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How To Use Addressed In A Sentence

  • Though Jane tells herself stories, listens to stories told by others, and reads, she never writes anything other than a few letters-misaddressed and undelivered letters, at that.
  • Somehow, they gathered themselves to beat Limerick in the first round of the qualifiers but the core discontent hadn't been addressed.
  • That said, the advisability of perching a laurel crown on a horse-riding hat, which tended to happen after the equestrianism events, may have to be addressed.
  • He turned his back to the refrigerator and addressed the shaken lawman. WILD JUSTICE
  • This can easily be addressed by finding the right clothes to flatter her figure. The Sun
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  • The final question addressed was the need to institute a sensible programme for tourism.
  • he addressed her caustically
  • This so-called "truncation" of the collection process calls for a redefinition of the duties incumbent on the holder and collecting and drawee banks and have been specifically addressed in the proposed legislation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The minutiae of meetings remains private, but the general gist is that it was a problem and it has been addressed.
  • It did not seem necessary to emend the satires (‘I Want a Writing Director,’ 1992; ‘Initiation Rites, Initiation Rights,’ 1991) as long as the conditions they addressed hadn't changed-and alas, they hadn't.
  • The matter of taste could be addressed in a number of curious ways. The Times Literary Supplement
  • SNOW (voice-over): With his wife Silda by his side, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, the man once known as Mr. Clean, addressed his fall from grace. CNN Transcript Mar 12, 2008
  • Upon these interjections, placable flicks of the lionly tail addressed to Britannia the Ruler, who expected him in some mildish way to lash terga cauda in retiring, Sir Willoughby Patterne passed from a land of alien manners; and ever after he spoke of America respectfully and pensively, with a tail tucked in, as it were. The Egoist
  • McKinnon looked consideringly at Ulbricht, then addressed himself to Dr Sinclair. SAN ANDREAS
  • Prior to the Budget, Mr van Huet had highlighted planning issues as a key area that had to be addressed.
  • In this context, the question to be addressed is interlinked with the question of human rights. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope if you would like a reply.
  • 78 Day 4 The variable z so defined has now a real and an imaginary part that can be individually addressed using, respectively, the syntax: __real__ z and __imag__ z Similarly, the next declaration produces a complex variable of 32-bit integer type: __complex__ int x; Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Sexual sins were addressed loudly and regularly from the pul pits, especially by women preachers, whom we called missionaries. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • The president addressed the students on the speaker.
  • The A-class is most exciting, with many of the old model's flaws addressed and a new interior to boot.
  • Family members have not addressed reporters who congregated outside Riverside Medical Center in Kankakee. George Ryan Asks To Visit Gravely Ill Wife, Lura Lynn
  • I waited behind him a moment, looking at the Bonnards again while he addressed the envelope.
  • Second, the misuse and overemphasis of student evaluation of teaching instruments needs to be addressed.
  • The problems were addressed in an introductory graduate level econometrics course.
  • Those basic risks and unique problems cannot be alleviated or removed and can only be addressed by the placing of permanent firefighting staff around the clock.
  • It is unlikely that private capital will finance such a tremendous undertaking until the risks are retired and the scalability challenge can be addressed.
  • The minister did not reply to my letter although I addressed it to him personally.
  • But the major issue on the lips of many motorists, that of dualling the road, is not being addressed by Highways Agency chiefs.
  • Instead it called for ‘further theological study on the episcopate, focusing on the issues that need to be addressed in preparation for the debate on women in the episcopate of the Church of England’.
  • Not that he was verbose: most often when he made any comments on such matters he addressed them to himself. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • In a low voice the correspondent addressed the captain.
  • Most of those who were connected with the cause of economic liberalism, within or outside the party, addressed the group at one time or another. Thinking the Unthinkable
  • No one can open mail except the person to whom it has been addressed.
  • The lord of the white alicorn was the first to rise from his seat; there was lightning in his gaze and thunder in his voice as he addressed, not Kyrtian, but his cousin. Elvenborn
  • The challenges to be addressed are, inter alia, stakeholder complexity, measurement challenges and a lack of control over a nation's image.
  • When you get an incorrectly addressed letter you can return it to the sender without ever seeing what's inside.
