
How To Use Addend In A Sentence

  • These texts, along with genealogical charts, photographs of manuscript leaves, and other useful addenda add to the overall scholarly nature of the collection.
  • bboyreason - I thought an endpiece was a "pudendum," not an "addendum. BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!
  • This addendum accomplishes several rhetorical tasks at once.
  • The defense team's allegation 'could quickly become a viral rumor with all sorts of addenda to it.
  • The defense team's allegation could quickly become a viral rumor with all sorts of addenda to it. Egypt Ex-Leader, Caged, Goes to Trial
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  • Addendum: Just to clarify, I think there's no huge co-relation between the strength of the studio system in a particular decade and the quality of the movies being made in that decade. The Studio System Was Better In My Day
  • For those of you who haven't read the Act itself, the document is a fragmented mess of addenda, revisions, and additions to the U.S. Civil Code.
  • As I mentioned in the homework addendum, the storyline was enthralling.
  • The Bruce Springsteen Glockenspiel Addendum takes the few tracks on Born to Run which don’t contain glockenspiel, and adds the missing instrument. South by Southwest « Squares of Wheat
  • Confronted in the lab with an infectious Latin merengue song, played at 116 or 124 beats per minute, Mathieu bounced tentatively and erratically as a multimedia addendum to the paper shows, representing Mathieu's movements with a dot. Week in Ideas: Christopher Shea
  • That same day, Swanson signed an addendum to her contract with Famous Players-Lasky that added a picture to her contract for which she was to be paid $7,000 a week, with her salary garnisheed by $431 a week until the money was repaid. Empire of Dreams
  • The Addendum was also telefaxed on the same day to various leading members of Congress.
  • Just a few months before his death on 29 June 1988, he wrote an addendum to his early essay ‘Two Theological Languages,’ which was being republished.
  • (Addendum: I glanced at the previous threads, but the only thing that seems to be suggested to do full-on video is a program called fraps, which I can't get to work ...) Ask MetaFilter
  • Man, you can be annoying with your interpolations, addenda, corrigenda, interregna, whatever.
  • A reader of this codex will readily see that the original columns have been annotated with addenda and corrigenda. The Times Literary Supplement
  • NOT* Addendum: I used a 1911A1 in Viet Nam to good advantage, later before I retired The DOD in it's "wisdom" decided to go with 9mm and I fired one for familiarization I immediately PURCHASE a 1911 just in case I needed it. This thing doesn't have a handguns option. I'm looking at getting a Beretta 92FS.
  • His piece additionally featured a 121-word addendum directly attacking the free-ticket protocol violated by Gerard and Winer: Leonard Jacobs: Ensnaring Theatre Critics in the Spider-Man Web
  • The COS Effect Readers, this addendum is in recognition that some of you (like me) may, whilst purchasing one of the above or similar TPD, wish to augment your wardrobe with simple, less expensive pieces. The Perfect Dress Is a Loyal Friend
  • He tackles his subject in six chapters supplemented by addenda from other scholars.
  • Then after shooting another quick look at her companions, she attached an addendum to her prayer.
  • This section is little more than an addendum to the rest of the book and would not be missed.
  • The primary motivation behind the addendum was the committee's decision that council is entitled to cost-of-living increases. Orangeville
  • I am very saddend that this old geezer is still around still sucking at the public trough. I'm 'saddened' by 'vicious attacks' on Palin, McCain says
  • In addition, the paper comes with an on-line addendum of about 100 pages, although this is unfigured and largely concerns the cladistic analysis.
  • Instead it gets bogged down in motions and amendments, addendums and deliverances, overtures and the like.
  • Further Addendum: (see comment in response to Matthew, below) If you search this blog for "maraschino" you will find an update. Toast:
  • Proposed Addendum to: Standardization Mark ( SM ) of quality and Import Standardization Mark ( ISM ), Directives 2009.
  • To date, the Planning Department has refused the request, choosing instead to prepare a brief addendum.
  • Any term or condition of the Master Software Agreement in explicit conflict with the terms or conditions of this Addendum shall be deemed to be specifically and expressly superseded by the provisions hereof.
  • It had an addendum page printed in blue, with some late-breaking news.
  • There are concluding addenda, appendices, and a thankfully comprehensive index.
  • In this way Equity is an addendum to the Common Law.
  • At the end of the column, an addendum will list several royal recipes for you to try.
  • With most products, the crucial information on commission, which the IFA is required to reveal, comes as an addendum at the end of a 12-page document.
  • Contra quos respondendum est tres intellegi hominum posse status: unum quidem Adae ante delictum in quo, tametsi ab eo mors aberat nec adhuc ullo se delicto polluerat, poterat tamen in eo uoluntas esse peccandi: alter in quo mutari potuisset, si firmiter in dei praeceptis manere uoluisset, tunc enim id addendum foret ut non modo non peccaret aut peccare uellet sed ne posset quidem aut peccare aut uelle delinquere. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • `Of course not,' said Mr Golightly, who needed no addendum. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Probably the best spider scene ever in the movies is in merely an addendum to a film.
