

[ US /ˌækˌtʃuˈɛɹiəɫ/ ]
[ UK /ˌækt‍ʃuːˈe‍əɹɪəl/ ]
  1. of or relating to the work of an actuary

How To Use actuarial In A Sentence

  • I learned much from his work on clinical and actuarial judgment, and from Paul Hoffman's ideas about paramorphic modeling. Daniel Kahneman - Autobiography
  • Setting aside all the actuarial and financial gobbledegook, the basic idea was that the boomers and others would start paying not only their own taxes but also advance paying to cover the costs of their own retirement.
  • Rating by astrology would not be actuarially sound. Allstate Retracts Failed Zodiac Joke
  • Look closely at the actuarial assumptions to determine if the plan is overfunded or underfunded.
  • Or, actuarially speaking, there is some chance that Rubio could drop dead but $1. 1mil seems to be a bad bet on that. 1Q 2010: Crist raises 1.1 million to Rubio’s 3.6. | RedState
  • The company's actuarial report is available on demand.
  • The Spinner became a bad actuarial risk the day he got successful. TIME TO MURDER AND CREATE
  • The fact that these programs are * actuarially unsound* in a * big way* is what people like Prof. DeLong should be banging their heads about, rather than the Bush defict increase, which is tiny in comparison. Milton Friedman on Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The research data tend to be formulated from actuarial models and short trials in pregnant women attending antenatal clinics.
  • She is a qualified actuary from the French Actuarial Institute. ITnews
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