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How To Use Adam In A Sentence

  • A few days after, they brought the intelligence that Barbarina had returned; and the councillor dwelt with her in her new house; and the servants were commanded to call the signora Madame Cocceji. as she was his well-beloved and trusted wife. Berlin and Sans-Souci; or Frederick the Great and his friends
  • Adam was getting the feeling that money was tight for her.
  • Also, thankfully, Neil Diamond's Cherry Cherry Christmas includes a version of "The Chanukah Song" that should give that mensch Adam Sandler a whole lot of nachas. David Wild: The Perfect Semitic Storm: Five Reasons Everybody Should Buy the New Christmas Albums by Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan And Barry Manilow This Season
  • Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • She said she opened one of the books and saw the name Eileen Adams written inside.
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  • Nearby attractions: Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Corporation, Hilo.
  • Saxby Bridge has enthusiastically marketed all sorts of tax effective schemes involving things like tea trees, macadamias, wine and even online lingerie.
  • Tonight is blissfully planless, and will likely feature sorting through stories with Adam and catching up on the TiVo stuff. Odin's Day
  • Comments azize delam dargozashte pedar bozorget ro behet tasliat migam. omidvaram ke baghaye omr dashte bashi va too tamame marahele zendegit movafagh bashi aslan narahat nabash alan jaye baba bozorg tooye oon donya khoobe. afarin ke ba in sen kamet veblog dari man shahret 2 bar oadam va onja ro doos daram makhsoosan sheikh safi Iranian doxdo (
  • Madame Grès, born Germaine Krebs, was once as well-known as her contemporary Coco Chanel, but while Ms. Chanel sold mass-produced ready-to-wear, Ms. Grès designed only hand-made haute couture that sold first as the label "Alix" and later as "Madame Grès. Collecting Vintage Dresses Like Art
  • Olivia and Adam pray that she does not participate in it, fearing for her health and sanity.
  • The inn we occupied had one of these porches: Madame Barbot, our landlady, and her maid, were both dressed in Breton costume, with lace-trimmed embroidered caps and aprons of fine muslin, clear-starched and ironed with a perfection which the most accomplished "blanchisseuse du fin" of Paris would find it difficult to surpass. Brittany & Its Byways
  • It was Adam Smith, interestingly, who first used industry to refer to manufacturing and other productive activities.
  • I gave my ideas on "playwriting" again at Philadelphia, and was told just before I began that there were several dramatists in the room, including the author of Madame Butterfly. Our Irish Theatre: A Chapter of Autobiography
  • Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships. Ansel Adams 
  • Here's John Adams on Thomas Paine's famous 1776 pamphlet "Common Sense": "What a poor, ignorant, malicious, short-sighted, crapulous mass. William Hogeland: How John Adams and Thomas Paine Clashed Over Economic Equality
  • The inobedience of Adam caused the first war, of that he had offended God, whereof followed the two other wars. The Golden Legend, vol. 7
  • As an afterthought, the red-headed girl suddenly added, ‘Good gracious, that Adam Weatherly is such a coxcomb.’
  • Madame Zara caters for a very select clientele.
  • _philosopheress_ Madame du Châtelet, who managed, at one and the same moment, the thread of an intrigue, her cards at piquet, and a calculation in algebra, was a very clever woman! Characteristics of Women Moral, Poetical, and Historical
  • I'm the slightly more wussy guy who is one step away from dislocating his neck due to headbanging, and Adam's the big kickboxing man into happy hardcore dance
  • Seasoned with French sea salt, cold-pressed Swedish rapeseed oil and ground macadamia nuts, the cheese had a creaminess that seemed to sweeten its otherwise savory quality. Young Stars of Swedish Cuisine
  • ( "Madamina il catalogo") popularly known as the "Catalogue Song," which is full of broad humor, though its subject is far from possessing that quality. The Standard Operas (12th edition) Their Plots, Their Music, and Their Composers
  • In severe problem patients a tracheotomy or surgical opening (temporary or permanent) above the Adams apple is needed.
  • He said he is adamant the waste from the sewage treatment plant situated on the Lea Road is not the cause of the alleged fish kills along the river.
  • In the lead was a tall man, about Adam's height, with a head full of graying brown hair and a pair of intelligent-looking spectacles.
