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How To Use Activated In A Sentence

  • While several agents are available, activated charcoal is the most broadly effective adsorbent.
  • Indeed, purified antigen-specific B lymphocytes from HIV-1-infected patients can be activated invitro by HIV-1 antigens to secrete cytokines and immunoglobulins.
  • Discuss emphatically on the process of electrostatics flocking of activated carbon fiber and its adsorbability.
  • Activated carbon fiber is a new type of high efficiency adsorbent.
  • They are smaller molecules than proteins, so they have to become attached to a protein molecule before they are activated.
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  • But researchers have had mixed success in recreating the original experiments showing both that sirtuins can extend life, and that they can be "activated" by a substance called resveratrol, which is currently found in anti-aging creams and under investigation for ailments associated with old age. Reuters: Press Release
  • Anyway, what it shows is that the frontal cortex, where reasoning occurs, is deactivated, meaning that during the BIG O, the male of our species becomes, well, dumb. The Return of Ask Dr. SoT
  • Then the mixture is applied to a cleaned device surface and activated by ultraviolet light.
  • Enter AICAR, which targets a protein called adenosine monophosphate - activated protein kinase ( AMPK ).
  • And Amanda would answer, "The label states that this carton contains activated ergosterol. Another Roadside Attraction
  • Have you ever heard of a cow that activated ergosterol? Another Roadside Attraction
  • Activated ROCK induces neurite retraction [5] while selective ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, as well as ROCK dominant negative mutants promote neurite formation PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In addition to the presence of neutralizing antibodies, in vitro studies have shown that human adenovirus type 5 hemagglutinates human erythrocytes and is partially inactivated by the classical complement system.
  • In humans, analogous brain regions and neural circuits are activated equivalently when we see or form mental images of the faces of specific individuals.
  • Physiologically, when brain cells are activated by the memory process, the nerve cell coating, known as the glial sheath, increases in thickness and becomes thicker and thicker with each repetition, strengthening the electrical pathway in brain that constitutes memory. Sequential Problem Solving A Student Handbook with Checklists for Successful Critical Thinking
  • The computer itself could only be activated by an access code known solely to Bailey.
  • The sexual sweat, but not the normal sweat, activated the right orbitofrontal cortex and the right fusiform cortex, brain areas that help us recognize emotions and perceive things, respectively.
  • It literally dumped cages of birds onto a pair of conveyor belts, which were activated when you activated the hanging belt.
  • They inactivated the viruses, filtered and blended the three types into the vaccine for the trial.
  • The functional data was processed with software statistical parameter mapping 2 (SPM2). After at test to the region of interest (ROI) activated respectively by the three kinds of stimulation pictures.
  • Hemorrhage and resuscitation (H/R) leads to phosphorylation of mitogen-activated stress kinases, an event that is associated with organ damage.
  • In most cases the model assumes that the activated molecule is diffusible, and the washout occurs whenever the rate of diffusion exceeds rate of formation of the molecule.
  • An activated word might be defined as any word placed in a context such that it takes on emotional intensity.
  • In the stomach, pepsinogen is secreted, and activated into pepsin by the acid that is secreted at the same site.
  • The emergency shutdown procedure was activated.
  • The life of activated carbon is limited - factors like gallonage and stocking levels affecting it.
  • Then without even giving a proper bill of charges, they went ahead and deactivated my connection since I had allegedly exceeded my calling value.
  • Apart from being deactivated, potentially explosive acetylides are also produced.
  • It is not known whether the thrusts and reverse faults represent reactivated extensional basement structures or formed entirely during basin inversion.
  • An increased release of transmitter each time the sensory neuron is activated leads to a stronger muscle activation. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2000
  • The Ukrainian azygous lady believe that they are activated in a advisable artifact. Article directories Celibataire Urbaine
  • Just after boarding was complete he activated the first signal and pictured in his mind the valves being blown so that there would be gas leaks all over the building.
  • Brain regions known as the nucleus accumbens and orbitofrontal/prefrontal cortex were also activated. These regions are known to be associated with intense cocaine addiction and cigarette addiction.
  • His spirit has greatly activated the audience.
  • The San Francisco Giants deactivated wide receiver Chuck Robinson.
  • Piaget suggested that feelings are variable, and thus the behavior activated by feelings may be variable.
