How To Use Actual In A Sentence
You do an estimate, and then it might cost a little bit more when you actually do the job.
A little bit overcast is actually a lot better than a sunny sky for us out there," Miller said.
NHL players excited to go outdoors in Buffalo's chill
In most island arcs only a relatively small proportion of the individual volcanoes actually rise above sea level.
Of course, it was snuffed out because Mars is tectonically dead, so the recycling of chemicals that you get on Earth which keeps things going and supplies the surface biosphere would have actually ceased on Mars a lot earlier.
This proposed procurement is a continuation of an existing contractual agreement for the developed prototype NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual Community (NSAVC) web site. ...
Curious Virtual Community Procurement - NASA Watch

It would not be so bad if these tests were actually based on science or some objective measure but they are usually exercises in bureaucratic futility.
Barack Obama Elected President of the United States | One Year Later...What's Changed?
Said hi also to a few of the guys from Aereogramme after they'd finished up, but wasn't actually sure of who was there from Chemikal Underground or what they look like, so I was basically floating around and looking glaikit until Mags pointed out the Newsnight crew, and the nice interviewer man figured out who I was.
Archive 2007-02-01
Failing to detain him could actually amount to abuse.
The Sun
One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.
When things break, it's not the actual breaking that prevents them from getting back together again. It's because a little piece gets lost - the two remaining ends couldn't fit together even if they wanted to. The whole shape has changed. John Green
Actually it's we that owe you a lot.
In the absence of actual selfie evidence, let me provide a few snapshots.
Times, Sunday Times
The score may actually have been 32-0, but it seems the scoreboard operator could not keep up.
So, the system of existential graphs actually requires three dimensions for its representations, although the third dimension in which the torus is embedded can usually be represented in two dimensions by the use of pictorial devices that Peirce called “fornices” or “tunnel-bridges” and by the use of identificational devices that Peirce called
Nobody Knows Nothing
Self-esteem is the need to feel good about oneself and self-actualisation is the need to reach one's full potential.
Incident energy: Total arc energy, both radiant and convective, that is actually received per unit area, in calories per square centimeter.
CSE - Top Articles
But you can't really begin to fathom it until you're actually there.
Times, Sunday Times
The prehensile tail porcupine in South American actually lives in the treetops.
To reduce the wing trim drag, the fuselage was fitted with lateral surfaces called chines, which actually converted the forward fuselage into a fixed canard which developed lift.
Oh, and most of the scathe in my post was fairly mild. chouinard and I tend to substitute perjoratives for ... everything, actually.
Book Reviewer Backlash
My job was often actually throwing the dart out of sight, since they were hopeless at aiming.
Times, Sunday Times
Furthermore, in order to assess the special disability and whether there has been unconscionable conduct, it is essential to also examine the actual actions of those against whom that conduct is impugned.
For a start, when you drive through the gate, instead of just driving through just a field of grass, you actually drive through copses of trees and little forests.
Actually, I was thinking of M&P on top of the CP, as a cover for the paper, but since the water in CP would make it wet to pour on top of the paper, dunno.
Microsoft Soap - Set Up
The virus can actually destroy those white blood cells, leaving the body wide open to attack from other infections.
Now, I can't help but wonder if these people have a quick look-see, utter ‘boring’ and move on, or whether they're actually reading anything I bother to blather on about in here.
These envision a range of possible outcomes within which the actual future is delimited.
Silanes and siloxanes are actually just two variations on the same chemical theme.
Still Life with Action Figure," a particularly realist exercise, actually occurs in suburbia, where an artist son visits his artist father, who has resumed painting despite suffering from parkinsonism.
Ccfinlay: You Make My Heart Sing
The inner reef, where we do walk, is actually composed of coralline algae, calcium-rich plants that form rock-hard ledges.
In the research the hand was linked to the amputee's arm only by wire and actually lay on a nearby surface.
Times, Sunday Times
IBM does not publish the actual, in-depth details of how the optimizer determines the best access path, but the optimizer is a cost-based optimizer.
