

  1. advocating or engaged in activism

How To Use activistic In A Sentence

  • Rereading now the essays I have written for this and other papers in the Sixties, I am struck by the activistic, almost rationalistic, mood that permeates them. Reflections on the End of the Republic
  • Winstanley and Müntzer share a mystical and so - cially activistic theological perspective. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • MPs can too by having more activistic committees and constituency offices do much to bolster confidence in the criminal justice system. Speech by Yunus Carrim, Chairperson Justice Portfolio Committee,during the debate on the Justice budget vote
  • When Japan began to move south into China in 1937 and Germany became more active in Latin America, Roosevelt and his advisers moved toward an activistic and interventionist foreign policy because of the threat to our economic interests throughout the world. Interpretations of American History
  • Pragmatism has hitherto made headway chiefly in America and Britain, but on its activistic side it is akin to a new philosophical movement which has appeared in France and Germany. Christianity and Ethics A Handbook of Christian Ethics
  • In its chrysalis stage fascism is but a publicistic and activistic (or 'agit-prop') phenomenon on the fringe of mainstream political culture and developments, condemned to lead a marginal existence in articles, pamphlets and books, often with negligible readerships and in the radicalism of ineffectual political factions," he writes. Michelle Goldberg: The F-Word
  • 911Skeptics Unite" is the ultimate alphabetical collection on smoking guns regarding Sep11th, evidence on the bogus war on terrorism, a handbook for investigative, progressive and activistic proud americans and worldwide citizens. Archive 2003-03-01
  • Ron Reagan 1958- - American magazine journalist, board member of the politically activistic Creative Coalition, son of former U. S. President Ronald Reagan. Science: Ohio School Board Boots Out ID - The Panda's Thumb
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