How To Use Adios In A Sentence
This includes such items as telephones, radios, televisions and recording devices.
The firm excels at producing cheap transistor radios.
An unnecessary signal: the radios had been dead since the crash landing.
Some fans continued throwing, hurling their souvenirs, drink cups, beer bottles, batteries, portable radios and cell phones onto the field.
The songs, meanwhile, played on over city loudspeakers and local radios.
Times, Sunday Times
As for communications equipment, the snipers need small, easily packable radios and a good directional antenna to allow for longer-range communications.
We've got tiny little radios that we can put on the honey possums now.
The sound of emergency announcements spewing from car radios left blaring as the drivers abandoned their vehicles in terror.
The Sun
Quamdiu autem tales loquuntur sibi, aut literas ostendunt, circumstant Apparitores extensis brachijs leuatos tenentes mucrones, gladios, gezas, et mackas ad feriendum, et occidendum, si quid dictum vel nunciatum fuerit, quod Imperatori displiceat, quam citò ille signauerit trucidari.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Currently, the Italian-built Panthers are being finished off by BAE Systems, with the additional of a machine gun, radios and other accessories, when they will be delivered to the Army, effectively providing "battlefield limousines" for Ruperts – as officers are dismissively called – while troops are forced to patrol in dangerously vulnerable "Snatch" Land Rovers.
Feeding the European fantasy
We assayed in vitro survival patterns in eight tumor cell lines that vary in cellular radiosensitivity and genotype.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
The results show that GPS is an instrument for detecting atmospheric ZHD and ZWD with a detection accuracy comparable with radiosonde.
Radios are not permitted in the library.
Retailer Radio Shack said it was also seeing increased demand for two-way radios, emergency batteries and torches.
A few cars had smashed windscreens and the entrails of radios strewn over the seats and onto the pavement where the doors had been wrenched open.
The two detectives then flashed police badges and used radios to call in a dozen uniformed officers.
The Sun
Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios.
Wireless radios will be positioned on moving glaciers, and gear must be insulated against temperatures far colder than they were designed to withstand.
RF signal generators began to be available for radio servicing about the time that more complex ac radios appeared and superheterodynes became more common.
International donors helped fund transit for the delegates, the construction of the peace village where the conferees met, and equipment such as radios for the border security stations set up by the conference.
I was just about brushing my teeth in Fajuyi Hall, OAU, when guys in different halls began to shout all over the place. everyone tuned up their radios and the whole campus went gaga ... there was an unarranged parade on the streets, students who hadnt had their bath thronged everywhere waving makeshift flags of victory, beating drums and dancing all over the place ...
And then the radios crackle into life and we hear shouted commands.
Times, Sunday Times
Though I am not a voyeur, I do take some enjoyment from watching these idling drivers punch their car radios, and, if their windows are down, listening to the cacophony of sounds that emit from their sound systems.
All buses are equipped with radios to ensure the immediate propagation of bad news.
You will not observe any image, owing to my having removed the lenses of the radioscope, but your instrument will glow in response to the current.
Zarlah the Martian
I was shocked to see the number of listeners who had switched off their radios in just 12 months.
Clinton Robert AVERY, (NZL) Team RadioShack, at 0 37.
2010 Tour of Denmark results, stage 1
Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios.
radiosensitive cancer cells can be treated with radiotherapy
Some 90 minutes earlier, downtown Port-of-Spain was like a ghost town, allowing traffic to flow smoothly, as everyone was glued to televisions and radios.
Phone lines have been cut, two-way radios confiscated.
It's jamaican music why its a big hype that kartel clarks and gyptian hold yuh is playing on hot 97 in NY, the hype should be that its playing on Jamaica radios, who cares who if any radio station in the worl play reggae music other than jamaica radios.
Jammin Reggae Archives
They used miniature cameras to photograph secret documents and shortwave radios to receive coded messages from their spy masters, prosecutors said.
The local shop has some radios going cheap.
U.S. delegates have been kitted out with gas masks, two-way radios and drugs to combat bioterrorism.
One shop kept its pirated stock in a space above the ceiling, and clerks communicated with two-way radios to have them brought out for customers.
Ham radios can send messages on multiple channels and in myriad ways, including Morse code, microwave frequencies and even email.
Guys are saying adios to the ‘thinning ‘look and going straight to the totally shaved (a hot look) or the horseshoe fringe look.’
The great aviation writer Barrett Tillman pitched in with info on military radiospeak, a poetic subdialect I happen to love.
