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How To Use Aculea In A Sentence

  • The fauna of the Succulent Karoo has a rich complement of endemics, especially among the arachnids, hopliniid beetles, aculeate Hymenoptera, and reptiles. Succulent Karoo
  • _ruscus aculeatus_ (butcher's broom) were the most conspicuous, this latter is a pretty ever-green shrub, and the berries were there as large as those of a common _solanum pseudo capsicum_, (Pliny's _amomum_, or winter cherry) and of a bright scarlet colour, issuing from the middle of the under surface of the leaves; I never saw any of these berries any where else. A Trip to Paris in July and August 1792
  • The plant in the roof tile vase is Ruscus aculeatus, or butcher's broom. Façonner - French Word-A-Day
  • The relationship between infectivity of Schistocephalus solidus Cestoda and anti-predator behavior of its intermediate host, the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Parasite Rex
  • The status of rare and endangered flora such as the populations of Saussurea obvallata, Meconopsis aculeata, Cypripedium cordigerum, Dactlyorhiza hatagirea, Aconitum spp. in permanent plots; Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, India
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  • Twenty two native mammals are found in the park including dingo Canis familiaris dingo, red kangaroo Macropus rufus, common wallaroo M. robustus, marsupial mole Notoryctes typhlops, spinifex hopping mouse Notomys alexis, several bat species including Australian false vampire Marcoderma gigas (V), bilby Macrotis lagotis (E), occasional short nosed echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus and several small marsupials and native rodents. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia
  • Larval kleptoparasites of solitary aculeates are also found in the Bombyliidae and Chloropidae.
  • Some polychaetes such as the sea mouse Aphrodite aculeate also bear a ventral muscular, creeping sole; myzostomids have a circular body with fused parapodia, which also forms a ventral foot like structure. Down with phyla! (episode II) - The Panda's Thumb
  • For many aculeates this involves the availability of bare ground, usually sandy, sometimes firm, sometimes loose and in various aspects ranging from flat ground to vertical banks and cliffs.
  • Phenotypic manipulation by the cestode parasite Schistocephalus solidus of its intermediate host, Gasterosteus aculeatus, the threespine stickleback. Parasite Rex
  • Of these plants, 5 out of 6 species globally threatened are not found in Nanda Devi National Park or elsewhere in Uttaranchal: Aconitum falconeri, A. balfouri, Himalayan maple Acer caesium, the blue Himalayan poppy Mecanopsis aculeate and Saussurea atkinsoni. 31 species are classified as nationally rare. Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, India
  • Hymenopterists were hard done by with few aculeates recorded.
  • He points out that all of the branches or groups technically called clades known to have primitively eusocial species—aculeate wasps, halictine and xylocopine bees, sponge-nesting shrimp, termopsid termites, colonial aphids and thrips, ambrosia beetles, and naked mole rats—rely on colonies that build and occupy defensible nests. SuperCooperators
  • The evolutionary origin and elaboration of sociality in the aculeate Hymenoptera: Maternal effects, sib-social effects, and heterochrony. SuperCooperators
  • After all the years, I'm still keen to watch butterflies and moths, and more recently to collect aculeates.
  • The one, of extreme bitterness of words, especially if they be aculeate and proper; for cummunia maledicta are nothing so much; and again, that in anger a man reveal no secrets; for that, makes him not fit for society. The Essays
  • Some polychaetes such as the sea mouse Aphrodite aculeate also bear a ventral muscular, creeping sole; myzostomids have a circular body with fused parapodia, which also forms a ventral foot like structure. Down with phyla! (episode II) - The Panda's Thumb
  • M. Fournier [68] gives as an illustration the case of a specimen of _Ruscus aculeatus_ in which there occurred a division of the foliaceous branches into two segments, reaching as far as the insertion of the flower, but no further. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Woody species in the better drained savannas and woodlands include Tabebuia ochracea, Luehea paniculata, Acacia albicorticata, Acrocomia aculeata, Astronium fraxinifolium, Cordia glabrata, Pithecellobium scalare, Pseudobombax marginatum, and Samanea tubulosa. Beni savanna
  • However, little is known about costs of parental investment in insects, particularly in solitary as well as social aculeate Hymenoptera.
  • The collection represents about 15 percent of the total entomological collections, and is especially rich in Symphyta, aculeates, and entomophagous parasites from worldwide locations.
  • His defection aggrieved her so bitterly, that the fiercest of her wrath turned upon him; and after a wrangle wherein all the parties concerned had made liberal use of those "aculeate and proper" words against which the wary Bacon warns his quarrelling readers, she flounced away into the darkness of the small hours of the stormy December morning, loudly avowing her determination never to see a sight of the ugly, dirty, mane-spirited poltroon, or open her lips to him as long as she had an eye or a tongue in her head. Strangers at Lisconnel
  • Phenotypic manipulation by the cestode parasite Schistocephalus solidus of its intermediate host, Gasterosteus aculeatus, the threespine stickleback. Parasite Rex
  • Dispersed in the grasslands are trees of Crecentia cujete, Ceiba pentandra, Lecythis minor, Ochroma pyramidale, Prosopis juliflora, Cavanillesia platanifolia and palms trees of Sabal mauritiiformis, Acrocomia aculeate, Attalea butyracea and several Bactris spp. Sinú Valley dry forests
  • aculeate insects such as bees and wasps
  • The various other families of aculeate _Hymenoptera_ are doubtless more abundant than the species recorded indicate, and it may be safely reckoned that the parasitic _Hymenoptera_ in Ceylon far exceed one thousand species in number, though they are yet only known by means of about two dozen kinds collected at Kandy by Mr. Thwaites. Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • Of these plants, 5 out of 6 species globally threatened are not found in Nanda Devi National Park or elsewhere in Uttaranchal: Aconitum falconeri, A. balfouri, Himalayan maple Acer caesium, the blue Himalayan poppy Mecanopsis aculeate and Saussurea atkinsoni. 31 species are classified as nationally rare. Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, India

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