
How To Use Adequacy In A Sentence

  • Often the parent feels helpless and very discouraged and may also give up on the child which reinforces the child's feelings of inadequacy and may cause the child to retreat or regress further.
  • The best adequacy for EA was obtained by combinations of imipenem/cilastatin or piperacillin/tazobactam, amikacin and a glycopeptide, with values reaching 99% and 94%, respectively. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Third, this paper gives standard in reviewing of evidence in customs law enforcement, this is, legality, objectivity, adequacy, certifiable and the exclusion of illegal evidence, etc.
  • The Tomlinson report's description of the inadequacy of primary and community health services in London commands widespread agreement.
  • The Bank has not given a formal ruling on this method of presentation from a capital adequacy perspective.
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  • Accurately assessing nutritional requirements and monitoring the adequacy of nutritional intake in critically ill patients can help ensure that complications associated with underfeeding or overfeeding are avoided.
  • The cause of famine, consequently, is not an inadequacy of food.
  • Stanley's complaint is about the inadequacy of phyletic gradualism to account for the known facts of paleontology and the superiority of punctuated equilibria as an explanation for those facts.
  • It also enabled an assessment of the adequacy of the provisions in the eyes of the respondent.
  • Obsessively monitoring lines and wrinkles, swollen ankles and grey hairs, they are haunted by feelings of self-hatred and inadequacy.
  • Making progress on a moderate expansion of CPP is important for the long-term adequacy of The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • We still have many concerns, notably about the adequacy of transport planning for the two weeks of the Games. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, a much stronger negative association was found between neurotic symptoms and the perceived adequacy of social relationships.
  • The overwhelming impression of Soul is of a science in retreat, forced to admit the inadequacy of its materialism.
  • The review will look into the adequacy of current arrangements and codes of practice.
  • Finally, to check the adequacy of the model, we present a more general model, together with a simpler approximate estimation procedure.
  • People who know that rebuffs are expectable and that failure is remediable - that it results from lack of effort or situational factors and not personal inadequacy - are not debilitated by setbacks.
  • The usual delusions of adequacy from the pro-bush crowd. Think Progress » Legal Advocate For Torture Being Considered For Top Judicial Post
  • The problem of positivism in pedagogy study lies in its technicalization and the anti- positivism of academy, and methodological inadequacy of its denial of value relationship.
  • One of the main concerns about the plan centred on the inadequacy of the current sewage system.
  • To try to block out feelings of emotional pain or inadequacy. Taking Drugs Seriously
  • We Westerners love confronting the inadequacy of our rationalism and Amagatu capitalises on that, giving us also polished performances and exquisite stagecraft to hold our attention when our metaphysical appreciation wanes.
  • As well, Mr. MacAdam confirms that he advised the plaintiffs to engage a roofing consultant to give an opinion on the adequacy of the roof flashings and the roofing ballast.
  • Later sections will cast further and more consequential doubt on the adequacy of the inductivist stance on observation.
  • Bank capital adequacy addressed only the risks of the bank's assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since neither antioxidant capacity nor oxidative stress was measured, an element of doubt about the adequacy of the antioxidant mix or dose is reasonable.
  • That not-unique pattern points to the inadequacy of much current nomenclature about part-time or adjunct faculty versus tenured professors.
  • To meet this challenge, Locke (and to an even greater extent Hume) offered what may be termed adequacy of the stimulus counterarguments. Disbelief
  • The non-identity of hypostasis and ousia is, I take it, suggested even by our western brethren, where, from a suspicion of the inadequacy of their own language, they have given the word ousia in the Greek, to the end that any possible difference of meaning might be preserved in the clear and unconfounded distinction of terms. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • Did he also draw attention to the total inadequacy of control over pension fund investments and procedures?
  • At least one of the big four has a capital adequacy ratio below the legal limit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the staff quoted in the book wanted to understand numerical measures of risk, and they reported feelings of inadequacy at the difficulties they had in interpreting information for patients.
  • Something to do with thinly veiled social inadequacy, childhood and shame. Times, Sunday Times
  • To try to block out feelings of emotional pain or inadequacy. Taking Drugs Seriously
  • The bank's capital adequacy ratio remained at 11.72 per cent.
  • Under Czech banking law, all banks must meet a capital adequacy ratio of 8 percent.
  • Those prompted us to step up our surveillance of member firms and their capital adequacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taken together, these findings suggest both the adequacy and utility of our measure.
  • The Civil War had demonstrated the inadequacy of the old coastal forts.
  • Even when such witnesses could be portrayed as acknowledging this inadequacy with what narratology calls ‘modal locutions’ such as ‘I seemed to hear’ or ‘I perceived,’ these, according to Knight, must be read as ‘unavowed paralepses’.
  • Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
  • It is time also for Commonweal to make a policy of asking someone at Fordham or Columbia or NYU to read the technical appendix of a book and determine the adequacy of the sample design before it decides to make a gantze tsimmes out of it.
  • The Bank has not given a formal ruling on this method of presentation from a capital adequacy perspective.
  • Did he also draw attention to the total inadequacy of control over pension fund investments and procedures?
  • Trust told to address high waiting times in the emergency department and review adequacy of critical care services. The Sun
  • A failure to solve a puzzle is seen as a failure of the scientist rather than as an inadequacy of the paradigm.
  • It is a relentless satire on the town's citizens, who are depicted as upstarts clambering up the social ladder despite their patent inadequacy.
  • The shock the viewer feels at his moral inadequacy, Berger argues, "disperses" his initial feelings of outrage, so that "the issue of the war which has caused that moment is effectively depoliticised". Photography so good it hurts
  • The adequacy of the security arrangements has been questioned.
  • A particular failing was the inadequacy of systems that recorded traders' phone conversations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wulfgar heard her footsteps stamping back to the camp and in the darkness her footsteps at his own inadequacy. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Far from being proof of children's linguistic inadequacy, analogy is a demonstration of their mastery of the core rules of English morphology.
  • The decree on revelation, moreover, underscored the mystery of our encounter with the divine and hence the inadequacy of all our confessional statements about it.
  • Their inadequacy apart, this is totally unsatisfactory as it takes several minutes to cross from one platform to the other.
  • It calls into question the adequacy of materialistic science, upon which these people have staked their careers, self-identity and self-esteem. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • The issue in this case is the adequacy of the evidence tendered by the plaintiff.
  • The timeliness and adequacy of resource allocations should not simply be implied but be addressed openly.
  • Is friendship really only a mechanism for testing the objective strength and adequacy of belief?
  • Moses is trying to wriggle out of his mission by highlighting possible contingencies and his own inadequacy.
  • If present trends continue it is possible long-term adequacy will also be satisfactory. Purchasing - Top Stories
  • This seeming inadequacy of the real world is the crux of Shaw's enterprise.
  • The logical consistency and adequacy of the theory will then be tested by building computer simulation models of it.
  • E. A. Freeman's virulent attacks on J. A. Froude for inadequacy in using archives are similarly to be recognized as rhetoric.
  • The new policy only serves to accentuate the inadequacy of provision for the homeless.
  • The inadequacy of the insulation may have caused condensation, giving rise to a risk of further outbreaks of dry rot.
  • The 'felicific calculus' is enough to show the inadequacy of his method. The English Utilitarians, Volume I.
  • The italicization is the last line of W.S. Merwin's poem "History," which is much about autumn and endings, about consciousness and its place in the universe, about the turnings of history and the inadequacy of language to capture them. Mayhill Fowler: Off To Cover The Obama Grassroots: I Was Not Going To Be Long
  • The ’superior’ attitude tells a great deal: inadequacy is rampant in the ‘dr’. Think Progress » Florida Doctor Warning Away Obama Voters Admits He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About On Health Care
  • My detractors never acknowledge that their resentment comes from a place of their own inadequacy.
  • Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
  • Now for those feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth you have. Times, Sunday Times
  • If, as the contextual theory also implies, observation-statements depend on theoretical principles, any inadequacy in these principles will be transmitted to the observation-statements they subtend, whence our beliefs about what is observed may be in error, and even our experiences themselves can be criticised for giving only an approximate account of what is going on in reality. Paul Feyerabend
  • Tignor is best known as the bandleader of New York’s Slow Six, for which he composed and created his signature software instruments; the group has been described as “a five-piece collective whose mesmerizing experimental music is a true classical/rock mashup” (Adequacy. net). Harlem String Quartet at the Greenspace «
  • Finally, he spoke to what he described as the inadequacy of the police pension system, which denies benefits to survivors if their loved one has not served at least 10 years. The News Tribune Blogs
  • As Heidegger points out, the unknowability that informs this sense of inadequacy is only tenable if the existence of the Idea is not distinguished from our experience of nature: to say that the thing-in-itself is not knowable if it is an object is not to say that it is an object. Indifferent Freedom
  • Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
  • Last December it published capital adequacy and risk management standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • The loud-mouthed exhibitionist may be choosing that way to cover up his fear or feelings of inadequacy. Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
  • Capablanca was wrapped in a mantle of invincibility; he had the aura, and even the best players in the world had a dreadful feeling of inferiority and inadequacy when they sat before him. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Sorry to quibble here, but while you're right that "adequate space" is the issue -- i.e., space must be adequate to allow for sufficient reaction time -- the adequacy is a function of your speed, not your speed relative to the other driver. Report: Corzine's State Trooper Driver Was Speeding
  • To gauge by the shudder of inadequacy this compilation can send through its readers, that may be for the best.