  • My brother-in-law went into another room, and madame de Bearn began to unswathe her foot in my presence with the utmost caution and tenderness. Memoirs of the Comtesse Du Barry, with minute details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV. Written by herself
  • A few well-garlanded madams of the society crowd passed by, gossiping, their rich black minks set for the chill in the Springtime air, their heels clopping gently on the sidewalk.
  • The keeper then excelled himself by reacting quickly to block the rebound from Adam and, unbelievably, Dundee were still ahead.
  • Mr Adams is no agitprop merchant; his music would be deeply boring if he was.
  • She begged me to change my mind, but I remained adamant .
  • For more precise proportions, measure your neck size right below your Adam's apple with measuring tape.
  • Gum Boots would have swallowed if he could have stopped his Adam's apple from rushing up and down his neck.
  • But others of the Muscovite band were fond of congregating at this spot and hour for their lustral summer rites -- white-skinned lads and lasses, matrons and reverent elders, all in a state of Adamitic nudity, splashing about the water of this sunny cover, devouring raw fish and crabs after the manner of the fabled Ichthyophagi, laughing, kissing, saying nice things about God, and combing out each other's long tow-coloured hair. South Wind
  • Aaron and Adam had begun slapping each other on the cheek with one hand while the other punched the other one in the arm.
  • She's adamant that she'll begin an indefinite hunger strike once she reaches jail.
  • DeLay is starting to resemble the Madam of a Whorehouse claiming that she had no idea what was going on upstairs, and she’s just shocked, shocked I tell you, to discover that the girls were involved in hanky panky. Think Progress » DeLay: ‘I Cannot Run For Office’ In Texas, ‘I’m Ineligible’
  • The prime minister is adamant that he will not resign.
  • I trust Adam implicitly as a critic of film, books, music, and especially comic books, and so I am torn andcan only say that you should check it out and decide for yourself. Book Reviews Galore! « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • Adam wormed his way through the crowd to his hut.
  • Parlez-vous français, mesdemoiselles!" cried madame, and we filed out into the dusty street, at the corner of which sat another of our visible tokens of the coming of the season of flowers; a dirty, shriveled old Irishwoman, full of benedictions and beggary, who, all through the summer, sold "posies" to the passers-by. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • The study concentrated on physics, not biology, Adams emphasized.
  • After a long time, having obtained with difficulty the consent of the timid Du Mont, I made Madame de Saint-Simon speak to the Duchesse de Bourgogne, who undertook to arrange the affair as well as it could be arranged. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • A fashion fact: the chopine was a 15th-century platform shoe that, on occasion, rose to a towering 30 inches, requiring madam to walk with a cane or simply a servant - a cane with legs? The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • This second Adam Winthrop, at the age of seventeen, went to London, binding himself as an apprentice for ten years under the well-esteemed and profitable guild of the "clothiers," or cloth-workers. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864
  • Without them the place was sickly quiet, but Adam was too tired to do anything about it.
  • The physically awkward but intellectually gifted nebbish was foregrounded in film and television by Woody Allen, Dustin Hoffman, and Richard Dreyfuss, and later by Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, and Larry David. A Renegade History of the United States
  • They suffered years of guilt and dissimulation before they could announce their own agnosticism or adamant disbelief.
  • Ashton had a try under the posts disallowed for offside after he raced onto an Adam Mitchell kick through.
  • Didn't it strike you as funny that Adam wasn't there?
  • At dinner with Marc, Vicky talked about Frank's urging her to elevate Adam's place in the company. LASTING TREASURES
  • With just Gordon, alias Black Jake, and 17-year-old Adam, as crew, we all took turns with the cooking, washing-up, and night-time watches.
  • He's so adamant that however hard I tried to persuade him to join us he did not change his mind.
  • “Then, madame, am I not overbold in offering myself to be your partner for the next quadrille?” Domestic Peace
  • We'll finish off with a track from Adam's new album.
  • Sadly, Bachmann's inflated version of John Quincy Adams's antislavery record exemplifies how she and other Tea Party advocates remold the past into a founding-era-Disneyland version bolstering their political agenda. R. B. Bernstein: Will the Real John Quincy Adams Please Stand Up?
