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How To Use Adequate to In A Sentence

  • This regime should have been more than adequate to demonstrate any significant short-term effects of reduced sleep.
  • Taxes must be adequate to raise a revenue sufficient to meet those federal expenditures which are truly advantageous to the general welfare, to maintain justifiable confidence in the soundness of the dollar, and to underwrite the safety of the federal debt as an investment. As The Allies Face The Future
  • The acting, while not of award calibre, is more than adequate to tell the storywhile the soundtrack is outstanding. March 2010
  • The hostels for Gujjar students established during the tenure of Sheikh Abdullah in the late 1970s are far from adequate to meet the rising demand.
  • NASA funding would be adequate to engage in concurrent engineering for our new systems and programs if the people knew the potential impact of not rapidly developing our capabilities and understanding of the space environment. Alan Stern on NASA's Cost Increase Problems - NASA Watch
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  • And it is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly equal, wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us.
  • Your first effort may well look like a rag doll, but this is quite adequate to begin with.
  • The Office of Inspector General -- which in May issued a damning report about the appalling lack of enforcement of inhumane large-scale commercial dog breeding operations -- found that the present government program for inspecting horses for soring "is not adequate to ensure that these animals are not being abused. Wayne Pacelle: Federal Audit Finds Rampant Abuses of Show Horses; Agency Reform Promised
  • Thus in articulating an interpretation, or set of interpretations of the term adequate to frame theoretical issues, we cannot simply describe how it is currently employed ” we must assign it a more definite and coherent meaning than extant in common usage (Block 1995, 2002). Consciousness and Intentionality
  • Once the campaign gathered steam, the Trust had to take an interest in the matter, and found that its first lines of defence were inadequate to it.
  • The current arrangements for the care of severely mentally ill people are inadequate to meet their needs.
  • Even the contact made with local government was inadequate to plan appropriately for operation and maintenance of the facility.
  • External differences apparently so small, and which might elsewhere be deemed inadequate to the establishment of genera, become important in this remarkable family, from their being confirmed by the structure of the trophi, and the strong distinctions exhibited in their females in every instance that has yet presented itself to me, wherever I have had the certainty of specific identity in these heterogynous insects, from the direct observation of my friends in Australia. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • Not the wild fish of our rivers, lochs, lakes and sea; there the sportsman should harvest just an occasional fish when the stocks are adequate to allow it.
  • Meer Baber Beg has placed his fortress in a very respectable state of defence, quite adequate to repel the desultory inroads of his predatory neighbours; but commanded by and exposed to enfilade from the hills about it, on one of these hills he has built a tower as a kind of outwork, but it is very weak and of insignificant size. A Peep into Toorkisthhan
  • But the campaign's work was always good, more than adequate to the occasion and in fitting with the design of the enterprise. William Bradley: Brown in Command, Boxer Holding on, A Big Green Victory in the Making
  • The data on whether the majority of cancers, neurological problems, and other health problems are associated with exposure to fuels, propellants, or combustion products were inadequate to draw conclusions.
  • It would be a waste of time, in the present state of science, to controvert this hypothesis, as it is now admitted that even if the rush of a diluvial current, invented for the occasion and wholly without analogy in the known course of nature, be granted, it would be inadequate to explain the uniformity, parallelism, persistency, and rectilinearity of the so-called glacial furrows. The Antiquity of Man
  • Even the actions taken by governments may be inadequate to defend the position of the weak in society.
  • I heard the clip from the speech where Bush made the "commander guy" statement, and, although his syntax was as always vey awkward, he clearly said just what she says he did -- that he, Bush, is a guy who supports milliary commanders over others rhetorically presented as inadequate to make decisions about Iraq. Election Central Saturday Roundup
  • I feel woefully inadequate to even review their programme because they left me speechless and with only the ability to utter superlatives.
  • Current systems that monitor infectious diseases domestically and internationally are inadequate to confront the present and future challenges of emerging infections.
  • In critical leg ischemia, blood flow is inadequate to meet the metabolic demands of the limb even at rest.
  • With its highly exergonic free energy change, the flow of electrons through Complex I is more than adequate to drive ATP synthesis.
  • This regime should have been more than adequate to demonstrate any significant short-term effects of reduced sleep.
  • The old methods weren't adequate to meet current needs.
  • Nor has it station; it needs no standing ground as if inadequate to its own sustaining; what calls for such underpropping is the soulless, some material mass that must be based or fall. The Six Enneads.