Dead Zero
Walton also criticized Sixto for accepting a job in the White House, knowing that he had been stealing from the center, an independent institution that receives millions of dollars in USAID funds for rent, travel and equipment such as shortwave radios and laptops. - Bush-Cheney Trials in '09
With four comms radios instantly available, we switch from McAlpines' company frequency straight to Heathrow.
‘Hey,’ they hiss at us now, ‘I got mine, you get yours - adios chump.’
Train operators and conductors, both of whom carry portable radios, are the first responders to any disaster in the subway.
Quamdiu autem tales loquuntur sibi, aut literas ostendunt, circumstant Apparitores extensis brachijs leuatos tenentes mucrones, gladios, gezas, et mackas ad feriendum, et occidendum, si quid dictum vel nunciatum fuerit, quod Imperatori displiceat, quam cit� ille signauerit trucidari.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The monitors are placed in full view of traveler and screener, eliminating the need for an image operator in a separate room who radios other agents with scan results.
What types of radios and nets are we going to communicate with?
blatant radios
This rate of temperature decrease, the environmental lapse rate, must be measured to be known; this is done routinely by balloons carrying instruments called radiosondes.
Fumiyuki Beppu (Jpn), Team RadioShack, at 5: 51 114.
2010 Paris-Brussels results
For an outlay of 41 guineas, you could have a new radiogram, it promised, and 11 guineas bought the latest thing in radios - a transistor.
Telomere function is one of the factors that determine radiosensitivity of cells and whole organism.
A technology called RDS would allow the iPod to place song titles, artist names and other pieces of information on the displays of FM radios.
© Matthew Baek Cingular's Emoticon...
To say goodbye, most Uruguayans have adopted the Italian ciao or addio in place of the Spanish adios.
The evening also gave me the opportunity to say adios and vaya con dios to popular diplomat and good friend, Ecuadorean Ambassador Juan Salazar Sancisi.
Records show that, on opening, it had space for 21 police vehicles, including 14 equipped with short-wave radios.
The plane has UHF and VHF radios plus an instrument landing system.
However with ray tracing, shadow mapping, radiosity, and caustics, an algorithm to compute light reflected from curved or transparent surfaces, it is easy to create multi-layered soft lights and shadows in LightWave.
Tell Gramps, to stay with his kind of reasoning, that because you're not married, the next step can't be divorce… merely adios.
They had the engine running to keep warm and their radios were crackling.
Times, Sunday Times
Fans are given small radios with earphones so they can listen to the ESPN commentary.
Battery-operated radios and cassette players provide musical entertainment for many people.
Volunteers who claimed to be radiosensitive were matched against those who did not.
Times, Sunday Times
With no radios capable of contacting the Paras in the town or in Amarra, the Redcaps were stranded.
The U.S. Marine Corps also will deploy Falcon III AN/VRC-110 radios to begin the transition and replacement of legacy SINCGARS radios.
It wasn't that long ago that cigarette lighters or radios were automotive luxuries.
If the bid is successful, investigators will be able to tail suspects by using sophisticated video cameras, radios and earpieces.
Thanks for your loyalty and hard work - adios chumps.
A haulage company is on trial to drastically cut the din of revving engines and fork-lift trucks, the blare of lorry cab radios and the shouting and swearing of some staff.
They were armed with machine guns and machetes and carried VHF radios.
Often truck convoys and support units were out of range of each other's radios.
The FCC proposes to insist that unlicensed devices in these bands should incorporate cognitive radios to identify unused channels.
The use of radios has pretty much made the flagging use of fusees redundant.
battered trumpets and raddled radios
The U.S. Marine Corps also will deploy Falcon III AN/VRC-110 radios to begin the transition and replacement of legacy SINCGARS radios.
Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios.
Hesperus exsertat radios, quantusque per altum aethera, caeruleis tantus monstratur in undis.
Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
And then the radios crackle into life and we hear shouted commands.
Times, Sunday Times
Wearing make-up, radios, music involving instruments, mobile phones, newspapers, magazines and wearing jeans uncovered by a jilbab were all forbidden.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps the most important aspect would have been the low power requirements of the Radioscape receiver: mobile phones have to be very stingy with battery capacity.
The ship's radios would be on, but the running lights and the tower beacon would be secured.
Diuites autem habent gladios acutos in fine, ex vna tantum parte incidentes, et aliquantulum curuos: et habent equum armatum, crura etiam tecta.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
We could equip them with two-way radios, but they would be confiscated at road checks.
The two detectives then flashed police badges and used radios to call in a dozen uniformed officers.