  • SHORTLY BEFORE Adam was expected home for the winter intercession, he wrote that he wouldn't be coming home. LASTING TREASURES
  • Macadamia nut oil contains about 80% of monounsaturated fatty acids and a higher percentage of Palmitoleic acid than any other vegetable oils.
  • As Mr. Adams dons trail clothes—"shirt with dozens of pockets, drip-dry pants that zip off into shorts, floppy hat with a cord pulled tight under the chin"—he realizes, too late, that he looks as though he is trick-or-treating as Ernest Hemingway. In a Lost City, Finding Yourself
  • The plot is thus: Madame Fate, a mysterious fortune teller, has foreseen her own death through her crystal ball with only 24 hours before the allotted hour.
  • He had by a second will bequeathed all his possessions to the Church, reserving in them a life-interest for his virtual wife; and when the cousinry swooped down on what they thought their prey, Madame Mulhausen could receive them and their condolences with the indignant scorn which their greed and cruelty deserved. A Handbook to the Works of Browning (6th ed.)
  • Adam had distributed the instruments among the unarmed men of the Caves, and told them to get on with bugle practice. KARA KUSH
  • When it comes to free trade, as Adam Smith once opined, ‘Not only the prejudices of the public, but what is much more unconquerable, the private interests of many individuals, irresistibly oppose it.’
  • Adam sat down on the one comfortable chair he possessed and pulled his father's envelope out of his inside pocket.
  • Varieties like jungle jalebi and jatropha are ideal for wastelands while sadabhar, saijjan, kadambh, maulshree and sweet neem all germinate on their own and don't need maintenance. "
  • A large cabinet by Franks, the panels most highly finished, different passages in the history of Adam and Eve form small pictural subjects. Recollections of the late William Beckford of Fonthill, Wilts and Lansdown, Bath
  • But it was the recurring nightmare of Adam Gilchrist which extinguished those hopes.
  • "Certainly, madam," he replied.
  • Just as Adam let Dave play Tom Hanks in his closing address at Gnomedex when referencing the movie Big, maybe Dave now would like to be the "kid" in Ontario at the Podcasting Expo, getting all the love from the junior poddies, as well as getting to wear a pink polo. Archive 2005-11-01
  • A photograph is usually looked at - seldom looked into. Ansel Adams 
  • As things stood at the beginning of 1990, Mrs Adam's life was reasonably settled and happy, taking into account her age and physical infirmity.
  • German-French for “Madame la Vicomtesse,” and after many ceremonious bows, he drew from his pocket a dilapidated pocketbook, saying: “Che un betit bapier bour fous,” and unfolding as he handed it to her a piece of greasy paper. Une Vie
  • Madame Olenska has had an unhappy life: that doesn't make her an outcast.
  • Kuyt escaped from Benoît Assou-Ekotto once to a flick-on from Carroll and set up a thwarted shooting opportunity from Charlie Adam as a result before the inevitable substitution arrived. Luis Suárez back for Liverpool but Dalglish starts with Andy Carroll
  • Ansel Adams' photographs of the American wilderness are now worth thousands of dollars.
  • He walked out as matter-of-coursely as if he had dropped in to ask the meaning of "circumflex," or who invented smallpox, or the name of Adam's house-cat, or how long it would take her to do a graduation essay for his daughter -- or any such little things that librarians are prepared for most days. The Rose-Garden Husband
  • Scoop in piles of cashews, almonds, macadamias, walnuts, pumpkin seeds or whatever you please.
  • The stockpile has 40 million treatment courses of Tamiflu, 10 million courses of Relenza and nearly three million courses of an adamantane. In the War Against Flu's Mutants, a Big Ally Is Weakened
  • Standing and gathering her cloak tightly around her shoulders she turned away from Madam Corbeau's pinched expression and down the lane.
  • Pictured, Ms. Kapoor, left, posed with her waxwork at Madame Tussauds in England, Oct. 27. India's Most Googled, 2011
  • Into the 1960 presidential election, Kissinger was among the adamant critics proclaiming that Eisenhower had neglectfully allowed a “missile gap” to develop with Moscow. Magic and Mayhem
  • Adam Lee burst into the crowd and pulled the bleeding Rebel from the battered Yankee.
  • To Madame Hanska he revealed more the cankering disappointment, just as he had a twelvemonth previously, after the mishap of the School for Husbands and Balzac
  • The bituminous material at each site was dense bituminous macadam, which typically had a bitumen content of 4.0-4.5%.
