How To Use Adjudge In A Sentence

  • Beverley were adjudged off-side and Hewitt added the three points to complete his side's tally.
  • The criminal was adjudged to prison for eight years.
  • He was adjudged the winner by 54 votes to 3.
  • And as to taking by devise, that is a taking by purchase, as was adjudged by the Lords in the case of Bofper and (1) Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some special cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench [1695-1735]
  • The weather was adjudged too cold to risk a full tour of the estate's 1,250 acres for Mudie's benefit, although he was taken on a cursory walk around the most impressive rooms.
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  • And if reputation and reward shall attend these conquests, which depend mostly on the fineness and niceties of words, it is no wonder if the wit of man so employed, should perplex, involve, and subtilize the signification of sounds, so as never to want something to say in opposing or defending any question; the victory being adjudged not to him who had truth on his side, but the last word in the dispute. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Many of the texts he analyzes may be adjudged failures when they try simply to adopt the patterns of the frontier story or negative critiques when they demonstrate the exclusionist nature of the story as it has usually been told.
  • He absconded before he could be deported and the authorities gave him leave to remain because it was adjudged his life would be in danger if he returned to his home country.
  • It was adjudged wise to avoid war.
  • As to forfeiture of pay, even when a bad conduct discharge is adjudged, a special court-martial is limited by Article 19 to the adjudgment of forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month for six months. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10214
  • Quinn did have the ball in the back of the net at one point, but was adjudged offside.
  • I was wrongly adjudged offside and should have had a penalty. The Sun
  • It does not create a privilege for newspeople, rather it provides an immunity from being adjudged in contempt.
  • Weatherson did have the ball in the net in the 14th minute but was adjudged offside, and Jimmy Thomson went close with a header.
  • Hoyle headed across goal and Matthew Bland headed home only to be adjudged offside.
  • Other usual reasons for disqualification, including adjudgement of incompetence or quasi-incompetence, shall also apply.
  • Even then, Rovers did not ease back and Burns got the ball in the net again only to be adjudged offside.
  • Does that cover a person adjudged liable to pay a pecuniary penalty in a civil action?
  • I myself, bearer of a Christian name adjudged eccentric though brief, had had much to put up with in my first term. Seven Men
  • In order to guarantee criminal witness to testify, make case receive equal adjudgement, we must perfect the legal status of the criminal witness in court on system.
  • [4] Johnson, in his Dictionary, defines EXCISE "a hateful tax, levied upon commodities, and adjudged not by the _common judges_ of property, but by _wretches_ hired by those to whom excise is paid;" and, in the _Idler_ (No. 65) he calls a _commissioner of excise_ "one of the _lowest_ of all human beings. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 572, October 20, 1832
  • So the matter might be adjudged elsewhere, but in this world glozed and softened. Sir Mortimer
  • But we cannot refuse our admiration to the fervent and generous order of public spirit existent at that time, when we find that it was a popular leader who proposed to, and carried through, a popular assembly the motion, that went to empoverish the men who supported his party and adjudged his proposition. Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
  • He looked as surprised as anybody when he was adjudged lbw. The Sun
  • The death was adjudged a suicide by sleeping pills.
  • These are universally ignored by referees and are adjudged to be above reproach. Times, Sunday Times
  • _And -- "sixth and lastly" -- should confession be made that in the present rendering a purely arbitrary title has been assigned this little book; and chiefly for commercial reasons, since the word "dizain" has been adjudged both untranslatable and, in its pristine form, repellantly outre. Chivalry
  • A mistake in taste for which the wisdom of the future will adjudge a punishment called trigamy. The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarian Squishiness:
  • Applying my earlier test of what a Jury would make of it, I am also confident that they would think differently from the Standards & Privileges Committee and swiftly adjudge it to be a thoroughly dishonest wheeze. Archive 2009-02-08
  • The 7-year sentence originally imposed was adjudged to be excessive and reduced to three and a half.
  • The court adjudged legal damages to her.
