How To Use Adaptable In A Sentence
Energetic, adaptable, never tiring airmen are at the core of the Air Force.
The diverse management jobs and duties demanded in a project are to the full accounted and are adaptable to accommodate the complexness of the project and accomplishments of the establishment.
Is your new house adaptable?
Times, Sunday Times
Smith's style has an agitated energy that is nicely extended to the Chalfens, but it is rather unadaptable, or at least unadapted to the book's more nuanced characters, who are seen in the same constant light.
(e) Finally, they are adaptable for use over a wide power range from one kw pumping systems to multimegawatt power stations.
Chapter 15

The electricians had contrived a catchment pool and a wheel in the torrent close at hand -- for the little Mulhausen dynamo with its turbinal volute used by the telegraphists was quite adaptable to water driving, and on the sixth day in the evening the apparatus was in working order and the Prince was calling -- weakly, indeed, but calling -- to his air-fleet across the empty spaces of the world.
The War in the Air
Farmer based technology such as agroforestry techniques, fodder banks, development of vegetative erosion control barriers, utilization of crop wastes, increased planting of leguminous trees and pasture crops are techniques that are readily adaptable.
1. Intensive sustainable livestock production: an alternative to tropical deforestation.
Heuchera americana, or alum root, is adaptable to sun or shade, given sufficient moisture.
I'm a very adaptable person who is quick to take criticisms on board and improve myself.
The Sun
Architectural principles building for the long term adaptable and flexible fit the place build beautifully build in context
Sustainability and Tradition « Stephen Rees's blog
The machines are adaptable to either single or multiple filling operations.
In the right hands it is probably the most adaptable and seaworthy vessel afloat.
And, being designed to treat everything as graphics, it was readily adaptable to applications such as desktop publishing.
It is adaptable to vacuum plating. Gaseous drying of kerosene vacuum impregnation, vacuum drying. Dehydration, vacuum metallurgy and so on.
If space is at a premium, choose adaptable furniture that won't fill the room.
If space is at a premium, choose adaptable furniture that won't fill the room.
Successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change.
Florals are just as adaptable, ranging from retro-flavoured patterns - think chintzy 1940s tea rooms - to bold blooms and dainty petals.
And why should such broad, self-evidently adaptable phrases be interpreted solely according to what any ratifier thought, particularly when it appears that: (a) at least some chose those phrases precisely to accommodate changes they could not foresee and (b) many rejected the notion, necessarily embraced by originalists, that legal texts like the Constitution ought to be interpreted by reference to extrinsic historical materials?
Nan Aron: Justice Scalia Pulls Out the Old "I'm With Stupid" T-Shirt
Moisture makes the brick adaptable and impressionable, whereas the firing process dries the brick and sets it into a strong, structured, resistant object.
At the apex, the belvedere foyer of the adaptable theatre circles its curve and allows views west down the water.
The vehicles are large and not easily adaptable to new uses.
It's also highly adaptable, which is nice for picky eaters.
Archive 2009-06-01
We have to live with uncertainty and we have to a far more adaptable than previous generations.
Initially it is a quirky , intimate and highly adaptable organism.
It was easy to grow—adaptable and prolific, not to mention stylistically diverse, ranging from the minerally, peppery style of the Northern Rhône, its ancestral home, to the headier, more opulent style of Australian Shiraz.
Can We Rekindle Our Love Affair With Syrah?
Two or more population groups, each with its own special narrow and inadaptable culture and usually with a distinctive language or dialect, had been by the change of scale in human affairs jammed together or imposed one upon another.
The Shape of Things to Come
Use: The yucca is an adaptable desert-dweller that makes an attractive feature plant in many types of gardens.
Triangle palm, yucca and thunbergia: ornamental plants and flowers of tropical Mexico
And the systems had to be easily adaptable to handle other birds, such as turkeys and ducks.
Better still, it's a breeze to make and infinitely expansible and adaptable in its ingredients.
Times, Sunday Times
Spaces are kept neutral, flexible and adaptable.
Times, Sunday Times
I became very adaptable and flexible with wide experience and skills.
Times, Sunday Times
Following the same basic technique used for springerle, I've found the molds to be easily adaptable to other holiday doughs, like a peppery gingerbread boosted by a surprising pop of chocolate and chili, and another German classic, a chewy marzipan confection known as Frankfurter Brenten.
Wunderbar Cookies
Utopian lines; there will be no illiterates unless they are unteachable imbeciles, no rule-of-thumb toilers as inadaptable as trained beasts.