  • A fractionated extract of Astragalus membranaceus potentiates lymphokine-activated killer cell cytotoxicity generated by low-dose recombinant interleukin-2. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • Importantly, sound - and wind-sensitive Johnston's organ neurons exhibit different intrinsic response properties: the former are phasically activated by small, bi-directional, displacements of the aristae, whereas the latter are tonically activated by unidirectional, static deflections of larger magnitude. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • It was bought by a nice man in [redacted], who three days after he received the phone, e-mailed me to say he'd taken the phone to the T-Mobile near his home to have it activated only to be told that a brand new phone, which was still in the box and had all the accessories in plastic, was broken and couldn't be repaired. T-Mobile: We Can't Help You, Sell Your Brand New Defective Phone On eBay - The Consumerist
  • When she thought about playing tennis, the supplementary motor cortex, which is involved in planning movements, became active, but when she imagined walking through her house, the parahippocampal gyrus, which is needed for spatial navigation, was activated. The Guardian World News
  • Vix hit the retros, frantically pulled up so that the Eternal's nose was almost hitting the ceiling, and activated the belly thrusters at full power just before they hit the wall.
  • The gene is activated by a specific protein.
  • A tombstoned application restores its transient state when it is activated. The Windows Blog
  • In this mutant, a protein is inactivated which plays a key role during the negative feedback control of chlorophyll biosynthesis.
  • The antihistamine loratidine is one example of a prodrug that must be activated by liver enzymes to be effective, the researchers pointed out in their paper.
  • Rather, they might have set up production lines that can be activated if war threatens.
  • When the button is activated, Sanyo A5520SA will also send an alert to the matched phone. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Loud buzzer phone plus GPS
  • His spirit has greatly activated the audience.
  • A guard activated a radio-jamming device immediately so the bomb couldn't be detonated, West wrote.
  • Two solar powered vehicle activated signs which will detect vehicles exceeding the speed limit and flash up a reminder.
  • The activated charcoal is normally packaged in filter cartridges that are inserted into the purification device.
  • Your gluteus maximus and hamstrings are powerful hip extensors that are activated whenever you stand, sit or step up.
  • Touch? The sense of touch is activated already during pregnancy.
  • If I could regulate the gas supply with a electrically-activated valve, I could adapt my breadboarded controller to the gas kiln.
  • However, a patient activated electrocardiograph showed ventricular tachycardia during a symptomatic spell.
  • The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.
  • Most areas, only the Alarm security people arrive if the alarm is activated. House broken into in Nogales over the weekend
  • It would cost around four million pounds to convert every cash dispenser in the country to being voice activated.
  • Piaget suggested that feelings are variable, and thus the behavior activated by feelings may be variable.
  • Because the virus is inactivated, it cannot possibly cause hepatitis (see How Are Vaccines Made?). Hepatitis A Vaccine
  • A 1998 study showed that pentacyclic alkaloids weakly activated human B- and T-lymphocytes, and that tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids reduced the activity of pentacyclic oxindoles.
  • As the security situation in Iraq worsened recently, Centcom's David Petraeus told Congress in April that the al-Qaida in Iraq pipeline through Syria had been "reactivated". James Denselow: Obama's Middle East Balancing Act
  • The second is that if these problems arose, the companies activated a response plan to halt the suspected violation immediately, to investigate the circumstances thoroughly and in an unbiased manner and to penalize guilty perpetrators according to preestablished guidelines. How Companies Should Handle Office Romance
  • Although the windows were not linked to the burglar alarm, a sensor activated the system and a passing police patrol stopped to check the building.
  • Because bioreductive drugs are activated to form highly effective cytotoxins under hypoxic conditions, they can be used to inactivate hypoxic tumor cells that are refractory to the direct cytotoxicity of hypericin-PDT.
  • Activated carbon has the ability to remove a wide variety of organic compounds from water and wastewater, even in trace quantities.
  • It's voice activated, so you just speak the phone number and it will place the call for you.
  • I think I mentioned somewhere that delusions are visions of realities not yet activated.
  • When fired, the cartridge activated within 3 meters of the muzzle to spray flechettes in a shotgun-like blast.
  • Macrophages may be activated by cigarette smoke and other inhaled irritants.
  • For a time he was assigned to the 1/75 Ranger Indoc Program at Hunter before the Regt was activated and that function consolidated at Ft. Benning. Command SgtMaj Rick CAYTON
  • And they have reactivated a mothballed nuclear reactor that can produce weapons-grade plutonium.
  • For chemical filtration, which usually means packing with an absorptive medium such as activated carbon or some sort of resin.
