How To Use Adam's apple In A Sentence
A soldier tried to shove a bayonet into his throat, but the steel buckled against his adam's apple superconductor.
The door creaked open slowly, and a tall, gangly boy with a madly bobbing Adam's apple made his way into the room.
Two things he was particularly fond of, and upon which he flourished whenever he could get them -- turnip greens and "hog's gullicks," the "Adam's apple" of a hog's haslet, or the "google," as it is commonly called.
Fisher's River (North Carolina) Scenes and Characters
The sinewy neck and its prominent adam's apple, the all-too-heavy make-up, the pronounced muscles on the legs and arms.
Probably female; neck smooth, no real Adam's apple.
Over his not entirely clean white collar you could see his Adam's apple thumping.
I find that your Adam's apple isn't apparent.
Probably female; neck smooth, no real Adam's apple.
A soldier tried to shove a bayonet into his throat, but the steel buckled against his adam's apple superconductor.
His Adam's apple bobbed up and down, which sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
His face was gaunt, eyes deep-set, the Adam's apple prominent.
The corpsman then palpated the thyroid cartilage and found the ‘Adam's apple’ or laryngeal prominence.
They have thin lips and papery eyelids, box jawbones, prominent Adam's apples and withered hearts.
I find that your Adam's apple isn't apparent.
Over his not entirely clean white collar you could see his Adam's apple thumping.
The thickness of his wrist and the greatness of his fingers made authentic the mighty frame of him hidden under loose dungaree pants and cotton shirt, buttonless, open from midriff to Adam's apple, exposing a chest matted with a thatch of hair as white as that of his head and face.
For more precise proportions, measure your neck size right below your Adam's apple with measuring tape.
He stropped his razor painstakingly and shaved himself in leisurely fashion and sent an occasional glance toward his prisoner from the looking-glass, which made Buck swallow hard at his Adam's apple.
The Ranch at the Wolverine
She ended up marrying an engineer from MIT named Brendan Gillis, a young man with a large Adam's apple and terrific prospects.
His face was small and his head no bigger than his Adam's apple.
The sinewy neck and its prominent adam's apple, the all-too-heavy make-up, the pronounced muscles on the legs and arms.
The symptoms of hyperthyroidism include; rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, sudden weight loss, diarrhea, excessive sweating, increased hunger, fatigue, hair loss and swelling in the neck area just below the adam's apple, called a goiter or nodule (nodules are smaller, tumor type growths).
BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
His pointy Adam's apple traveled up and down a stringy neck.
His Adam's apple went into convulsions every time he swallowed and his lips were unusually full.
Maybe the baker thought he needed an adam's apple, realized that it looked like a red bell pepper, so then covered it up with an overglazed Krispy Kreme donut...what?
Step One: Cut a Hole in the Pumpkin
The intense pallor of his complexion, tightly cropped ginger hair, and prominent Adam's apple, only emphasised his lack of stature.
A soldier tried to shove a bayonet into his throat, but the steel buckled against his adam's apple superconductor.
Over his not entirely clean white collar you could see his Adam's apple thumping.
Probably female; neck smooth, no real Adam's apple.
His Adam's apple bobbed nervously in his short, thick throat.
An Adam's apple is an anatomical structure which appears primarily in males.
Gum Boots would have swallowed if he could have stopped his Adam's apple from rushing up and down his neck.