The Sun
They had the engine running to keep warm and their radios were crackling.
Times, Sunday Times
‘I started to wonder what's going to happen to them when I kiss the world adios,’ he says.
With four comms radios instantly available, we switch from McAlpines' company frequency straight to Heathrow.
And then the radios crackle into life and we hear shouted commands.
Times, Sunday Times
There are probably fewer professional live musicians than there would be if we had never enjoyed radios, jukeboxes, transistorized stereos, or computerized file sharing.
There were calls for cab radios to link train drivers and signal boxes.
Results The radiosensitivity and radiosensitivity-related therapy was connected with post-radiosensitivity DNA damage, rehabilitation, cell period, and multigene regulation in the tumor.
But if that happened two years or three years in a row, you'd have to say adios, and we will.
Their mission changed from checking radios to checking the mounts and antennas.
I mean, if they took the side of a wild, unruly anarchist bomb-thrower like Obama (the candidate supported by mere voters, which makes him automatically suspect in the eyes of the MSM), they could kiss any possible future inside the system 'adios'.
Hillary Spokesperson Hedges: Obama Has Not Passed Commander-In-Chief Test "At This Point"
The radios will still transmit Mayday signals and vessel identification data but won't send GPS coordinates.
They cultivated work of sorts, trading in hashish, black market currency, and smuggled radios and other consumer goods.
Then each group's radios can be programmed to receive only specific talk groups.
At the time, there was a rule that students could not bring radios to school, and the officials had been enforcing the rule with great vigor, seizing radios and punishing their possessors.
But as the 22nd runner, Nicole Zell, age 13, started her kilometer outside city hall in Manhattan shortly after noon, word crackled over radios in the sparse crowd that the Olympics were once more being seared by political animosity. Top Stories
They were led by men on motorcycles with two-way radios.
Volunteers who claimed to be radiosensitive were matched against those who did not.
Times, Sunday Times
The experience cemented their relationship, but the way it played out - Make this happen, or adios - showed how calculating Lance had become.
A few minutes later Mr Griffin himself turned up surrounded by minders; shaven-headed, bull-necked and looking like cheap club bouncers talking into radios and wearing black gloves for effect.
However, there are many instances of these community radios, where these channels have brought in the "undesired" kind of change.
Strengthening the good, avoiding the pitfalls of Community Radio
One shop kept its pirated stock in a space above the ceiling, and clerks communicated with two-way radios to have them brought out for customers.
Note that there is no paradigm shift here that involves people not listening to music on their car radios or with headsets or in their homes.
Well, among other things, their pension went adios, their sick days went adios, and they stopped accruing vacation time on a weekly basis.
For years it's had the same black bass guitar in the window, surrounded by an array of hash pipes, weighing scales and stolen car radios.
The natives give these valuable furs for trade goods such as guns and radios.
The room was a small one, just large enough, indeed, to operate the radioscope, which was exactly the same as the one in the room I had just quitted.
Zarlah the Martian
The discipline of aerology - using radiosondes and balloons - began in 1944.
And then the radios crackle into life and we hear shouted commands.
Times, Sunday Times
We had a $30,000 check on our doorstep, and we weren't really ready," recalls Arora, who promptly turned his 900-square-foot Los Angeles apartment into a makeshift factory, thick with RadioShack boxes, wire crimps, laptops, serial cables and soldering irons. News
You should not have wasted your effort testing radios that are not water-resistant, and you should have forced the manufacturers to own up to the standard of water resistance they claim.
While the men were trained in sabotage and to kill silently, the women operated radios and broadcast false messages.
To lead students to assemble radios, cultivate students hands-on capacity, operating capacity.
Police radios cackled along with the birds in Central Park.
Two weeks with a Sony PRS-700: Audio, and 'adios' - And now I come to the end of my two-week experiment with the Sony Reader PRS-700.
Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
Canadian Wireless and Data will be sponsoring the project, providing Armstrong with a cell phone, air time and two two-way radios for communication with the station during the broadcast.
Both radios are similar in design - five - tube superheterodynes with both broadcast and shortwave tuning.
Others are the height of luxury - sheds with windows, built in bunks and primus stoves, radios and easy chairs.
The Abwehr conducted four parachute drops to re-supply them with equipment, radios and cash.
DAB radios used to be prohibitively expensive but this one is affordable and looks fantastic.
The Sun
With four comms radios instantly available, we switch from McAlpines' company frequency straight to Heathrow.
I saw a police officer yesterday who had three sets of handcuffs, three loaded Glock magazines, one Glock pistol, radios, telephones, a billy club, sunglasses and heaven knows what he was carrying I couldn't see.