If you're keeping it traditional and not using Halloween as a three day extended party, you can get down on the actual holiday with the Latin funk of Pimps of Joytime and Nayas at Rock and Roll Hotel.
Nightlife agenda
This seemingly innocuous phrase was actually a veiled threat.
I also have a goldenrod-colored scarf (you know, one of those pashmina-y things) that goes nicely with this, and about two weeks ago I was in "the city" (which seems to be what you call San Francisco, if you live near it) wearing this dress, that scarf, and an old denim Levi's jacket I swiped from my Dad in roughly 1987 (with bright pink leather gloves sticking out of the breast pocket) and a tourist actually STOPPED ME ON THE STREET and asked to take my picture.
The Return (With Butterflies) - A Dress A Day
At about the time Hanson began making his realistic figures in the 1960s, other artists were also making life-sized figures molded from actual people.
There is actually a dishonesty, really, about that slogan that says to keep it in the laboratory and it will be OK.
When you see this poor guy being followed everywhere he goes by hordes of people, it's actually terribly sad.
Burbank worked out in his mind and by actual experiments _distinctive methods_ of development -- _development and changes along particular, definite lines.
Certain Success
The movie had won critical acclaim and is actually one of the few hits that Bollywood turned out this year so far.
Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in this release due to the risks and uncertainties inherent in Somaxon's business, including, without limitation, Somaxon's interpretation of its communications and interactions with the FDA relating to the requirements for approval of the NDA for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; Somaxon's interpretation of the results of the clinical trials for Silenor, the timing of the interpretation of such results and the FDA's agreement with such interpretation; the potential for Somaxon to make a resubmission to the Silenor NDA; the potential for Silenor to receive regulatory approval for one or more indications on a timely basis or at all; the potential for the FDA to impose non-clinical, clinical or other requirements to be completed before or after regulatory approval of Silenor; Somaxon's ability to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FDA that potential NDA approval of Silenor is appropriate prior to the completion of standard, long-term carcinogenicity studies, given the context of completed trials and pending studies; the timing and results of non-clinical studies for Silenor, and the FDA's agreement with Somaxon's interpretation of such results; Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
Side streets, because there are no houses on them are a uniform 50MPH posted (60MPH actual), so even an electric scooter is out and a Vespa is pushing the limit.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » 1.4 Billion
The film features quarrymen actually employed at Dorothea Quarry at the time of filming, some of whom have been identified and their recollections of the filming noted.
I'm quite a kind-hearted person actually.
Times, Sunday Times
Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.
I am never quite clear on whether all this is sartorial or sardonicDads way of announcing that he used to be a punker but is now a middle-school English teacher, or if becoming a teacher has actually turned my dad into this genuine throwback.
Excerpt: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
The two merchants didn't look entirely pleased to have the players mooching off of their business, but it was obvious to the eyes of an outsider that the music was actually attracting customers.
Of course, daylight savings time will never go away, because modern environmentalism has become more a matter of making empty feel-good gestures than performing rational acts that actually improve something.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » It Seems I Was Right About Daylight Savings Time
The sweet and sour tastes actually go very well together.
The Sun
It's not clear who actually pulled the trigger.
A very few quilts actually contain stenciled or embroidered designs along with the pieced or appliqué work.
I can give you the actual figures.
Because today's a public holiday, Sunday night was without that familiar cramp in the neck from thinking about Monday's workload, even though I actually have to work later in the arvo today.
So the image of the bespectacled fuddy-duddy in his dusty library is a straw man: I would hazard that print publishing experts are actually on the cutting edge of new media.
Publishing’s not as out of it as you think
They are not the suits you would actually use: the aim here is simulation, not replication, so they are merely very cumbersome, which is what the real suits would have to be.
Home | Mail Online
In analyzing the actual content of the perzine, one discovers a number of strategies deployed in the construction and performance of social identity.
An epitaph is on a gravestone, and while I am sure they would be happy to oblige, that wasn’t what they were actually throwing, I don’t think ….