  • The standard for drafting forward looking patent claims should be neither too high, nor to low, but one probably cannot adjudge and articulate this standard unless one has drafted a lot of patent claims and seen how well they have withstood the (ten year) test oftime. The Volokh Conspiracy » Ed DuMont Nominated for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
  • The criminal was adjudged to prison for eight years.
  • The courts have power to exercise civil jurisdiction which adjudge the question of fact and the legal proposal about the parties in dispute in order to maintain the final power on the value of law.
  • A slave convicted of a clergyable offence, shall be entitled to the benefit of clergy, in like manner with a freeman, and when he shall pray for the same, the court shall have power to direct and adjudge such corporal punishment short of death or dismemberment as to the court shall seem right, under all the circumstances of the case; and the entry of such judgment shall have the same legal effects and consequences, as if the slave or slaves were burned in the hand, as in the case of a freeman convicted of a similar offence. Slaves and Free Persons of Color. An Act Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color
  • So in the next verse, "If he continue a day or two," his death is not to be avenged by the _death_ of the _master_, as in that case the crime was to be adjudged _manslaughter_, and not _murder_. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
  • Tourists from Germany were adjudged the best behaved, beating the respectful Japanese and Spanish, and were also voted best all-round holidaymakers.
  • The player was then adjudged to have brought down Fyssas on the edge of the penalty area but the resulting free-kick from Basinas was blocked by the defensive wall.
  • It is an orgy, a debauch; and I am sure the addled sailors adjudge me the queerest creature on board. CHAPTER XX
  • And -- "sixth and lastly" -- should confession be made that in the present rendering a purely arbitrary title has been assigned this little book; chiefly for commercial reasons, since the word "dizain" has been adjudged both untranslatable and, in its pristine form, repellantly Chivalry
  • Nigel Adkins's side started the second half with purpose and, after Lallana had another strong penalty appeal turned down, Saints were finally awarded a spot-kick when a Lallana cross was adjudged to have been handled by McNaughton. Southampton 1-1 Cardiff City | Championship match report
  • It was adjudged wise to avoid war.
  • In other words, you have to hope that the current court is willing, not only to uphold the decision of Wickard (a good bet) but also to blow through it and set an even more lenient standard by which to adjudge Congressional authority (a bad bet). perturbed says: Matthew Yglesias » Constitutional Objections to Health Reform
  • Ainslie's tactics were adjudged within the rules.
  • The "Murillo," a Spanish screw steamer, was adjudged to have been the offender in the case; but, as it could not be legally proved, the captain escaped punishment. Grace Darling Heroine of the Farne Islands
  • Those adjudged guilty lost all hope of clemency. Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
  • The court adjudged that she was guilty.
  • These are universally ignored by referees and are adjudged to be above reproach. Times, Sunday Times
  • He knew the local man to be in his mid-forties, and he adjudged his companion a little over 30.
  • A next friend or relator on a bond shall, upon failure in the action, be adjudged to pay the defendant his costs.
  • The family has been adjudged to be guilty of a crime by association, with the newspaper columnists acting as judge and jury.
  • A criterion is put forward to adjudge the degree of approach of the solar collector to a first order system.
  • The stimulus has not restored consumers 'personal economies to health so the stimulus can only be adjudged negatively. Poll: Stimulus not working
  • He looked as surprised as anybody when he was adjudged lbw. The Sun
  • Penalty interposition should be taken when the tort of intellectual property is very serious and endanger the society and mere civil adjudgement and administrative disposal are not enough.
  • In her first grand slam event since Paris she ran into the resurgent Polish-born German Lisicki, whose blasting serve unsettled China's new star, who was adjudged by some commentators to be still weary from her efforts in France. Wimbledon 2011: Li Na loses way and husband as Sabine Lisicki triumphs
  • Yet of it all nothing do I adjudge so splendid as this accolade delivered by two lifers in solitary deemed by the world as the very bottom-most of the human cesspool. Chapter 20
  • He was adjudged to be guilty.
  • Their only success was another quick penalty when Dinnington were finally adjudged offside.
  • The hypothetical prophetic comment from Prof. Adler regarding the enrolled bill rule, makes clear that someone has to be able to adjudge rank abuse of the Constitution by the “political department” with standing limited to a state, and original jurisdiction in SCOTUS (who will pass it off to a master or the DCCCOA). The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Slaughter Solution constitutional?
