How To Use Adjective In A Sentence
a numeral adjective
-- _More beautiful, most beautiful_, etc. can hardly be called degree forms of the adjective.
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
Otherwise an adjective is attached, as in “temporary”.
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For want of a better adjective, the prose is very expository.
You should try to form an impression of the person the adjectives describe.
The cases of the nouns do not vary in form, adjectives are seldom inflected, and only two tenses of the verbs remain, the present and the perfect, e.g., ich geh and ich bin gange.
Chapter 2. Non-English Dialects in America. 1. German
Is "silage" a positive adjective when describing a beer's aroma?
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In forming an adjective, -esque strikes me as a more elegant suffix than -ish, as in enronish or the less critical enronlike.
The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
Summary: Although staunch is the most common spelling of the adjective meaning “firm” and stanch is the most common spelling of the verb meaning “stop (the flow)”, both spellings are acceptable for both meanings.
Stanching staunch prescriptivism « Motivated Grammar
There are many adjectives routinely used to describe jazz fusion, but ‘restrained’ isn't one of them.
Adverbs Adverbs describe verbs in the same way that adjectives describe nouns.
The following sentence contains both adjectives and adverbs.
Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
While I haven't read this directly, I would presume that the Latin name in turn formed, as many Latin cognomina do, from a descriptive adjective.
Sentina, an Etruscanized Latin name
Like participles, adjectives and also some idiomatic preposition phrases, when used as adjuncts, need an understood subject (or, it might be better to say, a target of predication) to be filled in if they are to be understood.
The word's warm informality also makes it usable as what might be called an adverbial noun, modified by an adjective.
But he "rebuts" them with adjectives and attitude, not with substance.
Among sports we have terms like parascending and surfari, and nonce adjectives such as sportsational or swimsational which blend words with the last element of sensational.
Adjectives derived from them are usually lowercased, as are the generic names for such bodies when used alone.
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In light of Hittite militu- 'honeysweet'2, a characteristically Indo-European u-stem adjective derived from milit- 'honey', there should be no doubt where the first element comes from.
Archive 2009-12-01
Match them with right adjectives and see the impact, he avers.
Certainly my academic career is one to which the adjective ‘vacuous’ can be uncontroversially applied.
My favorite is the adjective taken from the Old English word for “gore,” dreor.
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In Swinburne's work as a whole many adjectives are used as nouns and many nouns as adjectives.
The use of "demantoid" alone, if a noun may be made from the adjective, would avoid both the confusion with the mineral olivine, and the cheapening effect of the word garnet, and would at the same time suggest some of the most striking properties of the material.
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A relative clause counts as dependent whereas an adjective modifying a noun clearly does not.
Hence, we may reasonably expect a resultative flavour when an adverbal adjective is combined with a change-of-state verb.
The word summons up images of late-night cram sessions, essays fleshed out with as many adjectives as can fit onto a sheet of wide-ruled paper, bibliographies that are technically works of fiction, and grades that are lower than we secretly believe they ought to be.
Seanan_mcguire: Thoughts on Writing #32: Deadlines.
Being descriptive doesn't require a string of adjectives and adverbs.
Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
By the end of the 19th century, a whole word family had been formed, including the adjective “flocculent,” the noun “floccule,” and the verb “flocculate.”
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Olbermann went as far as to describe Obama's parsing as "dichotomous", an adjective of the noun dichotomy of which I was previously unaware.
The Osterley Times
The ratio of adjectives to total word tokens in that effective snippet of prose, by the way, is an unusually high 40 percent.
An attributive clause is a clause that modifies a noun an adjective or prepositional phrase does.
They precede adjectives: many clever people, not clever many people; my poor friend, not poor my friend.
The adjective "Orwellian" is often used to describe any real world scenario reminiscent of the novel.
Background information for George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four
Here we only have enaś at the end of these phrases which I interpret to be a deverbal adjective meaning "everlasting", from the verb en "to last, endure".
Archive 2007-10-01
So it seems the adjective the NYT should have used was not "discursive" but "prevaricative".
In anticipation of Friday's debate, the NYT sizes up Obama and McCain.
When an adjective follows a form of be or a few other verbs which I don’t want to talk about, it is known as a predicative adjective.