  • This instruction was a sound signal by a pager, randomly activated by the experimenter via the telephone.
  • For the synthetic studies, we made the peptides by polymerising an activated form of the amino acid (the N carboxyanhydride) using a nucleophile as an initiator.
  • Objective To study the relationship between microangiopathy and activated platelet in patients with - insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus ( NIDDM ) .
  • Nowadays, just about every haircare line makes curl activated products.
  • Activated charcoal, spread on a pan like baking soda, also alleviates an odor problem.
  • Video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement.
  • He was then sedated and ventilated to facilitate further examination and investigation. Activated charcoal with sorbitol was administered by nasogastric tube.
  • This was the day the GSM operator activated its network and started selling prepaid cards to individual customers.
  • Decontamination: Orogastric lavage with saline followed by activated charcoal. Aspirin: effects, poisoning
  • Conclusion These results suggest that the level of serum ECP can reflect the inflammation in the bronchial tube and the activated state of eosinocyte more sensitively than IgE.
  • There is an alternative called inactivated polio vaccine or IPV, but unlike OPV it's expensive to make and difficult to deliver because it has to be injected by trained health workers in clinics. Reuters: Press Release
  • Mounted on the rear number plate and automatically activated in reverse gear, two ultrasonic sensors can detect obstacles up to 100 cm behind the car.
  • For example, chrysotile fibres have been shown to depress the in vitro proliferation of phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes, suppress natural killer cell lysis and significantly reduce lymphokine-activated killer cell viability and recovery. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Some dimmable or multilevel electronic ballasts may be activated by PLC signals to cut lighting levels to minimally acceptable levels.
  • It would then re-route those calls through his interception center where they would be recorded on voice-activated tape reels. BLACK EAGLES
  • The Army Air Defense Command was deactivated nationwide that year and with it came the end of Fort Hancock's military status.
  • Greater sensitivity can be achieved using laser activated fluorescence detectors.
  • The regions associated with emotion, such as the insular cortex and parts of the anterior cingulate cortex, are not activated until the more mature phases of a relationship.
  • A radio transmitter is activated alerting rescue teams to their whereabouts.
  • Rubisco must be activated to catalyse the carboxylation and oxygenation reactions.
  • These extensional faults were reactivated as reverse faults during Neogene compression associated with subduction beneath the North Island.
  • Ships, yachts and aircraft carry emergency beacons which are activated when they come into contact with water, sending a signal on a reserved frequency that identifies the vessel and its approximate location.
  • The manufacture of chlorophyll in plants is activated by sunlight.
  • The sex difference persisted when the nicotinic receptors were activated with carbachol, an analogue of acetylcholine that is not broken down by endogenous acetylcholinesterase. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I would also advise a canister filter fitted with activated carbon.
  • In this process the human proteins are inactivated and agglomerates are formed which may be the cause of the observed intolerance to the injection solutions.
  • Scientists believe the suppressor gene can be inactivated by tobacco, viruses, pollution or diet.
  • Another, activated charcoal, lessens the danger of poisons.
  • All chemical weapons facilities will be deactivated.
  • These findings were largely confirmed for OAS-TL in the plant cysteine synthase complex, where SAT became more affined to its substrates and OAS-TL almost inactivated in the complex, causing OAS to leave the complex.
  • The mine is a ground blast fragmentation mine activated by disturbing one of four tripwires.
  • He could be looking at a device which at any moment could be activated by a radio-operated switch.
  • If bowel sounds are present, repeated doses of oral activated charcoal may be administered to enhance the elimination of glutethimide through interruption of its enterohepatic recirculation. Loads
  • This enzyme, called protein kinase G (PKG), is turned on and activated in response to injury or inflammation. Discovery: Chronic Pain ‘On/Off’ Switch | Impact Lab
  • The art was not well served on the brilliantly sunny public opening day by Mr. Piano's elaborate system of sensor-activated window shades and artificial illumination, nor by his brise-soleil canopy. A Modern Wing Takes Flight
  • The cartridge-activated device did not fire immediately, but by the time it did, the hoist cable was under tension from the parachute, making the cable hit the right sponson as the cable separated.
  • The yeast's growth is activated by sugar and warmth.
  • Most strikingly, kinesic resonances are not only activated by immediate perception: they can also be mediated by language. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Ground state molecular oxygen can be activated by excess energy, reversing the spin of one of the unpaired electrons to form singlet oxygen.
