
How To Use Ad infinitum In A Sentence

  • Without protection schemes, songs in digital form can be copied ad infinitum over the Internet.
  • A clause may be embedded in a phrase, and vice versa, ad infinitum.
  • I know this is an old chestnut, written by loads of people ad infinitum but for now humour me.
  • You cannot stay here ad infinitum without paying any rent.
  • DNA can copy itself within a cell ad infinitum.
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  • The only way to prevent any of this from being repeated ad infinitum is to remove US soldiers from their “atrocity-producing situation” in Iraq. Think Progress » Iraqi Prime Minister Announces Timetable: Full Security Takeover by End of 2007
  • For eight years, if you disputed any of the lies issued ad infinitum from the Bush Cheney administration, you were branded unpatriotic, extremist, aiding the enemy etc. Think Progress » Rove Falsely Claims Bush Administration Never Said Iraqi Oil Revenue Would Help Pay For War
  • You cannot stay here ad infinitum without paying rent.
  • I know this is an old chestnut, written by loads of people ad infinitum but for now humour me.
  • For suppose that A is predicated of F, and that the intermediates-call them BB’B” ... - are infinite, then clearly you might descend from and find one term predicated of another ad infinitum, since you have an infinity of terms between you and F; and equally, if you ascend from F, there are infinite terms between you and A. Posterior Analytics
  • I don't want to go on working here ad infinitum.
  • On and on went the coverage, ad nauseam and ad infinitum --- I wanted to throw. RESCUING ROSE
  • It is a question being asked with some intensity and a degree of mischief on the internet via the likes of Google Images, Flickr and Photobucket, and by a host of artists for whom photography's vast archive of the strange, the beautiful and the mundane is an endless treasure trove to be reappropriated, manipulated and added to ad infinitum. Les Rencontres d'Arles 2011 – review
  • His point is well taken, for if circles were defined in terms of semicircles, then presumably semicircles would be defined in terms of the quarter-circles of which they are composed, and so on, ad infinitum.
  • You cannot stay here ad infinitum without paying any rent.
  • Repeat – ad infinitum, hopefully (and changefully). The Volokh Conspiracy » Attempts to Defeat the Kagan Nomination, and Political Hardball
  • The struggle by peoples the world over to find a solution to an insoluble dilemma will continue ad infinitum.
  • Some there are of great note who, not content with holding that finite lines may be divided into an infinite number of parts, do yet farther maintain that each of those infinitesimals is itself subdivisible into an infinity of other parts or infinitesimals of a second order, and so on ad infinitum. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, by George Berkeley
  • When the ideologue satisfies your prediction, dismissal may be an all too easy response, since engaging in discussion is likely to end only in both sides repeating their viewpoints ad infinitum. Balkinization
  • Each stage of the regress depends on the coherence of a compresence bundle at the next stage, ad infinitum.
  • You don't have to put up with that less-than-flattering snap of your bake going on public display ad infinitum.
  • On and on went the coverage, ad nauseam and ad infinitum --- I wanted to throw. RESCUING ROSE
  • talked on and on ad infinitum
  • DNA can copy itself within a cell ad infinitum.
  • If an essence becomes actual only in virtue of something else - viz. existence - being superadded to it, then what gives existence its reality, and so on ad infinitum?
  • This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.
  • It was a classic case of large fleas, smaller fleas, and so on ad infinitum. DEATH IN FASHION
  • Our epizoic literature is becoming so extensive that nobody is safe from its ad infinitum progeny. The Poet at the Breakfast-Table
  • A few detail tidbits, including 4% GDP growth, we will hear ad infinitum about revealed legal documents regarding the financial collapse, all with currencies "moshing" around in the pit of chaos. - Business News
  • In defense of our approach, I would say only that ours can include the modern primitives, and also include Zen, Sufism, The Troubadours, western anarchism, cyberpunk, punk rock, cubism, Voltaire, ad infinitum.
  • I agree with Greg not because I agree with McCain or even think McCain won overall but when it came to the "sitting down" with Achma ... anhadginn ... ol whatshisface, I detected a little defensiveness on Obama's part and McCain went for the red meat jugular that will be parsed ad infinitum for the next 48 hours ... McCain Seems To Have Upper Hand, But No Real Game Changers
  • The conductor and the orchestra have played the melodious and popular classics ad infinitum and they want a change.
  • I have to explain A, then B, and C, and so on ad infinitum.
  • According to this doctrine each planet depending on its synodic period (but the Metonic cycle for the Sun, the Egyptian lunar period for the Moon), governs a specific fraction of the native's life, or a specific number of months; then each period is divided into subperiods according to the same proportions, and each subperiod may be further subdivided ad infinitum. ASTROLOGY
  • Theoretically this can carry on ad infinitum.
  • This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.
  • Little did Puccini suspect that his La Bohème would continue to be readapted ad infinitum.
  • And if not A + B + C, then, perhaps, shall A + B + C combined with D; and so on _ad infinitum_; or in other words that pairs, or binaries, ternaries, quaternaries, and in that mode of progression will furnish keys intricate enough to meet and to decipher the wards of any lock in nature. The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
  • Emerald could see in years to come she would be repeating herself ad infinitum. YELLOW BIRD
  • DNA can copy itself within a cell ad infinitum.
  • The TV station just shows repeats of old comedy programmes ad infinitum.
  • The problem would be repeated ad infinitum.
  • How could they not be, since all of the GCMs give very different results by all measures average, standard deviation, trend over any given period, IQR, autocorrelation, etc. ad infinitum. New WSJ Article « Climate Audit
  • We can analyze the minutia ad infinitum, point our fingers of blame at Tea Party politics and assail the rhetoric of the right wing more broadly. Morris W. O'Kelly: Time for President Obama to Channel Samuel L. Jackson
  • The only relevant distinction that puts and end to all of these shortcomings-ie, the end to question begging and argumentum ad infinitum is what the Roman Catholic Church teaches about itself with regard to proper authority in the Body of Christ, The Church. Trust This Church?
  • The particular horrors of that regime, unique in the methodical coldness of their execution if depressingly familiar in the depths of their bestiality, would seem to have been plumbed and catalogued ad infinitum.
  • You cannot stay here ad infinitum without paying rent.

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