Think Progress » GOP Rep. Nunes Excuses Racist, Homophobic Tea Partier Slurs As A Response To ‘Totalitarian Tactics’
The paddles turned out to be harmless slapsticks, with holes through the actual paddle part so they could cause a loud slapping noise without hurting.
Starting this month, rival United Parcel Service Inc.'s freight division is raising average noncontractual shipping rates in North America by 6.9%, as the industry copes with rapidly rising fuel costs.
FedEx to Raise U.S., Canada Freight Rates 6.8%
What seems obvious though is the complexity of the process by which the banks will actually merge.
Times, Sunday Times
She gets signed up for Amateur Night as a sentimental soprano soloist, is propelled on stage, moves her lips as the crowd makes noise, sways her body as if actually singing, then exits.
“. . .all his race rose up before him in a mighty phantasmagoria. . .”
I tried on clothes that actually fit me and felt comfortable instead of living in denial and trying on clothing that depressed me when I couldn't get the pants above my thighs.
There is no factually established minimal toxic level or maximally allowable safe dose for diquat.
The Daily News Tribune Homepage RSS
The energy charge, measured in kilowatt-hours, is for the actual electricity that is used by the facility.
But to Mr. Robin there is no actually existing Burkeanism anywhere, making those who cite the ideal of a reasonable, pragmatic, nonreactionary conservatism guilty of the kind of utopianism the left is more commonly faulted for.
NYT > Home Page
Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., who chairs an investigative subcommittee that will hold a hearing on the report today, said the Obama administration should "get on with it and actually debar the worst of the tax cheats from the contractor workforce.
GAO report: Tax cheats received billions in stimulus funds
Will Ralphie boy have a similar experience and actually convert from his corrupt “moneychanger” fake Christian mentality and embrace more liberal, compassionate Christian beliefs and behaviors?
Firedoglake » Safavian Found Guilty
One of my dazed wits tried to tell me the odds against this actually happening.
And therefore (quod iterum moneo, licet nauseam paret lectori, malo decem potius verba, decies repetita licet abundare, quam unum desiderari) I would advise him that is actually melancholy not to read this tract of Symptoms, lest he disquiet or make himself for a time worse, and more melancholy than he was before.
Anatomy of Melancholy
The hipster cops are sneering at the two faux surfers: 'I'm all dialed in to see what happens if the pair of rainbow donks actually hit the briny on their unwaxed legs.'
Joseph Wambaugh's latest: Loopy theatrics and lyrical language
This was slightly dampened by the fact that we actually know this guy.
The actual life experience of the therapist can be an extremely important factor.
And he's actually kind of a neo Republican, a new version of Republicans that could really redefine that party and rejuvenize it.
CNN Transcript May 9, 2008
Actually, this particular strain of e. coli is going to be more likely to have been spread by humans, manure (even the so-called organic stuff) or animals, than water.
We aim to correct factual errors as soon as we can.
The Sun
In stories the subject often comes after said, says or say when it follows the actual words spoken, unless it is a pronoun. Be quiet, I have something to say.
As an added bonus the DVD actually has enough extra content that it can be considered a special edition.
Talia's room, when we reach it and I actually take the time to observe it, is decorated in varying shades of pastel blue, more or less coordinating the curtains and the bed sheets.
Finally, the actual meal-ender: a tender, subtle Chinese snow pear deep-fried in a beignet-like crust. Magic.
Actually the great bit about the DVD compendium isn't the re-watching; it's watching six episodes back to back in little more than two hours.
In all honesty, the only thing I was actually doing right was my schoolwork.
It's a world where dinosaurs are your next door neighbours, and where some of the most famous feuds in history where actually territorial disputes between apatosaurs bearing grudges...
Susanna Clarke in the NY Times
Actually, the color of white gold is light grey but it is coated with a layer of rhodium.
A townswoman actually comes to the castle in despair, demanding her child; Dracula sets a pack of wolves on her.