  • At Tuesday night's regular PUSD board meeting, former CCCS board president Melissa Dewell addressed the district trustees, asking them to intervene in what she calls the ruin of what CCCS parents worked hard to build. Paradise Post Most Viewed
  • ‘At the moment, companies are doing a lot of hand-delivered, unaddressed mail,’ the organisation said.
  • All this you asserted in terms unbecoming the place in which you stood, unbecoming the person to which they were addressed, and highly improper to be used by one who spoke about what he did not under - stand. Junius : including letters by the same writer, under other signatures, (now first collected) to which are added, his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private letters addressed to Mr. H.S. Woodfall ; with a preliminary essay, notes, fac
  • Unable to see who had spoken I addressed my remarks to the whole crowd.
  • The jarvey addressed as it happened had not but the keeper took Ulysses
  • They had sufficient space to erect semi-autonomous communities, which practiced a version of Christianity that addressed their particular needs as slaves and fostered aspirations for freedom.
  • He certainly raises many grand questions that get lightly addressed or go unanswered. Christianity Today
  • The powers that be have, as I say, addressed this matter and those of us who don't have time to burn at midday will be offered professional dinners in addition to professional luncheons.
  • The argument for lowering the legal height of the tackle has not been addressed in these new regulations. Times, Sunday Times
  • But then most quietly went away and addressed the problems that had been identified. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intimate nature of this anxiety prevents it from being addressed, and as a result, it operates in powerful, unapparent ways.
  • But yet her letters never contained any acknowledgement of my letters, and she never addressed anything to me.
  • She is certain that cruelty could never be apprehended from the Gentleman to whom this is addressed; and the poor animal would have suffered more as the victim of domestic economy, than of philosophical curiosity. Poems
  • Few courts have addressed the fiduciary duty of loyalty in the context of churches or other nonprofit corporations. Christianity Today
  • Bennett furhter explained that occasional racism is like occasional indigestion and can be addressed in chewable tablet form. Think Progress » Bennett: Racial Epithet Yelled At Rep. John Lewis Is Proof That ‘Racism In America Is Dead’
  • Buuren had every right to be addressed in Afrikaans, adjourned the proceedings. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Chairman Oberstar pointedly noted that system may be addressed -- or even "abolished" -- by future Congressional action. Aero-News Network
  • Those questions can only be addressed by placing what happened in its proper historical context. DOT.CON
  • This email is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed.
  • He turned his back to the refrigerator and addressed the shaken lawman. WILD JUSTICE
  • Just six of these have been addressed by the government, but only partially.
  • It opens with a series of dedicatory poems addressed to aristocratic women, representing them as a mutually supportive female community.
  • Only a minority of insomniacs ever mentions sleep loss to a doctor, though, and then it's only in the context of other problems more likely to get addressed.
  • He addressed me in a jovial manner.
  • While I'd been by myself, as I say, I'd even been thinking in Pushtu, but here I had to hold on tight and remember what I was meant to be - for one thing, I wasn't used to being addressed in familiar terms by native soldiers, much less ordered about by an officious naik* (* Corporal.) who'd normally have leaped to attention if I'd so much as looked in his direction. Fiancée
  • Besides which, a complaint is usually uttered more to elicit sympathy than in real expectation that the grievance will be addressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, the new Lockwood and Frolich paper on solar variability would probably have been supported by PPARC money awarded precisely because it addressed these questions. Pain in Maine, but they can measure rain « Climate Audit
  • Issues like crosstalk and overwriting are being addressed with encouraging results.
  • Other signature promises may be addressed in piecemeal fashion in the opening weeks of the Obama administration but then put on a long track toward more comprehensive resolutions. The Sunday Word: Closing Guantanamo Will Have To Wait - The Caucus Blog -
  • Some houses have a laundry or mud room located near the kitchen, so this might need to be addressed.
  • The surveys were faxed or mailed with a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
  • Suede defied the norm with articles like ‘Jeans, The Urban Fit’ that addressed the needs of curvy figures.
  • None of his Republican rivals will be able to say that they have addressed Parliament or bed and breakfasted at Buckingham Palace. What is the special relationship behind the barbecue bonhomie? | Andrew Rawnsley
  • But a round robin is not addressed to an individual. Blaikie's Guide to Modern Manners
  • When impairment is identified, students are informed of faculty concerns, and these are addressed through a variety of interventions, including remediation and dismissal.