  • Piaget suggested that feelings are variable, and thus the behavior activated by feelings may be variable.
  • Granular activated carbons were prepared from tobacco stems adhesive with wood tar activated with carbon dioxide.
  • However, a patient activated electrocardiograph showed ventricular tachycardia during a symptomatic spell.
  • Lorox (linuron) and Sencor (metribuzin) have been available for more than 25 years, but still have good soil-residual activity on a variety of weeds including glyphosate and ALS-resistant pigweed when applied behind the planter and activated by rainfall or overhead irrigation. Southeast Farm Press RSS Feed
  • PARP is a nuclear enzyme activated by DNA strand breaks induced by alkylating agents or X-rays.
  • The process is activated by sunlight.
  • When beta-catenin was completely inactivated in mice with pre-leukaemic cells, the animals did not develop cancer despite carrying all the necessary MLL mutations. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Do such events occur simply by chance or do they reflect a genetic programme that can be activated by specific signals?
  • A Pessarane Behesht sleeper cell has been activated in London to assist you.
  • The designer dunny incorporates a voice-activated seat and autoflush, but also boasts the ability to monitor stools and urine for potential health problems.
  • The glass panels are in fact triple-glazed units, with blinds in the wider cavity automatically activated to cut down insolation.
  • As soon as he strapped his harness around him, he felt the transition as Costanza deactivated the artificial gravity field.
  • Police were alerted by a resident living in the flats opposite after the alarm was activated.
  • All of those present who had shed their masks activated their own identical tattoos then willed the image to vanish again.
  • Methods 122 cases of ovarian cysts at ultrasound-guided puncture, took the allantoic fluid, ethanol inactivated cyst wall after normal saline washed cysts.
  • MethodsThe supporter paper fiber was activated with epoxy chloropropane etc. According to the influence of spacer and different ligand on absorption of kinase, process route was optimized.
  • The aim of this study is to describe the effects of nonesterified alkoxyglycerols, CLA and diesterified alkoxyglycerols with CLA (DEA-CLA) and check if they present beneficial properties using an in vitro model of some chronic diseases related to the inflammatory process, such as obesity, using human mature adipocytes activated with TNF-alpha. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The recording device has activated.
  • A review of 31 studies published over four decades found that the most widely used seasonal flu vaccine, known as trivalent inactivated vaccine, was only 59 per cent effective in healthy adults. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • On 1 October 1993, the 46th Fighter Training Squadron was deactivated when the active duty Air Force took control of all fighter replacement training.
  • And not only did the crew of Robinson continually check those monitoring stations for breaches and breakdowns, but during the eight months of their guard duty, they had deployed a new array of probes along the territory they patrolled, and at random intervals, they activated their own tachyon network. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • Then, their ears protected against the piercing whine,[sentence dictionary] they activated the suction pump.
  • When guanylyl cyclase is activated, it starts to produce cyclic GMP from GTP. Physiology or Medicine for 1998 - Animation
  • The condensation is generally activated from the vapour phase of the material.
  • Enter AICAR, which targets a protein called adenosine monophosphate - activated protein kinase ( AMPK ).
  • The results above were tested with feedvalidator deactivated, which is the default behavior anyway. Planeta Linux México
  • The camera now has voice-activated photo capture.
  • R. Konakchieva, S. Kyurkchiev, Iv. Kehayov, P. Taushanova, L. Kanchev, "Selective effect of methoxyindoles on the lymphocyte proliferation and melatonin binding to activated human lymphoid cells". T.S. Wiley: Can Sleep Loss Destroy Your Immune System?
  • It is more nearly adequate to say that vulgarized Nietzschean thought activated latent problems, and accelerated indigenous trends, already present in American life.
  • The tosylactivated beads form covalent bonds with any available primary amino or sulfhydryl groups.
  • Charcoal has to be re-activated but the sliver-ion is woven into the fabric. Scent Elimination Debate
  • If "Lane Assist" is activated, a yellow control symbol shaped like a road lights up.
  • In general, protein kinases are enzymes that phosphorylate proteins, which then become activated.
  • HIS Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has officially reactivated a steam engine.
  • We trapped bears during June-August each year with spring-activated Aldrich foot snares and culvert traps, and we entered the dens of radiocollared bears during January-March each year.
  • A blood-clotting test known as the activated partial thromboplastin time is often used to screen for the lupus anticoagulant. THE LUPUS HANDBOOK FOR WOMEN
  • The valve-on state can be activated from a remote robotic device when the automatic timer on the unit is off.