  • Often the parent feels helpless and very discouraged and may also give up on the child which reinforces the child's feelings of inadequacy and may cause the child to retreat or regress further.
  • With the publication of "Human Sexual Response" in 1966 and "Human Sexual Inadequacy" four years later, however, the nation finally had a chance to learn the fundamentals of fornication: women can be multiorgasmic; intercourse may continue well into one's 80s; clitoral orgasms are hardly inferior to their vaginal counterparts; and so forth. Sexual Masters of the Universe
  • The man, beneath his coarse and bluff exterior, is haunted by a sense of his own inadequacy.
  • Last February's disaster exposed the inadequacy of barriers dividing road and railway.
  • The prose of this chapter measures the adequacy of verbal accounts of catastrophe in the age of photographic reproduction.
  • juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents
  • I guess there might have been some serious feelings of inadequacy by some of the male viewers who came to see the sizeable organ eh?
  • The new policy only serves to accentuate the inadequacy of provision for the homeless.
  • For the vast majority of us, a handicap is an index of inadequacy - a measure of the distance by which we fall short.
  • The best thing about the models is their inadequacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • But concern mounted that the fall in the stock market may start to undermine banks' capital adequacy ratios.
  • The mismatch of this with the day-to-day reality of much of new parenthood can easily lead to feelings of personal inadequacy, shame and failure. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • The fact is that our house prices are a direct result of the artificial shortage caused by planning inadequacy.
  • Indians General Manager Mark Shapiro spoke out against what he called "a computative smear campaign" that has left fans 'believing the Indians might reach a level of vague adequacy in the 2010 season. Let's Go Tribe!
  • This review summarizes the importance of critical subjects like pathogenesis of dengue haemorrhagic fever and inadequacy of animal model that have adversely affected dengue vaccine development.
  • If you say adequacy is a legal conclusion, you accept undercompensation. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Actively dispute with yourself internal messages of inadequacy.
  • The narcissist is described as turning inward for gratification rather than depending on others and as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power and prestige. Sarah Palin Plays (Inside) Baseball, Bunts - Swampland -
  • It is hoped that this work can contribute a better empirical basis to discussion about the adequacy of benefit levels.
  • Added to this was the international experience regarding the long-term inadequacy of traditional law enforcement responses to such crime over the past decade. Briefing Notes
  • His advice was to be defensive and never admit to any inadequacy.
  • Where our knowledge of a cause is derived from our knowledge of the effect, which is falsely (I think) here supposed, nothing can be logically, that is, apodeictically, inferred, but the adequacy of the former to the latter. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Besides the difference that popularizes degree, definitive inadequacy also is to restrict pay treasure copyist people one big handicap.
  • He described Scotland as a nation rife with ‘corruption, a sense of inadequacy and, above all, a chippy jealousy of its bigger, richer, more outgoing neighbour’.
  • No single government will gain much political capital from addressing that inadequacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Radio Blogger has the transcripts of Hugh Hewitt's debates with two law professors about the adequacy of the federal courts' handling of the Terri Schiavo case.
  • The Tomlinson report's description of the inadequacy of primary and community health services in London commands widespread agreement.
  • Some banks are also refraining from extending loans for fear that they could harm their capital adequacy ratios.
  • The heuristic inadequacy of contemporary Marxism is contained in these two sentences.
  • You were simply stoic in the face of my inadequacy.
  • He is self-deprecating and self-effacing and has used humor to deflect criticism about his inadequacy and deficiency.
  • This time it is Ashikaga Bank, which apparently has overstepped its adequacy limit, or something.
  • Leonardo later realized the inadequacy of the power a man could generate and turned his attention to aerofoils.
  • More demanding tasks can soon show the inadequacy of low amounts of RAM.
  • Molly spent an unforgivable moment fighting the feeling of inadequacy she'd carried away from the witness stand with her. BAD MEDICINE
  • Trust told to address high waiting times in the emergency department and review adequacy of critical care services. The Sun
  • Because the arisen time of ceramic tile is shorter, the market perfects degree of inadequacy, false and inferior product still has certain vivosphere.
  • The failure is due to the inadequacy of preparations.
  • Nor can he be held entirely responsible for the inadequacy of the flood defences, despite a specific warning well in advance.
