
How To Use Adherent In A Sentence

  • Not only by the immense number of adherents that were won to his views during his lifetime, but also by the literary productions he left behind him, Tsong K'aba's influence has been great during the last five centuries of Tibetan history. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • The adherents to the Peace Alliance had to undergo a serious reorientation in their political attitudes.
  • But Dominic Iglesias made effort to comfort him, speaking not uncheerfully, determining even to fight the fatigue and weakness which, as he could not but own, daily increased on him, if only for the sake of this faithful and simple adherent. The Far Horizon
  • The proposal is gaining more and more adherents.
  • There is also a certain symmetry between the two species, for the adherents of a politicised religion, like soldiers in an army, are in a permanent state of combat and vigilance.
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  • Ironically, a nation of know-nothings is secretly guided by adherents of an esoteric political tradition rooted in a grand conversation among philosophers ranging from ancient Greece to Weimar Germany.
  • a small set of men, some of whom are possessed of great ability and have accomplished much, but as a religion in any adequate sense of the word positivism will be admitted a failure by its most sincere adherents. Feuerbach: The roots of the socialist philosophy
  • This phrase is a clue, becoming a means whereby adherents of the same movement can be identified.
  • Does it propose to welcome these new adherents or sympathizers by yelling in the tones of that great bigmouth?
  • It provides a framework by which adherents respond to events and developments.
  • The axis and the scales that have been severed from their apophyses (b) can be easily pushed out of the annulus (a), which is composed wholly of apophyses so firmly adherent that they will successfully resist a strong effort to break them apart. The Genus Pinus
  • But after eight years of a botched military solution that has cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of lives and no appreciable decrease in adherents to terrorist organizations, I think it’s well past time that we closed the book on the “post-9/11 mentality.” The Detroit Bomber and the Post-9/11 Mentality | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Its significance for adherents was that the goal they hoped to achieve by following the teachings was a supramundane one.
  • Others were tories, and adherents to the old kingly rule; some of whom took refuge within the British lines, joined the royal bands of refugees, a name odious to the American ear, and occasionally returned to harass their ancient neighbors. Wolfert's Roost and Miscellanies
  • It is covered by and adherent to a fold of pia mater, named the tela chorioidea of the third ventricle, from the under surface of which a pair of vascular fringed processes, the choroid plexuses of the third ventricle, project downward, one on either side of the middle line, and invaginate the epithelial roof into the ventricular cavity. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • To adherents of realism, anarchy is the defining feature of relations among states.
  • He writes that Endists his term for Fukuyama and his adherents tend to assume that human beings will operate in ways that are rational. Sands of Empire
  • To his adherents, these traits multiplied their ardor; to the wider Arab public, they had the effect of a superb baklava served at a diwan—they persuaded a guest to stay long enough to listen to his host. A Privilege to Die
  • The experiments were repeated four times for each of at least five donors, and the average percentage of adherent cells under each condition was determined.
  • Even before that, I was not an adherent of the Freudian theory, just from my own experience.
  • From the dinky tin the adherent would peel back the paper lid and remove several spoonfuls of the inert powder, add tapwater, stir and watch in amazement as a lurid froth began to bubble away.
  • As we enter into dialogue with adherents of other religions, we must be courteous and kind. Christianity Today
  • adherent" enjoyed friendly consideration, especially if he adhered faithfully; and stray attendants from other congregations were treated with punctilious hospitality, places being found for them in the Old The Imperialist
  • The migrants’ dominant faith was called Dahna by its adherents. INTELLIVORE
  • Patients who have adherent clot on their ulcer at endoscopy are at increased risk of rebleeding, as was the case in six of seven patients in this series.
  • By placing research from many disciplines under an evolutionary rubric, this book may stimulate conversations across disciplines and, in the process, attract new adherents to an evolutionary way of thinking.
  • It makes me an adherent to a code of conduct which helps hold society together.
  • In this great struggle between the iconoclasts and the adherents to the use of the icons, the Athenians placed themselves on the side of iconolatry. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Moreover, in flocculent strains it is difficult to distinguish between two adherent cells and a cell with a large bud.
  • The alchemical perspective lends its adherents the incredible power of self-definition.
