
adhesion contract

  1. a contract that heavily restricts one party while leaving the other free (as some standard form printed contracts); implies inequality in bargaining power

How To Use adhesion contract In A Sentence

  • The four main pathological factors that cause disorder of dynamic balance are: adhesion contracture, and block.
  • It's the premise that adhesion clauses had been written into adhesion contract when explanations and regulations occur, at the same time, it's the foundation of the effect of adhesion clauses.
  • Very interesting and surprising case if you are an employment lawyer or a consumer advocate, since it likely permits major employers are retailers of services and goods to the public, like banks and cable companies, to circumvent the risk of class actions entirely by burying arbitration clauses in adhesion contracts, which is what Bazzle eliminated. The Volokh Conspiracy » After Stolt-Nielsen v. AnimalFeeds Int’l Corp.: Deciding When Class Arbitration Is Permissible
  • Although adhesion contracts differ with other previous types of contract, the writers hold that they have their inherent basic characteristics.
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