How To Use Adenopathy In A Sentence
There was no significant lymphadenopathy of the pelvic and retroperitoneal lymph nodes.
The typhoidal pattern is not associated with any predominant lymphadenopathy.
Physical examination revealed normal growth and vital signs, no icterus, lymphadenopathy, ascites, splenomegaly, or other systemic abnormal findings.
On physical examination, the patient had no stridor, respiratory distress, or cervical lymphadenopathy.
- Look for regional or systemic manifestations: lymphangitis, adenopathy, fever, septicemia, metastatic infection ...
Chapter 9
I suspect Martha had seen and/or felt these nodes on Bailey as they were enlarged, a condition we term peripheral lymphadenopathy.
The Seattle Times
Hilar lymphadenopathy with other pulmonary infiltrates is infrequent and thought to represent reactive hyperplasia.
- Look for regional or systemic manifestations: lymphangitis, adenopathy, fever, septicemia, metastatic infection ...
Chapter 9
Gross examination of the abdominal and hilar lymph nodes revealed mild to moderate lymphadenopathy with a yellow, ‘spongy’ cut surface.
Symptoms of strep throat may include pharyngeal erythema and swelling, tonsillar exudate, edematous uvula, palatine petechiae, and anterior cervical lymphadenopathy.
Her neck was supple without lymphadenopathy, bruits, or jugular venous distension.
At the end of the antimonial therapy, the bone marrow aspirate did not show any L-D bodies or malarial parasites, and there was no residual lymphadenopathy.
On examination, he was feverish with generalised lymphadenopathy and widespread crusting papulopustular lesions.
In April 1983, a 71-year-old woman with a history of rheumatic heart disease, aortic insufficiency, and bacterial endocarditis was referred for diffuse lymphadenopathy.
On exam his throat is red without exudates or tonsillar hypertrophy; no cervical adenopathy no "swollen glands"; strep test negative.
Archive 2007-01-01
One year later, a recurrent lesion was noted in the remaining anterior mandible with multiple left submandibular and cervical lymphadenopathy.
There are other causes of peripheral lymphadenopathy, including bacterial and fungal infections, though these dogs usually have other signs relating to the infections.
The Seattle Times
Aphthous ulcers that occur in conjunction with symptoms of uveitis, genital ulcerations, conjunctivitis, arthritis, fever or adenopathy should prompt a search for a serious etiology.
The syndrome may also include lymphangitis and painful lymphadenopathy.
Patients who had HIV infection, oral thrush, lymphadenopathy, chronic cough of more than one month duration, fever, or weight loss were more likely to have mycobacteraemia.
Icteries, an enlarged liver or lymphadenopathy, may also be seen pp.
Clinical Work with Adolescents
Classic outbreaks consist of a skin prodrome and possible constitutional symptoms such as headache, fever, and inguinal lymphadenopathy.
After the incubation period of 2-6 days, symptoms of the plague appear including severe malaise, headache, shaking chills, fever, and pain and swelling, or adenopathy, in the affected regional lymph nodes, also known as buboes. - Articles related to Physicians in Qatar work on treatment of ovarian cancer
Objective To analyze the etiology and the clinical features of angio-immunoblastic lymph-adenopathy were discussed.
Edema, halitosis and drooling may be present, and tender submandibular or cervical lymphadenopathy is not uncommon.
Physical examination revealed normal growth and vital signs, no icterus, lymphadenopathy, ascites, splenomegaly, or other systemic abnormal findings.
In 90% of cases, it affects the lungs, presenting with hilar adenopathy or pulmonary infiltration.
- Allergic reactions: cutaneous eruptions, fever, adenopathy.
Chapter 4
These reactions include large areas of erythema and extensive lymphadenopathy or lymphadenitis.
Among the reactive conditions, Kimura disease was considered because of the clinical presentation of a tumorlike swelling in the submandibular subcutaneous area with typical lymphadenopathy.
Contraindications to sentinel node biopsy include suspicious palpable axillary adenopathy, pregnancy, and multicentric carcinoma.
One patient had extensive cervical, posterior mediastinal, and abdominal lymphadenopathy.
Other clinical signs which emerge include tachycardia (fast heart rate), lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes), and a petechial rash (a rash caused by bleeding into the skin), both on internal mucosal surfaces, such as in the mouth and throat, and on the skin.
