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  1. Babylonian god of storms and wind

How To Use Adad In A Sentence

  • (Má tá 5 nóiméad le spáráil agat ba bhreá liom comhrá beag a dhéanamh leat faoi do "first impressions of Second Life" - agus é a thaifeadadh don gclár raidio?) BlarneyCamp on this Thursday 3-4pm
  • Methodological quality of all trials was evaluated using the standard scoring system developed by Jadad and colleagues.
  • The _gadado_ was preceded by a band, with four long trumpets, two drums, and a pipe. Great African Travellers From Mungo Park to Livingstone and Stanley
  • At the end of the nineteenth century BCE an ambitious solder called Shamshi- Adad brought Ashur under his control.
  • Members will meet Adada, the "wali" or governor of North Darfur, and other ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Blossom DB, Beigi RH, Farrell JJ, Mackay W, Qadadri B, et al. (2007) Human papillomavirus genotypes associated with cervical cytologic abnormalities and HIV infection in Ugandan women. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Adad -nirari I's successor, Shalmaneser I, made Calah his capital, and followed up on expansion to the northwest, mainly at the expense of the Hittites, reaching as far as Carchemish.
  • La gente de las yslas de los Pintados es gte qe no es muy morena es gte bien heçha y bien agestada ansi hombres como mugeres las quales algunas son blancas, traen hombres y mugeres el cauello largo Rebuelto a la coronilla de la caueça qe les àgraçia muçho pintanse los barones todo El cuerpo de vnas labores muy galanas con Vnas herreçuelos pequeños mojados en tinta qe yncorporados con la sangre queda la pintura perpetua, es gente qe Viue sana porqe la consteraçion de la tierra es buena porqe casi no se alla ningun hombre contreçho ni manco de naturaleça ni mudo ni sordo ni ningun endemoniado ni loco y ansi Viuen sanos hasta muy Viejos, es gente briosa y martista, andavan siempre en guerras por mar y por tierra, ponense muy galanas joyas en las orejas qe las tienen oradadas por dos partes y en la garganta y en los braços. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Near the port area is compact Ladadika, a cluster of squares and streets which formerly comprised olive oil warehouses and markets.
  • They had at their disposal a large body of "plunderers," or Beduin from the eastern desert, and Rib-Hadad accuses them of forming secret alliances with the kings of Babylonia, of Mitanni and of the Hittites. Patriarchal Palestine
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