
How To Use Adjustment In A Sentence

  • A quartz watch powered by a battery is constantly powered and tells accurate time all the time and do not need time adjustment.
  • A new maximum a posteriori (MAP) super-resolution algorithm is proposed to reduce the complexity of blur parameter adjustment and the iterative computation load.
  • A new maximum a posteriori (MAP) super-resolution algorithm is proposed to reduce the complexity of blur parameter adjustment and the iterative computation load.
  • Using frequency in speed adjustment to achieve flexibility, asmoothniess and low noise level in speed adjusting.
  • Automatic Rear Pincer Turning : Patented design, easy adjustment on turning angle.
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  • The rear sights are dovetailed to allow for windage adjustments.
  • Conclusions obtained have certain referential value for parameters adjustment.
  • These adjustments could quickly accelerate into a meaningful reallocation of government spending.
  • The adjustment in staffing after dissolution or merger of the institution.
  • Teams often protect the yellow jersey like a queen bee, but he briefly dropped back on his own for a seat adjustment from a Saxo Bank mechanic before catching up. Cavendish ices Tour de France stage victory; Cancellara leads
  • Being opening adjustment for reclassifying rental deposit out of expenses.
  • The countries may have to make adjustments but they also have to package their reforms in such a way that they are deemed acceptable to a majority of their citizens.
  • Fishermen have made adjustments lately to keep more keepers and feed fewer to sharks.
  • It does take some readjustment, however, to accept that a national theatre has any business putting non-professionals on a stage.
  • One adjustment is to capitalize R&D expenditures and amortize them over five years instead of expensing these investments in the year they are made.
  • The serious aerial photographer will be looking for adjustment through vertical and horizontal axes so that the field of view is precise.
  • Personally, I think it is very fortuitous that this kind of hankering back and forth and subtle "adjustments" of positions this earrly is good for th candidates. McCain And Obama Battle It Out Over Supreme Court Handgun Decision
  • For these categories hospital 1 had the lowest perinatal mortality rates among the consultant units after adjustment for risk factors.
  • Background/rationale: One of the most important changes to managed care payments in the BBA was the required implementation of risk adjustment. Presidential Plan To Modernize And Strengthen Medicare A
  • Others are more fixed and allow little room for adjustment, and these we might think of as more lexical in character.
  • For the rest of us, it has been six months of adjustment to a new family situation, tough occasionally but generally an improvement: far fewer messes to clear up, no constant vigilance on the bathroom and kitchen, much greater freedom for us to go on family outings (most often, of course, to see B up in Limburg). Six months on
  • To date, no physiological mechanism for facultative sex ratio adjustment in birds has been identified.
  • Some European policymakers mock the argument that any adjustment is necessary in the surplus countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Democracy shows an independent positive association with health, which remains after adjustment for a country's wealth, its level of inequality, and the size of its public sector.
  • In the guarantee period, repairs, adjustments for defects and replacement of parts will be done free of charge upon presentation of this qualification card.
  • Althouse: FWIW, I read that sentence as you meant it because I'm used to your writing, familiar with your views and know what you're referring to, but I did "stutter" for a second to make that adjustment ... in pretty much the exact way I do when I'm editing for pay something which I then "flag" for the following author query: "Are you confident everyone will read this as you intend it be understood? "The Optimum Population Trust... says each baby born in Britain will... burn carbon roughly equivalent to 2½ acres of old-growth oak woodland...."
  • Taking a deep breath he blew a series of inaudible slow notes, making slight adjustments to the slide after each one.
  • Draw a diagram showing the path of adjustment for the typical firm and for the industry. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • IP rights basic law refers to the legal rules and principles that concentrate on the adjustment and regulation of the dominance relationship over IP.
  • And Dan Brady in the House said in an interview, "My hope is that the governor may amendatory-veto it, and allow us to make some adjustments. Illinois Lawmakers Reconsider Foreclosures Bill That Would Keep Counties From Collecting Fees
  • Digital potentiometer sensitivity adjustment and breakage location.
  • The Smart Brush lets you create quick selections and then add versatile adjustment-layer effects, such as bluer skies, black-and-white effects, whiter teeth, and other portrait enhancements. Macworld
  • If practiced often and with attention, this practice really can be used to envigorate the body, and actually correct certain ailments due to structural misadjustments - the sort of thing chiropractic is said to address- as well as other ailments. 越命 十句 観音経
  • She gave herself a full minute to find her bearings in this mute kingdom, and her senses made the adjustment gratefully.
