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How To Use Adjudicator In A Sentence

  • Use this to mount your final challenge with an independent parking adjudicator - see the addresses, right. The Sun
  • An adjudicator must be, and must be seen to be, disinterested, unbiased and impartial.
  • Their trials, officially called adjudicatory hearings, will begin Nov. 15 for Rangel and Nov. 29 for Waters. Rangel, Waters ethics trials to take place after elections
  • You may refer your complaint to an independent adjudicator.
  • This year it was his crusty and soft rolls, Chelsea buns, and large crusty cobs which caught the adjudicator's eye resulting in a cache of trophies.
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  • Which may in turn explain why no objections were lodged with the schools adjudicator on this point last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were treated as nonentities by the legal and social adjudicators of British later, Australian Tasmania, allowed grudgingly to occupy land on the islands without ever being acknowledged as its owners, and referred to dismissively as “half-castes” or, vaguely, as “the Islanders.” The Song of The Dodo
  • After the Schools Organisation Committee failed to reach a unanimous decision the matter was referred to the Government schools adjudicator.
  • A key part of whatever scheme, whether the agency had advisory or adjudicatory authority, would be preempting attempts to use contract law to get around fair use. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The business select committee has urged the government to replace its newly appointed pubs code adjudicator, claiming that he has a conflict of interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • The compensation scheme being put together by News International will be overseen by an independent adjudicator. Times, Sunday Times
  • He performs as soloist and accompanist and is a frequent adjudicator at piano festivals and competitions.
  • The adjudicators praised the high standard of all the entries.
  • The adjudicator is not exercising the residual jurisdiction of judicial review.
  • An "adjudicator" deems this to make her guilt and issues a fixed penalty notice FPN. Can you spot the errors in this picture?
  • The adjudicator was the late Mr.J. Roberts (Iuan Wyllt), whose death, as I write these lines, is being recorded in the newspapers. The Death of Saul and other Eisteddfod Prize Poems and Miscellaneous Verses
  • The adjudication clause permits the Adjudicator to award costs to the winning party.
  • The Adjudicator concluded that there was a sufficiency of protection available for the Appellant in his home area.
  • The government argues the changes are designed to shift the onus of policing school admissions away from the adjudicator and on to local authorities. Children's tsar warns against school admissions reforms
  • The competition consists of the school teams going head to head in a mock trial with a real judge acting as adjudicator.
  • Adjudicator, Gillian Humphreys, entered into the spirit of the evening, donning a pair of red wellies.
  • The Adjudicator will be the president or, in the event of his unavailability, a person nominated by him.
  • adjudicator" to probe complaints in the pension fund industry was tabled in Parliament on Wednesday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In consequence, the judge is able to act, and to be seen to act, as an impartial and independent adjudicator.
  • The proceedings, officially called adjudicatory hearings, will begin Nov. 15 for Rangel and rss feed
  • Conversations this past week suggest everyone but the seven-member panel of official adjudicators has already selected a winner.
  • The adjudicator's decision, although not finally determinative, may give rise to an immediate payment obligation.
  • The trials, officially called adjudicatory hearings, will begin Nov. 15 for Rangel and Nov. The Seattle Times
  • The commission, however, rejected her bid to have Obama removed from the ballot, according to the Concord Monitor: "Is there any decision, any place, by any body -- adjudicatory body -- to the questions you're asking?" said the chairman, Bradford Cook. Orly Taitz Challenge To Obama Ballot Eligibility Rejected By New Hampshire Election Officials
  • Bishop had known what was happening: the Guild of Adjudicators was famed and feared in equal measure amongst the Earth colonies.
  • The bureaucratic delays also appear to have triggered a budget headache for the adjudicator. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this body cannot make a unanimous decision, it will be referred to an independent school adjudicator next year.
  • The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has both an investigatory department and an adjudicatory department made up of 40 Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) that hear and decide cases. Andrew Brandt: Brady v. NFL: A Primer
  • He knew Bishop was lurking around somewhere, but the Adjudicator presented no danger he couldn't anticipate.
  • The government defended its decision by pointing to the virtues of informality and expeditiousness, plus full investigatory rather than adjudicatory powers.
  • But what if the adjudicator finds the facts to be materially different?