  • The only thing ID is committed to is the inadequacy of evolutionary mechanisms as conceived in Enlightenment terms (thus mounting a fundamental critique of Enlightenment assumptions) and the detectability of design in nature. Another Version of CSI
  • Mr. Buruma's equation of "Netaji" with the German word "fuhrer" is also unfortunate, and only displays his linguistic inadequacy. In Fancy Uniform
  • She rightly points to the inadequacy of the argument.
  • Pathological change is chronic and continual advancement, patients can emerge renal inadequacy, uraemia. excitatory autacoid and cytotoxic drug have bad curative effect and major adverse reaction.
  • Comparisons with other cultures need no longer engender feelings of inferiority and inadequacy.
  • His advice was to be defensive and never admit to any inadequacy.
  • The truth of a statement is defined as the adequacy of the judgment quality of its content, that is the property of a judicative content by virtue of which acceptance (or its opposite, rejection) is triggered by purely objective motives. On A Trans-Atlantic Flight
  • You hardly need the benefit of hindsight to discern the colossal inadequacy of this kind of reasoning. Times, Sunday Times
  • The extent to which other factors, such as experience or training, affect reading adequacy is also helpful.
  • I mean, clearly, there was a lot of what we refer to as leakage, the evidence that there's an underlying violent fantasy life that is likely an antidote for his feelings of inadequacy. CNN Transcript Apr 18, 2007
  • Are you trying to project your own insecurities onto others because the fear of your own inadequacy is so great? "Intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich”.
  • Material 'stuff ' becomes a physical defence against feelings of inadequacy, of social unacceptability or of some other lack. Times, Sunday Times
  • You know that sickening feeling of inadequacy and over-exposure you feel when you look upon your own empurpled prose? We don’t need no stinking rules « Write Anything
  • I have long been convinced of the eventual omnipotence of mind over matter; adequacy of motive is sufficient to anything, & my golden age is when the present potence will become omnipotence: this will be the millenium [sic] of Xtians 'when the lion shall lay down with the lamb'. Ecotopia
  • the inadequacy of unemployment benefits
  • Several studies have shown the inadequacy of the 15-minute office visit in providing patients adequate information.
  • Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
  • But capital adequacy is just part of the picture, he said. Policyholders Safe, Say States
  • This inadequacy in the analysis reflected the inadequacy in the theory.
  • Here, with an air of prophet-like boldness and infallibility, we have once again an announcement of the inadequacy of the Reformation, the formal and external character of prevailing types of religion, and the unapostolic nature of the existing churches. Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries
  • Doctors can feel a dreadful sense of personal failure and inadequacy if they struggle to keep working. Times, Sunday Times
  • This situation is exacerbated by the inadequacy of current social security provision, for both disabled people and informal carers.
  • But what preoccupies him is the inadequacy of our conventions and practices for organizing the wildly expanding array of digital objects that populate the cybersphere. Rethinking the Digital Future
  • But his attempt seems to us to disclose a more extraordinary insensibility to the real demands of the case, and to what we cannot help calling the pitiable inadequacy of his own explanation, than we could have conceived possible in so keen and practised a mind. Occasional Papers Selected from the Guardian, the Times, and the Saturday Review, 1846-1890
  • That not-unique pattern points to the inadequacy of much current nomenclature about part-time or adjunct faculty versus tenured professors.
  • Granger and Newbold caution against the exclusive reliance on the portmanteau tests for model adequacy.
  • A truly cohesive and modern society recognises that difference is not just a peculiarity to be ironed out, or an inadequacy that must be compensated for.
  • Later sections will cast further and more consequential doubt on the adequacy of the inductivist stance on observation.
  • The limited amount of means at my disposal, and the unsuitableness, and inadequacy of my present attainments forbade me to seek for the Professorship of Civil Engineering.
  • Providing students feedback about their behavior as well as the adequacy of their academic performances is critical. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • I now see the inadequacy of the explanation.
  • He wants the Bank to apply stricter tests of capital adequacy and to have a remit to smooth the cycle of the money supply. Times, Sunday Times
  • A further consequence of the strength of conservative morality is the inadequacy of sex education.
  • As the ego and its sense of inadequacy retreats, we can find lasting happiness there. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, a much stronger negative association was found between neurotic symptoms and the perceived adequacy of social relationships.
  • This goes to the question of the adequacy of the interpreting services.
  • After the mid-1980s, however, serious questions were raised about the adequacy and sufficiency of frameworks of general principles.
  • Many, even most, students hold personal fears of inadequacy that undermine their ability to move forward.
  • Whether personal inadequacy is a defence, I really could not say. UK NASA Hacker Update - NASA Watch
  • They are budgetary procedure, the inadequacy of resources,(Sentence dictionary) and the redistributive aspect of the budget.