  • Macadamia nut oil contains about 80% of monounsaturated fatty acids and a higher percentage of Palmitoleic acid than any other vegetable oils.
  • But as she was going to her room that night, Fräulein Rottenmeier waylaid her, and drawing her into her own, gave her strict injunctions as to how she was to address Frau Sesemann when she arrived; on no account was she to call her "grandmamma," but always to say "madam" to her. Heidi
  • The upright of the cross was- the shiny macadam road on which I was walking, the cross-piece a lane running about thirty yards each way. TESTIMONIES
  • The problem is that at first you can't really tell there's anything wrong with Adam - he's very chatty and he's very independent in lots of ways.
  • Julio Lugo is the incumbent shortstop, but young Adam Everett could push him out. - 7. Atlanta Braves
  • hollered one ample young madam, under the misapprehension she was being casually friendly. LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY
  • He looked her in the eye with a pained expression and said ‘Madam, no one chooses red frames’.
  • Adam smirked, a dark strand of hair falling into his eyes.
  • Eum quippe saluauit quem etiam adsumpsit; sin uero talem hominem adsumpsit qualis Adam fuit ante peccatum, integram quidem uidetur humanam adsumpsisse naturam, sed tamen quae medicina penitus non egebat. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Washington's successor John Adams was a staunch Federalist from Massachusetts.
  • Joe Adams will get his frozen bobcat back, again.
  • But religious right leaders had adamantly opposed him because of his views on abortion and affirmative action.
  • Adams took over responsibility for "a shining constellation of museums ... with the responsibility to use these resources for the cultural enrichment and education of the nation".
  • The misconceived refusal to give Charlie Adam a penalty and send off Philippe Senderos on the hour, a spoilsport decision to disallow a goal for Luis Suárez midway through the second half and a red card for the young midfielder Jay Spearing a few minutes later prefaced a crescendo of Fulham attacking which ended with a dreadful Pepe Reina error and a decisive tap-in for Clint Dempsey. Andy Carroll's ineffectiveness adds to Liverpool frustration at Fulham | Richard Williams
  • Ricciardo loving this Madam Catulla, and using all such means whereby the grace and liking of a Lady might be obtained; found it yet a matter beyond possibility, to compasse the height of his desire: so that many desperate and dangerous resolutions beleagred his braine, seeming so intricate and unlikely to affoord any hopefull yssue, as hee wished for nothing more then death. The Decameron
  • Padampur Panchayat, located immediately to the south of the Rapti River, is a heavily populated area as well as providing some of the last remaining habitat for tiger, rhinoceros, and gharial. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  • Madame de Vernuel, who saw it, had not said la Reine boit. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • Adam Brody says his new animated series Good Vibes is the grungier version of his former hit show, The O.C. Adam Brody Calls His MTV Series Good Vibes the "Grungier" O.C. -- With Horny Surfers
  • Every morning Madam Duff goes on to the beach to plead with young men intent of gambling their lives in a quest for an eldorado in Europe.
  • Adam's cloak billowed out behind him as he walked.
  • They exerted great influence in inducing communities to macadamize roads, for which the passing of the stage-coach and the spread of railroads had diminished the demand. History of the United States, Volume 6 (of 6)
  • 'Rack his style, Madam, _rack his style_?' he said to Queen Elizabeth, as he tells us, when she consulted him -- he being then of her counsel learned, in the case of Dr. Hayward, charged with having written 'the book of the deposing of Richard the Second, and the _coming in_ of The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • Even when, later still, the general's eager hand, stretching forth for the dusky flagon (it was sacrilege to sweep away those insignia of age and respectability), managed to capsize the candelabrum and sent the fluid "adamantine" spattering a treasured table-cloth (how quick the dash of the young trooper's hand upon the flame -- and its extinction!), a gentle smile was the sole rebuke, followed by a "Thank you, Mr. Harris. Tonio, Son of the Sierras A Story of the Apache War
  • For Lawrence, in direct contrast to Adam, everything seemed to come so easily.
  • That smile afforded her a brief glimpse of the other side of Adam Burns.