  • Fifa's investigation is complete and the case has been passed to its adjudicatory chamber pending a verdict. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the Special Adjudicator sat at 10 a.m. he referred to the Applicant's appeal before turning to another case listed that day.
  • The service now has 63 assessors, seven adjudicators and about 20 mediators.
  • You may refer your complaint to an independent adjudicator.
  • An adjudicator must be, and must be seen to be, disinterested, unbiased and impartial.
  • Any medical evidence post-dating the decision of the Adjudicator and the Tribunal can be the subject of further representations to the Secretary of State.
  • But the two men challenged the council and an independent government adjudicator will now decide the outcome. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no automatic appeal procedure against the adjudicator's decision.
  • You refused to accept this and asked the adjudicator to seek and consider further evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be wonderful to see the town enter the competition if only to see what the outside adjudicators and judges think of our town.
  • He has boasted, too, of his creation of an independent ethics committee, divided into an investigatory and adjudicatory chamber. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now get this straight, this is a man who has over the decades put himself forward as the adjudicator of honest, straight news reporting (the profession's panjandrums I've noticed over the years love to shower him with awards).
  • She turned heads with a stunning floral print silk dress and matching hat and her outfit was described as magnificent by the adjudicators.
  • In that respect we find that the Adjudicator's determination is unsustainable and cannot be upheld.
  • We consider the Adjudicator's findings were adequately reasoned and perfectly sustainable.
  • Holmes preferred a kind of adjudicatory liberalism, keeping every party a bit off balance so that no one had the upper hand for long. Philocrites: February 2003 Archives
  • If any dispute which is referable to adjudication is for any reason decided by any court, then the court shall have the same powers in relation thereto as the adjudicator.
  • Quite what the adjudicator is going to add to that, lord only knows, apart from justifying its own existence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nicola goes before the adjudicators on Wednesday evening and must wait like so many others until Thursday evening before she gets the result.
  • Who would be a schools adjudicator? Times, Sunday Times
  • You refused to accept this and asked the adjudicator to seek and consider further evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both programmes were described by the panel of adjudicators, in a citation at the awards ceremony, ‘as examples of first class journalism presented in a compelling and incisive manner’.
  • You refused to accept this and asked the adjudicator to seek and consider further evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the two men challenged the council and an independent government adjudicator will now decide the outcome. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a characteristic of both adjudicatory and regulatory bodies that they produce a binding determination of the issue before them.
  • Our panel of adjudicators now have the arduous task of selecting a winner from the long list of nominations.
  • The state or political system is regarded as a neutral adjudicator in the competition for resources.
  • The parties may agree to accept the decision of the adjudicator as finally determining the dispute.
  • It was a request for the adjudicator to take on another role, as conciliator or mediator to help the parties reach a settlement.
  • Had we had only one hammer, or added more people, or added another 'adjudicator' at the top, or avoided having teams in favor of equally weighted individual voices, or had fewer people, or let a petty tyrant rule, the project would have missed its deadline. Scientific Blogging
  • The decision of the adjudicator shall reflect the legal entitlements of the parties.
  • And every one of those files now has a bar code so that it can be tracked not only in the file center, but when it needs to be in an adjudicator's hands to decide.
  • While academicians and sitting district judges were the adjudicators for the semi-finals, three sitting judges of the High Court were roped in for the final.
  • The adjudicator suggests one important undertaking that the Council should consider and that is a major tree planting programme using oak, ash, whitebeam, beech, chestnut and thorn or other similar trees.
  • There was no claim in restitution for repayment of money paid by the defendant to the adjudicator. Times, Sunday Times
  • The costs of the adjudicator are shared equally by the parties.
  • It is a characteristic of both adjudicatory and regulatory bodies that they produce a binding determination of the issue before them.
  • The new footpaths and some work on removing overhead cables was helpful and the adjudicators took note of the work in progress on the kerbsides.
  • We will consult on a Lay Adjudicators scheme to make it easier for citizens to settle disputes with service providers.
  • The three basic functions of modern criminal proceedings are accusation function, defense function and adjudicatory function.
  • The defendants were also ordered to pay the adjudicator's fees and the costs of the claimants.