  • In addition, each of these slaves was to have ‘a portion of land allotted to him, adequate to produce, by cultivating it, a sufficiency of ground provisions for himself and his family,’ to be cultivated on Saturday afternoons out of crop.
  • Traditional concepts of security were woefully inadequate to meet the new challenges faced by humankind.
  • The main drain isn't adequate to take away waste water from the fishmongers' kiosks.
  • Resuming the thread of the history; tliis alliance, which the Jews had contracted witii I'gypt, augment - ed their confidence at a time when every considera - tion should have abated it; it elated them with the presumptuous notion, of being adequate to frustrate the designs of Nebuchadnezzar, or lather those cf God himself, who had declared that he would sub - jugate all the east to this potentate. Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
  • I agree trade week is frenetic 5 munite exercise in fax machine speed and questions of adequate toner. The Roar - Your Sports Opinion
  • A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy's needs — and suddenly industry was eager to employ those "unadaptable and untrained" workers.
  • For the carnivore, however, the football menu is more than adequate to quell your hunger.
  • Disease surveillance is not adequate to detect cases of sylvatic yellow fever that often occur in remote areas.
  • I hope you will prove adequate to the job.
  • Most hospital filtration systems are not adequate to filter out the fine latex-laden starch powder.
  • The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry.
  • Here he found himself almost equally helpless; for what male wit is adequate to the thousand little coquetries practised in such arrangements? how can masculine eyes judge of the degree of demi-jour which is to be admitted into a decorated apartment, or discriminate where the broad light should be suffered to fall on a tolerable picture, where it should be excluded, lest the stiff daub of a periwigged grandsire should become too rigidly prominent? Saint Ronan's Well
  • The rest of the supporting cast ranges from adequate to uncomfortable.
  • A zone can be anything: its spatial characteristics are indeterminate, adequate to absorb the contradictions of the Socialist market economy.
  • The Steinbach field, through better drainage is drier and was quite adequate to play on in the weekend.
  • The researchers estimated Diatryma's athletic ability as quite adequate to catch most of the contemporary mammals.
  • It is more nearly adequate to say that vulgarized Nietzschean thought activated latent problems, and accelerated indigenous trends, already present in American life.
  • I am at a loss for terms adequate to the expression of my gratitude.
  • At the same time, he felt inadequate to the task of measuring up to either parent's expectations.
  • This regime should have been more than adequate to demonstrate any significant short-term effects of reduced sleep.
  • And it is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority will be fully equal, fully adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us.
  • When the current is repelled from the sea by adverse winds, when the ordinary bed is inadequate to the weight of waters, they rise above the banks, and overspread, without limits or control, the plains and cities of the adjacent country. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Sextus does not challenge the possibility of admonitive signs; they presuppose no necessary connection between sign and thing signified, and they are adequate to account for the connections that we establish between things in everyday activities (AM SKEPTICISM IN ANTIQUITY
  • On another apparent level he's a genius; in fact that word might be inadequate to describe his level of intelligence that rivals that of Nobel laureates in several fields.
  • Angulation front and rear must be balanced and adequate to give forward reach and rear drive.
  • The budgetary commission noted that the budget was not adequate to complete the necessary economic restructuring.
  • Ergo — public transport is a bad goal, and should only be applied in places where the pop density is adequate to make personal transport much less effective. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Commuter Rail Numbers Don’t Even Work With the Supporters’ Numbers
  • Moreover , the existence of a small amount of cannabinol is adequate to kill the fungi microorganism.
  • Sorry to quibble here, but while you're right that "adequate space" is the issue -- i.e., space must be adequate to allow for sufficient reaction time -- the adequacy is a function of your speed, not your speed relative to the other driver. Report: Corzine's State Trooper Driver Was Speeding
  • This view is inadequate today because it ignores the role of organized mass parties, pressure groups, a large Civil Service, and interventionist government.
  • The lunchtime menu is more than adequate to satisfy the biggest appetite.
  • It is obvious that self-policing is inadequate to serve the public good.
  • On a related note, the concept and practice of anthropomorphism is not adequate to the task.
  • Even the label ‘colloquialism’ may not be always adequate to interpret anacolutha in Cicero, as Cicero, in the dialogues, often seems to use them to represent a speaker's emphasis.