  • The author's revered mother was a descendant from the latter venerable name, united with that of the brave and erudite race of Adamson, of farther north. The Scottish Chiefs
  • The man in the shop was adamant. "Definitely not," he said.
  • [13: 48] Zep Palen: Madam. .the point is ... have an oppinion and you are sabled World of SL
  • Everything you see or hear or experience in any way at all is specific to you. You create a universe by perceiving it, so everything in the universe you perceive is specific to you. Douglas Adams 
  • A federal jury found the so-called DC madam guilty of running a high-end prostitution ring. Deborah Palfrey said her now- defunct business was an "erotic fantasy service".
  • Madam Secretary, I'll start with you.
  • Noone here is judging anything by any sort of objective standard and the attitude of all the "RJ-dislikers" here, including Adam, is pronouncedly personal and not in any way elevated above some perceived "commoner". Jordanian hiatus
  • ‘Harry is a next door neighbor,’ apologized Adam, in a whisper, ‘and is not known for his tactfulness.’
  • Look on him, Sir, -- do not you guess from that Look, and wrying of his Mouth, that you mistook the Bracelets for Diamond Rings, which he humbly begs, Madam, you would grace with your fair Hand? The Works of Aphra Behn Volume IV.
  • An Adam's apple is an anatomical structure which appears primarily in males.
  • But he goes still further: "_deum igitur te scito esse_: si quidem deus est qui viget qui sentit qui meminit: qui providet, qui tam regit et moderatur et movet id corpus cui propositus est, quam hunc mundum ille princeps deus, et ut mundum ex quadam parte mortalem ipse deus aeternus, sic fragile corpus animus sempiternus movet." [ The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
  • Adams said the regional government decided to push for junior officers because guidelines for the more senior conservation officers require French skills, which would prevent unilingual Inuit from getting the job.
  • Adam cast him into so narrow a mould, as to think that himself, who had newly sprouted up by his almighty power, was fit to be his corrival in knowledge.
  • I have the copy of a letter, said I, from this Brand, in which he has taken great liberties with my character, and with that of the most unblamable lady in the world, which he grounds upon information that you, Madam, have given him. Clarissa Harlowe
  • The March 26 simulcast is being produced by Progressive Media Agency, a Portland, OR, based firm led by Adam Klugman and Enrique Arias. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Adam was so extreme; they really would cart him off to a padded cell one of these days.
  • Then armed with a sword, gun, battledore, or an armful of bricks to throw, and uttering sadistic cries, Adam would pursue him round and round the room, driving him from refuge to refuge, until almost beside himself with rage and terror, he crouched junglelike with ears flattened back and porpentine hair. The Complete Stories
  • Adam fried himself an egg and a couple of rashers of bacon.
  • Pearce remained adamant, saying "I didn't touch him".
  • Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup!"— 'So it is. madam.'.
  • She returned to her seat at the writing desk just as Richard and Adam entered the room.
  • Where colonial children had pious primers " In Adam ' s fall, we sinned all " , today ' s children have a fantastic variety of abecedarian books. After Uplift, Ka-Chow!
  • `I think," said Adam, grinning at the simple faces of the cavemen, `the time has come that you came to us and taught us a few things. KARA KUSH
  • For the second day in a row Adam was the only guest at breakfast. LOST SUMMER
  • Silsden retained a their 4-4 - 2 system which allowed fullbacks, Adam Reed and Michael Rhodes to attack down the wings.
  • Oh, my little rogue, my pretty bird! well, then, it shall have a new coral, it shall -- Now, Madam, pray you look on this piece of wastry! It Might Have Been The Story of the Gunpowder Plot
  • Well, you could see all of Logan’s flesh gone, and have him walk around as just his adamantium skeleton and vital organs appear, and slowly you will see all of his muscles and skin regrow. Are we finally about to get a good movie tie-in game? « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • The bluesy southern stomp of Beautiful Sorta, with its restless energy and reckless singing, is doused in drink and James Dean fatalism, and finds Adams flailing around for the arms of a good woman to cling to.
  • Do you have an account at this store/with us, madam?
  • As soon as Adam and Eve first sinned, ‘God the Father would have no more to do with man immediately.’
  • Like Adam Smith, I believe that intelligent action results from a harmonious blend of emotion and reason.
