts and assigned an elder to each. Christianity Today
  • The council has now promised to withdraw the advert, blaming an administrative error for the blunder.
  • Then the next day I went to Vitoria, administrative capital of the Basque region.
  • The former provide the managerial and administrative framework for moving products from supplier to customer.
  • On the upper floors are a documentation centre and administrative offices with a commanding view of the city.
  • globalize" - make available to all document types - metadata fields that are selection lists; and the addition of a faxed-document report to Administrative Tools. Information Technology News
  • -- description -- administrative wadsworth atheneum museum of art administrative assistant wadsworth atheneum museum of art is seeking an administrative ... Music news, reviews, comment and features |
  • Six months after its launch the fund has no administrative structures and has disbursed no money.
  • He promised administrative reform, social justice, and an end to corruption.
  • By "here," Valentina told us she meant "Khoseni," a "country" (tiko) that exists on neither colonial - nor postcolonial-era administrative maps but whose remembered territorythe area ruled by Khosa chiefs in precolonial timesencompasses all of the critical sites of Valentina's life story: her birthplace and childhood homes (Xisangwana, Nyongane, Makuvulane); where she married (Timanguene); and the place she "was shown" when as a widow with two young daughters she moved to Facazisse, a place she choseand where she feels doubly securebecause of her lifelong association with (and marriage into) the Swiss Mission church. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • The lack of help has forced the part-time student and administrative assistant to move to her parents' South San Francisco home.
  • McManus also raised eyebrows with a number of administrative shuffles that promoted some cops and transferred others who had been high up in his predecessor's administration.
  • The administrative district or commune embodies a sense of community and self-identification for its residents.
  • There is a race of quill-drivers, confined in the columns of the budget between the first degree of latitude (a kind of administrative Greenland where the salaries begin at twelve hundred francs) to the third degree, a more temperate zone, where incomes grow from three to six thousand francs, a climate where the bonus flourishes like a half-hardy annual in spite of some difficulties of culture. Father Goriot
  • The survey used standard socio-economic groups: AB which covers management, professional, technical and administrative occupations.
  • Some administrative services managers oversee unclaimed property disposal.
  • In addition, this thesis argues that the administrative agency should grant immunity to remove the danger of self-incrimination and compel people to disclose information.
  • Administrative divisions: 13 provinces (mintaqah, singular - mintaqat); Al Bahah, Al Hudud ash Shamaliyah, Al Jawf, Al Madinah, Al The 1995 CIA World Factbook
  • However, where an administrative body originally exercised the power to deprive people of their liberty, they must have the right to have their case reviewed by a court.
  • Several committee members never saw the final version that emerged after government review and federal administrative editing.
  • Both developments will bring an influx of hundreds of office workers and administrative staff.
  • He rose rapidly through the administrative ranks of the Third Republic.
  • His role as adjutant was to act as Gibson's right-hand man for all the administrative and organisational aspects of the new squadron.
  • The building has an original design, with a central administrative section, and radiating out from this, the elementary school building, the high-school building and the gym.
  • Meanwhile, in addition to these administrative changes, important developments were taking place within the hospitals as knowledge of mental disorder increased.
  • The administrative costs are expected to be covered by the licence fee. Times, Sunday Times
  • Public and administrative law Law can prohibit or regulate activities: The citizen can obey or break the law.
  • It is wrong to ban religion with administrative means and absolutely negate its death away.
  • Carter had advocated deregulation, but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action.
  • He had the characteristic of a good functionary, that is to say, he had no mind of his own, and simply did what he was told or what he conceived to be his duty as a member of the administrative system. Russia
  • Then I had to wait some three years, and the attitude in hospital and lack of administrative efficiency was unpleasantly conspicuous.
  • Her gray eyes picked out a sign announcing ‘ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES’ in bold print.
  • Registration districts usually cover very different areas from the administrative units that the local historian is more familiar with.
  • During the period of Spanish colonization, Basques from Spain had often taken administrative posts overseas.
  • The village ceased to be a voluntary, personal association and became an administrative division existing for the convenience of the state.
  • Administrative personnel providing unauthorised access to classified information or enabling its dissemination will face three years in prison or community service.
  • Levy, who assumed the top job late this summer, has held a variety of mid- and high-level administrative jobs at community colleges since 1989.
  • Administrative work occupies half of my time.
  • What, indeed, would be the point of establishing elaborately protective rules of criminal procedure if they could be evaded by simply relying on administrative detention?
  • Therefore, the construction of new administrative accountability culture becomes a urgent task.
  • Registration districts usually cover very different areas from the administrative units that the local historian is more familiar with.
  • Today it is an important administrative centre and fishing port.
  • From the Council of State is chosen the Council of Ministers, who have direct administrative responsibility for the executive departments.
  • This greater discretion was also evident in the establishment of the administrative and decisionmaking process.
  • Its main municipal objectives were efficient and accountable administration based on political and administrative decentralisation.