  • Reports of cases and special arguments, argued and adjudged in the court of King's Bench, beginning in Easter term the thirtieth of King Charles the Second, and ending in Easter Term the third of King James the Second. Inventory of Robert Carter's Estate, November [1733]
  • We need not dive into the divine counsels, those secret things which belong not to us, but attend to the revealed dictates of Christ's government and judgment, which will furnish us with an unerring guide; for what Christ has adjudged is an exact copy or counterpart of what the Father has decreed. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Supposing, however, that a man manumits certain slaves in his lifetime, or in contemplation of death, and in order to prevent any questions arising whether the creditors have thereby been defrauded, the slaves are desirous of having the property adjudged to them, should this be permitted? and we are inclined to say that it should, though the point is not covered by the terms of the constitution. The Institutes of Justinian
  • The ball was fed to Kelley who crashed through four tackles before being somewhat harshly adjudged to have used his elbow in fending off the fifth.
  • These are universally ignored by referees and are adjudged to be above reproach. Times, Sunday Times
  • England, at his return home he was adjudged to be the fool himself; but now wearied with the motley coxcombe, he hath undertaken in some place or other to find a verier foole than himself. The Book of Noodles Stories of Simpletons; or, Fools and Their Follies
  • I was wrongly adjudged offside and should have had a penalty. The Sun
  • The court adjudged that she was guilty.
  • The pace and physicality of the league adjudged domestically as the best and toughest in the world takes getting used to. The Sun
  • Since canonicity could be adjudged only by these effects, no translator could reliably instruct readers on why the work under translation could be deemed important.
  • Barton was sent off when Neil Swarbrick adjudged that Barton had butted Bradley Johnson. Football news in brief
  • Yes, that's speculative but if there was more than one fellow involved within a timeframe of several weeks, a purposeful gravitation towards the one adjudged superior on some level seems a reasonable possibility.
  • He is adjudged too sick by doctors to move from the hospital, but he hopes to leave for an ‘unspecified’ location to spend his last days with his family.
  • We find that ID is not science and cannot be adjudged a valid, accepted scientific theory as it has failed to publish in peer-reviewed journals, engage in research and testing, and gain acceptance in the scientific community. Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: Creationism In Texas: A Bit Of Good News Followed By A Ton Of Bad
  • The adjudge is a key contestant in the utilization of stripling Pop and free early recordings by start Out Boy, Jimmy Eat World and Yellowcard. Punk Reviews
  • So in the next verse, "If he continue a day or two," his death is not to be avenged by the _death_ of the _master_, as in that case the crime was to be adjudged _manslaughter_, and not The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • I had been adjudged a nuisance by the mafiosi who ran this show and shot at a couple of times. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • The property was adjudged to the rightful owner.
  • The boy's case was adjudged in the juvenile court.
  • They would have to adjudge whether publication was in the public interest. Editors tangle with the zip code
  • That deduction came about because Brodie had been harshly adjudged to have been at fault for an accidental head-clash in the opening seconds.
  • 'What about the "Sthenoboea" of Euripides, the "Revellers" of Ameipsias -- to which, as a matter of simple fact, what you call the suffrage of antiquity did adjudge the first prize, above Aristophanes' best? ' On The Art of Reading
  • However, within a minute the French teenager was harshly adjudged to have tripped Adrian Foster.
  • Pork carcasses adjudged unacceptable are graded U. S. Utility.
  • It's head for tall timber, and the Greeks take the hindermost," adjudged the cheerful sailor, while Ole was stuttering over what would happen when we came to the end of the river. Charley's Coup
  • The boy's case was adjudged in the juvenile court.
  • Moving statues adjudgement, character extraction and target classify methods of space targets based on RCS sequences are discussed in this paper.
  • Bruce Edgar adjudged him unlucky, but his record was modest: 17 wickets at 52.11 and 248 runs at 15.50.
  • Eight minutes later things went from bad to worse as a Town player was adjudged to have dragged down Neil Tolson as he was about to receive the ball.