Amazingly, as personal computer technology was filtering into the Weltanschauung, their vision was actually filtering into the mainstream.
While we are at it we should skip most of the stuff comingout of Turtle Bay — actually maybe we ought to just skip Turtle Bay altogether.
The Volokh Conspiracy » United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:
This conundrum poses two questions: First: does collective stupidity actually have a bottom limit or is it some kind of great cosmic suckhole from which reason and common sense simply cannot escape?
The End-of-the-World Survival Kit
It turned out I was pretty good in science. But again, because of the small budget, in science class we couldn't afford to do experiments in order to prove theories. We just believed everything. Actually, I think that class was called Religion. Religion class was always an easy class. All you had to do was suspend the logic and reasoning you were being taught in all the other classes. George Carlin
My desire is to bring the viewer out of the gallery space and into the actual physical environment of the lakebed.
Perhaps it's because of the deluge of words, perhaps it's the weightiness of the subject, but one doesn't actually become involved emotionally.
In fact, the history of the Church demonstrates that praxis is not only inseparable from, but actually flows out of didache or teaching.
Archive 2008-07-13
Actual Hebrew letters in original. mem and tet are transposed, kaph and vav look just like resh. * = final forms.p. 52, note "54".
Mysticism and its Results Being an Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy
nonobvious" too easy a standard to meet. 7 It is unclear, however, whether that judgment will produce concrete effects on actual practices of patent grants and litigation.
The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
But it actually is ushering in a new rationale for the media's scandal mongering.
On the farther side of the hypostyle there were still other large halls which led ultimately to the actual sanctuary, or sekos, in which the divinity was represented by a statue or some symbol; only the king, or his representative, the high priest, could enter the sekos.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Chopping up the chocolate is actually one of the most important things you need to do for this recipe before mixing them into the batter.
Baking Bites » Print » Chocolate Chip Angel Food Cupcakes
Possibly, this sympathy could appear somewhat self-indulgent, or over-dramatic, if not actually absurdly histrionic.
Now, whether the presentative faculty of the soul be identical with, or different from, the faculty of sense-perception, in either case the illusion does not occur without our actually seeing or [otherwise] perceiving something.
On Dreams
Someone who can, in all deliberateness, actually give forth that depraved statement would do well, truly, to reconsider or shut up.
It's actually a Hindu religious symbol meaning `let good prevail.
It's fun and looks good, but I tend to think the "shazam" factor overwhelms the actual participatory value. NN08: Annette Taddeo Is a 'Future Leader'
Actually, they call it "pranked," and you probably think I'm talking about famous Canadian-born SNL producer Lorne Michaels, but no, no, no ... or should I say "non, non, non?
The Seminal :: Independent Media And Politics
An extension of this may occur when the victim actually, becomes a supporter or advocate of her captor.
When I started doing this, I thought, easy-peasy, but it's actually quite difficult.
The pragmatic differentiation between classificatory, potential and actual affines is undertaken in accordance with the proscriptive principles described above, and is framed within a consubstantial conception of relatedness.
I remember spending as much time reading the contents of the books in Deus Ex and Fable, and reading the pads in Doom 3, as I ever spent actually trying to beat combatants.
Some Thoughts, Part Seven – Games « The Graveyard
Siu said the maximum actual use instead of the maximum capacity of swimming pools was used to decide the number of lifeguards deployed.
The single engine, semi-displacement hull form with deep forefoot and a long deep keel actually more closely resembles Down East-style workboats and cruisers.
Herein resided the stem-winding, therapeutic logic of the year-long national "conversation on race"; the periodic presidential apologies for world-historic wrongs which were usually strategic evasions of actual legislative responsibility; and the fussy feel-good conferences on teen violence and the media.
The Feel Good Presidency
It's survived in a very peculiar form, with the so-called monks are actually married and have their hair long, unlike in the South where they're tonsured, and they wear civilian clothes but with the robes just over the tops of them.
Britain has many admirers around the world, but who actually owns our green and pleasant land?
The Sun
It took a while to get to know each other well enough to actually confide in one another.