  • In May, 1593, sick, and 'tumbled down the hill by every practice,' he would go on exclaiming against the administrative blunders which had let England be baffled and 'beggared' by a nation without fortifications, and, for long, without effective arms. Sir Walter Ralegh A Biography
  • Evaluations of policies are conducted through research and expert analysis supported by the Presidium's administrative staff.
  • From one point of view, the rise of the new class involves the priority of thinking — not any thinking, however, but a technocratically foreshortened, instrumentalist, and administrative thinking — over the lifeworld of everyday interactions, communities, and traditions, and the orders of human nature. The Volokh Conspiracy » Telos Returns to ‘New Class’ Analysis and the Critique of the ‘Wholly-Administered Society”
  • the guardian's duties were primarily sanctionative rather than administrative
  • Applicants shall have to approach only one administrative body in connection with an application.
  • However, in obliquely making this point Mr. Klein unwittingly points to a flaw in the measurement of administrative efficiency. More Stupid Administrative Efficiency Arguments
  • The loss of 550 jobs in the down-at-heel Kent seaside town, reducing Hornby to a suite of administrative offices and an echoingly empty factory shed, was a bitter blow.
  • The next step is to decompress the Administrative Update into a folder on your hard drive.
  • In practice, however, this jurisdictional limit on administrative investigations is generally easy to satisfy.
  • Although vengeance had been wreaked on the assassins in Edinburgh, that was still by no means the main administrative centre.
  • Besides this diocesan system of priestly pastoral care, there are two other administrative bodies of crucial importance.
  • Liability, contract drafting, and the administrative tangles of setting up a non-profit are just a few of the difficulties that may daunt people who are trying to start a business. Today's HuffPost Greatest Person: Anneliese Gryta, A Lawyer Helping Low-Income Entrepreneurs Start Businesses
  • It has nevertheless faili to abandon the project along the way when it saw for a ‘simple’ piece that lacked in the kit the technical and administrative tracasseries that that generated (and worse for an additional piece).
  • On visitations they spoke mainly to priests, who almost invariably assured them that all was well, and to local notables holding administrative office in parishes.
  • Kim runs the centre from day to day, recruiting, training and developing the administrative staff.
  • They will have a great deal of expertise to offer within the administrative support function.
  • Two strands of discontent finally worked together at the end of April 1258, with a coup d'état by the English baronage, demanding both a political purge and administrative reform.
  • We should comprehend the concept of administrative monopoly accurately through the visual angle of administrative law.
  • The behavior of taking suspect to public security organs should be independent administrative coercive measure.
  • Our ville, so important to us, has scarcely an existence for our home government, and administrative changes there float over us like clouds of heaven, without touching us in their changefulness. Lippincott's Magazine, August, 1885
  • Marketing Officer royal town planning institute. university of east anglia. norfolk. administrative associate irg seeks an associate for its environment and natural resources Sport news, comment and results |
  • Taking advantage of its remoteness from the administrative centre of the Imperium they had enslaved the native inhabitants.
  • Shop stewards will send the letter to joint administrative receiver Ipe Jacob, requesting it be presented to potential buyers.
  • Prices in such circumstances become an administrative convenience or merely irrelevant.
  • It will remove many administrative obstacles and disguised protectionist measures that individuals and companies can encounter when trying to work abroad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lets try to remove barriers to care, focus on cost effective primary care delivery, and cut down on administrative overhead costs.
  • With party members dominating administrative bodies, which included the people's commissariats at the top, those bodies functioned as executors of party policy.
  • The fine red-brick Victorian building complete with clock tower used to be the administrative building of the local county asylum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Large areas of administrative action avoid the discipline of public justification.
  • The complex administrative arrangements render the decision - making process somewhat opaque.
  • I think they should raise their voices against these misuse of administrative powers.
  • To quench her thirst for knowledge, Dai Yanqin, who has eight years of administrative experience in the East China Bureau of General Administration of Civil Aviation of China, is preparing for further study.
  • There is omnipresent resentment at their presence in the classroom, mess halls, in the evaluation process, assignment of research topics, and not least, administrative fiats.
  • Enterprises with foreign investment shall charge losses arising from bad debts to general and administrative expenses.
  • They added that they couldn't intervene in response to "speculations as to hypothetical negative effects" of corruption, and that an administrative inquiry "would be superfluous" as the U.N. and Cambodian government were "seised of the situation. In the Cambodian Judges' Court
  • A UN administrative force however would have the additional benefit of shifting the perception of the international force from that of occupier to stabiliser.
  • The true scope of this integration is often under appreciated, but the economic, legal, and administrative fabrics of European countries are now incredibly intermeshed. Max Bergmann: The EU's Political Deficit
  • Other industries have had to sack managers to reduce administrative costs.
  • Legal regulation tends to create administrative burdens, resentment and loss of self-esteem through the undermining of professional autonomy.
  • That description was changed in a subsequent legal filing, with a lawyer for KIT saying the use of the word "arrest" was due to an "administrative error. KIT Digital Gives Investors Plenty of Drama
  • If so, then the extra revenue will pay for the cost of gas, repairs, licenses and administrative fees - which have all increased since the meter rate was last set.

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