  • It is said that imitation is the sincerest flattery; and if Isabel was sometimes moved to gape at her friend aspiringly and despairingly it was not so much because she desired herself to shine as because she wished to hold up the lamp for Madame Merle. The Portrait of a Lady
  • Place macadamias on a baking tray and roast until light golden for about 8 minutes.
  • Interestingly, Harbaugh notes that the existence of the manual was mentioned in Willamette Week, when Attorney General John Kroger pointed to it as requiring him to release the drafts of the investigation report in the Sam Adams-Beau Breedlove teen sex case. Here we go again with copyright and Oregon public records (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The difficulty is that, just as the religious right believes wholeheartedly that it is the one true way, secularists are adamant about their beliefs and intolerant of those who do not share them.
  • In the end the play seems less a debate about modern art than a clever theatrical con trick in which we, like Adam, emerge decisively duped.
  • Adam created many variations on the basic design of a central handle flanked by pendant swags and scrolling foliage.
  • Adam slammed on the brakes when he got a glimpse of the animals milling around in a large lot.
  • Jeśli posiadamy kilka blogów, projekt wpisu możemy swobodnie dodać do nich bez logowania się na poszczególne konta. Blogilo - proste blogowanie
  • Je ne suis que le frotteur de madame, said the man, placing his arm a-kimbo, and flying about the room, in all sorts of attitudes, in, what Peter thought, a very burlesque manner. Paris Lions and London Tigers
  • He remains adamant that he won't restructure his contract to make it easier for the team to trade him.
  • His family were adamantly opposed to the marriage.
  • The Devil tempted Adam and Eve.
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  • White the madam have already sat severals in erection this of family nice friend, and then have white house to bless to visit of the womenfolk of a families.
  • No one knew what to say, but everyone was adamant that no bottle of catsup would disgrace that table, even if the supplicant was a senator commanding a vital vote. Centennial
  • At lunch today we spoke a little about prasadam, vegetarian foods that have been spiritualized by being offered to Krishna in the temple.
  • ADAMS: I've been vindicated at least on the safety concerns, and would I like to see some accountability on the part of the faa. CNN Transcript Nov 27, 2009
  • Christians claim that Christ came to redeem us from the inheritance of Adam.
  • In this recipe I have used a mixture of pecans and macadamia as I like the contrast of texture and flavour.
  • Completing the downstairs accommodation is a dual aspect dining room with another Adam-style fireplace and a bedroom which is currently used as a study.
  • In a typical gesture of sibling acceptance, Hoss leaned over and forked Adam's untouched ham onto his own plate.
  • And whereas that some of those who bear this auld and honourable name may take scorn that it ariseth from the tilling of the ground, quhilk men account a slavish occupation, yet we ought to honour the pleugh and spade, seeing we all derive our being from our father Adam, whose lot it became to cultivate the earth, in respect of his fall and transgression. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • I cannot think of drinking our good madam's wine myself, I assure you; I will just put it by the spence, (_spence_ means _cupboard_) till David is beginning to get about again, and then I think it will help to strengthen him. The Eskdale Herd-boy A Scottish Tale for the Instruction and Amusement of Young People
  • It was the most whorish aping of Douglas Adams imaginable.
  • This view, that God enacted His predes - tinating decrees only after Adam's fall, has been labeled infralapsarian or sublapsarian. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Like, there was this little capuchin monkey named Crystal, and then [after seeing the film] 'Whoa, that's Adam Sandler, ''' laughs Dawson.
  • Ibn Abbas held that he belonged to an order of angels who are called Jinn and begot issue as do the nasnás, the Ghúl and the Kutrub which, however are male and female, like the pre-Adamite manwoman of Genesis, the “bi-une” of our modern days. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Only the old woman knew well the crucible, and the great work -- the one was cuckoldom, and the other the private property of Madame Advocate. Droll Stories — Volume 2
  • The Ministry of Defence confirmed that Dr Fox had asked his most senior official, Permanent Secretary Ursula Brennan, to look into what he describes as "baseless allegations" concerning Adam Werrity. Evening Standard - Home
  • Unfortunately she was sitting next to him - he was silently adamant about that.
  • Sassy, brashy, with a tough exterior that belies her soft heart, Scarlett Adams is the kind of role that comes along once in a lifetime.
