
How To Use Adiabatic In A Sentence

  • The standard lapse rate is primarily governed by the Earths gravity because as air rises it expands adiabatically as the air pressure reduces. Gerry North's Suggested Reading on Climate Models « Climate Audit
  • In the case of this rainbow-trapping plasmonic surface, the researchers at Lehigh created "adiabatically graded metallic gratings" , which are basically small, nanosized grooves in a sheet of silver. News
  • The result is what meteorologists call adiabatic cooling - the temperature plunges to below - 30C, causing the water vapour in the gas to condense. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • Cv, also sometimes called the adiabatic index or the heat capacity ratio or the isentropic expansion factor Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Its adiabatic temperature rise can make materials reach the degree of serious soften and fail.
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  • Working closely with environmental engineers, Arup New York, it settled on a passive climate controlled system known as adiabatic cooling, which takes advantage of the hot arid climate.
  • If you're a member of the Thermodynamic Law Party: Without institutionalized marriage keeping open the possibility of energy exchange with the rest of society, gay couples will become adiabatically closed systems, preventing them from importing negentropy and thereby increasing, not decreasing, the entropy of such non-traditional but long-standing family units. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Entropy, according to the 2nd law, can indeed remain constant but only either in reversible adiabatic processes or in reversible cycles.
  • A bipolar outflow of hot gas quickly forms on the metric axis, and aside from the lobes edges behaves much like any adiabatically cooling flow in the equatorial direction. Astronomers Find Type Ia Supernova Just Waiting to Happen | Universe Today
  • Cv, also sometimes called the adiabatic index or the heat capacity ratio or the isentropic expansion factor Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Conventional cryoscopes and osmometers can be modified to achieve the desired non-adiabatic thermodynamics of the chilling chamber during freezing-point determination as will be described below.
  • At 11 pm, the two are similar at 400 m; the nonurban is a little warmer at 200 m with strong inversion to surface, while, in the urban setting, there remains a somewhat adiabatic lapse rate near surface with an attenuated inversion. Godowitch et al 1985 on Urban Boundary Layers « Climate Audit
  • It is found experimentally that m = 1.2 is a good average value to take for cordite; so now supposing the combustion of the charge of the 6-in. is complete in 0.0063 sec., when p = 16 tons per sq. in., b = 1825 cub. in., and that the gas expands adiabatically up to the muzzle, where Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The microstructure of Inconel 718 chip is continuous under low cutting speed and serrated under high cutting speed because of adiabatic shearing.
  • If such adiabatic freezing were to control the ascent of hydrous mafic magmas, basalts would probably never erupt in volcanic arcs.
  • Air temperatures at 2 m height at other parts of the quadrangle were assumed to vary adiabatically from the reference location measurements at - 5.5 C / km increase in elevation.
  • This is what makes the air cooler higher up: the process is called adiabatic expansion/compression.
  • The adiabatic combustion temperature (also known as the adiabatic flame temperature) increases for higher heating values and inlet air and fuel temperatures and for stoichiometric air ratios approaching one. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • In this case, potential temperature, the temperature of a packet of air returned from a given altitude adiabatically to the surface, is constant. Unthreaded #12 « Climate Audit
  • adiabatic expansion
  • Many named winds: chinook, fohn and the berg wind for example, identify this adiabatic condition.
  • It changes adiabatically as the slow enzymatic reaction progresses.
  • Cooling by adiabatic demagnetization is well established in physics. Chapter 4
  • The diagram shows that when a volume of air is compressed adiabatically to 21 atmospheres (294 lb. gauge pressure), it will occupy a volume a little more than one-tenth; the total increase of temperature with an initial temperature of zero is about 650 degrees; with 60 degrees initial temperature it is Scientific American Supplement, No. 799, April 25, 1891
  • In the meantime, let us here remember that orthodox scientists do use the technique of adiabatic demagnetization to achieve supercooling to very low temperatures. Chapter 4
  • The change adiabatic temperature was small during coupling isomerization with aromatization of hexene - 1 , because both re.
  • … there need be no entropy generated in adiabatic processes – which occur frequently in living systems …". An Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris
  • Giauque, who extended the temperature range experimentally accessible by introducing the method of adiabatic demagnetization in 1933. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • In an adiabatic process no heat is allowed to enter or leave the system.
  • And it is the nature of these interactions that generate the photons and/or phonons that carry away energy unless the system is adiabatically enclosed; in which case those photons are returned to the system and transfer their energy back into the matter. Evidence that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is wrong? - The Panda's Thumb
  • My genetic code has been perfected by an intricate adiabatic process over ten decades, and I am practically immortal.
  • This is called the adiabatic lapse rate, and it’s a simple consequence of Boyle’s Law. Archive 2007-02-01
  • We derive formulae of how to calculate the geometric and dynamic phases for spin-1 particle in adiabatic and nonadiabatic evolutions, and calculate the phases by using these formulae.
  • Most current machines can therefore rely on inertial cooling - in other words the components are simply allowed to heat up adiabatically and then cooled slowly between pulses.
  • Investigation of the effect of magnetic fields on the entropies of paramagnetic substances led to the invention of the adiabatic demagnetization method of producing temperatures considerably below 1° absolute. William F. Giauque - Biography
  • At the same time, the low temperature group at the University of Florida also discovered these resonances, but because we cooled our samples by adiabatic nuclear demagnetization of copper rather than Pomeranchuk cooling, only we were able to form and study single crystals, and could thus identify the allowed magnetic domain orientations. Douglas D. Osheroff - Autobiography
  • Air must be compressed, then cooled, and then allow to expand, this is called adiabatic cooling. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The batch of mantle ascends adiabatically, whereas the geotherm becomes conductive.
  • The quantum and classical Carnot engines therefore operate in the same way - a closed cycle of two isothermal and two adiabatic processes.
  • I might add, with regard to the adiabatic demagnetization, I found a better way to get the data rather than having to push below 12 mK off the end of my dilution refrigerator. Another smackdown of Dembski & Marks - The Panda's Thumb
  • The latter ensures that a ‘fossil record’ of any heating or cooling is kept even if the gas subsequently changes its pressure adiabatically (under energy conservation).
  • I'll refine response that a wee bit. "adiabatic" means without change in * heat* energy. RealClimate
  • The adiabatic demagnetization technique actually interfered with measurements and destroyed what I was trying to see. Another smackdown of Dembski & Marks - The Panda's Thumb
  • The quantum and classical Carnot engines therefore operate in the same way - a closed cycle of two isothermal and two adiabatic processes.
  • New paradigms of quantum algorithms have appeared, such as adiabatic algorithms, measurement-based algorithms, and topological-quantum-field-theory-based algorithms, as well as new physical models for realizing a large scale quantum computer with cold ion traps, quantum optics (using photons and optical cavity), condensed matter systems and solid state physics (meanwhile, the first NMR model had turned out to be a dead-end with respect to scaling; see DiVicenzo 2000). Quantum Computing
  • What cleared it up for me was when I got into the technique of adiabatic demagnetization in my low temperature superconductivity work while trying to characterize delicate networks of percolating superconductivity taking place throughout a background of nearly constant resistivity. Another smackdown of Dembski & Marks - The Panda's Thumb
  • As the preceding equations (1) and (2) show, the entropy of a closed (adiabatically isolated — change of state without transfer of heat) system can never de - crease, for δq/T = 0 implies SB ≥ SA. ENTROPY

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