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  1. the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition
    a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion
    the mutual adhesiveness of cells

How To Use adhesiveness In A Sentence

  • She was one of those soft natures whose power of adhesiveness to an acquired idea seems to be one of the special attributes of that softness. The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid
  • Besides, from the ashes of the burned scraps of the whale, a potent lye is readily made; and whenever any adhesiveness from the back of the whale remains clinging to the side, that lye quickly exterminates it. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Chemical analysis of this natural, waterproof glue showed that the key to its adhesiveness is a family of unique proteins called mussel adhesive proteins, which contain a high concentration of DOPA (dihydroxyphenylalanine). RedOrbit News - Technology
  • This has been suggested to affect cancer cell adhesiveness, which may subsequently have consequences on metastasis.
  • The brightest spot in their character is an abnormal development of adhesiveness, popularly called affection; it is somewhat tempered by capricious ruffianism, as in children; yet it entitles them to the gratítude of travellers. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Nitric oxide also inhibits proliferation of smooth muscles, reduces leukocyte adhesiveness, and regulates endothelial permeability, to lipoproteins and other constituents of plasma.
  • The gliadin, a sort of plant gelatin, is the material which binds the flour particles together to form the dough, thus giving it tenacity and adhesiveness; and the glutenin is the material to which the gliadin adheres. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
  • Dextrans can decrease platelet adhesiveness, serum fibrinogen, and other factor levels to cause bleeding.
  • Sometimes the wavelets did the kneading and rolling so clumsily that the nodule was malformed, but the majority were singularly symmetrical, evidencing nice adjustment between the degree of adhesiveness of the “pug” and the applied force of the wave. My Tropic Isle
  • A splendid mineral crunch clung with damp chemical adhesiveness to the thin soles of my lavender pumps. An Ancient Symbol for Fire
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