  • Its problem is that the heater system is inadequate to demist the front windscreen.
  • It was a considerable gamble, for no existing system seemed adequate to the size of the project.
  • A prosecutor has the obligation to protect the First Amendment, especially if the university has imposed discipline that is inadequate to assure that censorial conduct will be deterred. Alan Dershowitz: Conviction of the "Irvine Ten" is Constitutionally Sound
  • In the " Barbarization " set of scenarios, the same factors—innovation, markets and policy—prove inadequate to the challenge, leading to social collapse and the spread of violence and misery.
  • A massive object containing a small quantity of C- field begins to collapse when the pressure is no longer adequate to prevent it.
  • The foreyard, which did very well for mooring the anchors, was quite inadequate to the transport of passengers and provisions. In Search of the Castaways
  • Thus legal regulation alone will always be inadequate to secure legitimacy and genuine consent.
  • What language is adequate to depicture the goodness and the fortitude of that heart which dared to contend alone, against the chilling repukes of a frozen-hearted world and the strong arm of misfortune? "The Life and Character of John Howard," Senior Speech of Richard T. Weaver, April 1846
  • In order to have a meaningful ID theory, IDers need to drop the equivocations, the pretense that folk psychology is adequate to their needs, and put a stake in the ground for dualistic interactionism – or whatever they really are talking about when the use this damnably undefined term of theirs. Bunny and a Book
  • My store of conversational openers seems thoroughly inadequate to the task.
  • Redb: I agree trade week is frenetic 5 munite exercise in fax machine speed and questions of adequate toner. The Roar - Your Sports Opinion
  • Are QA resources adequate to assure material compliance to spec.
  • And it is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority wi1l be fully equal, fully adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us.
  • It is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us.
  • Even the best college support systems are often inadequate to the challenge, and the number of students who slip through the cracks is very high. Why so many bright kids fail to launch in college
  • It re-examined the approval to import and manufacture soluble concentrates containing hydrogen cyanamide to ensure existing controls were adequate to address potential risks.
  • The word cavern does not convey any idea of this immense space; words of human tongue are inadequate to describe the discoveries of him who ventures into the deep abysses of earth. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Only a few firms succeeded in not only getting bigger, but also in adopting the American methods of managerial organization adequate to their new size.
  • The budgetary commission noted that the budget was not adequate to complete the necessary economic restructuring.
  • His attitude varied from rejecting such attempts as inadequate to according them the status of ‘fictions’.
  • This mixture then infuses at the slowest possible rate adequate to provide effective analgesia.
  • The response of Bob Dole was not really adequate to the task, to put it mildly.
  • Poetry and song would be inadequate to tell what those two villages said to me during my growing.
  • The minerals in a normal diet will be adequate to replace any losses.
  • An unpredictable aesthetic, it could be said, is a requirement of an historical materialism adequate to its political task.
  • Most chess players would have thought this was inadequate to play Master-level chess even for a machine with superior positional understanding.
  • In acute diseases it is generally adequate to look only at the symptoms of the acute disease itself.
  • Napoleon, Burns, Cromwell, no man adequate to do anything, but is first of all in right earnest about it; what I call a sincere man. The Art of Public Speaking
  • However, in their attempts to render their reflexive understanding adequate to their experience, alienated subjects tend to approach contradictions as if they existed in the world itself.
  • And the question of the Axial Age, and the mysterious resemblance of the modern transition to such 'axial' periods in its explosive discontinuity, almost like a punctuated equilibrium, looms in the background making most sociological thinking inadequate to the task. Darwiniana
  • The thin gown of emerald green silk was quite inadequate to the task of concealing what lay beneath.
  • This regime should have been more than adequate to demonstrate any significant short-term effects of reduced sleep.
  • Emergency backup generators will not be adequate to maintain even a rudimentary water supply.
  • The lunchtime menu is more than adequate to satisfy the biggest appetite.
  • Four sides of incoherent and interjectional beginnings of sentences, that had no end, except blots, were inadequate to afford her any relief. David Copperfield
  • Weak and conclusionary are not even adequate to descibe the poor old dear. Top headlines
  • Part of the problem is Gifted's creators pegged their paint-by-numbers biography to an event — his attempt to separate conjoined twins — inadequate to the purpose. TNT's 'Gifted Hands' wasn't made by gifted hands
  • Ardmore's runway is more generously dimensioned and better levelled than North Shore's but North Shore is perfectly adequate too.