  • It encouraged the adherents of this house to attribute to it an almost regal dignity, and to intimate more and more plainly its claim upon the throne of France, as descended through the Dukes of Lorraine from Charlemagne -- a title superior to that of the Valois, who could trace their origin to no higher source than the usurper Hugh Capet. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • Revels, it is ordered that the King of Cockneys, on Childermas Day, should sit and have due service, and "that Jack Straw, and all his adherents, should be thenceforth utterly banished, and no more to be used in this house, upon pain to forfeit for every time five pounds, to be levied on every fellow hapning to offend against this rule. Christmas: Its Origin and Associations Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries
  • But Sharon caught me off guard when she started to talk with some approval about scatology, a fetish whose adherents use feces to enhance sexual activity.
  • As the style grows and the papillae develop, adherent pollen grains are observed with increasing frequency.
  • The appendix was enlarged and formed an irregular, nodular mass with adherent omentum, measuring 6 x 4 x 4 cm.
  • Here many of his latter-day adherents do him a disservice, using unsubtle approximations of his logic to produce crude statements about power and language.
  • By striking contrast the non-adherent subpopulation was heterogeneous, with many small, darkly-stained cells having the appearance of lymphocytes.
  • Over the years, as the theory has developed and become more widely known, it has attracted increasing numbers of adherents and sympathizers.
  • An increase in basement membrane surface area that accompanies a large tidal breath thus imposes a shape change on adherent alveolar epithelial and microvascular endothelial cells.
  • The applicability of the light scattering technique would be greatly expanded if it could be implemented using adherent cells.
  • This distinct liturgical tradition, precisely because it is distinct, is attracting new adherents.
  • As befits the world's oldest and most durable hatred, it has many more adherents and has taken many different forms. Times, Sunday Times
  • Left-handed, and was the daughter of his loyal adherent, the alcayde of Malaga, who sheltered him in his city when driven from the throne. The Alhambra
  • Impulse is also fundamental to the corpuscular hypothesis 'explanation of phenomena, being either the exclusive means of interaction among bodies, as adherents of the strict mechanist proviso hold, or the means of at least many interactions. Locke's Philosophy of Science
  • For adherents of some disciplines, using the resources allotted to them by academia to produce arcane, unread tomes may be fine, but this isn't doing feminism any good.
  • That's not to say that all, or even most, of their adherents are violent extremists.
  • The C8-B4 clone was created in 1996, and the neuronal cells grow adherently in culture. Undefined
  • The anti-globalization movement is attracting new adherents to its principles.
  • Waldo & all his adherents, and this latter is nn inveterately malicious creature, will be restless and inde - fatigable till he comes away. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • The title signore, lord of Milan, established (1259); defeat and capture of the (Ghibelline) Visconti and their adherents. 4. Milan
  • It must be impregnable, especially if attacked by the adherents of those long established religious beliefs that confer privileges.
  • The King's lunacy had in the meanwhile become so manifest that Prince William had to be installed as prince regent; the royal power was now in the hands of a tractable adherent of the aristocratic clique and of the military hotspurs.
  • I mean, compared to a religion that mandates its equivalent of baptized adherents to carry a knife and iron band at all times (Sikhism) or spiritual growth through repeated readings of questionably sourced books, or even some relatively well-recognized if unusual actions (Emo!) The Volokh Conspiracy » Herd of Individualists, Wolfman Edition
  • The fibroblast line grows adherently to glass and plastic in culture and is generally utilized as a transfection host for virus genomes and recombinant plasmids. Undefined
  • In addition to this flotsam, which is found in large masses in every big city, the militia which I mentioned consists of many adherents of an international European republic. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 10 Prince Otto Von Bismarck, Count Helmuth Von Moltke, Ferdinand Lassalle
  • Palin is procalimed an adherent of violence for “targeting” Democrats in the coming election. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Sad Victory for Thuggery in Texas
  • As shear stress is increased, the number of firmly adherent cells decreases and the distribution of rolling velocities throughout the population becomes wider.
  • Spirit mediums and their adherents built ‘spirit huts’ near trees that were necessary to propitiate malevolent spirits.
  • Each had a few adherents, who would not have submitted to such an arbitrary cruelty; and Le Gros was influenced by the fear of a general "skrimmage," in which more than one life, -- among the rest perhaps his own, -- might be forfeited. The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
  • The movement is gaining more and more adherents.
