How To Use Adage In A Sentence

  • You should remember the adage that houses are for nesting, not investing. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the local level, one's home represented the center as well, a microcosm of ordered space. 31 One of the adages recorded by Sahagún, otimatoiavi, otimetepexiuj, "thou hast cast thyself into the torrent ... from the crag," is said of someone who has crossed into the periphery with his or her behavior, one "who has placed [themselves] in danger ... who brings about that which is not good. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Thirdly, for the mutual agreement, as being of the same kind: Sus sui, canis cani, bos bovi, et asinus asino pulcherrimus videtur, as Epicharmus held, and according to that adage of Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It all proves the old adage that you wait an hour for a bus and then three come along at the same time. The Sun
  • They still exchange mnemonic sayings, adages and proverbs.
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  • There is an old adage in survey work - the questions you ask determine the answers you get.
  • If, as the adage goes, education is wasted on the young, it is tempting to wonder whether democracy is not wasted on voters.
  • Why, you know Tacitus saith, “In rebus bellicis maxime dominalur Fortuna,” which is equiponderate with our vernacular adage, “Luck can maist in the mellee.” Waverley
  • Why, you know Tacitus saith, “In rebus bellicis maxime dominalur Fortuna,” which is equiponderate with our vernacular adage, “Luck can maist in the mellee.” Waverley
  • Perhaps there is some truth in that old adage about good things coming to those who wait!
  • But without the £17 to £18 headage payment each animal used to attract, there is not enough cash to really justify the business.
  • You can't please all of the people all of the time goes the adage. Times, Sunday Times
  • To change the system of payment will lead to income losses mostly on suckler cow and sheep farms that are highly dependent on headage.
  • Since the beginning of this year, some 1.3 million cheques have been issued to farmers under the various livestock headage and premium schemes.
  • We don't spend our time sniping at farmers' headage payments.
  • One of the oldest military adages has it that those who want peace prepare for war.
  • This lesson in practicality very much relies on the old adage, ‘Kill your darlings.’ Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » 2009 » October
  • Adinkra symbols usually represent popular proverbs, adages or traditional concepts in Ghanaian culture.
  • Of course you've heard the old adage that marriage is about compromise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forget the old adage about women in an emotional crisis cutting their hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • It all goes to demonstrate the old adage that statistics can be used to prove anything, provided you jiggle them properly.
  • Then comes another barrier: that old thespian adage about never working with children or animals.
  • Born in 1856, he became a radical social reformer who preached the adage of ‘one caste, one God and one religion for all men’.
  • Nowhere is the showbiz adage more true than here.
  • An advertising adage from the sixties listed the three most powerful visual draws in order of effectiveness: puppies, babies, and scantily dressed babes.
  • A NEW survey has confirmed the old adage that older people need less kip. The Sun
  • It gives real meaning to the old adage that justice must not only be done, but be seen to be done. The Sun
  • The decisions cover the distribution of the national envelope, the milk quota limit for the suckler cow and the headage limit for the special beef premium scheme.
  • Last week, IFA sources in county Louth confirmed that the inspections could reveal irregularities, going back many years, in claims by sheep farmers for EU headage and subsidy payments.
  • IT'S been said that height is an advantage, but the adage is not universally true. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the adage is true generally. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no one so dangerous as a man backed into a corner, as the adage goes, I think.
  • Nor are you, and this is important for anybody who adheres to the EE Cummings adage ‘include me out’, constantly being pestered to join in with everything.
  • The adage that there are no permanent enemies in politics has been proved true yet again today.
  • The adage "buy cheap and sell dear," or its practical equivalent -- so scary and imitative are investors -- _Buy during the last of a selling movement and sell during the last of a buying movement_, resolves itself, we venture to repeat, into: _Buy when the decline caused by a panic has produced such liquidation that discounts and loans, after steady and long-continued diminution, either become stationary for a period or else increase progressively coincident with a steady increase in available funds; and sell for converse reasons_. A Brief History of Panics and Their Periodical Occurrence in the United States
  • This is a book which confirms the adage that truth is stranger than fiction.