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I was reading an interesting article in a British newspaper, and the woman featured in it mentioned a "Liverpudlian accent", which made me do a double-take: I figured "Liverpudlian" represented the adjective of "Liverpool", but it seemed odd because they threw a "d" in there.
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My preference raises the relationship between adjectives and adverbs.
Times, Sunday Times
In rush seasons it will make use of publisher's description, after carefully blue-pencilling obtrusive adjectives, but it goes no farther.
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Maybe it was my possessive adjectives.
Times, Sunday Times
The Oxford English Dictionary, the Pedant's Bible, gives" franticness "as" The state or condition of being frantic ", so we don't have to see 'frenzy' as the noun and 'frantic' as the adjective, despite their common etymology, especially because we also have 'frenzical'.
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The word selfless is an adjective that defines a person who is completely devoted to others welfare or interest and not ones own.
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Hence, we may reasonably expect a resultative flavour when an adverbal adjective is combined with a change-of-state verb.
Splendid!" said the Widow -- and to tell the truth, she was not far out of the way, and with Helen Darley as a foil anybody would know she must be foudroyant and pyramidal, -- if these French adjectives may be naturalized for this one particular exigency.
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Misconduct is not defined in the 1999 Act nor is the term qualified by any adjective such as ‘serious’ or ‘gross’.
Though the books are rather cluttered with adverbs and adjectives -- like the early work of many writers -- they read easily.
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For this reason these adjectives are sometimes called the «pronominal adjectives».
Latin for Beginners
Is the adjective skeevy somehow related to the slang noun for underwear, skivvies?
The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
The gender agreement rule is that, in the singular, the declinable premodifiers (determiners and adjectives) should agree with the gender of the head noun.
(antiphone) or from the adjective antiphonos, and that it signified a chant by alternate choirs.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
Use of a true adjective in the plural to qualify a plural noun is uncommon.
Times, Sunday Times
Being descriptive doesn't require a string of adjectives and adverbs.
Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
Preferred term, both as a noun and as an adjective, for women who are sexually and affectionally attracted to other women.
Unilateral Invasion
Related Terms & Expressions: la farce = stuffing une farce = a prank, practical joke un farceur, une farceuse = a practical joker farceur, farceuse (adjective) = mischievous tomates farcies = stuffed tomatoes farci de fautes = littered with mistakes se farcir quelqu'un = to put up with someone avoir la tête farcie = to have had enough (of another's shenanigans, of one's own problems) Ex.: J'ai la tête farcie!
Farcir - French Word-A-Day
I try not to overuse the word "lilting" when describing a band's music; it's one of those adjectives that really has to be earned by a certain sweet, heartfelt buoyancy in the way a song is performed.
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If the present goverment is 'babyish', then how about gracing us with an adjective for the now dead-and-buried ex MLP goverments!
Sometimes, even its indeclinable adjectives had their cases: nominative singular masculine wise and accusative feminine plural wise, etc.
_dead_ should be treated simply as an "appositive" adjective modifying
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
It is also exceedingly amusing to note how the old adjective "whoreson" bothers M. de Chatelain, who seems to consider it a word of weight and meaning.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 12, No. 32, November, 1873
But Larry Ceisler, a Philadelphia Democratic consultant, had called Obama's remarks "boneheaded" the Friday I posted them and quickly the adjective had become a campaign staple.
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The phrase itself is both alliterative and euphonious, and it's certainly not a random adjective-noun combination like we've become used to with band names; furnaces have flames in them, and thus they are fiery.
This chapter gives students practice in using adjectives.
Chinese is monosyllabic, Japanese is polysyllabic; Japanese verbs, adjectives and adverbs inflect, whereas they don't in Chinese.
The word "bad" is an adjective.
Quantifier in numeral abbreviation breaks the restriction of grammar rules, and modifies noun, verb, adjective, adverb, numeral, empty word and affix.
An important reason for this is that most nouns and most adjectives have rather complex semantic structures.
Where the adjectives and adverbs have two or more syllables, most of them are compared by the use of the adverbs _more_ and _most_, or, if the comparison be a descending one, by the use of _less_ and _least_; as, _beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful_, and
Practical Grammar and Composition
His authority and wisdom being immediately established by such adjectives as "discerning" (discretus) and "lettered" (literatus), John claims that he has heard such accusations before, legitimizing a process already underway. 103 It is this combination of intellect and emotion, of learned law expert and mourning mother, of two responses gendered male and female, that, Matthew hints, led to the king's belief in the accusation and to the execution of nineteen Jews.