  • Based on case law, Apple's "clickwrap" EULA implementation in the Leopard installer appears to be adequate to demonstrate acceptance of the terms of the EULA, so long as return of software (and accompanying refund) is available from the vendor if the terms are rejected MacInTouch
  • Your first effort may well look like a rag doll, but this is quite adequate to begin with.
  • In heavy rain, the fastest speed of the windscreen wipers is inadequate to keep the view ahead clear.
  • We have had long experience of that unmemorable felicity which consists in having no history, so far as history is made up of battles, revolutions, and changes of dynasty; but the present generation has never been called upon to learn that deepest lesson of polities which is taught by a common danger, throwing the people back on their national instincts, and superseding party-leaders, the peddlers of chicane, with men adequate to great occasions and dealers in destiny. The Writings of James Russell Lowell in Prose and Poetry, Volume V Political Essays
  • Well I doubt his low reptilian cunning is inadequate to that task but lets pretend. How Boring Am I ?
  • Furthermore, national income has been inadequate to repay the country's burdensome debts.
  • The directions from the farmhouse to the impossibly secluded Beach Hut were clear, but scrambling across cliff tops with bags and very unsensible footwear, we had only an inadequate torch and the alarming sound of crashing waves to make sure our romantic holiday didn't start with the wrong sort of splash. Summer holidays: 10 of the best trips for couples
  • The current arrangements for the care of severely mentally ill people are inadequate to meet their needs.
  • Where traditional own resources are inadequate to meet the new expenditure ceiling, the fourth resource comes into operation.
  • If a first-level of reliability and non-accidentality is inadequate to achieve genuinely human knowledge, why does an added layer of the same deficient stuff turn low-grade knowledge into high-grade knowledge? Reliabilism
  • The researchers estimated Diatryma's athletic ability as quite adequate to catch most of the contemporary mammals.
  • The old methods weren't adequate to meet current needs.
  • Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately from a libertarian point of view, the government, and our present government in particular, is completely inadequate to implementing such interventions. Layard and Happiness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A quick poll revealed that the embattled veteran, featuring a sword, taiaha, crown, and lion is more than adequate to represent the army's brand frontage.
  • And, the applicant must find the protocol appropriate, fair, agreeable, and adequate to prove their claim.
  • Environmental groups say the current air standards are inadequate to protect the health of asthma sufferers and others with lung diseases.
  • It was a considerable gamble, for no existing system seemed adequate to the size of the project.
  • His vision of "the saturation of the tropological field as language frees itself of its constraints" (AI 79) adapts the problem of plenitude in Neoplatonic metaphysics that he considers in his early work: the infinite generativity that would seem to be required of an infinitely powerful being ends in the existence of everything — a blow to unity and value whose damage, according to Lovejoy, the "great chain of being" is inadequate to repair. 9 Seeing Is Reading
  • Purportedly not directly about imagery, but deals with the closely adjacent topic of mental representations that are inherently perceptual in character, and argues that they are adequate to account for cognition, and explanatorily superior to “amodal” conceptions of representation (such as mentalese) For some recent supporting evidence, that also makes the link with imagery explicit, see Kan et al. (2003), and for some philosophical support see Nyíri (2001) and Prinz (2002). His Name Was Do Re Mi
  • A massive object containing a small quantity of C- field begins to collapse when the pressure is no longer adequate to prevent it.
  • Gallian system, and who are aware that my discoveries have thoroughly revolutionized as well as enlarged cerebral science, rendering the old term phrenology inadequate to express its present status. Buchanan's Journal of Man, February 1887 Volume 1, Number 1
  • They do not seem to be adequate to all the convolutions of gendered subjectivities, however.
  • Nor is it adequate to cast her photographs simply as social history, or worse, to allow their viewing to be productive of an easy nostalgia.
  • Or, again, the questioner may himself distinguish the various senses of the term rendered in the definition, and then institute his argument against each: for if the expression used be not adequate to the subject in any of its senses, it is clear that he cannot have defined it in any sense aright. Topics
  • However, the detailed cross-referencing is usually quite adequate to take care of such problems.
  • Major Bath, returned the compliment with a very low bow; but did not venture to make the first advance to familiarity, as he was truly possessed of that quality which the Greeks considered in the highest light of honour, and which we term modesty; though indeed, neither ours nor the Latin language hath any word adequate to the idea of the original. Amelia — Volume 2
  • The difference between being of sound and unsound mind, while appealing to lawyers who like clear cut rules, seems to me inadequate to deal with the complexities of human psychology in the context of the stresses caused by imprisonment.