Whatever Paul is or is not, he is an only an approvement when one considers Lieberman, who is actually and increduously still a part of the US Government.
Paul Casts a Larger Shadow (Convention) - The Caucus Blog -
Prosecutors said the committee had approved applicants who presented forged honours that carried dates pre-dating the actual creation of the vaunted title.
Other fumitories have the tip of the lower petal like a spoon in that it is hollowed out, but the actual outline from directly above or below is parallel-sided.
A year period lending rate is used for no-risk guerdon rate in place of national debt interest rate in order to match actual circumstance.
Photo she sent us quite inaccurate -- she actually looks 12 not 14 & is tiny like a doll.
Masked, they were dynamic, varied, and hilarious, so that their masks actually seemed to become their faces, despite their grotesqueness; unmasked, they were slow, hesitant, and awkward, as if ashamed of the material.
I am pretty certain that during his actual practice lifetime Dr. Egnor utilized these studies and never counted on the brains of his patients to be so intelligently designed that they would all be optimally perfectly identical. coturnix
Egnorance Overload - The Panda's Thumb
Therefore it's impossible to estimate the actual value of the deal.
I've had some luck getting laid with AdultFriendFinder (it sounds so much sketchier than it actually is, I promise), but if that's not what you're looking for, then stay away.
Ask Professor Foxy: Does My Size and Not Flirting Keep Me Alone? - Feministing
We have become a nation of children, happy to surrender our judgments and our wills to political exhortations and commercial blandishments that would insult actual adults.
It is sometimes too much but sometimes you actually want it to ring.
The Sun
The sin of idolatry may lie less in the actual action of worshipping a foreign god than in the denial of the universals that such worship implies.
Now it looks like some of these banks may have been technically insolvent for quite some time before they actually collapsed.
Times, Sunday Times
The keel is a centreboard but not weighted; the ballast is in the hull itself (which sounds inefficient but actually works surprisingly well).
Shalene's been watching me ... and my dancing is actually watchable!
Archive 2006-10-01
I often say gorillas are like that: big and look very fierce and very strong but actually are quite gentle and sensitive.
Times, Sunday Times
Your first book was actually a theological exploration of the meaning of motherhood.
Sodium hydroxide is a caustic type of chemical that actually softens hair fibers.
It will be closer to L.A. without actually being there, and let's face it, the hotel room gouging is really out of hand.
San Diego Convention Center Plans $753 million Expansion in Bid to Keep Comic-Con | /Film
Surprisingly, studies are showing that they can actually help you to shed pounds.
Times, Sunday Times
Maybe she's confused by your claim because she knows what the word trite actually means.
Okay. I'm up for it tonight. I'm live-blogging Hillary Night at the Democratic Convention.
In either case, the story of queenly beauty would not be complete without the recognition that royal women have traditionally had far more chances than the average woman of actually being beautiful.
Steel actually work-hardens over time, so in theory, steel shafts get slightly stiffer the more they're used.
My vampires are actually ugly and do the freakiest thing: they eat people.
Vampire Fashion Week!
They were actually hemmed in by cattle grids at each end of the village, he pointed out - and there were disinfectant mats at each entrance to prevent the spread of infection.
On Seventh Avenue, slack-jawed visitors scrambled for digital cameras, and taxicabs actually slowed down for something other than a fare.
Obviously, one way to do it is to actually make them owners, for example, with an employee stock ownership plan.
So we've actually put in place a helpline, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for people to call, where they'll get professional assistance from people who are trained counsellors.
When the transmission type smoke meter examination is not good with the standard neutral light filter neutral degree, this kind of affect can affect its prepare result and the actual use.
More critical are analogous words that have acquired easily mistakable senses, such as eventually/eventuellement (‘possibly’), actually/actuellement (‘currently’), or to attend/attendre (‘to wait’).