A Modern Utopia
In this way, conventional practices are rationalized and so made more adaptable, as both Brumfit and Krashen point out.
This wouldn't be a problem if there was more to Shattered Memories than this so-called adaptable horror.
Computer And Video Games
We need a new, adaptable defence acquisition system that will make the forces more responsive to such threats.
Times, Sunday Times
Children are highly adaptable—they just need time to readjust.
A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy's needs — and suddenly industry was eager to employ those "unadaptable and untrained" workers.
Existing cell phones should be easily adaptable to work with the satellite system.
Why were valuable time and money spent in attempts to adapt the unadaptable old horse car lines to the new condition of electric traction?
The aerobic workout is adaptable to various fitness levels.
He is an adaptable man and will soon learn the new work.
We're one of the most literate and more numerate professions and we're highly adaptable.
This technology is adaptable to almost any type of apparel and they have also made air tambourines and an air guiro, a percussion instrument.
They are flexible, hard working, extremely adaptable and always happy to help each other.
The receiver is of the flat-top variety with an accessory rail that is adaptable to most optical sights.
But today's independent schools are also hotbeds of imagination, innovation and creativity, helping children develop a mindset fit for the 21st century - flexible, adaptable and retrainable.
The brilliant Annie Leonard-narrated Story of Electronics shows the relationship between companies taking responsibility for their stuff and longer lasting, modularly adaptable, less toxic electronics.
Dar Williams: 2011: The Year We Conquer E-Waste!
Persian Leopard Of all the big cats the leopard is the most adaptable.
Birds are very adaptable in their eating habits.
If language is a code, it is a complexly ill-defined code, adaptable to the innovative skill of its users.
the frame was adaptable to cloth bolts of different widths
They must be flexible and adaptable to ever-changing schedules and situations.
Even Antarctica's only two species of flowering plants, hairgrass and pearlwort, have changed their positions of dominance: the moss-like pearl-wort appears more adaptable to the warming.
We have created units that are flexible, creative and adaptable to the changing marketplace around us.
an adaptable person
These people like myself-have a different quality, they learn to be adaptable to any situation.
Of course, the adaptable sparrows, starlings, and doves aren't going anywhere; they never do.
Florals are just as adaptable, ranging from retro-flavoured patterns - think chintzy 1940s tearooms - to bold blooms and dainty petals.
In results, after NGVEV was propagated in 10-days-old duck embryos for 4 passages by allantoic cavity inoculation, it was adaptable to the DEFs cell culture system.
Soon after 1750, however, as occult sciences were ascribed to the Templars, their system was readily adaptable to all kinds of Rosicrucian purposes and to such practices as alchemy, magic, cabbala, spiritism, and necromancy.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
It has proven to be an adaptable and resilient terrorist group whose desire to attack the United States and U.S. interests abroad remains strong," the report said.
Why were valuable time and money spent in attempts to adapt the unadaptable old horse car lines to the new condition of electric traction?
All the depicted vegetation is highly resilient and adaptable to the most hostile surroundings.
Therefore, it would be easily adaptable for multiple purposes.
Architectural principles building for the long term adaptable and flexible fit the place
Stephen Rees's blog
But the resulting weapons led the way into the missile age and proved adaptable to tactical air warfare.
The soil is adaptable to the growth of peanuts.
Mulhausen dynamo with its turbinal volute used by the telegraphists was quite adaptable to water driving, and on the sixth day in the evening the apparatus was in working order and the Prince was calling — weakly, indeed, but calling — to his air-fleet across the empty spaces of the world.
The War in the Air
Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as anyone else.
That was a stupid move on Lynch's part but I don't see how that makes the whole 'universe' unadaptable.
Pierre Morel’s Approach to Dune: “Faster, More Modern,” Compared to the ‘84 Version | /Film
Yes, our brains are changing as we learn how to quickly filter a horde of internet trash to find the useful bits, but our Brains are incredibly powerful organs and adaptable, which is why our evolution as humans make us such an oddity as a creature.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » The Internet, Your Brain, Your Writerly Self
If the main hall is essentially an adaptable tent structure, then the concrete block to the north of the central axis acts as its sedentary counterbalance.
Spaces are kept neutral, flexible and adaptable.
Times, Sunday Times
67 What the history of the lineage system suggests was surmised by anthropologist Marja-Liisa Swantz when she explained that "the Zaramo system was matrilineal and largely uxorilocal, but it had a clear bilineal emphasis, which made it highly adaptable.
Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as anyone else.
In addition, this model must be replicable and adaptable to new products and services as they come to market.
They should have a proven ability to lead a team of people, be self-motivated and adaptable.
Some needed traits include being a self-starter, not getting intimidated easily, being adaptable to change, enjoying competition, being able to address risk, making decisions quickly, and not seeing mistakes as failures.
Marc Joseph: Is It Time To Be an Entrepreneur?
Even Antarctica's only two species of flowering plants, hairgrass and pearlwort, have changed their positions of dominance: the moss-like pearlwort appears more adaptable to the warming.
Her looks are completely distinctive – you'd have thought unadaptable – yet she makes them embody any period.
Richard III; Lullaby; Hundreds & Thousands – review
It is adaptable to user needs, can carry one or two persons and sports a variable wheel base to make it more stable on the roads.
The brief called for simple solutions, easily adaptable to diverse and complex uses.
It is adaptable to user needs, can carry one or two persons and sports a variable wheel base to make it more stable on the roads.
The zip-front styles make them more adaptable than sweatshirts and the material is warmer than a cardigan.
This city's history makes it wide open, accepting, perhaps incautious and that makes London a perfect target for the psychopathic criminal nihilists but it also makes it a robust and adaptable entity.
Smith's style has an agitated energy that is nicely extended to the Chalfens, but it is rather unadaptable, or at least unadapted to the book's more nuanced characters, who are seen in the same constant light.
Now the Home Office says that these guns are easily adaptable to fire live ammunition.
Endemic to the South Island, the kea is a highly intelligent, curious, social, and adaptable bird.
They need to be adaptable and constantly keeping up to speed in this very fast-moving sector.
Times, Sunday Times
The unit is readily adaptable to aviation, automotive and marine modes with a minimum of effort.
A remarkable amount of Toyota's hybrid technology is adaptable to fuel cells.
As already stated, a system whose parts vary in a more independent manner is more adaptable.
His draughtsmanship was brilliant, he was intelligent, adaptable and fast - an art director's dream.
Times, Sunday Times
Being a compact, three-level expressed framed structure, it was readily adaptable to new uses.
I became very adaptable and flexible with wide experience and skills.
Times, Sunday Times
Customer-facing functions must be rapidly adaptable, allowing organizations to accommodate real-time business change and seize new market opportunities.
Now we have to develop models of implants adaptable to the larger human eyes.
Researchers also hope to create a tank design that could be adaptable to any type of solid-state hydrogen storage.
Yet, despite this, they've managed to broaden the nervous-tic angst-rock of their previous band into something more readily adaptable without reducing it to mealy-mouthed pop regurge.
Some breeds and certain bloodlines within breeds are friendlier and more adaptable to training because they were bred to be that way.
That's one way you adapt the unadaptable: You find the details that the geeks are going to look for, squirrel them away in the movie's cubbyholes, and then let the fans know they're there.
Filming the Unfilmable: Behind the Scenes of the Watchmen Movie
The contractual objective of the contract with Wang was that the Wang system would be adaptable to new business requirements.
The connection of the elementary concepts of everyday thinking with complexes of sense experiences can only be comprehended intuitively and it is unadaptable to scientifically logical fixation.
We acknowledge it is not easy, but we all must be adaptable to survive.
The receiver is of the flat-top variety with an accessory rail that is adaptable to most optical sights.
Instead, one must learn tactical principles applicable and adaptable to various situations.
If space is at a premium, choose adaptable furniture that won't fill the room.
WHERE: Variegated redtwig dogwood, also known as cornus alba Elegantissima, is extremely adaptable and grows in a range of soil types from clay to sand, wet to dry, once established. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
Spaces are kept neutral, flexible and adaptable.
Times, Sunday Times
Insects and diseases don't bother them, and the plants are incredibly adaptable to almost any climate.
It helped that he was highly adaptable.
Times, Sunday Times
Children can be remarkably adaptable and are more resilient to trauma than older generations.
Flat knitting machines are adaptable to use in the manufacture of full-fashioned garments such as stockings, underwear, or sweaters.
The fan he had initially invented for drying tea proved adaptable for other purposes such as meat and vegetable dehydration plants.
If space is at a premium, choose adaptable furniture that won't fill the room.
From increased awareness and understanding comes increased support: for visitability initiatives, for changes to bylaws requiring visitable and adaptable housing, such as the bylaws adopted by the District of Saanich, and for favouring visitability practices when buying a home.
Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2009 » July
The American Constitution has proved adaptable in changing political conditions.
to succeed one must be adaptable
The economies that succeed need to play to their strengths, be adaptable and flexible, and control their own destiny.
Times, Sunday Times
Successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change.
It is not only the external equipment of our leaders that falls behind the times; our political and administrative services are in the hands of the same desolatingly inadaptable class.
War and the future: Italy, France and Britain at war
They are adaptable to soils and situations and can be planted beside a water-garden, as a border or on slopes to bind the soil.
Is the management of your venue adaptable enough to cope with changes in your programme or its timing?
Yet our mental response to music is remarkably adaptable; even a little study can "retune" the way the brain handles musical inputs.
Sunday morning edition
Basically, he's made his ADAPTATION here, a movie about the making of a movie based on an unadaptable novel.
A gas chromatography method recommended by NIOSH for trimellitic anhydride should be adaptable to organic anhydrides that can be volatilized without decomposition.
The AEF is an adaptable and rapidly employable set of air and space assets that provide the president, secretary of defense, and combatant commanders with options for missions.
They face the challenge of being flexible and adaptable to the patterns that occur and recur through the constant evolution of the aviation business.
I'm pretty flexible and adaptable.
Times, Sunday Times
Pure neoclassicism now lost ground to Italian Renaissance styles, more adaptable to modern uses.
If men in these communities have used clan names to anchor fixed notions of self in a politically territorialized landscape, women's names and naming stories map female identities as innately ambiguous, stubbornly diverse, and infinitely adaptable.
Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
But a clever and adaptable set, brilliant lighting effects and superb performances from the ensemble brought Greene's story to life.
Because of this, we devised a modular training package, sufficiently adaptable to cater for the vast majority of individual circumstances.
The album includes the new-wavey "I Like Girls," the relentless "Remarkably Insincere," and the Knack-meets-AC/DC-esque "Adaptable (Anything for You).
Mike Ragogna: A Very Special Christmas: A Conversation with Tim Shriver, Vicki Iovine, Colbie Caillat, Carter Twins, and Mitchel Musso, Plus More
A landmark endures because it is timeless, adaptable to the ever-changing needs of society.
An unadaptable sugar maple, growing in an area where 12 inches of soil is to be spread over its roots, would be a poor choice for retention.
Dynamic learners need variety and flexibility, which makes them greatly adaptable to change.
Christianity Today
The soil is adaptable to the growth of peanuts.
These octoploid triticales were also more winter hardy, more adaptable to poor soils, and more resistant to drought and lodging.
7 Experiences Around the World
This indicates that the bargaining model in Italy is not rigid, but flexible and adaptable.
Better still, it's a breeze to make and infinitely expansible and adaptable in its ingredients.
Times, Sunday Times
The aerobic workout is adaptable to various fitness levels.
The American Constitution has proved adaptable in changing political conditions.
If space is at a premium, choose adaptable furniture that won't fill the room.
It was endlessly adaptable to the changing social and economic landscape, and ruthless at ditching beliefs or leaders which stood in the way of power.
Citylink has found that Linux readily is adaptable to whatever the company needs it to do.
Hmmm … I feel a new “Dogway” coursebook thread being started here … what would be the kind of coursebook that has a functional syllabus whilst a the same time being adaptable enough to change direction with the dynamic of the class …?
T is for Taboo « An A-Z of ELT
In the right hands it is probably the most adaptable and seaworthy vessel afloat.
Living languages are in constant use and therefore must be adaptable to changing situations and circumstances.
The process is readily adaptable to joining ductile metals.
I also use this wing with a stainless-steel backplate, as this offers a solid mounting point for all my equipment, and it is very adaptable when mounting to other cylinder configurations.
Though there may have been some in the past who cavilled at Britain, and though probably the period when the United States withdrew from Britain might have produced in some minds the belief that the English people had lost their power of colonizing, I believe that today Canada, standing side by side with the United States as one of a large number of related dependencies, is a proof that Britain has not lost her power for colonizing; that there is still the adaptable spirit in Britain, and that she is still able to weld into one, divergent nationalities.
Canada as a Field for the Solution of Imperial Problems
Although fairly adaptable to a wide range of conditions, they are less happy on very dry or thin chalky soils and most dislike alkaline soils.
Winter Garden Glory
But evolution ploughed on remorselessly, enabling only the most adaptable to go on to the next stage.