  • They will not inquire into the adequacy of the consideration he has asked for and received.
  • You hardly need the benefit of hindsight to discern the colossal inadequacy of this kind of reasoning. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a still more remarkable one south of the equator, called the Coal Sack, as a sort of nickname that has a farcical force from its very inadequacy. Two on a Tower
  • General factors also included several items representing patients' subjective appraisals of pain control, the adequacy of sleep/rest, and level of anxiety.
  • The failure is due to the inadequacy of preparations.
  • This is raised in the context of worry about male potency and adequacy as defined by penis size.
  • Here it is crucial for him to find “the right definitions”; and this involves not just basic adequacy, but also desiderata such as fruitfulness, generality, simplicity, and “purity”, i.e., the elimination of aspects “foreign” to the case at hand. Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics
  • The best thing about the models is their inadequacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does not the court indicate that it is necessary to inquire into the adequacy of the consideration in cases of this type?
  • The truth of a statement is defined as the adequacy of the judgment quality of its content, that is the property of a judicative content by virtue of which acceptance (or its opposite, rejection) is triggered by purely objective motives. On A Trans-Atlantic Flight
  • The term superiority is used here in a very specific way by Adler to mean transitioning from a felt-sense of inadequacy to a felt-sense of competence, and for Adler this was a major factor contributing to the development of community among people. Individual Psychology versus Existential Psychology: A Typology Approach
  • When we form an intention to achieve certain financial goals, or career objectives and we are blocked by either our own feelings of inadequacy, ineptitude, or by externals such as prejudice, the common response is frustration!
  • Catholic philosophy does not deny the soul's spontaneous life, the sublimity of its suprasensible and supernatural operations, and the inadequacy of words to translate its yearnings. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The adequacy of this supervision was, however, questioned following the collapse of Johnson Matthey Bank in 1984.
  • Does not the court indicate that it is necessary to inquire into the adequacy of the consideration in cases of this type?
  • In its sombre way, it highlights the inadequacy of the penalties for dangerous driving. Times, Sunday Times
  • He questioned the adequacy of the usual sentimental interpretation of the golden rule.
  • Indeed, it's our memory of Sarno's film, with its arousingly percussive score, that pointed out the inadequacy of MACUMBA SEXUAL's anemic and overly aerated synth score, which does nothing to communicate the power of Tara's effectively staged macumba rite or to resonate with any of the bizarre African nick-nacks adorning her desert lair. Archive 2006-10-01
  • The Bank has not given a formal ruling on this method of presentation from a capital adequacy perspective.
  • The best thing about the models is their inadequacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • So you think there's an underlying thing happening in society as a whole where we do not tolerate pain, imperfection or inadequacy because we're constantly upping the human ante?
  • Many scientific instruments have been developed because of the unreliability or inadequacy of perception.
  • I always suffer from feelings of inadequacy when I'm with him.
  • In the face of systemic or structural inadequacy, war cannot be avoided forever and is always just around the corner.
  • Scott is excellent as a victim of inadequacy, who is easily persuaded to suspend his morals.
  • When the resolutions fail to come to pass, as resolutions are wont to do, they can trigger feelings of failure and inadequacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wulfgar heard her footsteps stamping back to the camp and in the darkness her footsteps at his own inadequacy. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • At the same time the inadequacy of all the present radical groupings in the party was cruelly demonstrated.
  • This apparent contradiction of the model by Proust's text is not a sign of the model's inadequacy but the reverse.
  • He begins by questioning the adequacy of their measurement of the functional importance of positions.
  • As for presenting the issue of profits to the jury, the court recognized that any award would be subject to review for inadequacy or excessiveness, but still wanted to put it before the jury in the first instance. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The coherence of wit is an excellent measure of adequacy.
  • The process is overslow for perfect adequacy, but it exists. From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life
  • Deflection testing is a non-destructive method of assessing the structural adequacy of a pavement.
  • Was it possible this bold, confident man felt some inadequacy about his background?
  • If more and more irritations are ameliorated by negotiation, the evidence of adequacy in armament becomes cumulative. One Bite At A Time
  • Something to do with thinly veiled social inadequacy, childhood and shame. Times, Sunday Times
  • You hardly need the benefit of hindsight to discern the colossal inadequacy of this kind of reasoning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Duration can be evaluated according to its adequacy or sufficiency.
  • They fired off a no-holds-barred letter to the Food and Drug Administration, announcing an investigation into what they call the adequacy of the efforts of the FDA to protect the safety of the nation's food supply. CNN Transcript Aug 29, 2007

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