  • As he addressed them, huge figures flashed up on an electronic scoreboard, detailing the jump in unemployment.
  • There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.
  • She said all letters from the department were addressed solely to her husband.
  • However, without such documentation, the defects of excessive / mistimed testing and wrong patient and specimen identification cannot be adequately addressed.
  • Bank capital adequacy addressed only the risks of the bank's assets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Declined manuscripts will be returned if stamped, self-addressed envelopes are enclosed with submissions.
  • This lag in attention has yet to be fully addressed by contemporary West Coast museums and curators.
  • Out-of-control spending, he says, will be addressed by launching an independent audit of the state budget to pinpoint what is being ‘wasted and mismanaged’.
  • Also the Fathers of the Coptic Church, who usually wrote in Greek, addressed some of their works to the Egyptian monks in Coptic .
  • The bard, as in duty bound, has addressed three long stanzas to Vich Ian Vohr of the Banners, enumerating all his great properties, and not forgetting his being a cheerer of the harper and bard — “a giver of bounteous gifts.” Waverley
  • They are addressed to a nomadic tribe whose main economy is primitive agriculture and whose wealth is sometimes counted in people as well as animals. Religion
  • She addressed her young guest with civilities suitable for a personage of advanced years and uncertain appetite.
  • This letter is addressed to someone else-there must be some mistake.
  • I think a lot of folks are quite rightly suspicious, prima faciae, of skin color - if we are serious about moving beyond this, that ought to be addressed and taken off the table as an issue. Bob Gibson Savages Scottie Griffin at
  • The departure came just hours before Clinton triumphantly addressed the convention delegates, who unanimously nominated him for re-election Wednesday night.
  • From this moment forth I wish to be addressed in a manner fitting of my station.
  • Indeed, Moffett worked at a breathless pace to ensure that those issues were addressed before the annual meeting took place.
  • When the case began, the court clerk may not have gone as far as curtsying, but she still addressed her Royal highness as ‘Ma'am’.
  • Make sure you have spelt and addressed your letter correctly.
  • Yes, well, and if a tumble distorts our ideas of life, and an odd word engrosses our speculations, we are poor creatures, he addressed another friend, from whom he stood constitutionally in dissent naming him Colney; and under pressure of the name, reviving old wrangles between them upon man's present achievements and his probable destinies: especially upon Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • The text is addressed to all performers, athletes, business people, trial lawyers and anyone else who needs guidance on how to work at their peak performance level.
  • Russell said that he and European auction company executive Henry Beeby, who is SITA's chairman, had discussed the confusion over the new guidelines "fleetingly" and that it probably would be addressed during SITA's next meeting, which is scheduled for November. Thoroughbred News |
  • In the study addressed yesterday, Vytorin was tested against a placebo in patients with a condition known as aortic stenosis, a calcification of the heart valve that is increasingly common among elderly patients and leads to congestive heart failure and death. More Vytorin Bad News
  • The Obama administration has addressed the economic crisis on several fronts, using trillions of taxpayer dollars to clean up the mortgage mess and unchoke the credit markets. News
  • The wall eye will eventually become amblyopic (functionally blind), especially if the eye coordination problem is not addressed at an early age.
  • Somebody already addressed this elsewhere stating that the alleged "creakiness" numbers were contrived & exaggerated & mitigated by vehicle processing activity. The NASA Administrator Guessing Game Continues - NASA Watch
  • A Veterans Day speaker in Graves 'Missouri district had addressed the crowd, including a National Guard unit preparing to deploy, while wearing an unearned Navy Cross pin. Media Information Sheet
  • Members of the caste are honorifically addressed as Mullaji. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume II
  • He didn't make points that could be addressed, but yammered on with rambling gloom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Palin addressed a National Rifle Association dinner in Anchorage Saturday, the group reported on its blog. Palin gives 'stirring' gun rights speech at NRA dinner, says group
  • Most felonies are first addressed in Municipal Court for arraignments, continuance matters and preliminary hearings.