“Team RadioShack has immediately summoned RCS Sport before the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne (CAS), seeking compensation for damages due to the nonfulfillment of the contract between Team RadioShack and RCS Sport regarding the participation in the Tour of Lombardy.”
Team RadioShack cries foul over Lombardy exclusion
Since the discovery of the radioscope, which enabled us to see the people on your planet, Mars has yearned to give a helping hand to her younger sister.
Zarlah the Martian
Clinton Robert AVERY, (NZL) Team RadioShack, at 2 6.
2010 Tour of Denmark final results
Inside were three cameras, seven pairs of binoculars, camouflage paint, seven radios and an inflatable dingy, compressed into something almost the size of a backpack.
Long story short, kids love me, she said she did, but never really gave me the attention, and recently told me adios.
We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, CDs, electric typewriters, yogurt, or guys wearing earrings.
In one sign of the panic, Don Quixote, a multistorey, 24-hour general store in Tokyo's Roppongi district, was sold out of radios, flashlights, candles, fuel cans and sleeping bags on Tuesday as a Reuters reporter visited the shop.
Japan nuclear crisis and tsunami - live updates
There was a whole bunch of yelling on the radios.
The radios are designed to operate in the narrowband portion of the 700 MHz band.
Songs that, incidentally, were designed specifically to sound good and right on tinny car radios.
Times, Sunday Times
Gladios et etiam lanceas cum vnco, qui valeant ad trahendum eos de sellis: quia de eis facillime cadunt; ac cultellos ac loricas duplicatas; quia illos eorum sagitt� non penetrant; et galeam et arma alia ad protegendum corpus et equum ab armis et sagittis eorum.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
It is well known that typical military broadband radios transmit only a few watts or less.
The International Commission on Radiological Protection recommends using a nominal risk coefficient of 5% per sievert, which is increased threefold to account for the higher radiosensitivity of infants.
While the others selected their weapons, Williams opened a toolbox full of encrypted Motorola multi-bandwidth radios, with throat-mike rigs.
When I came back up both radios, I found the HAC was still conversing with our compadres to the southwest about workable areas and weather.
We had a boat each and communicated via two-way radios.
Around half the radios switched on locally on a Saturday afternoon are tuned to the station's commentary.
Roosters crowed, transistor radios were turned full volume to occupy the minutes of the unemployed.
Other firms are manufacturing radios, wired and fiber-optic telecommunications, military equipment and satellite receivers in San Diego.
Perhaps leaving the spare cars parked in various locations around town is not a bad idea anyway … … I bet no car radios were pinched from the Asda car park that day at least.
In his radioscope screen the Spirit of Terra now was visible as a tiny speeding dot with a ten-mile trail of incandescent gases astern.
"Neutral Vessel" by Harl Vincent, part 5
The sound of emergency announcements spewing from car radios left blaring as the drivers abandoned their vehicles in terror.
The Sun
On 6 July 2005, the BBC launches a radio amnesty in aid of African nations - fronted by presenter Nick Knowles - in which listeners can receive discounts on DAB radios.
He grabbed five radios, saved one for himself, and patrolled the armory, giving each team member a radio and a rig.
Today, the antipoaching patrols scattered across Hwange lack tents, uniforms, radios and reliable supplies of food.
Death in the Bush
An unnecessary signal: the radios had been dead since the crash landing.
They used miniature cameras to photograph secret documents and shortwave radios to receive coded messages from their spy masters, prosecutors said.
Anyhow, again, I guess you see that I do not have much more to chat about, so I'll say adios and look out for some greetings tomorrow.
Unlike the press, it engaged in little self-promotion, but commercial companies helped through their advertising of transistor radios.
The promotion is based around the customer being able to win unusual talking radios which have an alarm like a crowing rooster.
They sell televisions and radios and all that jazz.
The sound of emergency announcements spewing from car radios left blaring as the drivers abandoned their vehicles in terror.
The Sun
I have tested these radios and they break the preset squelch at a distance of about 2 miles, broadcasting an estimated 500 mw at roughly 440 MHz.
You can also listen on smart mobile phones or those new internet radios.
The Sun
As someone whom he failed to represent for many years, I say "adios" with a great sense of relief.
Report: Tancredo Will Drop Out Tomorrow
‘You guys know where I'm going, adios,’ Kevin sped off after Sigrid like Speedy Gonzalez.
There were calls for cab radios to link train drivers and signal boxes.
It is extra-durable and shockproof, while weighing one-third less than most professional radios on the market.
