
How To Use Adjudication In A Sentence

  • The last one is the judicial practice of trade usage. It can affect to distribute the right and duty between the parties of the contract and to administer the adjudication of the court.
  • The purpose of the adjudication is to enable broad justice to be done between the parties.
  • However there have been protests from parents against high levels of selection - leading to adjudications from the government's admissions watchdog.
  • The adjudication officer is then asked to respond and the claimant is given an opportunity to comment on those responses.
  • In such cases, resort to binding adjudication will require the agreement of all parties to the dispute.
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  • Given that the DA will see his chances for re-election dwindle if he/she is perceived to be soft on a multiple felony slam-dunk conviction case against a spoiled, arrogant, crime-committing, room-temperature-IQ behemoth, I suspect the moron in question (e.g., the football player), after considerable wheeling and dealing by his zealous defense attorney -- who is just doing his job, will likely receive felony deferred adjudication from the appropriate court. No Prison for Plaxico?
  • The World Bank has laid stress on dispute resolution outside the court and minimising the number of pending cases in adjudication.
  • " There cannot be two channels for adjudication.
  • As for the concept of voluntary surrender, the author holds the "two factors" theory, for "surrender oneself to justice" and "confess truthfully" consist of the acceptance of adjudication and justice.
  • The court's three-man adjudication panel will publish its full judgement at 3pm. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said he wasn't attempting to prohibit debate on the report, but rather asked for restraint pending adjudication by the courts.
  • Adjudication officers are employees in the relevant Department but exercise independent judgment on claims in making decisions within their province.
  • The adjudication clause permits the Adjudicator to award costs to the winning party.
  • In the Hymn to Hermes we find for the first time the expression δίκην διδόναι καὶ δέχεσθαι to describe the claim and counterclaim which is to be submitted to adjudication, and which is, in this case, to be weighed on Zeus '“scales of dikē” (312, 324). Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The adjudication terms apply equally both to the contractor and employers: both are bound by the terms.
  • No neat distinction between legal doctrine and political principle can be sustained at this level of adjudication.
  • It had been part of his plan to stun and confuse Ravenswood's ideas, by a complicated and technical statement of the matters which had been in debate betwixt their families, justly thinking that it would be difficult for a youth of his age to follow the expositions of a practical lawyer, concerning actions of compt and reckoning, and of multiplepoindings, and adjudications and wadsets, proper and improper, and poindings of the ground, and declarations of the expiry of the legal. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • In fact, 70 per cent of appeals taken to adjudication are upheld. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any construction agreement, as defined by the Act, that does not contain adequate provision for adjudication will be subjected to compulsory contract terms imposed by statute.
  • In its third report, published in April 2000, the anti-corruption commission identified over fifty such cases for adjudication.
  • The dispute was not validly referred for adjudication under the contractual provisions.
  • Hence it had recourse to adjudication to advance that process of agreement.
  • Lady Howe, the Chairman of the BSC and the Chairman of the panel which made the adjudication, provided an affidavit.
  • Because adjudication is dispositive the attitude of states towards compulsory jurisdiction is conspicuously ambivalent.
  • Romanian and Bulgarian membership comes after a decade of "conditionality" -- whereby Brussels has compelled the two countries to implement tens of thousands of pages of EU law (the acquis, in Euro-jargon) and to improve domestic administration and adjudication, as well as fight crime and corruption. Open the Doors
  • He paid £38 for the release of the clamp but then lodged an appeal with the National Parking Adjudication Service.
  • By its very nature, adjudication entails crucial decisions about the allocation of values and meanings for a society.
  • The case was remitted to a fresh employment tribunal for case management and adjudication. Times, Sunday Times
  • He ended by saying that the agreement provides for disputes to be resolved by adjudication.
  • Articles 5 and 6 both deal with the promptness with which an adjudication must proceed against criminal defendants.
  • The adjudication provisions in the Minor Works contract do not exclude residential occupiers from their ambit as does the Act.
  • So belly up to the bar, down a few tequila shots, and then stand up in front of the crowd to spell "hyperlipidemia," "evisceration" and "adjudication" without barfing. Kenneth in the (212)
  • As part of the plea agreement, Martin received 24 months of deferred adjudication, which is a form of probation, and must pay a $200 fine. Local News
  • All the local groups would enter a one-act play and whatever adjudication they received, good or bad, they usually took it all in good spirits.
  • When that was enacted functions were divided between adjudication and payment. Times, Sunday Times
  • In finding a mechanism for such adjudication, proportionality is key. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the demise of organized militias, they contend, the right lost any relevance to constitutional adjudication.