  • General statements that, for example, the information is sensitive security information, are inadequate to satisfy the government's burden.
  • Bed, a monster of our own invention, sure it's incredibly uncomfortable & 6-inch sides not adequate to contain peripatetic 2-yr-old. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • A massive object containing a small quantity of C- field begins to collapse when the pressure is no longer adequate to prevent it.
  • A massive object containing a small quantity of C- field begins to collapse when the pressure is no longer adequate to prevent it.
  • The safety procedures are adequate to protect public health.
  • If one performs the same experiment with the tongue, many hours must elapse before a similar reaction occurs, and even the slightest blood supply is adequate to maintain tonus. August Krogh - Nobel Lecture
  • The system is more than adequate to deal with any problems.
  • The safety procedures are adequate to protect public health.
  • As he adds detail he records it simply to his own satisfaction and in a form adequate to his own purposes.
  • My Italian was too inadequate to thank her properly yet I owe her a great and undeclared debt.
  • And the evidence presented is woefully inadequate to prove anything, notwithstanding the absolutes of science.
  • However, the detailed cross-referencing is usually quite adequate to take care of such problems.
  • The NTSB's investigation revealed that post-maintenance inspections were not adequate to detect mis-rigging of the uplock assembly. HEADLINES
  • Those children that are taken into care join a system that is inadequate to meet their needs.
  • The researchers estimated Diatryma's athletic ability as quite adequate to catch most of the contemporary mammals.
  • The herringbone uses the edges of the ski to grip the snow when the wax or waxless pattern is inadequate to the job.
  • Although the metaphor of an ocean with many shores is helpful to illustrate the variety of spiritual realities, it is ultimately inadequate to convey the participatory and enactive nature of spiritual knowing.
  • she was adequate to the job
  • ONE of the first lessons we learned at Hull-House was that private beneficence is totally inadequate to deal with the vast numbers of the city's disinherited. Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
  • As a foundation it is inadequate to bear the weight of the case that Mr. McGregor sought to build upon it.
  • Even ferocious litigation would be inadequate to constrain massive, sustained law-breaking. Boing Boing
  • They point to figures that show current oil supplies are more than adequate to satisfy demand.
  • As he adds detail he records it simply to his own satisfaction and in a form adequate to his own purposes.
  • His knowledge of mathematics proved inadequate to find a solution.
  • If fully furnished, take out full contents cover adequate to replace all on a new-for-old basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also appears that his shares are going to be woefully inadequate to satisfy his creditors.
  • It was fraught with language inadequate to genital specificity, a language of the one-sex body in which corporeal difference threatened always to collapse into sameness.
  • On one occasion, my right honourable mother, who was a free-spoken lady, found the language of her own rank quite inadequate to express the strength of her generous feelings, and borrowing from the vulgar two emphatic words, applied them to Marie de Martigny, and her son Francis Tyrrel. Saint Ronan's Well
  • The infrastructure is not adequate to take the amount of traffic there is now.
  • Despite this variation, the verrucose petiole character is adequate to separate P. brevispathum from P. muricatum.
  • A massive object containing a small quantity of C- field begins to collapse when the pressure is no longer adequate to prevent it.
  • The coach was fitted with lap belts but parents are concerned they are inadequate to protect children.
  • For the carnivore, however, the football menu is more than adequate to quell your hunger.
  • The minerals in a normal diet will be adequate to replace any losses.
  • In critical leg ischemia, blood flow is inadequate to meet the metabolic demands of the limb even at rest.
  • Anglo-Saxons, the lungs are inadequate to the task of depurating the superabundant blood, which is thrown upon them at the age of maturity, unless aided by an occasional blood-letting, active and abundant exercise of the muscles in the open air, and a nutritious diet, as advised by the American Hippocrates, Benjamin Rush. Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments Comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Stringfellow, Hodge, Bledsoe, and Cartrwright on This Important Subject
  • And it is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly equal, wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us.
  • Further, I cautioned them that their failure to disprove a hypothesis that no structure existed was methodologically inadequate to support a conclusion that prices were random.
  • The ordinary communication of words was inadequate to convey all she was feeling, all that she desired.