  • Although the fitting of the saddle should as far as practicable be limited to the adjustment of the shape of the tree and to regulating the amount of stuffing in the panel; the use of a numdah with a saddle which does not fit the horse or which is not sufficiently stuffed, is often a valuable makeshift when necessity gives no other choice. The Horsewoman A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed.
  • Manual adjustment of the model was carried out at intervals of the refinement.
  • To assist and support customer's lab work: color match, formulation adjustment and production line assistance.
  • The books of the OT and NT have reached their present number and arrangement by a process of adjustment and elimination over centuries.
  • However, some countries, such as the US, also take into account changes in the quality of goods in a process known as hedonic price adjustment. MoneyWeek RSS - All
  • This was a fine adjustment, for by working hammer-and - tongs through a twelve-hour day, after freight had been deducted from the selling price of the wood in Los Angeles, the wood-chopper received one dollar and sixty cents. Chapter V
  • The plunge in manufacturing is in part the result of a huge global inventory adjustment.
  • They hold that the problem of mental health in a society is only that of the number of 'unadjusted' individuals, and not of a possible unadjustment of the culture itself. Bruce E. Levine: Thinking Critically About Scientology, Psychiatry, and Their Feud
  • There should be opportunity for a comfortable adjustment of the stethoscope and pneumograph, etc., and the clothing should be warm enough to enable the subject to remain comfortable and quiet during his sojourn inside the chamber. Respiration Calorimeters for Studying the Respiratory Exchange and Energy Transformations of Man
  • That oculomotor adjustment to a relatively near point induces micropsia for the zenith moon
  • A few adjustments can be made to the carburetor to improve drivability; however, any serious performance tuning should be done on a dyno (chassis or engine) or at the track.
  • A system of vents allows for precise temperature adjustments and the recirculation of air.
  • Many of these ancient practices were not just for the sake of it, but were meant to be subtle reminders of the need for mutual give and take, besides sacrifices and adjustments, to ensure wedded bliss.
  • As they made their adjustments, a computer stored their input and later created a blueprint of the results.
  • What specific provisions for the adjustments to tax accounting are given by the Implementation Regulations?
  • The least Square estimates are not reliable when there exists multicollinearity in adjustment model.
  • Detailed guidelines defeat the very purpose of guidelines. which is to allow considerable local flexibility and adjustment.
  • Not surprisingly, she advocates a balance, but one so delicate as to require almost daily adjustment.
  • Keynes's theory of labour market adjustment has fallen victim to widespread ignorance and neglect.
  • Agricultural industry structural adjustment is rural economics developing again revolution.
  • In December 1987 this adjustment process took a further week and the final outcome is as recorded in Table 3.5.
  • However, radio reception on MW and LW bands was simply awful, though this is probably a matter of adjustment.
  • What accounts for the difference in adoption of adjustments from place to place and time to time? 5.
  • Although overall revenues here were up 11% to £172.3m, after adjustment for exchange rates, they remained virtually unchanged.
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring permits timely dosage adjustments to prevent prolonged exposure to toxic or subtherapeutic concentrations of drug.
  • As a result, the reader in Kanji culture develops flexible focal adjustment and ocular muscle movements.
  • This should be more than enough voltage adjustment for your avid tweaker.
  • Conclusion: Xianggui pill can restrain significantly the growth of allotopia intima tissue, and has apparently adjustment to the cytokine.
  • Due to this a small adjustment, downwards, in the price occurs, to compensate for the dealer being short of funds.
  • Adjustments for a full derrière, long waist and swayback are also common for this figure type.
  • And to add supporting Gingrich into the mix - the self-described "historian" and constitutional champion who also advocates arresting judges who make decisions with which he disagrees and compelling them to defend their decisions in front of congress - well... no... that wouldn't require another name adjustment. News -
  • Most of the adjustments pastors have made to lessen the discouraging effect of sluggish attendance figures are internal. Christianity Today
  • So the adjustment involved not picking up a stitch, not starting the row with k2tog, and doing an extra k2tog next to the faggoting. Archive 2009-02-01
  • I merely included the note about adjustment for interest, whoever the maker might be.
  • The devaluation was recognized as more than a technical adjustment: it was a clear sign of French disengagement, portending withdrawal a year later.
  • The cruxes of the success of the adjustment and reform of health service system are the reform of health administrative system and regional health programme.
  • I wouldn't think the dioptric adjustment would be something that would get out of alignment easily.
  • In the Turian camisk, because of its snugness and adjustment cords, it is easy, as you might well imagine, to leave little doubt as to the girl's beauty. Guardsman Of Gor
  • The recommendation was a surprise because census officials previously have portrayed adjustment as a solution to chronic undercounts.