  • But each knock-down was ruled out as Moore was adjudged to have caught his opponent with low blows.
  • The thief was adjudged to prison for three years.
  • I agree Mr. Mcloud because in my opinion if even only one of our Bill of Rights can be adjudged (ajudicated?) that it doesn't apply to the states, then it would seem to follow that the rest of the Bill of Rights wouldn't either. On Sotomayor and Your Guns
  • The {76} carucate frequently consisted of eight bovatæ of arable land; but the number of acres appears to have varied not only according to the quality of the soil, but according to the custom of husbandry of the shire: for where a two-years 'course, or crop and fallow, was adopted, more land was adjudged to the carucate than where a three-years' course obtained, the land lying fallow not being reckoned or rateable. Notes and Queries, Number 35, June 29, 1850 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • Imbued with a bureaucratic aversion to nomadism and a Victorian relish for the Hindu caste system, they adjudged many Indian tribesmen, Pardhis included, to be preordained crooks.
  • The 7-year sentence originally imposed was adjudged to be excessive and reduced to three and a half.
  • He looked as surprised as anybody when he was adjudged lbw. The Sun
  • He was adjudged a terrorist.
  • Pork carcasses adjudged unacceptable are graded U. S. Utility.
  • So some legists suggest we can adapt the system of plea bargaining of America to improve the facility procedure of criminal adjudgement of China .
  • Conceding a line-out, York then saw visiting flanker Rob Tilford burrow over the line only for him to be adjudged to have been held up to prompt a huge sigh of home relief at the final whistle.
  • Sir Giles Mompesson was adjudged to pay a total of £3,300 for felling timber even though he produced an Exchequer warrant.
  • Therapeutically interventive suggestions are offered when the client is adjudged to be in a trance state.
  • So in the next verse -- "If he continues a day or two," his death shall not be avenged by the _death_ of the _master_, for in that case the crime was to be adjudged The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
  • The reforms of 1979 were generally adjudged to have failed.
  • The player was adjudged to have been offside and his sustained protests at that decision earned him firstly a yellow and then a red card.
  • The actor disclosed to an upcountry TV channel the other day that he would rather prefer to be adjudged as a versatile artiste than a mere comedian.
  • But Connolly was adjudged to have been offside after Jim Weir had guided Kane's free kick in the striker's direction.
  • Selby hit back instantly when they worked their way down field from their own line and earned a penalty in front of the posts when a Malton hand was adjudged to have helped the ball back in a ruck.
  • _claim_, but it is observable that the claim failed, and that the supposed villain was adjudged to be a free man. Notes and Queries, Number 09, December 29, 1849
  • They adjudged a prize to the victor.
  • Hamiltown relict of Thomas Mitchell ther, prisoners in the tolbuith of Borrowstownes, are found guiltie be ane assyse, of the abominable cryme of witchcraft committed be them in manner mentioned in their dittayes, and are decerned and adjudged be us under subscryvers (commissioners of justiciary speciallie appoynted to this effect) to be taken to the west end of Borrowstownes, the ordinar place of execution ther, upon Tuesday the twentie-third day of December current, betwixt two and four o'cloack in the efternoon, and there be wirried at a steack till they be dead, and thereafter to have their bodies burnt to ashes. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • The tour was adjudged a great success.
  • ’ ‘What about the Sthenoboea of Euripides, the Revellers of Ameipsias—to which, as a matter of simple fact, what you call the suffrage of antiquity did adjudge the first prize, above Aristophanes’ best? II. Apprehension versus Comprehension
  • He sidefooted the ball into the empty net, but was adjudged to be marginally offside.
  • The court which declares the recognisance to be forfeited may, instead of adjudging any person to pay the whole sum in which he is bound, adjudge him to pay part only of the sum or remit the sum.
  • Those adjudged guilty lost all hope of clemency. Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
  • Ekanayake was adjudged the Man of the Match for his stout-hearted effort.
  • In such a case, the initiating unit, after the event, will be adjudged guilty of poor management.
  • My time is money, and I adjudge the value of my time away from home, particularly when I have just completed a days work. You can't have it! (Jack Bog's Blog)

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