  • The most important figure today in the Anglican Communion, a worldwide federation of churches with some 75 million adherents, is probably a man few people in the West know anything about: Archbishop Peter Jasper Akinola, of Nigeria. Defender of the Faith
  • As former colonies gained statehood, the practice frequently continued but steadily lost adherents.
  • Henry Lambolt and other his adherents, in the yeere of our Lord 1396. tooke vpon the maine sea betweene Norway and Scaw, one crayer laden with osmunds, and with diuers other marchandises, perteining vnto Iohn Brandon of Lenne, to the summe and value of 443. li. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 05 Central and Southern Europe
  • Even the slightest interface aspect could trigger a heated debate, with adherents of opposing solutions arguing with near-Jesuitical intensity.
  • The ‘three great religions’ are all susceptible to this charge, although their adherents may aptly and justly interpret the texts in a humanist or universalist way.
  • Appeals for support of a new revolutionary movement, therefore, gained relatively few adherents.
  • To the extent that religions provide their adherents with a common set of norms and values, they are an important source of social solidarity. Sociology
  • Vatican apologists and strict adherents will fulminate on and on about the first priest, Peter, receiving the keys to the church and such, but even if those who ignore the several weak links and breaks in the chain of apostolic succession generally concede that Peter himself was a bit of a hot-head, the great mistake-maker of the apostles. Michele Somerville: Roy Bourgeois Detained At The Vatican For The Crime Of Primacy Of Conscience
  • The common honeysuckle, _Lonicera Periclymenum_, is one of these, and it is noticeable in this plant that the calyx remains unaffected -- a circumstance which Morren says shows the distinctness of virescence from frondescence; for, in this instance, we have the most foliaceous portion of the flower remaining unchanged, while the corolla and other organs, usually less leaf-like in their nature, assume a green colour; but this may rather be attributed to the axial nature of the so-called adherent calyx. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • In 1568 however, following the Battle of Langside, in which William Chancellor fought in the cause of Queen Mary, Regent Moray sent out a party of 500 horsemen to destroy the mansions, castles and fortalices of her adherents.
  • What you feel is the indurated mesentery or the adherent bowel.
  • Few adherents to the new classical macroeconomics trouble even to question it, let alone provide an analytical basis to justify it.
  • The limitation of our method is that it can only be used for studying cells in suspension and is therefore not suitable for adherent cell lines.
  • For modern-day adherents of the belief that tariffs and not slavery caused the war, the Confederate tariffs serve as a sharp rejoinder.
  • He said local people, mostly Hindu adherents, were committed to adopting a peaceful approach to deal with the blasts despite the fact that the tragedy had seriously affected tourism, which most local people rely on for a livelihood.
  • This caused a major crisis for the Fascist Party, however, as thousands of new adherents rushed to jump on the bandwagon, and the rapid expansion in membership split the party into rival camps of moderates and intransigents.
  • The results from this study indicate that the retraction response is rarely observed in the current population of passive adherent cells selected for investigation.
  • Most people run from ghosts, but John was adherently drawn to the child from the very beginning. Filmstalker: The Changeling remake moves forward
  • The doctrine convinced its adherents that natural selection worked.
  • For the sake of truth, I must add that the fanatical enormities perpetrated in the name of religion are only to be put down to the adherents of monotheistic creeds, that is, the Jewish faith and its two branches, Christianity and Islamism. Religion
  • I have worked on both gill-netters and trollers, and I know that the disagreements and misunderstandings between their adherents are deep and long-standing.
  • One has millions of devoted adherents, a doctrine of clean-cut conformity and an unstoppable, culture-changing momentum; the other is communist China.
  • Instances of adhesion between different organs is seen under ordinary circumstances in the bract of the Lime tree, which adheres to the peduncle, also in _Neuropeltis_, while in _Erythrochiton hypophyllanthus_ the cymose peduncles are adherent to the under surface of the leaf. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The suspicion that the emperor's death had been faked gained more and more adherents.
  • We find "true believers" as Carse calls adherents to belief systems struggling against a real or imagined other, but ultimately also struggling against the challenge to their beliefs that comes from within. The Religious Case Against Belief
  • On the contrary, they act as stimulants, inducing in their adherents a desire to effect a dramatic change in their circumstances.