  • Economists should have a similar adage: a job is whatever the jobholder says it is. Labor Market Surveys Diverge, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Unfortunately, following the old adage that mothers raise their sons in the image of the men they wish they had married, our mums refuse to give up on us.
  • You cannot let them, as the old legal adage has it, mendaciously cry ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre.
  • An even more telling example of Erasmus 'desire to link any praise of Socrates with a Christian theme is Erasmus' adage Sileni Alcibiadis (“The Sileni of Alcibiades”), first published in the expanded Adagia of 1515. Desiderius Erasmus
  • Perhaps the future lies in the compromise of adopting the old management accounting adage: different costs for different purposes.
  • You know in Yoruba land there is the adage that says 'where there is no law, there is no sin or crime'. The Laws and us; my thinking.
  • He was a casebook addict, one who proved the adage that drink finally takes the man. Provided You Don't Kiss Me: 20 Years with Brian Clough
  • The old football adage that offense wins games and defense wins championships still scores.
  • We all now agree with Churchill's adage: democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.
  • Remember the old adage — buy cheap, buy twice!
  • Could you compete if everyone else had access to the latest admixtures while you stuck with the adage that the concrete that was good enough for your father is good enough for you?
  • It's disgraceful that the Minister for Agriculture is trying to buy our vote by paying out headage payments to the farmers.
  • Despite some improvements in prices, the picture is not so bright for many in less favoured areas in Laois and especially those now depending on headage payments in the sheep and suckler sectors.
  • ` ` Why, you know, Tacitus saith ` _In rebus bellicis maxime dominatur Fortuna, + which is equiponderate with our vernacular adage, ` Luck can maist in the mellee. The Waverley
  • But, remember the old adage: "One picocurie is too many, and a trillion aren´t enough. American Chronicle
  • The IFA's new member service and benefits package includes premium, headage, tillage aid, farm assist and credit support services, as well as personal accident cover for members.
  • This group of millionaires and billionaires believes in the biblical adage that says, to whom much is given, much is required.
  • As for the report that other people have made a collection to pay his fine - I can only think of the old adage, ‘There's nowt so queer as folk.’
  • Remember the adage: One volunteer is worth ten pressed men. The Sun
  • Forget the old adage about non-stop bicycling; the growing Community badly needs a decade of constitutional calm.
  • The enthusiasts for revolutionary methods overlook the truth of the adage that the best is often the enemy of the good.
  • According to the site, the old adage ‘Men are from Mars, women are from Venus’ is merely a smokescreen - felines are the real Martians.
  • The pattern is an uxorilocal, often expanded nuclear family, in line with the adage that women ‘stay’ and men ‘go.’
  • The adage, that truth is often stranger than fiction, is a huge understatement.
  • And the vast majority of the respondents to the AP-CNBC poll know the old adage that saving is the key to becoming a millionaire.
  • An old adage says ‘There is honor among thieves;’ and obviously, if there were not, there could be no such thing as organized thievishness, or association in mischief of any sort.
  • Reading between the lines, the old adage crops up that familiarity breeds contempt and this seems to be the case with Carneiro. The Sun
  • It reminds me of the old adage never wound an adversary for he will return to seek vegence on you, if you unsheath your sword, make sure you kill him. Lieberman Launches Unprovoked Attack On Harry Reid On Right-Winger Bill Bennett's Show
  • The old adage of no smoke without fire also applies to'no cancer without mutation '. The Sun
  • As the adage goes, money can't buy taste. Times, Sunday Times
  • You know the old adage, 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Christianity Today
  • They practice a lot, going around every arvo after school, bringing to life the old adage ‘practice makes perfect‘.
  • Forget the old adage about non-stop bicycling; the growing Community badly needs a decade of constitutional calm.
  • Since the old adage of a little of what you fancy doing you good is now applicable to chocolate, we can all breathe a sigh of relief.
  • Remember the old adage — buy cheap, buy twice!
  • A NEW survey has confirmed the old adage that older people need less kip. The Sun
  • On the whole I have always agreed with the old adage that horses were dangerous at both ends and uncomfortable in the middle.