French/english Translation: the Unusual History of the English Language « Articles « Literacy News
Instead, we get the "kerplunk" scene we knew we were getting from the end of last issue, Luthor revealing that he's actually kind of a bastard after all, members of Infinity II declaring twice in two pages that it sure is a good thing they still have their powers, and a lost-in-space scene that once again fails to advance that plot.
Week 35: That Most Dangerous of Animals
But many Nashville residents are unconvinced, leaving government and civic leaders worried that the once-done Oilers deal actually could collapse.
It is actually something of a challenge to locate sentences in The Structure of Evolutionary Theory that are not unwieldy, ridiculously self-referential, and grotesquely polysyllabic.
Frenetic attempts to distract and comfort him may actually overstimulate him and increase his levels of arousal.
Times, Sunday Times
I have battled with my conscience over whether I should actually send this letter.
The bureau warns that servicing such high fixed returns could squeeze funds available for providing actual care.
Times, Sunday Times
Once facility executives understand actual energy consumption, they can begin benchmarking their buildings against their competitors and even their own real estate.
They are not the happy, well adjusted children that we all imagine we can raise until we actually have the little hellions.
I can not give the actual figures.
But she's not actually ugly; she's just pert and smart-mouthed and has a sexy voice, completely according with that rom-com genre convention of the comic sidekick to the heroine.
Between short scenes – aiming presumably to distil the essence of Faulks's novel but actually stripping it of atmosphere and verve – swathes of prose are just read out.
Birdsong; On Ageing; The Big Fellah; Yes, Prime Minister
The F-22's "supercruise," that is, its ability to cruise supersonically, is unusably short in duration due to inadequate onboard fuel capacity -- so short that current Air Force training missions to exercise supercruising combat actually schedule one tanker refueling just before going supersonic and one more refueling before going home subsonically.
The Full Feed from
Interesting, also, that some of the hits for 'intoleration' are people actually querying whether the word exists.
On tolerating
You have to have some sort of engagement, some sort of a carrot that not only entices that actual government but makes sure that other forces within Iran know there's an alternative.
A Firmer Hand
Looking like film noir stills, these photographs were nighttime shots of the actual sites where the fateful encounters between police and civilians occurred.
It is perhaps correct to say that Moses actually was descended from Levi, and that the later significance of the name Levite is to be explained by reference to him.
Well to me, being on stage is the closest thing to actually making love, you know.
Lots of times words get perverted, too -- computer scientists who talk of "synchronous processes" have no idea what the actual definition in English of "synchronous" is -- they think it means "synchronized" -- and when they call putting millions of transistors on a tiny chip and call it Very Large Scale Integration, they're turned the phrase "large scale" on its very head.
My mechanic Steve
By ‘real’ stress I mean when the bank heavies are actually knocking on your door and it's pay up time on the arrears on the house payments.
The people who actually believe the likes of a Palin could do this are the same people who might let their children hand-feed peanuts to a bear. tc campbell
CNN Poll: Most Americans say Palin not qualified to serve as president
The quality of the brickwork is the best that I have ever seen, and not a single brick was disturbed beyond those actually removed.
Despite the inherent inexactness of reproduction cost estimates, he insisted that their economic importance was such that they could not be ignored when they markedly differed from actual cost figures.
But until a claim was actually made, no loss or damage was sustained by the fund.
Times, Sunday Times
There's actually what I call a sucking sound of people coming into the country and the insurgents who have political and religious motivations.
CNN Transcript Oct 4, 2004
(It wasn't until I was parked at the second new lek, which is actually the first new lek, that I remember one if the reasons I bought this Olympus camera is because it can use regular alkaline batteries.
Grouse Diary Entry
He laughs as he says it, but he actually does have the air of a kid who's gotten away with something.
It turns out that silver tantrums are actually a key stage of the holiday season.
Times, Sunday Times
The rapture effected by an aesthetic of the sublime is often more persuasive than any rational argument in its direct exploitation and manipulation of the audience's sense of actualities, possibilities, ethical duties and emotional affinities/antipathies.