  • Segmented pedicels that bear mature fruiting bracteoles are present in Obione moneta, whereas bracteoles are strongly adherent to the stem in 0. leucoclada.
  • While we doubt that use of the term trope has actually scared off would-be adherents of trope-theory, it cannot hurt to have an accurate, suggestive, single descriptive expression for tropes of given degrees. Tropes
  • Most claimed to be fully adherent only on occasions when they felt lethargic or unwell.
  • Parshley knew French only from his years as a student at Boston Latin School and Harvard, and had no training in philosophy — certainly not in the new movement known as existentialism, of which Beauvoir was an adherent. Feminist Classic Censored by Copyright Laws
  • Specimens from unconsolidated gravels are not difficult to clean, any adherent sand grains being easily removed using a stout pin.
  • Other options for removing adherent scale involve applying any of a variety of oils (peanut, olive or mineral) to soften the scale overnight, followed by use of a detergent or coal tar shampoo.
  • Violet was an adherent of the United Church of Canada.
  • When it comes to dissuading released offenders from relapsing, polygraphy is superior to other methods, adherents say. The Polygraph Paradox
  • There are no examples of religious wars in the ancient world, based on an exclusive claim that the adherents of one religion must conquer another people to force them submit to another religion.
  • I found in the blood, leucocytes more or less loaded with pigment, but in addition to these melaniferous leucocytes, pigmented spherical bodies of variable size possessing amoeboid movement, free or adherent to the red cells; non-pigmented corpuscles forming clear spots in the red cells; finally pigmented elements, crescentic in shape attracted my attention, and from then on I supposed they were parasites. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • Ostensibly straightforward, this method is subject to major artifacts, including an inability to control, or adequately account for, the unstirred layer of fluid adherent to the outer surfaces of the filters.
  • Obviously, these claims do not make for irenic relations with adherents to those religions they have improved and replaced.
  • For death penalty adherents, the pendulum has finally swung their way: California will enforce the death penalty more quickly.
  • Its adherents see in every individual species of animal and plant an 'embodied creative thought,' the material expression of a _definite first cause_ (causa finalis), acting for a set purpose. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • MRC-5 cells, which grow adherently in culture and exhibit fibroblast morphology, may double in population size 42 to 46 times before the onset of senescence. Undefined
  • The nonadherent cells were collected and less than 0. 5% of CD8 PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Nor could we expect the adherents of each approach to treat any anomaly as a reason for rejecting it.
  • In fact, I'd sooner call adherent to the Chicago Declaration on Biblical Inerrancy "liberals" since they are taking the relatively recent terminology of "inerrancy" and innovating a new definition thereof, without the involvement of, much less the agreement of, large numbers of Christians. Classic Liberal?
  • As we enter into dialogue with adherents of other religions, we must be courteous and kind. Christianity Today
  • Before any of Mrs. Cryer's adherents is tempted to calumniate, I am not a hunting man although I am a countryman and do shoot clay pigeons.
  • The last battering engines are philters, amulets, spells, charms, images, and such unlawful means: if they cannot prevail of themselves by the help of bawds, panders, and their adherents, they will fly for succour to the devil himself. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • They can attach to solid surfaces and form biofilms that are defined as matrix-enclosed microbial populations adherent to each other and to surfaces or interfaces.
  • Adherents claim that Buddhism is a very practical philosophy, which teaches us to focus our attention on personal experience, to determine what is the cause of our discontents ( "dukkha") and to find a way to liberate ourselves from these, all the while expressing "metta", which is universal, unconditional love, and "karuna", which roughly translates to "compassion", towards others. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • He was not an adherent of an established religious tradition, but followed his own personal faith.
  • And their postmillennialism provides the kind of optimism, not to be confused with triumphalism, that spurs them and their adherents to living this faith diligently in their daily lives, holding fast to the belief that such efforts would do more than save their souls, but would also works towards the reconstruction of a truly Christian order. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Any person could be an adherent of the religion concerned, and be entitled to the same privileges and obligations as every other person.
  • The slightly older faith tradition of Rastafari whose adherents prefer not to be referred to with "-ism" apparently crosses the line of what's protected under religious freedom. Frank Fredericks: Protecting Pastafarians: When Does Religious Freedom Become Ridiculous?