  • The animation is minimal but adequate to its task, and Svankmajer saves most of his formal ingenuity for the flurries of typography that are montaged between sequences, the title of the film flying across the screen in rapid bursts to drive home the essential idea that each of these stories could keep going forever, and that the cut-off point is necessarily arbitrary. Archive 2008-11-01
  • The proposed test program is inadequate to ensure the necessary reliability before we begin to spend big money on national missile defense.
  • I have the Bath volume [7] printed. & expect fifty copies tomorrow or next day. you should have one were not the expence of sending it more than adequate to the pleasure you would receive — pshaw — this is an affectation unworthy of me — you will like them because they are your brothers — & I will send them. do we not understand the flocci-nauci-nihili-pili-fication [8] of money? Letter 106
  • As he adds detail he records it simply to his own satisfaction and in a form adequate to his own purposes.
  • Though a bit too old, he is still adequate to the work.
  • This regime should have been more than adequate to demonstrate any significant short-term effects of reduced sleep.
  • These can range from narrow aisles to inadequate toilet facilities but for William his biggest headache is finding a suitable shopping trolley he can manoeuvre himself.
  • The lunchtime menu is more than adequate to satisfy the biggest appetite.
  • But for the vast majority of musical artists, their copyrights are a woefully inadequate tool for leveraging their way to a mass audience.
  • Here he found himself almost equally helpless; for what male wit is adequate to the thousand little coquetries practised in such arrangements? how can masculine eyes judge of the degree of demi-jour which is to be admitted into a decorated apartment, or discriminate where the broad light should be suffered to fall on a tolerable picture, where it should be excluded, lest the stiff daub of a periwigged grandsire should become too rigidly prominent? Saint Ronan's Well
  • A massive object containing a small quantity of C- field begins to collapse when the pressure is no longer adequate to prevent it.
  • Diagnosis, or recognition of the disease, must have been necessarily imperfect, when no scientific nosology, or system of disease* existed, and the knowledge of anatomy was quite inadequate to allow of a precise determination of the seat of disease; but symptoms were no doubt observed and interpreted skilfully. Nature Cure
  • Finally, foreclosures are monitored to make certain that staffing is adequate to review the affidavits properly. Parsing statements by Citigroup and Wells Fargo on the foreclosure issue
  • The supply is not adequate to the demand.
  • Was this patient at risk limb loss, or were the collaterals that were responsible for the initial false negative PVR and ABI adequate to perfuse the limb? Clinical Case: Leg Pain (Part 2)
  • The question is whether the new policy is adequate to remedy the problems that have mired the space program in confusion and impotence, or whether it will amount to nothing.
  • My store of conversational openers seems thoroughly inadequate to the task.
  • The rest of the supporting cast ranges from adequate to uncomfortable.
  • His summery was the police force was totally inadequate to meet the security challenges of modern India. India's Crucial Lessons from Mumbai
  • The intramural areas were the main focus of the 1978-79 fieldwork; therefore, the sample is not adequate to judge the proportion of extramural vs. intramural burial.
  • But as for my sweet Babbie, her volition is not yet adequate to breaking the pack-threads of the Lilliputians, never to speak of cords of the Philistines. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Additionally, the Feds sought assurance that the patches MS has issued are adequate to bung the holes without causing problems for the machines they're installed on.
  • Disease surveillance is not adequate to detect cases of sylvatic yellow fever that often occur in remote areas.
  • The proposed test program is inadequate to ensure the necessary reliability before we begin to spend big money on national missile defense.
  • The researchers estimated Diatryma's athletic ability as quite adequate to catch most of the contemporary mammals.
  • The proposed test program is inadequate to ensure the necessary reliability before we begin to spend big money on national missile defense.
  • Spiro Zavos: Ricky Ponting is the best Australian batsman after Bradman Redb: I agree trade week is frenetic 5 munite exercise in fax machine speed and questions of adequate toner. The Roar - Your Sports Opinion
  • The current arrangements for the care of severely mentally ill people are inadequate to meet their needs.
  • A concentration of just 5 parts per million was adequate to eradicate 50,000 spores under laboratory conditions.
  • There are presently only 50 stations to process incoming visitors, and that may not be adequate to handle the traffic surge.
  • I use the word siesta, but as a matter of fact it is quite inadequate to describe the peculiar function for which I have chosen it as a label. An Adventure with a Genius

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