  • On my way up to the restrooms a women stopped me and said her friend almost "bopped" me because she thought I was Adam. Mjsbigblog
  • Years ago, Adam Curry was an MTV veejay, who registered the domain before the network even understood what was going on with the Web.
  • On a perfectly-macadamed, butter-like road, the perfect ekka should make one feel that it is full of potholes.
  • _ Now it comes into my head, the duke of Mantua makes an entertainment to night in masquerade: If you love extravagancy so well, madam, I'll put you into the head of one; lay by your nunship for an hour or two, and come amongst us in disguise. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04
  • Adam's smile faded and he sank back into the bed, looking small and tired, sensing their thoughts.
  • We chose the band name because I was so adamant against the name 'ice cream.' Jon Chattman: Sound Bites: Finland's Rubik and fun.
  • -- _Spigornel_ (for Adam): 'Sir, according to the custom of the town, he is of age when he knows how to count up to twelve pence, and he shall answer in a writ of Right at that age; and inasmuch as he would answer in a writ of Right at that age, he shall warrant at that age, or shall counterplead, &c. The Customs of Old England
  • Women's hosiery you'll find on the second floor, Madam.
  • – Among the comedies is the Adam Carolla comedy project that features the humorous radio and TV personality Carolla (“The Man Show,” “The Hammer”) as a contractor who sets out to re-build his life following a divorce. NBC Announces Some of its Early Development Slate for 2010-11 –
  • Scribbled in her untidy scrawl were the words I love Nate Litz written across her macadam driveway in a pale rose-colored chalk.
  • Consequently he assigned to Angelo an income revertible after his death to Madam Solimann. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919
  • Spitefully, Madame Defarge replies that she has indeed observed Lucie and makes a sinister gesture miming the guillotine.
  • The Captain is the benevolent-yet-stern sheriff of this here town and Madame La is his beatific, beautiful wife.
  • According to a column Barlow wrote in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, in addition to a tuition increase, a few "bulleted" items on the proposal will include reducing administrators 'six-figure salaries by 10 percent, suspending state funding for the $750,000 renovation of University President Michael Adams' mansion and further separating the University Athletic Association and the coach's salaries from state funding. The Red and Black
  • The former was called Madame, because she was canoness of a chapter at Lorraine. The Entire Memoirs of Louis XIV and the Regency
  • The composer of some 70 operas, Adam is remembered as a pioneer and writer of graceful, fluent music in an Italianate idiom with dramatic power.
  • - While I was still under the almost first impression of grief for the loss of my dear and honoured father I received a letter from Windsor Castle, written by Madame Beckersdorff, at the command of her majesty, to desire I would take the necessary measures for being presented to son altesse royale Madame The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • A servant rushed in, out of breath , and announced tensely, " Madam Chang has come.
  • As well, Mr. MacAdam confirms that he advised the plaintiffs to engage a roofing consultant to give an opinion on the adequacy of the roof flashings and the roofing ballast.
  • But the Adamite called out to him from within the net and said, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • As Adam opened his mouth to place a piece of meat in it, a long, loud belch escaped, seeming to reverberate indefinitely in the open dining room.
  • The time is not far distant," he said in a letter to John Adams, "at which we are to repose in the same cerement our sorrows and suffering bodies, and to ascend in essence to an ecstatic meeting with the friends we have loved and lost, and whom we shall love and never lose again. History of the University of Virginia, 1819-1919
  • I saw her gazing earnestly at her brother's portrait and all the precious little objects consecrated to his memory, which I had arranged by my benitier and crucifix, but I did not expect her firs exclamation, when our woman had left us: 'Ah! Madame, how happy you are!' Stray Pearls
  • The syndic is a lively young man, and he receives Madame Adolphe with Analytical Studies
  • Chintamani, the bringer of good, who by the number and variety and acceptableness of his gifts shall attain, without further trials, to the paradise of Indra: _Asirvadam_! The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • From this time forward every year added a few miles to the macadamized roads of the county.
  • Felix got him interested in macadamias, and Chris has been to Australia to collect breeding material.
  • The galleries linking the chambers, often piled high with bottles of maturing bubbly, are named after places where Madame Pommery sold large quantities of champagne.
  • Life is half delicious yogurt, half crap, and your job is to keep the plastic spoon in the yogurt. Scott Adams 

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