  • While most budget bikes make do with just pre-load adjustment, Yamaha has given the Fazer fully adjustable suspension.
  • (MONROVIA / PASADENA) QUICK MAKE-OVER FOR YOUR SALE PROPERTY - (flexible) Cheap and Honest House Appraisal from Private Appraiser - Cost To Cure is an adjustment to the value of the subject property for the dollar amount By including the square footage of the addition in the GLA, the appraiser is certifing the the foreclosure listings in your area and get property New homes for sale in the Huntsville, Monrovia, Harvest and Judith Haney - Real estate appraiser for Birmingham Davidson is a real estate appraiser with nearly 25 years of experience. Xml's
  • The adjustment mechanism includes an aliform plate, a guide plate and an insert plate, and the aliform plate includes a pulling plate and a leading plate.
  • Either keeping personal creditors accounts or making sundry creditors adjustments can consume inordinate amounts of administrative and accounting time.
  • How has it come about that we are prepared to describe a serious physical mutilation as a trivial adjustment?
  • The pentimenti, the multiple corrections, are evidence that an image which appears spontaneous was achieved via a series of minor and major adjustments.
  • I'm reposting the recipe today because I have made some adjustments to the original ingredients.
  • In other words is simply a disequilibrium adjustment mechanism.
  • Sometimes an author when notified is eager to have his/her publisher make adjustments to avoid confusion. Lorcan Dempsey’s post on name authorities « Collocate and Disambiguate
  • The article summarized the fiscal levy policy, which finally should adopt in the structure of investment adjustment.
  • The company's adjustment to the new markets has been successful.
  • After China the iron pulled out the hachure yesterday, the call-back trend, regarding 5 daily average line adjustment, might select machine the involvement, close attention.
  • The new package did contain some measures to alleviate the economic cost of adjustment for the poor.
  • A num - (g) Make a regulatory submission for a short-term ber of procedures for an interim sample-size portion of a long-term trial. adjustment were proposed in the statistical litera - ture in recent years. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Experiment will reveal that any regular polygon needs similar adjustment to transform a geometric shape into a sensory image.
  • The lengths of most of the months are fixed as given in the following table, but any adjustment necessary can be effected either by adding one day to Heshvan, which has usually twenty-nine days, or taking away one day from Kislev, which has usually thirty -- The Astronomy of the Bible An Elementary Commentary on the Astronomical References of Holy Scripture
  • He said WWE can improve its chances for success by making cultural adjustments, such as headhunting stars who appeal to Japanese tastes - perhaps a sumo wrestling champion. Top headlines
  • The FCA is a routine quarterly rate adjustment that TVA uses to help manage the volatility of fuel and purchased power costs. Sand Mountain Reporter: News
  • It costs money to do so, and it would require an adjustment in the military's end strength (or cutting of personnel from other areas).
  • Because radiation floor cover has capability of strong store heat and exothermic, the use ofintermittent adjustment is more superiority and very suitable for civilian residential.
  • The major adjustment we made was that we were going to outwill them and outwork them, and eventually we outplayed them.'' Top Stories
  • Uses preliminary input digital control system, quick adjustment line pressing roller, matching order for quick change.
  • Educational systems and institutional structures require considerable adjustment in order to support this process.
  • Her delay was due to the adjustment of her huge straw hat, piled with pink roses and tufts of blue malines. The Job An American Novel
  • The Caracas meeting, only the second heads-of-state Opec summit since 1975, will examine that adjustment mechanism.
  • Because the threads execute identical code, they should have similar dynamic priority adjustments and execute in a round-robin fashion from the same run-queues.
  • They have their MTM, their minor tooth movement system that is a series of players and set down materials for the ortho's lab, back office lab to make very small adjustments to retainer type single aligner products. Healthcare Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • The sensation of disembodiment, an alienated dissociation common to the early phase of readjustment. Skinned
  • As published with adjustments from last month, last week's USDA updates imply sufficient old - crop supplies.
  • The wildly maladjusted and unbalanced U.S. economy must suffer through a wrenching adjustment period.
  • Automatic adjustment for wear takes place at the pedal end of the cable to maintain smoothness of use.
  • Easy adjustment of stitck length by push button.
  • They called me back, asked me to make some wiring adjustments and said I should wait a week. Times, Sunday Times
  • We knew that an influx of new people would be a major adjustment. Christianity Today
  • I'm another "in-betweener" and, as others have said, you've really captured the mental adjustment an offer sets off. Upcoming Debut Author - Kelly Gay
  • Chiropractic adjustments aim to realign your vertebrae, restore range of motion and free up your nerve pathways.