For some collectors, the first primitive radios are the lure - old breadboards covered with vacuum tubes, capacitors, and wires assembled in the early decades of the 20th century.
ATM mutations are generally considered low risk alleles for breast cancer and clinical radiosensitivity.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
The bit that got me was where various pundits were wheeled out on Radios Four and Five to say ‘Thank God nobody's been killed’.
So, au revoir, adios, Jhuyt, whatever, because I am outta here!
The smugglers, too, have taken advantage of technology, particularly cell phones and two-way radios that allow them to avoid agents and arrange rides before landing.
The study authors found that the cell growth and radiosensitivity of the malignant tumor cells were not affected by any of the supplements, but two of the supplements inhibited the growth rate of the normal prostate cell lines while a third supplement also increased the cellular radiosensitivity of some normal cell lines by inhibiting DNA repair.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
The radios also send text messages and updates on incidents, and there is an emergency button.
Earth was turned toward Mars, I searched with the radioscope until I got the response of your instrument.
Zarlah the Martian
Technical adepts reconfigured Soviet-manufactured radios to receive short wave from abroad, broadcast as part of the cold war.
Steel axes replace stone axes, outboard motors replace sails, modern medicine replaces witch doctoring, transistor radios and cellular phones are eagerly sought.
The two detectives then flashed police badges and used radios to call in a dozen uniformed officers.
The Sun
She accustomed afterlife threats from aborticide rights activists and was accustomed badge protection. 16 Parliament voted by 187 to 108 to adios the bill. 17
Labour of Love
Of course, all radios and antennas should be tuned for their best performance.
So, in the Lounge, we are reminded that computers, TVs, and radios contain such deadly things as cadmium, arsenic, bromine, and lead mercury.
Although the streetcars have a historic ambience, the operators have modern equipment at their disposal, such as radios and telephones and more contemporary fare collection equipment.
They rely on hand signals and radios to communicate with the engineer.
Objective : To study the value of Barium swallow radioscopy in assessing neurogenic swallowing dysfunction.
Not many people use their clock radios as a way to play the radio.
Unlike the press, it engaged in little self-promotion, but commercial companies helped through their advertising of transistor radios.
Radiosurgery is ideal for treating both benign and malignant tumors such as acoustic neuromas, meningiomas, metastases, and gliomas, as well as blood vessel abnormalities such as arteriovenous malformations.
Now an external device sitting on my ear picks up sound, digitizes it, and radios a stream of 1s and 0s through my skin to the microchip.
World Wide Mind
In Bolivia the word adios is sparsely or never used.
2008 November « Brandino’s Bolivia Blog
However, treatment will inevitably take longer: radiosurgery is paused whilst the exchange is performed and the linac must be moved around the patient with each collimator fitted.
Prostate-specific dietary supplements should not be taken during radiation therapy treatments because they have been shown to increase the radiosensitivity of normal prostate cell lines, leading to normal tissue complications, according to a study in the March issue of the
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
These problems are sufficiently serious that the US National Weather Service adjusts satellite data every week to match radiosondes, in effect relying upon radiosondes as a reference instrument.
Stereotactic radiosurgery is used to treat arteriovenous malformations and small brain tumors.
Immediately upon my arrival, I had prepared the virator for my journey back to Earth by substituting the projecting apparatus of the radioscope for the receiving apparatus.
Zarlah the Martian
The only way they know to fight a media war is to take away the weapons - so goodbye cameras and adios cameraphones.
The frequencies had to be changed to ensure that soldiers could use their radios and bomb detectors at the same time.
Times, Sunday Times
From this pilot study we propose a tentative ATM threshold of ~55% for high-risk of clinical radiosensitivity for breast cancer patients.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Under his leadership, the radios reached new heights of effectiveness.
When customers began to ask for assembled radios, employees took the kits home and assembled them for extra money.
However we have also shown that abrogation of a single gene (p21) in a human tumor cell unexpectedly sensitized xenograft tumors comprised of these cells to radiotherapy while not affecting in vitro cellular radiosensitivity.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
He said five two-way radios, a pair of binoculars and an expensive waterproof mobile phone were stolen in the raid on their hut.
The use of radios is forbidden, except with the use of earpieces.
You can also listen on smart mobile phones or those new internet radios.
The Sun
Exhibits will include film and audio clips, scripts, designs, posters, diaries, costume, radios and gramophones and 78 rpm records,
They stood on the beach and lined the south rail of the pier, holding binoculars and cameras, listening to radios, scanning the sky.