  • Moreover, both were in the 19 pages of addenda to the standard 11-page purchase contract. HARP Has a Logic, Though Program Is Badly Executed
  • In this code, the addend is left on the stack.
  • One bizarre addendum to his' performance ' was his extraordinary application of stage make-up.
  • The last clause in the addendum was a beauty: the company could discharge Swanson for any reason if “at any time in the future, through no fault of Famous Players-Lasky and/or without its connivance and consent, first party shall be charged with adulterous conduct or immoral relations with men other than her husband, and such charges or any of them are published in the public press, the waiver herein contained shall be null and void and of no force and effect.” Empire of Dreams
  • In these ways, it's best to browse Tokyo, to get lost, almost as if you were in some virtual reality; more than any city I know, the place is like a website, alight with odd links, hobbyists 'addenda, animated figures and racing graphics. Big in Japan: why Tokyo is top
  • With its pizza boa paint and racing addenda, I thought this car was going to be hellish to drive.
  • C鎡erum etsi ilium prolixiore responsione non dignemur: tamen propter alios, qui hodie hanc rem partim mirantur, partim haud leuiter nostr� genti obijciunt, pauca hoc loco addenda videbantur. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The purpose of these clauses or addenda is to provide buyers and sellers a list of what is being conveyed and what is excluded. Determine what items will remain after a home sale
  • Further Addendum: see comment in response to Matthew, below If you search this blog for "maraschino" you will find an update. In a Glass
  • (binary module) to a book (kernel) under the GPL, but could they really argue that the addendum is a separate work if the only form of distribution for the modification is provided as a work-as-whole? Undefined
  • She listened to his potted biographies and textual addenda, showing polite interest and making all the right noises. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • The defense team's allegation 'could quickly become a viral rumor with all sorts of addenda to it.
  • Indeed, the sum is a polygon whose vertices are obtained as the sums of vertices of the addends.
  • In the first five of his 28 chapters he goes over the territory covered in Act One, but offers enough addenda and corrigenda to keep the narrative fresh. Moss Hart Stars in Act Two: A Charmed and Troubled Life
  • I should have made it clear that I was just drawing attention to the fairly distant possibility of using some of any excess heat to provide some power, as a kind of addenda to my basic suggestion that some places in Europe are set up so that they may be able to make use of the waste heat in reforming natural or biogas to hydrogen to provide district hot water. Autoblog Green
  • Our earliest evidence for the phrase package store, I am informed by Joanne Despres at Merriam-Webster, “is an entry in the 1918 Addenda to the New International Dictionary originally published in 1909, where it is labeled ‘cant, U.S.’” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • If I source one in the future, I will publish an addendum to this review.
  • Addendum and details Oxyuranus temporalis - the new taipan species Archive 2007-03-01
  • It had an addendum page printed in blue, with some late-breaking news.
  • Aaron - your addendum is sound advice, however the summer olympic committee should investigate this new found technique, implement it, and maybe somebody might actually tune in. The Best Headline You'll See All Year
  • So I went to the Web to find the source, hoping I could then salvage my reputation by persuading the journal to print an addendum or erratum.
  • As usual, however, Congress is out of the loop and appears befooled by this "cap and trade" bill, one upon which a 300 page addendum was added the day before passage. CAP AND TRADE or DISTANCE TARIFFS?
  • The addends of the problems were lower than 6 and their sums were lower than 9.
  • An addendum to the above, it's a pity that the Democrats are focusing on this issue to "flog" the Republicans before the elections. Saturday Moments: From torture & Republican sex scandals to zombies
  • Addendum: New kitten Sidney decided she would look good in the jampot. Toast:
  • If "liberal" is so loaded with baggage that merely using the term requires fifteen explanatory points and addenda, then I'm fine with shelving it. Foreign Policy Watch
  • Ashley emailed me this morning with a list of errata and addenda.
  • NB: As an addendum to my last comment (still the last on the page, unless someone comments while I write this), because I've learned in the last few hours that calling Biden a plagiarist is truly unfair, I add the following, which I'm stealing directly from a comment thread at Making Light and I don't know how to do a proper hyperlink: But Dick Cheney was a statesman
  • Honest Services Fraud refers to the 28 word addendum to the U.S. penal code added by Congress in 1988. Rebecca Abrahams: Ted Olson takes on Paul Minor's Appeal
  • Friday's letter, however, states that Thomas actually did report the sources of his wife's income until 1997, therefore heightening the inference that the justice had not "misunderstood the reporting instructions," as he asserted in January when he filed seven pages of addenda correcting his omissions over a six-year period. Clarence Thomas Assailed For Alleged Ethical Lapses By More House Dems
  • If you are going to pursue a keyboard hack, there is a good article on the Internet that I suggest consulting as an addendum to the material presented here.