  • Finland didn't have this problem because it directed its payroll-tax revenues towards a buffer fund which allowed for tax adjustments without creating fiscal unbalances. Flexible Payroll Tax Could Become Finland's Greatest Export
  • Such adjustments imply an essentially passive and melleable family structure.
  • A careful adjustment of the experimental exchange times should allow the detection of confined motions for typical distance scales between nanometers and micrometers.
  • This overriding limit is subject to adjustment in the event of certain specified alterations to the Company's share capital.
  • Among the primary readjustment problems for this cohort were the poor economic situation, the attitudes and gossip of locals, inefficiency, and the slow pace of life.
  • Adjustment of a receiver or circuit for maximum response to a given signal or frequency.
  • Accordingly, adjustment via the exchange rate was not able to compensate adequately for long-term changes in competitive conditions.
  • Readers will not need to be reminded of Keynes's objections to that theory of labour market adjustment!
  • The proportion w is sometimes referred to as the adjustment parameter.
  • Even as high-ticket items, separators are built to last, with many models lasting 15 to 20 years with minor adjustments and replacements.
  • It just needs a few minor adjustments.
  • Comparison with and without adjustment for smoking gave similarly negative results.
  • The accuracy offocus - adjustment can exceed half of focus - depth and the accuracy of collimation can exceed 10 ̄ ( - 5 ) rad.
  • The turbine-wheel spins at extremely high speed (>150,000 RPM), limiting most adjustments to the original factory. Finally, ornithopters do not use airscrews at all.
  • The numerical partial derivative is introduced to simplify the GPS network adjustment model.
  • Automatic adjustment for wear takes place at the pedal end of the cable to maintain smoothness of use.
  • The proportion w is sometimes referred to as the adjustment parameter.
  • The contemporary credit system has demonstrated zero capacity for self-regulation or adjustment.
  • Slipping at starting was rare, however, due to a very careful design of regulator valve in the smokebox; very small adjustments could be achieved, and any slip could be quickly checked.
  • Little or no adjustment to the weights is required and learning rules do not have to be changed.
  • The other two three-figure groups are fixed each in its own wing by its adjustment to the slope of the cornice.
  • Hard drugs inevitably become Georgie's coping device to handle these racial adjustments.
  • Prefectural bureau undertook adjustment to nursery leading group 1996.
  • Any adjustments to the book value of accounts of an enterprise are not allowed, unless otherwise required by the State laws or regulations and the State uniform accounting system.
  • Please remain seated, the mothership is closing in on your location and will soon pick you up for minor adjustments. Novanta Designers Workstation by Luke Riggall » Yanko Design
  • As he was an habitual wearer of a dust mask, it is far from clear to me why this adjustment was made.
  • Under the structural readjustment program, trade liberalisation was introduced.
  • But it is also possible that a major economic adjustment in the US is triggered simply by the sheer financial exhaustion of America's overextended consumers.
  • Conclusions- Increasing waist-hip ratio is negatively associated with the probability of conception per cycle, before and after adjustment for confounding factors.
  • Once again, here is a plot of the GISS raw, GISS adjusted and net adjustment for Porto Velho. Porto Velho and Londrina « Climate Audit
  • For parameter passing and stored procedure invocation you have to make a final adjustment.
  • The diestocks you mention appear to have a built in facility for adjustment - I never have had the privilege of using such refined equipment.
  • Some authors promote the idea that maladjustment, particularly in later life, is virtually inevitable while others argue the contrary.
  • Through policy supporting, resources are better relocated and industry structure adjustment advanced.
  • Solving the problem is of great significance in gas dynamic monitoring, rational production adjustment and even programming development regulation.
  • As a rider to this overview of the role of music in this story, however, I want to suggest an adjustment of perspective.
  • The state-owned business enterprise is still the predominance of the national economy, its system conversion and structure adjustment relate to the graveness .
  • But along the way, those of you familiar with the series will notice a few subtle, incredibly effective tweaks and adjustments that will alter the whole way you think about real time strategy gaming.
  • In contrast, ethnic identity conflict, stemming either from acculturative stress or from adolescents' perception of racial discrimination, has a negative effect on adolescents' psychological and behavioral adjustment.
  • Several measures covering problem behavior, sexual experiences, and interests and psychosocial adjustment were also included.
  • This was more than a mere adjustment, more than a casual game of pocket billiards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some adjustment will be required, as prior rules and procedures are adapted to a new kind of transnational conflict.
  • He kept his eye on it and required adjustments to be made from time to time. He explained that the steel went up in two stages, firstly the first and second floors were erected and erected plumb.