  • There is no sadder reading than the many pleas addressed by the Indian chiefs to various officials to stop the importation of liquor into their country, alleging the debauchment of their young men and warning the white man, with whom they desired to be friends, that in an Indian drink and blood lust quickly combined. Pioneers of the Old Southwest: a chronicle of the dark and bloody ground
  • Great Scott, Dan!" and the "sonny" addressed stared at him in perplexity, That Girl Montana
  • Lucien watched this Dauriat, who addressed Finot with the familiar tu, which even Finot did not permit himself to use in reply; who called the redoubtable Blondet “my boy,” and extended a hand royally to Nathan with a friendly nod. A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  • - Applications sent by mail require a self-addressed and stamped envelope (or a completed federal express, dhl or ups airbill). FM3 Requirements
  • But Mark's Jesus sees a student who is both vulnerable and teachable - a human being who is searching, and now undone by the fact that he has addressed his question to the answer.
  • These difficulties could be addressed with supply-side inducements. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the essays are finely crafted, and held together by a common theme, at no time is the issue of typicality addressed.
  • Yet he addressed us as if we belonged to some higher order of existence, and had been especially chosen for our destinies. THE SCHEME FOR FULL EMPLOYMENT
  • Each application should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope.
  • More of this will be addressed in the section on divine causation, but for now suffice it to say that God's causal role in the actions of finite substances at the very minimum is to pre-establish the concomitance or conjunction between “causes” and “effects,” without which God's aim of producing universal and maximum harmony Leibniz on Causation
  • Seville cathedral, did his share as editor by writing two prefaces, one addressed to Sarmiento de Mendoza, and the other to Olivares who was manifestly expected to pronounce against Gongorism. Fray Luis de León A Biographical Fragment
  • you can obtain a transcript of this radio program by sending a self-addressed envelope to the station
  • Teaching-track positions are one way this facet is being addressed, although too few institutions are embracing this, so far. William E. J. Doane PhD › Thoughts on Being Contingent
  • since he was a baronet he had to be addressed as Sir Henry Jones, Bart.
  • He recently called on all pubs to withdraw alcopops as ‘alcohol consumption is a very serious problem in Ireland and needs to be addressed’.
  • This encouragement must be particularly addressed to the common soldiers by a priest appointed, and, the Jews say, anointed, for that purpose, whom they call the anointed of the war, a very proper title for our anointed Redeemer, the captain of our salvation: This priest, in God's name, was to animate the people; and who so fit to do that as he whose office it was as priest to pray for them? Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume I (Genesis to Deuteronomy)
  • Big Butch Brewster, to whom the billet-doux was addressed in T. Haviland Hicks, Jr.'s, familiar scrawl, tore open the envelope, and while the squad listened, he read aloud the message left by that sunny-souled youth; "DEAR BUTCH: "Coach Corridan will have to use the alarm clock from now on! I'm called away on business. See that my stuff gets to Bannister O.K. Stow it in the room next to yours. I'll be back at college some time in the next century. Give my adieux to Coach Corridan and the squad. T. Haviland Hicks Senior
  • Long term survival of mothers was addressed in 1976 by Chesley et al, who found no increased mortality in white women who had eclampsia in their first pregnancy.
  • As provincial of his order, he addressed temperance meetings throughout Ireland.
  • [142] In a severe reprimand addressed to Captain Carkett, commanding the leading ship of the English line, by Rodney, he says: "Your leading in the manner you did, induced others to follow so bad an example; and thereby, forgetting that the signal for the line was at only two cables 'length distance from each other, the van division was led by you to _more than two leagues distance_ from the centre division, which was thereby exposed to the greatest strength of the enemy and not properly supported" (Life, vol.i. p. 351). The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783
  • My object, indeed, in the introduction of the Danish Vala especially, has been perhaps as much addressed to the reason as to the fancy, in showing what large, if dim, remains of the ancient "heathenesse" still kept their ground on the Saxon soil, contending with and contrasting the monkish superstitions, by which they were ultimately replaced. Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 01
  • Further, it addressed other secular matters relating specifically to the political situation following the fall of Brunhild.
  • He warned that fresh factional fighting would erupt unless the meeting addressed key issues, such as the establishment of a new parliament.