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The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.
the very youngest children. However, with comparative adjectives much, very much, a lot, etc. are used:Your work is very much better.
-Library Journal introuvable (in-troo-vable) adjective which (or who) cannot be found, undiscoverable
Introuvable - French Word-A-Day
Although there are some neutral descriptive adjectives used with the word, such as 66 year old, disabled, or American, the majority of words collocating with spinster are negative.
As the number of negative descriptive adjectives increased, so did the youths' self-reported involvement in delinquency.
But since it can also be an adjective, it gets lost amid the other adjectives and nouns.
A Short Guide to Writing About Science
'Moat-cock' would be prettier, and characteristic; for in the old English days they used to live much in the moats of manor-houses; mine is the name nearest to the familiar one; only note there is no proper feminine of 'pullus,' and I use the adjective 'pulla' to express the dark color.
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Adjectives and Adverbs, and in the phrase haud sciō an.
New Latin Grammar
Thus associative adjectives should never admit an intensifying adverb.
Daniel Hertzberg for The Wall Street Journal Colson Whitehead The rollicking gusto of some of the writing, with its overheated adjectives and over-the-top images, is hard to resist: It was the passionless, death's-head skull of a long-dead corpse, instinct with hellish life; and the glazed eyes swollen and bulbous betrayed the thing's blindness.
Instinct With Hellish Life
People don't talk much at all about the ending in -(a)χ but I've noticed that it forms either a type of deverbal noun/adjective derivative that conveys the meaning of "that which is X-ed" (where X represents the verb root), or a denominal noun/adjective derivative meaning "that which pertains to or derives from X".
Etruscans, the status quo and the unpopularity of bold questioning
I have been over those 406 words and carefully identified the adjectives and adverbs.
The adjective limits the noun.
Times, Sunday Times
It should be noted that the same is true of ordinary predicative adjectives - further evidence of their special similarity.
Firstly I think one of the big problems is the use of descriptive adjectives as nouns.
I was about to take my colleague to task for failing to hyphenate ‘best known’ when using it as a compound adjective.
Another American priest who frequently visits the Vatican described the pope as "harried," which is an unsettling adjective, given that it is so rarely applied to Benedict, an academic by profession and disposition who always acts very deliberately and is rarely knocked off his game by daily events and pressures.
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Singular they is of great help as a means of avoiding gender assignment when translating into English from many languages where not only inanimate nouns are gender sensitive, but all agreeing antecedents, verbs (past tense in Slavic languages), adjectives and participles also take syntactic forms of the corresponding gender.
Singular “they” and the many reasons why it’s correct « Motivated Grammar
Then write down adjectives that describe the relationship you have with each of those individuals.
And, if I understand correctly, prenominal phrasal adjectives are hyphenated–making them one word.
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More honest and accurate than laudatory adjectives on a fitness report or hyperbole in a medal citation, it is the true measure of a man by the people who know him the best.
The forms in question -- _seeing, having seen, being seen, having been seen_, and _having been seeing_, for instance -- are now made from the verb in precisely the same way when partaking the nature of the noun as when partaking the nature of the adjective.
Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
And thereat John Gordon delivered himself of a vigorous flood of English, terse, intensive, denunciative, and composed solely of expletives and adjectives.
While the word quantum is now used as an exotic adjective to augment the sales of everything from diets to fishing tackle, the connection proposed here is not trivial.
In my audio record of the dive, I run out of adjectives to describe the subtle variations in the lava morphologies.
The mazurka part is how the poem 'turns' on its one-word lines, all of them adjectives.
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The Latin word clausus entered Old French as clos, meaning “confined”, and in the late fifteenth century the sense of the English adjective close shifted to “near” by way of "closing the gap between two things.
Address/speech, shut/shutter, close/shut
As a noun, the English "anodyne" means "something that relieves pain," as you said, and as an adjective it means "pain-relieving.
Anodin - French Word-A-Day
Complete the sentence with one of the adjectives provided.
an adjective clause
The adjectives angry and young modify the noun men; the adjectives vulnerable and weaker modify the noun beings.
Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
Word combination often leads to strings of adjectives and attributive nouns, a style that began in Time magazine in the 1920s, with the aim of providing impact and ‘colour’.
In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.
Experiences are so often described as ‘life-changing’ that the adjective seems clichéd, almost valueless.
A young person learning English will hear innumerable examples where the adjective comes first, and almost none where the noun comes first.
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Writers seeking a blockbuster should keep adjectives and adverbs to a minimum.
Times, Sunday Times
He uses many adjective complements, adding to the description of the subject by placing an adjective modifying the subject after the verb.
A Short Guide to Writing About History
They haven't developed enough 4 letter, nasty, terrible adjectives to describe this administration, but the one you used seems pretty accurate in summing up the last 8 years. big daddy from california
Biden calls Bush comments 'bulls**t'
This time, Ward faced sidereal, an adjective that describes things related to stars or constellations.
characterless" are some of the adjectives heaped by self-appointed critics on his designs. - Highschool
But chutney isn't a verb or an adjective.
Times, Sunday Times
Latendresse is given the adjective of 'swashbuckling' … what in the heck does that mean for a hockey player? - All Posts
In a tolerant, mature, self-confident country it was not necessary to put your hand on your heart to say you loved it, or even to refer to it with possessive adjectives.
I feel quite tired today . With adjectives that describe an extreme state it means 'completely' or 'absolutely':I feel quite exhausted. With some adjectives, both meanings are possible. The speaker's stress and intonation will show you which is meant:Your essay is quite good ; Your essay is quite good .
English has plenty of adjectives for modifying the temporal properties of nouns, including ‘former’, ‘recent’, and ‘forthcoming’.
The gerundial inf. with tō expresses purpose, defines a noun or adjective, or, with the verb be, expresses duty or necessity passively; cf.
My cohort in skulduggery Jesse just (and when I say just I mean four or five days ago) posted a nice blurb on the strange and stupid phenomenon of using “gay” as an adjective to describe things other than a person who is a homosexual.
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The adjectives angry and young modify the noun men; the adjectives vulnerable and weaker modify the noun beings.
Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify: we say "a good cry", not "a cry good".
The torrent of knocks roared louder, slightly failed upon the ear, made a crescendo, emulated Niagara, surpassed that very American effort of nature, wavered, faltered to Lodore, died away to a feeble tittup like water dropping from a tap to flagstones, rose again in a final spurt that would have made Southey open his dictionary for adjectives, and drained away to death.
The Prophet of Berkeley Square
The most overused adjective is'fantastic'.
Times, Sunday Times
These effects can be explained if we consider more closely the function of attributive and predicative adjectives.
Marked by the thickened release of "good" from "growing," what we find inscribed from within narrative time is both a phrase for cumulative social improvement and an asymptote of its visionary teleology as well, Tennyson secularized: the immediate "growing betterment" (participial adjective plus noun) as well as, hard on its heels, the "growing [ultimately] good
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
In _The boy wasting his time does not study_, the words _wasting his time_ form an adjective phrase modifying _boy_.
Latin for Beginners
These adjectives mean of, given to, or furnishing satisfaction of the senses.
However, both adjectives provide apt descriptions of those scientists in my Rhodes class.
This strikes me as basically un-Barbelithian, to coin an adjective.
The part you don't understand comes from this long-winded, self-impressed sentence which demonstrates how wordy he wants to be by hitting us over the head with as many adjectives as a thesaurus can muster: "There's a kind of joyful hopscotch, a cavalierism, a dandyishness, an enrichment, about alien presences in English, which otherwise remains for me a chewed, utilitarian, mercantile language. THE FOREIGN IN ENGLISH.
The Masculine of either the Adjective or the Participle is freely used in any Case and in any construction.
and "Dionysian" are adjectives. What nouns can they be used to modify?
Designer Ashleigh Verrier said her favorite fashion word was "diaphanous" -- an adjective characterizing fineness of texture.
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I used an attributive, not a predicative adjective.
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So far then: no to adjectives being crucially involved, but yes to positives being used sarcastically to express negatives rather than the other way around.
Dr. Gene pointed out that the word in that verse is "unworthily" not "unworthy" -- an adverb, not an adjective -- it's about whether I approach the Lord's Table with a proper reverence and understanding of its significance.