  • Judged on taste, texture and presentation, the adjudicators deemed the entry by Iris to be the best.
  • While this is not a blank cheque, it authorises them to re-evaluate the consequences of the adjudicator's primary fact-findings, and that is what they did here in relation to the deportation decision.
  • The mural on the gable end of the recently painted community centre is, ‘always a pleasant surprise,’ said the adjudicators.
  • At paragraph 16 of his determination the Adjudicator concluded that he accepted Dr Gallwey's assessment.
  • But, in a devastating blow, his first asylum claim failed because the adjudicator ruled he ‘did not consider the West Side Boys agents of persecution’.
  • Quite what the adjudicator is going to add to that, lord only knows, apart from justifying its own existence. Times, Sunday Times
  • You now have 28 days to appeal to the independent parking adjudicator. Times, Sunday Times
  • An incorruptible panel of independent and competent adjudicators is imperative in ensuring that competitors are judged purely on the merit of their performance.
  • An independent adjudicator will now decide whether the school stays open or closes.
  • You may refer your complaint to an independent adjudicator.
  • Robert Jones 6013 5 tony palm The Adjudicator says: This grand final could forever ruin the use of the phrase "boys against men" as a negative association. | Top Stories
  • The adjudicator can only say well done to all concerned on this magnificent effort.
  • Privacy, relatively low costs, expert adjudicators, quick and relatively informal proceedings all make this form of determination quite attractive.
  • In my view it misrepresents the significance of the adjudicator's decision simply to treat it as part of the decision making process.
  • And if this happens, it goes to the adjudicatory chamber. Times, Sunday Times
  • The advantage of private provision of adjudicatory services is that one can exercise more control over who one deals with. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Disbarment of Fred Phelps
  • (Tab 1 p. 4 para 11) (c) "It is stepping out of the role of impartial adjudicator which is critical. Vive Le Canada - All Stories - Vive Le Canada
  • The adjudicator surmises that if the appellant were in detention the police would not be searching for him.
  • The adjudicator will still investigate parents' complaints about any aspect of school admissions that they feel are unfair. Children's tsar warns against school admissions reforms
  • There was no claim in restitution for repayment of money paid by the defendant to the adjudicator. Times, Sunday Times
  • She added that only the independent adjudicator knew what was in the boxes during the game. The Sun
  • The adjudicator is thus able to reconsider the facts and to reach his own decision on the application.
  • The bill proposes to end a requirement for local authorities to report to the schools adjudicator on admissions arrangements in their area. Children's tsar warns against school admissions reforms
  • The bill allows the adjudicator to investigate academies' admissions arrangements. Children's tsar warns against school admissions reforms
  • I must decide whether in the circumstances of this case there was an implied agreement between the parties that the Adjudicator should have jurisdiction to award costs of the adjudication.
  • An adjudicator must be, and must be seen to be, disinterested, unbiased and impartial.
  • There was no claim in restitution for repayment of money paid by the defendant to the adjudicator. Times, Sunday Times
  • An increase in the amount of rules and insistance upon the inviolate nature of those rules, actually impedes rather than facilitates the development of the very social skills needed to develop and run satisfying games~ for players and adjudicators alike. I Hate the RAW « Geek Related
  • If this isn't the case, you should appeal and take it all the way to the independent parking adjudicator if necessary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only you, the adjudicator and possibly a representative of the council are likely to be present. Times, Sunday Times
  • The standfirst on this piece was amended after it was pointed out that the original version did not accurately represent either the views of the author or the judgment of the schools adjudicator.
  • Overall, it could be said that adjudicator Beryl Dixon's awards concurred with popular opinion.
  • It was submitted by Counsel for the respondent party that not to decide a matter referred to him for his decision amounted to giving a decision in excess of the jurisdiction of the adjudicator.
  • Offers of compensation will be administered by an independent adjudicator. Times, Sunday Times
  • The latest scenario, the adjudicator for CCO Mortgage, in Glenn Allen, Virginia, has not returned phone calls or emails to the attorney representing me. Lisa Madigan: Mortgage Companies: Playing Loosely With the Rules of Foreclosure
  • You refused to accept this and asked the adjudicator to seek and consider further evidence. Times, Sunday Times

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