  • A 6 cm right adrenal mass that was quite adherent to the inferior vena cava was found.
  • Prescriptivists are seen as blind adherents to outdated norms of formal usage.
  • This phrase is a clue, becoming a means whereby adherents of the same movement can be identified.
  • After his unusual demureness in face of the star-making machinery, I'm pleased to see Philip Pullman recovering his characteristic pugnacity to defend his dark materials from the interference of the interfering Faithful: Religion grants its adherents malign, intoxicating and morally corrosive sensations. Philip Gets His Groove Back
  • (b) One employee invites another employee to attend worship services at her church, though she knows that the invitee is a devout adherent of another faith. Guidelines On Religious Expression In The Workplace
  • Even the slightest interface aspect could trigger a heated debate, with adherents of opposing solutions arguing with near-Jesuitical intensity.
  • First, competition makes each religious group try that much harder to win adherents. Sociology
  • Protests by adherents are small, sporadic and uncoordinated.
  • The demigods are worshiped by persons who are more or less adherents of the processes of jnana, yoga and karma, i.e., the impersonalists, meditators and fruitive workers. Vedic creationists in the U.S. - The Panda's Thumb
  • He therefore dissolves out the cutose, vasculose, and pectose by a very simple process, obtaining the fiber clean, and free from all extraneous adherent matter, ready for the spinner. Scientific American Supplement, No. 417, December 29, 1883
  • The value of citizenship is eroded in the enthusiasm of these outfits to inflame communal passions to win adherents to the extremist cult.
  • Few adherents to the new classical macroeconomics trouble even to question it, let alone provide an analytical basis to justify it.
  • With the disasters that attended the intervention in Iraq these voices have gained adherents and become more forthright. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its adherents preached opposition to dictators and criticised the Church hierarchy for being too close to those in power. Times, Sunday Times
  • An understanding of the parameters controlling the number of rolling cells is important because it directly influences the number of adherent cells.
  • It is terribly misguided to equate Alcoholics Anonymous -- which encourages its adherents to admit that they have no control over their drinking, except by the grace of a higher power -- to the sheer, white-knuckled suppression of innate feelings by those who find themselves affectionally oriented to persons of the same gender. Bishop Gene Robinson: Yes, We Do Need Separation of Church and State: Repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Maintains These Boundaries
  • ‘I consider this stuff unprogressive tribal chauvinism,’ says Hilary Kamau, a Kikuyu and recent university graduate, distancing himself from what he calls ‘uneducated, lower class’ adherents.
  • Individual adherents however, may turn out to be, for all intents and purposes monotheists (i.e. choosing a specific special deity for themselves -- monolatrism). Planet Atheism
  • Sustainable building is an inexact science and its adherents are learning all the time.
  • It was also, until after I graduated from high school in 1973, part of a dry county (which meant you had to drive to Oklahoma or nearby Muenster in a neighboring county for alcohol, absolutely not a deterrent to drinking) and strongly adherent to a Sundown culture. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Shell inequivalve and nearly inequilateral; free or adherent resting on one valve; beaks central, straight ligament internal; muscular impression single and behind the centre; hinge usually without teeth. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Apart from the physical body parentally endowed, spiritual life is also needed, viz. taking refuge in the Triple Gem, to a Buddhist adherent.
  • The steps for accelerating the Catholic emancipation passed without animadversion from the English Ministry; but the dismissal of Mr. Beresford, and his adherents, gave great of - fence to the Cabinet of London. Peerage of England, genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • But it is neither a variation on one of the old iron supplements nor is it a food, although its adherents say it has tonic properties and you do apply it to the body.
  • This procedure allows visualization of adherent bacteria in the living worms.
  • The overwhelming multitudes of their adherents are here seeking a life of opportunity and liberty in the "land of the free and the home of the brave. Rev. Chuck Freeman: Why Help Build a Mosque I Have Core Differences With?
  • Some have defended the Christian faith and others have criticised it - choosing to label its adherents as stiff-necked, lobotomised fundamentalists.
  • These cells were then perfused at a physiologic shear stress of 2.5 dynes / cm 2 and the number of adherent cells per minute was determined.