  • Whether such biopharmaceuticals will be regulated under the protocol remains to be seen, says Dawkins: ‘That was still far enough into the future that it wasn't addressed directly.
  • This possibility was addressed by Humphries et al. who used a number of experimental and modeling approaches, based on bioenergetics, to predict effects of climate warming on the distribution of northern mammals.
  • Mr. King and the others climbed out of the car and addressed the highest ranking officer.
  • I bought a padded envelope, I put the tin inside, sealed it, addressed it to Red Tide and stuck on what I hoped were enough stamps to cover postage.
  • Enquiries about the post should be addressed in the first instance to the personnel manager.
  • The vision was made concrete in a circular letter, addressed to EU partners.
  • We don't want the kind of world we'll get if we allow global climate change, resource conflicts, resource constraints, environmental degradation, overwhelming population growth, helter-skelter urbanization, war, social injustice and other looming problems to go unaddressed. William S. Becker: Let's Talk About the Future We Want
  • Please attach a self - addressed envelope to the completed enrolment form.
  • An officer who headed them addressed Humphrey in a haughty tone, and asked him who he was. The Children of the New Forest
  • The security guard addressed her repeatedly with an annoying ‘You okay, Miss?’
  • Indeed, a sonnet is addressed by this one to a cousin and namesake. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is to his credit that he makes alternative suggestions as to how this may be addressed.
  • Jarauta was taken prisoner, and his identity became known when he was addressed by one of the other captives.
  • No one can open mail except the person to whom it has been addressed.
  • They feel the plans were railroaded through the district council and they have addressed their concerns to the Local Government Ombudsman.
  • He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister.
  • The papers in this session have addressed several of the important issues facing the negotiators.
  • Flicking her hair coquettishly, she addressed him as "brother leader" – choosing as a free woman in a free country to honour the title Gaddafi compels his subject people to use on pain of punishment. Lord Woolf's conflict of interest at the LSE | Nick Cohen
  • One can detect this same attitude in almost all the odes addressed to great nobles, including Louis XIII.
  • To correct his misunderstanding and misperceptions I have addressed the following open letter to him which touches upon some key concepts and basic points.
  • Of the uncaught messages, about 15 were really addressed to me.
  • Usually it was a long and, I often felt, unnecessarily drawn-out and tedious experience where worthy but dull homilies were addressed to the assembled Gaels.
  • If they wants to know how to dress up seminars addressed by Government Ministers as news it should take a dekko at this.
  • The problem of undernutrition amongst pre-school tribal children needs to be addressed through comprehensive preventive, promotive and curative measures.
  • Throughout American history, reformers and radicals have addressed social problems through civil disobedience and non-violent resistance.
  • Safety issues with the live flavivirus vaccines need to be recognised and addressed.
  • When by any accident they had met at church, market, or other place of public resort, she remembered the distant and respectful air with which the wife of the warlike baron was addressed by the spouse of the humble feuar. The Monastery
  • Fewer nukes in the world is an undisputably good thing, but the issue of curbing international sales of conventional weapons remains unaddressed.
  • Bench statements are read in open court to an audience that has no idea what cases (if any) will be released that morning, so they are addressed to generalists.
  • Dr Arnmon addressed ambulatory surgery for patients with diabetes, saying that a tight schedule is never a reason to perform a procedure.
  • There was a meal prepared under the direction of the famous chef, and he addressed us beforehand.
  • Why has that woeful lack of numbers in the middle not been addressed before a drama has turned into a crisis? The Sun
  • José’s husband then planned to post his share of the money addressed to himself, poste restante, at his local post office. Lace
  • Additional factors uniquely important to medical products developers are addressed in other standards for some specific applications, such as equipment for anesthesiology.
  • The notice was addressed to her last known place of residence.
  • Their converts included even the ‘harlots and publicans and thieves’ addressed in one of the famous hymns by Wesley's brother Charles and prominent among the convict settlers of Australia.
  • Yes, but he would never be called Mr. Rafaelsson – he would always be addressed as Matthew, even in maximally formal situations. Matthew Yglesias » Iceland Bans Strip Clubs
  • He addressed the touchy issue of European-American relations.
  • Many of the banks are still insolvent and this has not been addressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may send in your contributions in the form of cheque or draft or money orders directly addressed to.