Gene Scott, RIP - BatesLine
I could become a champion of adverbs, an advocate of adjectives.
In the past, winners of the prestigious (as everyone short of an adjective refers to it) prize have included such interesting items as unmade beds and pickled cows.
Complete the sentence with one of the adjectives provided.
It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify: we say "a good cry", not "a cry good".
The most overused adjective is'fantastic'.
Times, Sunday Times
Bonzer, boshter, bosker -- Adjectives expressing the superlative of excellence.
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The way the adjective signals terror of the noun, adornment terror of the body: in words, like weeds, I'll wrap you o'er.
What are some adjectives that begins with V?
One problem here is the Italian tradition of over-egging the pudding: never use one strong adjective when three will do.
-- When are they called interrogative pronominal adjectives?
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
Personally I think there is a case for omitting the apostrophe when the word which might be apostrophised describes, either on its own or as part of a compound adjective, what sort of noun it is, rather than who it belongs to.
Writers seeking a blockbuster should keep adjectives and adverbs to a minimum.
Times, Sunday Times
: draft (rough draft) brouillon, brouillonne (adjective) untidy, disorganized un brouillon, une brouillonne = a muddler, muddlehead
French Word-A-Day:
It will be observed that the masculine of the adjective is declined exactly like a masculine noun of the second declension, the feminine exactly like a feminine noun of the first declension, and the neuter exactly like a neuter noun of the second declension.
In view of all of the above, the present essay will simply use the untranslated terms Ioudaios and Ioudaioi as both nouns and adjectives.
Wishy - washy is similar to flip - flop but it's an adjective instead of a verb.
Meg Sheppard ran from spotlight to spotlight chanting various adjectives in an effort to explain her ideas and feelings.
Use of a true adjective in the plural to qualify a plural noun is uncommon.
Times, Sunday Times
I have just learned that titch or tich is a UK colloquialism meaning 'a very small person or amount,' with an associated adjective titchy. TITCHY.
This suggests that idiosyncratic morphological information (e.g. whether an adjective is declinable or not) is accessible in the course of a syntactic derivation.
Find them, and give the reason.] [Footnote 2: When a noun is modified by both a genitive and an adjective, a favorite order of words is _adjective, genitive, noun_.] [Footnote 3: A modifying genitive often stands between a preposition and its object.] *****
Latin for Beginners
Most auctorial adjectives are formed simply by adding -ian, -ean, -esque, or -ic, and hoping that the word sticks.
Times, Sunday Times
Hendíadys (‛ εν δια δυοιν, _one through two_) is the use of two nouns joined by a conjunction, in the sense of a noun modified by a Genitive or an Adjective; as, -- febris et aestus, _the heat of fever_; celeritāte cursūque, _by swift running_.
New Latin Grammar
Soon after I find myself in my Russian class, learning that adjectives have to correspond with the nouns they qualify.
Whatever surnominal adjective Kazuo Ishiguro finally bequeaths us (Ishiguronian?
New Fiction
They were probably first called Bengalese houses, and the present name was corrupted out of the adjective.
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That's my caution with regard to the treatment of adjectives and adverbs.
Times, Sunday Times
In this respect, adjectives are exactly like intransitive verbs.
Freud recognized that the term ‘unconscious’ was better used as a descriptive adjective rather than as a topographical noun.
Be sure that clauses acting as adjectives clearly modify the noun they are supposed to modify in the sentence.
A Short Guide to Writing About History
In the spirit of the new radicalism that my movement will encapsulate, I resolve to declare war on adjectives, too.
Much more common are dense strings of nouns and adjectives.
A Short Guide to Writing About Science
Even the most ingenious taster can be hard pressed to find adjectives to describe the quintessential flavour of Sylvaner.
Club the word "imperial" is not typically used as a perjorative adjective.
"The Friendly Dictatorship"
In his introduction to the book, the 6th word is an attributive adjective.
The suffix -na makes both adjectives AND declinable nouns because it's simply a "pertinentive" marker ie.
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As if that were not enough to ensure the longevity of refreshingly ordinary words like clockwise, further along the avenues of science we come across the adjectives dextrorotatory or dextrorotatary, dextrogyrous, dextrogyrate and dextrogyre.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 3
This is the gerundial infinitive after an adjective: comp.