  • Thankfully, combine harvesters have become more plentiful in Ireland 2003, although it would be nice for Cooley Peninsula farmers to resolve to return headage payments for non-existent sheep.
  • The amount paid will be 80% of the difference between what was received under the old headage scheme and new area-based regime.
  • It isn't a redundancy to say old adage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Texas is a place where everything is bigger, the adage goes, and that's as true of our lakes as of the horns on our cattle and the tires on our pickups.
  • The oldest and truest adage of the recording world is that newer is not necessarily better.
  • The old adage of practice makes perfect applies here, that these sportsmen who now play almost all year long must also practice more than ever before.
  • And the result proves the adage that being good at snooker is a sign of a youth spent in smoky halls. The Sun
  • The old adage is true: personality helps. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a good old adage which really does work, If you want something doing well, do it yourself!
  • The choices he was speaking about will arise directly from the breaking of the link between production and subsidies through the effective abolition of headage premiums/quotas.
  • So forget the old adages about selling shares if the chief executive's golf handicap is in single digits or if the company has a corporate jet.
  • Not surprisingly, she invokes one of her author's most im - portant adages, “The Sileni of Alcibiades” (Adagiorum chiliades III.iii. 1), in which it is argued that the inner essence of any matter is often the opposite of its outer appearance, to explain that the apparently foolish may actually be wise, the apparently wise, foolish. WISDOM OF THE FOOL
  • That you would need a doctorate in nuclear physics to understand fully the rules governing ewe premiums and headage payments and special density premiums.
  • This payment will be based on the amount of previous headage grants or other subsidies paid to farmers over a reference period of two years, 2000-2002.
  • The situation with the Avenger and Sebring leaves Chrysler in a conundrum that will test one of the more lasting adages of the auto business: establishing a nameplate is a costly investment, making it a good idea not to change. Auto Observer
  • To re-write the adage: all taffies may not be twerps but all twerps are Taffies. any offense is purely intentional, and please refer all writs to Anne Robinson c/o BBC London. Great Welsh Political Anecdotes: No 94
  • Scientists have shown that there is a degree of truth in the old adage that love is blind.
  • In line with the old adage, things did get worse around here before they got better.
  • The adage that ‘education is the lifeblood of a cooperative’ has always had credence and it continues to ring true today.
  • Her daughter described her as a warm, fun-loving person who lived by the old adage that hard work never hurt anybody.
  • He also noted that EU direct payments, especially headage payments, to farmers will increase again this year.
  • The old adage is that content is king. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biblical adage of «an eye for eye» is a statute of limitation, not a spur to indiscriminate reprisal. Kathimerini English Edition : Print Edition : 26/6/09
  • We would do well to remember the adage about defence being the first duty of government and we ignore the lessons of history at our peril. Times, Sunday Times
  • It proves the adage about this race: it is the Everest of the seas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old rugby adage was proven correct against the Boks as the Scottish pack gave their opponents no quarter and precious little ball.
  • The idea of television against reductionism recalls the adage about fighting for peace, and the equivalent activity for virginity.
  • There is an old adage that the science of politics is chemistry, not physics. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's an old adage but it's one that the people of Newry and Mourne are ignoring.
  • The old adage would suggest that you always play to your strengths and I would always go along with that.
  • There is an old and well-worn military adage that while the generals give the orders, it falls to the young soldiers to do the killing and the dying.
  • They still exchange mnemonic sayings, adages and proverbs.
  • The old adage about bad workmen blaming their tools might be true, but in our conversations we have heard few operators of loaders, graders, excavators, and dozers blaming their machines.
  • After all, dwelling on mistakes of the past would not help her unless she learned from them, though the old adage did not make her feel better in the least.
  • Is that old adage worth bearing in mind as consumer prices across the globe accelerate?
  • The old adage about bad workmen blaming their tools might be true, but in our conversations we have heard few operators of loaders, graders, excavators, and dozers blaming their machines.
  • An old adage says ‘brains before brawn,’ but what if the two are held in perfect equality?
  • But then again, what are sex surveys really for, if not to uphold old adages and reinforce our cultural beliefs, attitudes and concerns when it comes to sex.
