
[ US /əˈdæptɝ/ ]
[ UK /ɐdˈæptɐ/ ]
  1. device that enables something to be used in a way different from that for which it was intended or makes different pieces of apparatus compatible
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How To Use adaptor In A Sentence

  • In an effort to make a film more accessible to your average cinemagoer, adaptors make the mistake of changing the story too much and losing the point.
  • I picked up IOGear USB to VGA adaptors and it was literally plug-and-play. Is The Desktop PC Dead? | Lifehacker Australia
  • Clearly, credit is also due to Michael Fry, the adaptor and director, whose stagecraft and expertise in filling the stage with imaginary crowds and processions is almost beyond praise.
  • A related annoyance comes in the US, where the relatively small size of power outlets means that what looks like a double outlet on the wall often works out to be a single in practice once the adaptor is in place. When Your Universal Adaptor Doesn’t Fit | Lifehacker Australia
  • First you have to buy the DSvision adaptor, which is a regular DS cartridge with a mini-SD slot. Forums
  • Anything electrical will require an adaptor plug for use overseas.
  • The V8 will not fit the 4 cylinder gearbox without an adaptor plate and suitably made engine mounts.
  • The overloaded adaptor was removed and John was asked to plug the toaster in safely.
  • Alternative splicing and potentially other editing mechanisms generate ASC isoforms with distinct abilities to function as inflammasome adaptor, which is potentially utilized to regulate inflammasomes during the inflammatory host response. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Another plus is that it ships with a well-designed battery recharger adaptor. Globe and Mail
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