  • Sellers should carefully review the listing-agreement inclusions and exclusions addenda and confirm that they accurately list all the items they intend to sell (the inclusions) and those they intend to keep (the exclusions). Determine what items will remain after a home sale
  • He welcomes any professional updates or addenda to his primer.
  • The reason I ask these questions is that Fannie Mae's bank addendum states that Fannie Mae not obligated to bear any expenses to make the title marketable so I'm trying to find out if this property can be purchased with an unclear title and what legal responsibilities might be transferred to me as the new property owner. Mortgage News Daily - Mortgage And Real Estate News
  • One bizarre addendum to his ‘performance’ was his extraordinary application of stage make-up.
  • an addendum can also be referred to as an appendix
  • I let faireviews in on slobodens but ranked rothgardes round wrathmindsers: I bathandbaddend on mendicity and I corocured off the unoculated. Finnegans Wake
  • For the articles that appeared in the earlier edition, addenda include the new data that is available; only a handful of the original articles were rewritten.
  • The width of the sum in any direction equals the sum of widths of the addends in that direction.
  • A painting exhibition titled "Gradation" and the obscurely organized "Points of View" are less inspiring, and the delicate, thoughtful, though somewhat anachronistic works in the Cuban exhibition "Serendipity" was gobbled up by the sensory overload of its neighboring exhibitions, especially the roaring techno music spewing over from next door's addendum to "California Dreamin '," a coma-inducing cavernous video room that could enwrap a viewer for hours. Marina Cashdan: The Promised Land? Will Portugal Arte 10 Become a Fixture on the Art World Calendar?
  • The addendum, which is a discussion of the scales of the maqamat, which has partly Hebrew titles and again extremely short Hebrew descriptions / definitions. The KlezmerShack
  • To date, the Planning Department has refused the request, choosing instead to prepare a brief addendum.
  • Method: Takes 1 soup spoon milk, the addend drop olive oil and the few bread flour mixes evenly, spreads on the clean surface, after doing, by lukewarm water clean.
  • In order to add two numbers three registers are normally required: two for the two addends and one more for the result.
  • The original 1985 text and photos of inns, most of which are still in operation, is augmented by an addendum by the author with additional entries. Toby Smith
  • (Note: If the slip of paper does not make a correction, but rather supplies additional information, it is called an “addenda slip”.) 2009 July 14 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • But he added after pressure from Mr Gray: ‘We will be publishing those figures as a addendum by the end of March.’
  • Many of these excerpts have not previously been published, and they include a major addition to his literary corpus - a 52-page manuscript addendum to Nabokov's most important Russian novel, The Gift.
  • Here are the addenda and corrigenda that I know of so far; please keep sending me any comments you have.
  • Would it help matters if I published your addendum?
  • Granted, it’s simpler just to say life as we know it started from and changes through natural feedback processes, without adding the unnecessary addendum that “oh yeah, AND there’s this indetectible supernatural guidance controlling the process”, but biology notoriously ignores Occam’s Razor anyway. Essays in Honor of OOS - The Panda's Thumb
  • Most self-described curmudgeons would probably go along with that, though with the addendum that their resentments and stubborn notions are, to some degree, justified by a brutish, venal world.
  • Mr. Pembroke only wrote to our hero one letter, but it was of the bulk of six epistles of these degenerate days, containing, in the moderate compass of ten folio pages, closely written, a precis of a supplementary quarto manuscript of addenda, delenda, et corrigenda in reference to the two tracts with which he had presented Waverley. Waverley
  • The cover has changed, the map of Egypt is missing, and additions and corrections have been placed as an addendum on page 205 instead of directly in the text.
  • I'll fail, but with vital qualifications that need to be explored in depth, probably with footnotes, addenda and marginalia.
  • The rest of the addenda is mostly devoted to disclaiming in great detail any and all responsibility on Fannie's part for the property, including whether or not the house is occupied. HARP Has a Logic, Though Program Is Badly Executed
  • His job included enlisting Justin Kaplan to write the introduction and working with Victor Doyno on the textual foreword and addendum.
  • When I get around to reading the book, perhaps I'll make a small addendum to this review.
  • He had MacKenzie's report, an addendum to Soviet Naval Command's. DESTROY THE KENTUCKY
  • I am saddended that in today's CiF Observer offering we have to deal with not only the apologist and excuser of all things coalition, Mr Rawnsley, but also are being subjected to the one sided outpourings of Mr Cameron and an inexplicably fawning article on Nick Clegg by Mr Porter and that's about it as far as the coverage of this weeks mismanagement of the country by our coalition government goes. Project Merlin: Mr Osborne's paltry deal with the banks insults the taxpayer | Observer editorial

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