They were easily reprogrammable even by someone with little to no computer expertise, and were adaptable to changing conditions on the ground that might necessitate rapid network reconfiguration, such as loss of personnel and equipment during battle, without degradation of systems oversight.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
That Capote's work "was considered unadaptable," Mr. Wasson writes, "seems almost funny today.
When Words Go Lightly to Screen
A decade of painstaking, often painful lessons resulted in a military that is in many ways fleeter and more adaptable.
Changed by Iraq, Military Asks What Will Stick
Tomorrow's workers will have to be more adaptable, but their employment prospects should be brighter.
Bison know how to survive these harsh conditions, and the people who live in these places have proved equally adaptable.
Bruce has proved again that he is an extremely adaptable manager who reacts decisively to problems.
This is thanks to the adaptable broken-plan layout she designed to solve the occupational hazard of the empty-nester.
Times, Sunday Times
And the brain is highly adaptable.
Times, Sunday Times
Compared to hard law it can be more flexible and adaptable to a fast changing technical and political environment.
The brain has evolved to be exquisitely adaptable to environmental change.
The highly divided gecko foot is also minutely adaptable to bumpy surfaces and is easy to reposition, he says.
It is also adaptable to group study, or even midweek public exposition.
Starlings are intelligent and adaptable, and are capable mimics.
Most perennials are adaptable to sun or shade, various soil and water conditions.
He seems adaptable to extremes of going and is equally effective racing right-handed or left-handed.
Times, Sunday Times
It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
Times, Sunday Times
Proper organization and procedures are important but need to remain adaptable to changing circumstances.
The American Constitution has proved adaptable in changing political conditions.
For the second time in human experience the inadaptable quality of the financial and proprietary organization produced a strangulation and an arrest.
The Shape of Things to Come
Acoustical control poses one of the greatest challenges to adaptable interiors.
Doctors need to be balanced, open, and adaptable to change.
Due to the accessible and adaptable nature of the game, bowling is also an ideal sport for the disabled.
A new cultivar'Dongnong 803'is a new hybrid used to exporting Russia. It is adaptable to the protected field cultivation in spring and open field cultivation in summer in northeast of China.
A native of Eurasia, the adaptable Mute Swan inhabits fresh- and saltwater ponds, coastal lagoons, and bays.
Australia had native predators of its own, but foxes hunt in a different and more cunning way and have a broad and adaptable diet.
And keep an extra eye on the elderly and young children since their bodies are not as adaptable to the heat.
A rubber mat and four tie-downs make the loadspace adaptable for many uses.
Ginkgo biloba is a highly adaptable plant that can grow in almost any temperate or Mediterranean climate.
We're learning that design models need to be adaptable to various output methods.
At first I thought the former setup was more adaptable but I'm coming round to the idea that the latter has elegance.
The technology, which is adaptable to almost any kind of apparel, takes clothing beyond its traditional role of protection and fashion into the realms of entertainment, " said Helmer.
Many old market buildings have proved highly adaptable.
Adaptable ornamental species such as blue oat grass, boxleaf euonymus, and New Zealand sedge, were also planted because these species are low-maintenance and fit very well in the neighborhood context.
Hyperlocalizing Hydrology in the Post-Industrial Urban Landscape
The potential for overreach of CISADA's "energy" classification may be reminiscent of restrictions and prohibitions on exports prohibited in pre-war Iraq, specifically when non-weaponized materials such as x-ray machines, entirely inadaptable to weaponization were characterized as "dual use" materials, the only significant result of that policy was to deprive sick Iraqi civilians of basic care.
Sean Penn: A State Department That Can
Many old market buildings have proved highly adaptable.
Equally influenced by Fats Navarro's bebop pyrotechnics and second generation boppers like Booker Little, he proved himself an adaptable, thoughtful addition to the British scene.
Apaches "> Jerry Bruckheimer Films hopes to adapt" unadaptable
Movie Make-out
Initially it is a quirky , intimate and highly adaptable organism.
If language is a code, it is a complexly ill-defined code, adaptable to the innovative skill of its users.
Women are more adaptable, compliant and possess the communication skills required by the call centre service economy.
Our "age of instantaneity" has produced a number of wonderful things - flexible, adaptable thinking, instant access to knowledge, and a number of people who truly know a great deal about certain subjects.
No discussion, no explanation, in fact he had almost as little idea of what was going on as the flight lieutenant, but station commanders tucked up here on the Moray Firth had to be adaptable.
The Edge of Madness
In addition we must ensure that we retain our advantages of having a highly skilled and adaptable workforce.
Professional markers are a superb sketching medium, adaptable to a great many styles and very fast to use.