  • The picture of scientists on different sides of an issue presenting their cases for adjudication to a group of high school students is too amusing to contemplate.
  • He believed strongly in the resolution of international disputes by adjudication. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The following day, the defendant, having good reason to believe that Mr. Smalley had not been duly appointed, withdrew from the adjudication.
  • The process of adjudication involves not only the taking of the evidence but the formulation of the reasons for decision.
  • Balance is therefore the key legal issue in adjudication of explicit individual versus non-explicit governmental 4A constitutional rights/entitlements (?) Denlen (Quote) The Volokh Conspiracy » The Internet, The Fourth Amendment, and Technology Neutrality: A Response to Horowitz
  • After the first adjudication, Tramore was placed 14th out of the 29 towns competing.
  • A party to a construction contract has the right to refer a dispute arising under the contract for adjudication under a procedure complying with the scheme.
  • Judicial compromise is differing from extracurial compromise, court mediation or judicial adjudication.
  • We have not had a reply, but if they do not respond, we will carry on with our adjudication.
  • In administrative adjudications , however, the crucial evidence is usually opinion testimony.
  • Barrett wrote on 13 October disagreeing, but having made its position clear, participated in the adjudication.
  • Collisions between vessels can occur anywhere in the world , therefore adjudication can be made according to the navigation laws. And that is the rule of the world.
  • Adjudication officers are employees in the relevant Department but exercise independent judgment on claims in making decisions within their province.
  • If any dispute which is referable to adjudication is for any reason decided by any court, then the court shall have the same powers in relation thereto as the adjudicator.
  • After a six-month apprenticeship in adjudication, I began to serve officially as a judge in March Shirin Ebadi - Autobiography
  • Only a commitment to originalism provides a solid foundation for constitutional adjudication.
  • Increasing the awareness and uptake of alternative methods of dispute resolution such as arbitration, mediation and adjudication is key to an effective civil justice system.
  • Initiate inquiries into the claim status after the claim has been accepted by the payor for adjudication.
  • And the writ of the habeas corpus was the proper process to bring the subject before the Circuit Court for its adjudication.
  • Two further disputes have been referred to adjudication before me.
  • The process of adjudication involves a preliminary recommendation by the secretariat of the Authority to which the "advertiser" is invited to respond.
  • The Taliban also fit this pattern: a potent terrorist organization that provides not only security but also such services as dispute adjudication.
  • However, in appropriate cases an apology should be added to an adjudication.
  • I certainly reject any submission that Dyson J. held that the rules of natural justice do not apply to adjudication.
  • Over 80% of the Seattle Municipal Court caseload is parking tickets, and parking tickets do not require a judge for adjudication. Presiding Judge Pushes Back on City Council Proposal to Cut Size of Court « PubliCola
  • (or unfair competition) claim without creating federal jurisdiction, so too can state law permissibly regulate juvenile federal offenses as long as this doesn't constitute what we'd normally refer to as the adjudication of federal criminal offense. California Appellate Report
  • No neat distinction between legal doctrine and political principle can be sustained at this level of adjudication.
  • The final clean up before the Tidy Towns adjudication will be on Monday 14th June at 7.30 pm.
  • In the absence of a fact situation which calls into question the validity of the by-law or the policy, an adjudication on these matters would be academic.
  • The whole adjudication and referral process is becoming increasingly opaque. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gap between the promulgation of abstract standards and the controvertible application of those standards to particular cases is a persistent theme in constitutional adjudication.
  • Your case was set to be heard by an adjudication panel last autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • The process of adjudication often leaves doctors in limbo for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rule 17 of the Procedure gave Mr. Lester a discretion as to how to conduct the adjudication in this case.
  • But people are looking for a revitalisation of arbitration with a fixed timetable as a result of their experience with adjudication.
  • However, in appropriate cases an apology should be added to an adjudication.
  • Simply, no constitution, not even the hugely long ones, can resolve all the issues that come before the courts for adjudication.
  • Our ability to make these judgments is critically important, because it opens the door to constitutional formalism - the depoliticization of the process of constitutional adjudication.
  • Visitors to the SOURCECORP booth can learn about the company's specific agency document processing and conversion services such as mailroom, claim conversion and data capture; EDI gateway; document and claims adjudication; document workflow management and online repository; claims reject return services; and edit resolutions. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • As Chenery recognizes, agencies often have legitimate reasons to make policy through adjudication.
  • Their adjudications were neither for public consumption nor scholastic disquisition.
  • Thus, there is going to be an adjudication to this that will have to address the economics.