  • The old adage that more is not necessarily better is certainly the proverbial case here.
  • This is a book which confirms the adage that truth is stranger than fiction.
  • As the old adage goes: 'A weed is just a plant in the wrong place. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old adage that those who try hardest succeed furthest should be made to apply.
  • In the long term, support from government and from the EU cannot be based on headage payments and production subsidies.
  • And Rolf is a fan - if the old adage about imitation being the sincerest form of flattery holds true.
  • FORTUNA, "which is equiponderate with our vernacular adage," Luck can maist in the mellee. Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since
  • A NEW survey has confirmed the old adage that older people need less kip. The Sun
  • Other agencies covered in the OMB Watch report have approached rulemaking informed by the old adage, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Matt Madia: Does Regulation Under Obama Put the Public First?
  • It's scant consolation but the old adage there is always someone else worse off than yourself can help banish the blues.
  • Many blogs feature in their heading a maxim, aphorism, saying, adage, axiom, saw, proverb, epigram or precept.
  • The CSO said the structure of agricultural subsidies changed significantly this year due to reforms in agricultural policy and the introduction of the Single Payment Scheme for farmers to replace headage payments.
  • The problems of the Area Based Headage System relating in particular to farmers with land designated as mountain grazings must be immediately resolved as many farmers have now found that they are entitled to less than expected.
  • Remember the old adage — buy cheap, buy twice!
  • As the old adage says, nothing that comes from a coconut tree is ever wasted.
  • And the vast majority of the respondents to the AP-CNBC poll know the old adage that saving is the key to becoming a millionaire.
  • The adage that familiarity breeds contempt may be all too apposite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or so the adage now goes following news that we're the busiest people in the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • But then it is an old adage that "success has a thousand fathers, and failure is an orphan". Thinking the Unthinkable
  • Next, I selected a book from the leaning tower beside my bed, remembering the old adage: Si tu ne peux les battre, rejoins-les. French Word-A-Day:
  • She believed that a return to the year 2000 budget level, with the money being targeted at those who had lost out in the changeover from a headage to an area based payment scheme, would go a long way to redressing the anomalies which had occurred.
  • One day US officials might be grappling with Carville's adage albeit that modern Asian twist.
  • The oldest and truest adage of the recording world is that newer is not necessarily better.
  • The mainstream media swallow spin and purvey it according to the adage, ‘If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with baloney.’
  • The old adage that the bookmaker always wins is fast being turned on its head, at least when it comes to tax and regulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Calculation of the sums is complicated but producers effectively receive a headage payment on ewes.
  • In his long commentary on that adage, Erasmus described the genesis and significance of the anchor and dolphin in the Aldine colophon.
  • The old adage is true, there are plenty of other fish in the sea - it's just that they are not particularly pretty.
  • As the adage goes, education is its own reward. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why, you know Tacitus saith, "In rebus bellicis maxime dominalur Fortuna," which is equiponderate with our vernacular adage, "Luck can maist in the mellee. Waverley
  • Perhaps the future lies in the compromise of adopting the old management accounting adage: different costs for different purposes.
  • It is an adage that could easily apply to those thinking about investing in any of the Big Four grocers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like all Indian dialects, my mother-tongue Konkani - an amalgam of coastal languages and regional colloquialisms - has its share of adages.
  • It's true that the mountains have been totally over-stocked with sheep, as farmers availed of EU headage grants and other incentives.
  • The old adage about lies, damn lies and statistics springs to mind.
  • A favourite and amusing mode of asseveration among the syeds, especially in testifying to an untruth, is "Beh ser e jeddam" (by the head of my grandfather), meaning Mahommed; indeed it is a common adage that the greatest swearers are the greatest liars. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • When account is taken of the sheep headage scheme, the total amount paid to sheep farmers under the 2000 schemes topped £99 million.
  • Separate figures estimating net farm income to February 2004 showed that cattle and sheep farms in less-favoured areas saw a steady 21 per cent rise to a predicted £14, 500 income thanks to higher prices and headage payments.

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