  • This makes blade pitch adjustments easier by eliminating the need for special tools.
  • The government hired the company to recommend readjustments to the salaries of chief executives.
  • Investment is up by 5.7% after adjustment for inflation.
  • As Americans, we were accustomed to an abundance of food and other goods as a part of our lives, and I think the most obvious adjustment to the war took place in our kitchen and dining room.
  • Still another adjustment is the myriad of things that just come up. Adjustments To Make
  • He gets good yardages before the tournament, and is savvy about making adjustments to suit changing conditions.
  • The Quick Fix pane now offers variation previews for every adjustment option.
  • Sometimes happiness is just a matter of attitude adjustment.
  • The cam follower is connected to the adjustment body and displaces the adjustment body dependent upon a cam position, which correspondingly displaces the gripper along the surface.
  • Company annually according to the employee's work performance periodically examine each employee's wages combine appropriate adjustment.
  • Often it is only small adjustments that are needed to help doctors to stay in their current roles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not that a minor sonic adjustment will staunch the flow of tears in cinemas screening One Day. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, in case of need, cars can run on pure alcohol after adjustments.
  • Whether Congress holds extensive hearings into legislative policy adjustments may seem like boring, inside political baseball.
  • His tailor came up with a neat adjustment to his jackets, creating the easy-to-wear sleeve known ever since as the raglan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our present readjustment is aimed precisely at eliminating those consequences.
  • Loss of a family member involves a process of readjustment.
  • The so-called "transfer berm, " referring to the adjustment of the bow direction, to take the lead against the wind into Cexie wind, so that it can also promote the shape of a ship forward.
  • The three stood in silence and watched as the defenders made final adjustments to their armor and their horses' tack.
  • Automatic Rear Pincer Turning : Patented design, easy adjustment on turning angle.
  • Fiscal tightening is asphyxiating our economy, excessive fiscal adjustment is destroying our growth," he said. Spain's Rajoy Takes Aim at Deficit
  • He put chips under it, blocks of various sorts, bits of pasteboard, and at last went so far as to attempt an exquisite adjustment by final pieces of folded blotting-paper.
  • A study of the effects of corporal punishment in one Caribbean locale found a modest, direct relationship between physical punishment and psychological adjustment.
  • Has understood each adjusting device adjustment to the overall battery solution servosystem stable influence.
  • So Ford reached into that fuzzy bag of euphemisms and pulled out the word "adjustment. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • That is where there should be adjustments, not making the police exempt from the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • This year alone, they have paid 4 billion, raising the prospect of another large round of malus adjustments. Times, Sunday Times
  • The change in accounting policy is reflected as a prior year adjustment.
  • An additional consideration is that the adjustment process prior to floating was influenced by the one-way nature of speculative flows.
  • He makes good adjustments to the ball and seems to be in on every play from scrimmage.
  • The angle between backrest and seat is adjustable through a wide range and a damping mechanism ensures smooth adjustment.
  • IP rights basic law refers to the legal rules and principles that concentrate on the adjustment and regulation of the dominance relationship over IP.
  • The serious aerial photographer will be looking for adjustment through vertical and horizontal axes so that the field of view is precise.
  • By a strange misadjustment, according to the Constitution, in those counties where the negro population so heavily preponderates, third grade teachers receive higher pay than first grade instructors in the counties where the white people are in excess. A slaveholder's daughter,
  • The Quick Fix pane now offers variation previews for every adjustment option.
  • Neology is the embodiment of economical principle the outcome of self - adjustment in the lexical system.
  • Horizontal adjustment is provided through the slotted end with wire ties into the wythe of brick.
  • It took a bit of adjustment from sports car racing to trucks, but Lester is proving to be a quick study.
  • Experiment will reveal that any regular polygon needs similar adjustment to transform a geometric shape into a sensory image.
  • The mechanic made the necessary adjustments to the engine.
  • The structural adjustment of iron and steel industry cannot leave capital operation.
  • In 1946 there had to be adjustments and many changes. TALES OF THE ROSE TREE: Ravishing Rhododendrons and their Travels Around the World
  • Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary.
  • Even though not all the results of chiropractic adjustment are this dramatic, many sportsmen and women have benefited from chiropractic treatment.
  • Note: The mockup site and document might have some minor adjustments, but there is enough information to get an accurate quote (See attached document).
  • That is where there should be adjustments, not making the police exempt from the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • Advanced human - machine operation interface make the operation, parameter adjustment and modify easily.
  • The fast steering rack is much appreciated here with only minute adjustments required to keep the car steady rather than sawing at the wheel.

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