On the Sublime
The use of the word Parasceve in the Gospels raises the question concerning the actual day of Our Lord's crucifixion.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
We were actually standing on opposite sides of the sign, doh!
Critics saw this move into the thriller genre as an admission of the inauthenticity of his supposedly factual work.
Times, Sunday Times
Although he had no actual plans, he knew that his road would be made dear and so he waited, getting by on talent and saving his genius for when his name would be called.
This one took place on the actual date that the play premiered, that is, September 11, 2011.
Michael Giltz: Theater: ERS Tackles Hemingway; Nelson Tackles 9-11
In all such eases, odd as it may sound, our judgment may actually be said to retroact and to enrich the past.
Meaning of Truth
The latent demand for uncoated groundwood publication, printing, and supercalendered paper is not actual or historic sales.
Therefore, saccharorrhea patient wants the reality treatment this question certainly not to want to readily believe some not symbol actual suitable biography.
artifactual" proof that sound recording existed before CDs and MP3s.
This hypothesis, to say no more, will fit well all the facts -- for instance, the universality of the belief in evil spirits and any evidence adducible for actual influence on men, whether in the records of demonic possession and magic in the past or in the phenomena of modern Spiritism.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
Actual punishment should only be used as a last resort; a sharp tap with a cardboard strip is quite sufficient.
Also, with chemical reactions as your energy source, you can't really use hydrogen as your exhaust gas, because it isn�t the product gas of the energetic reactions you'd like to use, always assuming that you don't actually have tanks of monoatomic hydrogen lying around.
In addition, if the scar tissue forms in and around the fingerlike ends of your tube called the fimbria, the tubes may actually seal shut, in which case all chances for natural conception are lost.
Getting Pregnant
April 23rd, 2010 at 3:41 pm actually the liberals follow a slightly different version bubkis the PRESUMPTION of an end justifies the means
Obama and Niebuhr
It was obviously faux-meat that was actually called "seitan" (seriously pronounced "Satan," as in the prince of darkness).
Daily Campus
Or is it that your idea of perfection is such that the less actual substance on a body, the better?
The Court of Appeals held that Hallberg was judicially estopped from indemnity from Portland because his claim was factually inconsistent with claims he made defending the previous suit on which he had prevailed.
One less bell to answer (Jack Bog's Blog)
Water vapor is vastly greater in actual effect than CO2, you going to ban that too?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Comment on Kerry-Lieberman Climate Bill
I was actually born in New Zealand, but I've lived in England for so long that it feels like home now.
Meanwhile, all of Africa and large parts of Asia would lie dark and unlit as if during a wartime bombing raid, a fate that one or two places down there would actually be enduring.
I don't think I ever had had beef stew with such pasta, even though although they serve stew with egg pasta like tagliatelle, but it was not soupy at all, and tasted actually good.
As with this hero, so with others, till Peggy came to look forward, actually, to the history hour; which shows what a teacher can do when she understands her girls, and knows enough to call Plutarch and his peers (if any!) to aid her in her task.
They did not know that the actual music of the rite is also selected and contained within an official book of the Church.
They sang the propers in Atlanta
It's impossible to stay fully hydrated while actually climbing, so rehydrating at the end of the day or during breaks between hard effort is essential.
Researchers then asked the injured parties how strongly they'd actually feel about such infractions.
So the only way that they could really construct what we call a trench would be actually what I call a fortification meaning they would have to build up.
A Storm in Flanders: The Ypres Salient, 1914-1918: Tragedy and Triumph on the Western Front
All I can ask is, what has happened to all that money and what has actually improved?
But ideological arguments, navel-gazing and the odd bout of nat-bashing aside, how will Labour members actually vote?
Archive 2009-09-01
‘He apologised and was really regretful even though he was not involved in the actual attack,’ he said.
When I picked up the case that had the deprogrammer in it, the case had Grene written on it (although Geenen is etched in the plastic of the actual deprogrammer, meaning my dentist got it right but one of the staff didn't), and when I got called to the pharmacy window to pick up a prescription, they called me as Grinnen.
Table Tango