  • The Claimant did not refer any dispute as to its entitlement to payment to adjudication, in its Notice of Adjudication or in its Referral Notice. "
  • Transboundary disputes are rather more likely to be suitable for adjudication or arbitration than global or regional environmental problems.
  • Judge Posner acknowledges that a pragmatist need not think that pragmatic adjudication is wise. Balkinization
  • If the violators choose deferred adjudication, the judge typically increases the length of deferral by several months.
  • A current example, still under internal adjudication, relates to a Canadian medical student who was failed in his obstetrics rotation for his statement that he would not do abortions.
  • Geneva does put some constraints on the handling and adjudication of detainees, but they were meaningless restraints.
  • Craft warned about the “details of unsettled rules of property and personal rights — of inconsistent and conflicting decisions — of instability in adjudication made, and want of adherence to what was of old established [precedent] …” Judge Seymour D. Thompson, in an 1888 address to the Georgia Bar, observed that “doubts and infirmities seem to permeate every title of our case made law,” adding, “what is called legal sense is often the rankest nonsense.” Balkinization
  • Gross points to two “key moments” in the twentieth century American history of racial and gender identity occurring initially when “racial identity trials shifted from more routine adjudications of ancestry to intense contests about science and performance, ” and subsequently when jingoist and nativist movements ignited “efforts to define the boundaries of citizenship racially. SSRN: Legal Studies Research Paper Series University Of Miami School Of Law Vol. 3, No. 7
  • In Texas county and district courts, where deferred adjudication is used for more serious misdemeanor and felony offenses, the burden is on the State to demonstrate violation of the conditions, and the State must request a hearing to do so. The Volokh Conspiracy » Stringent Constitutional Limits on Anger Management Classes, Anti-Drug/Alcohol-Abuse Classes, or Even Traffic School as Alternatives to Prosecution?
  • peripheries" in the adjudication of South Africa's arms deal, the ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Industrial action should not be used on rights issues at all because arbitration or adjudication can test the correctness of these decisions.
  • The methods for co-ordinating Commission and national adjudication will be considered below.
  • Chapter two: foreign administrative adjudication systems.
  • The unintelligibility of this Court's precedent raises the further concern that, either in appearance or in fact, adjudication of Establishment Clause challenges turns on judicial predilections.
  • The policy underlying these holdings was to "unmuzzle' licensees so that an early adjudication of invalidity could inure to the public interest.
  • The parties were urged to resolve the issues without formal adjudication. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor was he under a duty to appoint a sufficient number of adjudication officers to handle applications within a statutory period.
  • In 1978, Ireland became the first State to bring an inter-State complaint (against the United Kingdom) before a regional court for adjudication.
  • The book then moves on to the law and paralegal adjudication of family matters.
  • Unfortunately they do not accept the holiday season as a valid reason to set back the question of adjudication.
  • I must decide whether in the circumstances of this case there was an implied agreement between the parties that the Adjudicator should have jurisdiction to award costs of the adjudication.
  • And the parliamentarian is a staffer who makes these kinds of official adjudications, and so they were calling out the amendments that added pork to new subject matters to the bill. The Wastrels of Defense: How Congress Sabotages U.S. Security
  • We look at each case individually and give an independent adjudication.
  • listener, so presenter Tim Harford asked software designer Mike Thelan, who runs Zyzzyva, a word adjudication programme which is used at various Scrabble tournaments, to crunch the numbers. BBC News - Home
  • Finally, insofar as President Bush has exercised his powers to engage in surreptitious electronic surveillance without court-issued warrants in violation of the FISA, on the basis of an implausibly broad construction of his inherent Article II powers and a reading of the AUMF that was rightly repudiated in a slightly different context by the Supreme Court's recent Hamdan decision, the "fix" reportedly negotiated between The White House and Senator Arlen Specter, in which the legality of the NSA program of warrantless surveillance would be submitted for adjudication on the basis of a one-sided presentation to the FISA court by the Executive Branch -- which alone would be authorized to control the evidence to be considered, the forum for its consideration, whether the proceedings would be public or secret, and whether the result would be published or kept under wraps, and which alone would be authorized to appeal an adverse ruling to an Article III court including the Supreme Court -- is as transparently phony and futile as is the suggestion of a congressionally enacted vehicle to confer standing on someone to obtain a judicial ruling on the legality of this President's signing statements. Balkinization
  • The last one is the judicial practice of trade usage. It can affect to distribute the right and duty between the parties of the contract and to administer the adjudication of the court.
  • The almost ontological scope for bureaucratic warfare between the White House and the State Department can only be successfully managed by firm presidential adjudication.

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