Chapter 2
The EMR-generated report I received dutifully reported a full mental status was normal, that the extra-ocular movements were intact, the pupils equal, round and reactive to light, the oropharynx was benign, the dentition in good repair, that the neck was free of lymphadenopathy, jugular venous distention, bruit or goiter and that the trachea was midline....
It Happened Again!
Other signs can include gingival oedema, periodontitis and adenopathy.
No glands were palpable, so it might be that previously both patients and doctors have misinterpreted the tenderness of fibromyalgia as lymphadenopathy.
The most predictive factors of outcome were adenopathy size and the presence of indirect signs at the puncture site.
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I examined him flat on the bed: the pharynx was a little red, but there was no quinsy or obvious swelling, and no cervical lymphadenopathy.
The chest radiograph among persons with advanced HIV infection and pulmonary TB, for example, might have lower lobe and lobar infiltrates, hilar adenopathy, or interstitial infiltrates.
On examination, the patient was mildly dyspneic, with massive ascites, left pleural effusion, left axillary lymphadenopathy and no hepatosplenomegaly.
The baboons became infected with the virus and four of the baboons developed lymphadenopathy and three of the animals exhibited CD4 T-cell loss within nineteen to twenty-four months after inoculation.
'The AIDS Heresy': Another Exchange
Regional adenopathy, satellite lesions, and subcutaneous nodules can be present.
Infectious mononucleosis should be suspected and a diagnostic evaluation obtained in febrile patients who have sore throat plus splenomegaly, palatal petechiae, or posterior, axillary, or inguinal adenopathy.
- Pustule that develops into a black eschar surrounded by vesicles and an inflamed area, with regional adenopathy.
Chapter 9
The size of the adenopathy and the presence of indirect signs at the puncture site predict the achievement of diagnostic samples.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
There was no significant skin erythema or any apparent cervical or submandibular lymphadenopathy.
Infection and inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils accompanied by fever, dysphagia and adenopathy.
Chapter 7
Pleural effusion and peripheral adenopathy can occur.
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The most common findings are isolated hilar or mediastinal adenopathy, segmental hyperinflation or atelectasis, alveolar consolidation, interstitial densities, pleural effusion or cavitation.
We checked patients with lymphadenopathy (swollen glands), big livers and palpable spleens.
Dr. Elaine Schattner: The Physical Exam Provides More Than Emotional Value
A computed tomography of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis did not show any tumor masses or lymphadenopathy.
Other common symptoms of syphilis at this stage include lymphadenopathy, fever, and arthralgias.
The chest radiograph usually reveals bilateral, mid - and upper-lobe predominant reticulonodular infiltrates, as well as hilar and mediastinal adenopathy.
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I give you fever, muscle ache and lymphadenopathy.
Archive 2009-04-01
There was no clubbing, cyanosis, edema, arthritis, lymphadenopathy, or rash.
General examination to exclude generalised lymphadenopathy or metastatic disease should then be undertaken.
On physical examination, the buccal cavity and the oropharynx appeared normal and no neck lymphadenopathy was identified.
Other presenting features include lymphadenopathy, epistaxis, weight loss, jaundice, and edema.
There was no clubbing, cyanosis, edema, arthritis, lymphadenopathy, or rash.
On examination, he was mildly dehydrated and showed petechiae over his trunk and limbs; no lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, or bone masses were identified.
In diphtheria, the throat is moderately sore, with tender cervical adenopathy.
Heating throat compresses in combination with salt-water gargles are two effective hydrotherapies indicated for pharyngitis and lymphadenopathy.
Both caseation and calcification are highly suggestive of a tubercular etiology, neither being common in malignancy related lymphadenopathy.
Hepatitis, iritis, lymphadenopathy, and renal abnormalities also can be seen.
We therefore decided to use a lymph node biopsy from a patient with generalised lymphadenopathy.
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi - Autobiography
However, all patients presented with leukocytosis, minimal lymphadenopathy, and splenomegaly.
Normal reactions to smallpox vaccination include erythema, edema, regional lymphadenopathy, fever, malaise, and urticaria.
Thyroid masses and lymphadenopathy that cause obstructive dysphagia can be palpated on examination of the neck.
We named this newly isolated virus lymphadenopathy associated virus (LAV).
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi - Autobiography
Regional lymphadenopathy is common, and cellulitis and trismus (inability to open the mouth fully) can occur.