Milton's Comus
A pronoun that connects an _adjective clause_ with a substantive is called a _relative pronoun_, and the substantive for which the relative pronoun stands is called its _antecedent_.
Latin for Beginners
Page 103. 3. vieilles gens: attributive adjectives are generally _feminine_ when preceding and _masculine_ when following _gens_.
Le Petit Chose (part 1) Histoire d'un Enfant
It was trashy, sleazy and every other adjective associated with dumbing down.
Brutal, avaricious, worldly, ugly, fierce -- I think you'd agree, wouldn't you, that by using these adjectives I'm not misrepresenting him?
_comparison_; there are two degrees of comparison, the comparative, which increases or diminishes the quality, is formed by adding _er_ to the adjective in its positive state; the superlative increases or diminishes the comparative to its last degree, and is formed by adding
A Week of Instruction and Amusement, or, Mrs. Harley's birthday present to her daughter : interspersed with short stories, outlines of sacred and prophane history, geography &c.
And since the truck is a noun phrase, it gets modified by an adjective, not an adverb.
Won’t someone please think of the adverbs? « Motivated Grammar
Other details of Time's style, including strung-out attributive adjectives (bahuvrihi, to linguists), puns (paronomasia), and inverted word order (anastrophe) are also described in the Introduction, which one could only wish were more detailed.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XX No 1
Now that I know his end, I see him creating, to use a favourite adjective of his, ‘marmorean’ verse, and believing the most terrible doctrines to keep down his own turbulence.
Collected Works of W. B. Yeats Volume III Autobiographies
The British have a very odd sense of humour. The adjective English refers only to people from England, not the rest of the United Kingdom.
Edith B, I just checked a dictionary and found three derivative words listed below "sissy": the noun sissiness and the adjectives sissified and sissyish.
Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle
Trans as an adjective: I do not refer to myself as a transwoman for the same reason given by Lisa Harney in her comment on Cedar’s post Put the Goddamn Space in: “transwoman” “transfeminism” “transmasculine” etc (language politics #1):
The alternative is to provide a noun for the adjectives to qualify.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the dictionary's amusing features is the pairing of nouns with specific adjectives.
The Times Literary Supplement
Other two-syllable words such as adverbs and prepositions seem to behave like verbs and adjectives.
Much more common are dense strings of nouns and adjectives.
A Short Guide to Writing About Science
Nationality: noun: Trinidadian (s), Tobagonian (s) adjective: Trinidadian, Tobagonian
Trinidad and Tobago
`less famous' is the comparative degree of the adjective `famous'
I try to be careful about what I say and not use too many adjectives.
Times, Sunday Times
The misanalysis I'm suggesting affects genitival constructs i.e. words derived by way of genitive case markers, such as Pre-IE adjectives.
Genitival Misanalysis
Looks like it managed it, too - provided we take ‘like’ to be a preposition, not an adjective taking a noun phrase complement.
Let your substantive argument, not pejorative adjectives, do the job.
Oddly, as one reader pointed out, this is also what John McCain did during the town hall style debate bidentate, an adjective meaning having two teeth or toothlike parts from the Latin bi - (two) + dens (tooth) palinode, a noun referring to a poem in which the writer retracts something said in a previous poem.
Pensito Review
According to the Concordance to the Works of Jane Austen, the adjectives ‘unintricate,’ ‘unbelieving,’ and ‘uncandid’ each appear only once in the Austen oeuvre.
in many languages, speakers decline nouns, pronouns, and adjectives
Maybe it was my possessive adjectives.
Times, Sunday Times
And give the word neologism to our language, as a root, and it should give us its fellow substantives, neology, neologist, neologization; its adjectives, neologous, neological, neologistical; its verb, neologize; and adverb neologically.
Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
-- The word claret seems to me to be the same as the French word _clairet_, both adjective and substantive; as a substantive it means a low and cheap sort of _claret_, sold in France, and drawn from the barrel like beer in England; as an adjective it is a diminutive of _clair_, and implies that the wine is transparent.
Notes and Queries, Number 186, May 21, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
This is a circuitous way of introducing the distinction between adverbs and adjectives.
Times, Sunday Times
Snake-like-ness happens to have a number of different adjectives, including one of the rare non - ine forms: ophidian.
Breakfast in Bed