  • On the other hand, however, a curious variety of perfectibilist mysticism, often psychoanalytically tinged, has attracted some forceful adherents. PERFECTIBILITY OF MAN
  • Antiliberal, antiscientific, a foreign absolutist authority dictating to its half-educated adherents, Rome was given to such grotesqueries as the 1864 Syllabus of Errors and the 1870 declaration of papal infallibility.
  • Meanwhile, in the guise of rejecting absolutes, the adherents of philosophical pragmatism absolutize partisan progressive goals and reconceive "moderation" as merely exercising patience and flexibility in the pursuit of progressive ends. The Thinker
  • Many refused full equality to adherents of minority religions until well into the century.
  • Women with morbidly adherent placenta were likely to experience more complications and transfusions.
  • Sikhism is a major world religion with more adherents worldwide than Judaism. John L. Esposito: Obama's Trip to India: Sikhs Are Not Muslims
  • Thus, I conclude, adherents of textualism and originalism should recognize the time limit in the Recess Appointments Clause as a matter of constitutional law.
  • John Duncan was born in Athy in or about 1785 and unlike his brother Thomas he became an ardent adherent of Methodism.
  • The Corallimorpharia have a flattened adherent base, similar to Scleractinia, but without a base plate or basilar muscles.
  • As we enter into dialogue with adherents of other religions, we must be courteous and kind. Christianity Today
  • Normal mechanical ventilation produced no change in leukocyte rolling velocity and the number of adherent cells over 2 hours.
  • Called shelled hempseed, the new product is simply hempseed with its outer shell removed so that the THC-containing adherents are removed and discarded with the shell.
  • It makes me an adherent to a code of conduct which helps hold society together.
  • This is the menace of socialism, and in affirming it and in tallying myself an adherent of it, I accept my own consequent unrespectability. Preface
  • Electrocardiograph conductors are adherent to both clavicular regions and to the left lateral chest wall.
  • The slain Mungiki adherent is the fourth sect member to be killed by police after members of the outlawed sect hacked two police officers and set their bodies ablaze last Wednesday. Police Shoot Mungiki Sect Suspect Dead
  • Using phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), it is possible to overcome this block in THP-1 cells (an M5-AML containing the MLL-MLLT3 fusion), resulting in differentiation to an adherent monocytic phenotype. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Many are even turning back to much older beliefs such as druidism, which still manages to attract hundreds of its gowned adherents to Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice every year. A Question of Faith
  • At its heart, the Christian faith calls adherents to embody the values of God's kingdom --justice, mercy, and love--in the midst of our world--to be the body of Christ in the world. TEXAS FAITH: Misunderstanding (my) religion | RELIGION Blog |
  • Ov cells exhibit typical epithelial morphology and grow adherently to glass and polymer surfaces in monolayer culture. Undefined
  • I was a gummy adherent, gobbling gelatinous animal shaped confections like they were going out of style.
  • Indeed, for many of its adherents, that is precisely naturalism's point. Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics
  • As late as the 1930s, adherents strove to transform unsightly round heads into long, dolichocephalic ones.
  • The doctrine convinced its adherents that natural selection worked.
  • For then we shall see things as they are, the evil circumstances and the crooked intentions, the adherent unhandsomeness and the direct crimes; for all things are laid up safely, and tho we draw a curtain of cobweb over them, and a few fig-leaves before our shame, yet God shall draw away the curtain, and forgetfulness shall be no more, because, with a taper in the hand of God, all the corners of our nastiness shall be discovered. The World's Great Sermons, Volume 02 Hooker to South
  • It was, moreover, an accusation to which its adherents in the Royal Society were extremely sensitive.
  • The doctrine convinced its adherents that natural selection worked.
  • Pre began a long battle, both with the AAU to finally expose the hypocrisy of "shamateurism," and the arbitrary judgments of then USOC President Avery Brundage, a zealous adherent to amateurism. - Track & Field, Marathons, Racing News, Training Advice, Elite Athlete Blogs, Interviews, Podcasts, Videos and More!
  • The lieutenant contumaciously refusing to comply with this intimation, was in the morning, while he amused himself in walking upon the Bare, suddenly surrounded by the constables of the court, who took him and his adherent prisoners, before they were aware, and delivered them into the hands of the turnkeys, by whom they were immediately dismissed, and their baggage conveyed to the side of the ditch. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Socialist Party leader Oleksander Moroz charged that ‘while the state budget has not received a single kopiyka from arms sales, nearly 3 billion hryvna filled the pockets of the head of state and his adherents.’