  • Not once, since you went to that accursedly out-of-the-way place, has a letter from you found me in the same mood and circumstances to which it was addressed, as being the mood and circumstances in which my own letter had left me, and of course it has been the same with my letters to you. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • The tears jest run down most everybody's face, and when the mourners wuz addressed, why, big, hefty men all round me jest boohooed right out. Samantha at the World's Fair
  • The need to re-envigorate public institutions was also being addressed through extensive programmes aimed at finding better political leadership and re-orienting former apartheid bureaucracy to make it more accessable to the new South African society, says ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Work Wage Equity A significant issue addressed by the assessment team was employee reaction to Hanes's work wage equity program.
  • The idea that the future will be composed of brand loyal customers, unbranded shoppers and "Facebook travelers" was addressed by Craig Hewett, founder and chief commercial officer, Wego.
  • Gnosticism is the false gnosis that Paul and John both addressed in their letters to the early churches.
  • He addressed her by her pet name.
  • This issue has been addressed comprehensively by two of us in a study of asbestosis and lung cancer.
  • UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: With his wife Silda by his side, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, the man once known as Mr. Clean, addressed his fall from grace. CNN Transcript Mar 12, 2008
  • A self-study might be designed to analyze the learning outcomes addressed through library-based instruction activities over a term or over several years. February 2009
  • Rhonda covered Mitch's body back up, and addressed the Detective with unconcealed disesteem.
  • Cyrus, that hee made against his enemies, he addressed to make prouision of armure, and thinges meete for the fielde for hym selfe. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • It would provide, in other words, a discrete vehicle for important issues to be addressed.
  • With that artless piety, which innocence only knows, she addressed the Supreme Being, and resigned herself to his care.
  • I hope that my rambling answer fully addressed your thought-provoking question, Matthew.
  • He wrote to me to share a little part of the treasure trove of maladdressed mail he has picked up since his elevation to the peerage.
  • Thuriot shews himself from some pinnacle, to comfort the multitude becoming suspicious, fremescent: then descends; departs with protest; with warning addressed also to the Invalides, -- on whom, however, it produces but a mixed indistinct impression. The French Revolution
  • The Court of Appeal addressed those common law customary rights, not treaty rights.
  • When I addressed the issue of flyposting, something that is not done here in elections, his response was to slag my blog off repeatedly, so why should I give him publicity? What have the smaller parties got to say in Norwich North ?
  • Besides which, a complaint is usually uttered more to elicit sympathy than in real expectation that the grievance will be addressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Reverse Non-Delivery Report attack occurs when the spammer takes advantage of a server's inherent ability to return email that is misaddressed.
  • These protections addressed issues ranging from the death penalty and homosexual rights to term limits, campaign-finance reform, and congressional redistricting.
  • At the same time, the slow and sonorous solemnity with which, while he bent himself down, he addressed a little thick short-legged boy, contrasted with the boy's aukwardness and awe, could not but excite some ludicrous emotions [948]. Life Of Johnson
  • The drugs were stashed inside a package of health food addressed to a prisoner in Frankland Prison, County Durham.
  • Kind speeches like these addressed by a little girl to a gentleman, and spoken by a strange inadvertency in company, and when other gentlemen and ladies were present, were not likely to render Mr. Warrington very eager for the society of the young American lady. The Virginians
  • The centrepiece of these reforms was addressed to the issue of peasant landownership.
  • The structural underfunding which caused the gradual descent into debt has not been addressed, although clearly the hope is that there will be some future rectification.
  • He gave in to curiosity and opened the letter addressed to his sister.
  • The anniversary has been marked by a memorial service in central London, addressed by a UK government minister.
  • On Monday, after a summit noteworthy for the lack of warmth between the two men, Mr Clinton addressed the Duma.
  • So I checked the mat to find an unstamped envelope addressed to my full name and address.
  • Academics at the University of London warned that if this is not addressed, we could create an innumerate generation.
  • This is the label addressed to the friend who expected the Grouse that Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 26, 1891
  • The correspondents to whom his letters were addressed were not persons specially interested in religion or chemistry or the cabbala, and, of all men, Goethe was least likely to be obsessed by any set of ideas to the exclusion of all others. The Youth of Goethe

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