  • As we have seen in Chapter 1 Figure 1.3, adherents to some religious traditions are more ardently religious than others, but once we take those differences in religious observance into account, differences in generosity among religious traditions are modest. American Grace
  • However it is within the Labor Party, and not the Liberal Party, that adherents of such a school are to be found.
  • Findings included a large right renal tumor mass adherent to the inferior portion of the liver and invading the renal vein with metastatic spread to the colonic mesentery and regional lymph nodes.
  • The Nation of Islam and its most famous adherent, Malcolm X, preached a message of self-reliance and racial separatism.
  • As I have mentioned, the sacrificial rite of kirasudj is held one month after the burial by adherents of traditional religion.
  • Adherent cells in primary culture appeared 1 hour after dispersion from the lesion tissue.
  • With reference to _Mussaenda_, C. Morren held the view that the petal-like sepal was really a bract adherent to the calyx, and incorporating with itself one of the calycine lobes -- "soudée au calice et ayant dévorée, en englobant dans sa propre masse, un lobe calicinal. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The country has proved that religion can coexist with democracy, despite the theocratic inclinations of its fundamentalist adherents.
  • A distinction can be drawn between the quiet sharing of one's faith as an evangelist and the aggressive outreach through proselytizing by adherents of some more fundamental faiths.
  • Only that way can both adherents and innocents alike learn the wages of allowing their country to be hijacked by agents of intolerance.
  • They are the basis of that form of evolution which as lamarckism, and of late in sharp opposition to Darwin as neo-Lamarckism, has distinguished adherents among botanists, zoologists, and palaeontologists. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Which religions are gaining adherents, and which are losing? Sociology
  • The cells grow adherently and exhibit myoblast morphology, possessing many of the properties characteristic of smooth muscle cells. Undefined
  • Here, a series of first-order partial differential equations are set up to quantify the steady- and unsteady-state flux corresponding to the cells in the free stream, the rolling cells, and the firmly adherent cells.
  • After 8 days, nonadherent cells were removed and adherent cells were detached with 0. 05% trypsin/0.53 mM EDTA and replated. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • So the parasitic Church-member, the literal "adherent," comes not merely to live only within the circle of ideas of his minister, but to be content that his minister has these ideas -- like the literary parasite who fancies he knows everything because he has a good library. Natural Law in the Spiritual World
  • Worker militancy certainly persisted, but it attracted fewer adherents than in other countries.
  • An adherent of what he calls the unconstrained vision would not describe that vision in the terms Sowell employs. 'Down from Liberalism': An Exchange
  • When the law-and-order adherent is convinced that a choice to offend is sufficiently unfree , he does not wish to punish to offender.
  • In mice infected with reovirus, in vivo exposure to UVR depleted the spleens of Ia-bearing adherent cells that are required for the in vitro generation of secondary antireovirus cytolytic T lymphocytes.
  • The doctrine of Calvin and his adherents concerning the Lord's Supper is frequently characterized as a materially modified Zwinglianism. Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • The rising in which the Earl of Derwentwater took part in the year 1715 was in support of the son of James II, James Edward, whose adherents were defeated at Preston in November of the same year, the unfortunate Earl, with many others, being taken prisoner. From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • But that is to misunderstand its adherents: they are not gullible fools. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another method: - There grows upon the bleeding condyloma, a protuberance like the fruit of the mulberry, and if the condyloma be far without, an envelope of flesh is adherent to it. On Hemorrhoids
  • Also known as the caveman diet, the regime frowns on carbohydrate-laden foods like bread and cereal, and modern-day adherents eat only lean meat, vegetables and fruit. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The great irony of communism is that its most devoted adherents were not those at the top who brought it into being.
  • We read with interest the recent publication on adherence with statin therapy and all-cause mortality. 1 The authors reported an approximate 50% reduction of all-cause mortality in adherent statin users compared with nonadherent users. Archives of Internal Medicine current issue
  • These days, the adherents of the point d'arrêt are few and far between, and non-electric weapons are generally fitted with foil-style buttons.
  • Even the slightest interface aspect could trigger a heated debate, with adherents of opposing solutions arguing with near-Jesuitical intensity.

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