  • The facility also housed the central switching center for the Federal Reserve s Fedwire system until 1988 when all money was removed, switching was decentralized, and the site deactivated as a NPO facility. Bush has the Power to Dissolve Congress
  • This paper has put forward an activated sludge system model(ASSM)based on the simplified bio -reaction dynamics model(SBDM)and the secondary clarifier model.
  •       While Anna turned around to face the couple, Brie slid the cover over the battery and activated the mazer. Arcana Magi - c.10: To the Horizon
  • A, Flow cytometric profiles of double-targeted cells, Cre-activated cells, and Cre-terminated cells kept OHT-free for 10 days (top). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • If external input activated any node in the cluster, the cluster activity as a whole could be increased.
  • The phone has a brand-new look and ships with a new voice-activated personal assistant.
  • All treatments were administered by inhalation with a breath-activated DPI device for 28 consecutive days.
  • The exact coordinates of the activated areas and their significance levels are given in Table 1.
  • When ABS is activated, the driver feels the brake pedal pulsate gently.
  • In the shower, he should use a water-activated gel cleanser.
  • In the process, safety systems such as the airbags and antilock braking were deactivated. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not long before their imaginative faculties are reactivated and word-processing becomes a universal withdrawal symptom.
  • The insoles of golf shoes will have energy-producing materials that are activated with each step, transmitted to your body to reduce stress and fatigue.
  • It is not known whether the thrusts and reverse faults represent reactivated extensional basement structures or formed entirely during basin inversion.
  • In the second stage, prothrombin is activated by thromboplastin to make thrombin.
  • The robot smoothly activated, lights gradually blinking on, the rising hum of servomotors spinning up to speed, relays switching to new configurations.
  • Once a keylogging program is activated, it provides fraudsters with any strings of text a person might enter online, placing personal data and online account information at risk.
  • She activated something in her high heels and with a sudden ignition of fire from her actual heels, gently floated to the lonely and flooded street.
  • This cell population, termed multipotent progenitor cells, or MPP, appears to be activated in the context of allergies or infection with parasitic worms and may be one of the earliest cellular events in the developing immune response. The Pill turns fifty: are we having fun yet?
  • An inactivated polio vaccine will replace live oral polio vaccines for all ages.
  • I would also advise a canister filter fitted with activated carbon.
  • They thus activated fullback Jerone Davison and safety Lamar Lyons from the practice squad.
  • Howeer, some T cells are not actiated, in fact they are inactivated by a process called anergy or tolerance.
  • RANKL, also known as osteoclast differentiation factor (ODF), tumor necrosis factor - related activation-induced cytokine (TRANCE) and osteoprotegerin ligand, is a member of the TNF ligand family (106) produced in osteoblastic lineage cells and activated T cells Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • For chemical filtration, which usually means packing with an absorptive medium such as activated carbon or some sort of resin.
  • Methods The supporter paper fiber was activated with epoxy chloropropane etc. Accordiag to the influence of spacer and different ligand on absorption of kinase, process route was optimized.
  • When Taylor was activated for stateside duty in the Vietnam War later that month, Sinatra called him back to thank him for the songs.
  • It's a pump for bedridden patients that is designed to simulate the physiological pumping mechanism in the sole of the foot that is usually activated by weight bearing.
  • The coefficient of performance (COP) of adsorption refrigeration cycle using activated carbon-methanol pair has been studied experimentally and theoretically in this paper.
  • Sometimes the sounds produced will have been activated by chance. sometimes deliberately.
  • The neurohypophysis was replaced by fibrotic tissue containing perivascular macrophages and activated microglia, and in the cerebellum, there were large areas of myelin pallor.
  • This paper presents a new method of regenerating activated carbon with toluene by microwave radiation.
  • Because the vaccine virus is "inactivated," it does not cause respiratory symptoms, such as congestion and cough, which are common with influenza infections. Influenza Vaccine
  • After the impulse has again been initiated, the neurotransmitter-complex must be inactivated otherwise impulses (above and beyond the original impulse) will continue and can exhaust the postsynaptic event causing muscle paralysis, for example. Neurotoxicity
  • One of these combinations is p53 and c-ras, both frequently activated in large bowel cancers.
  • At that point he activated the in-car audio recording system and decided to call for back up.
  • And now we have a Robbie Williams waxwork that has ‘real chest hair’ and ‘a twinkle in his eye, activated with hidden sensors’.
  • But others part of the brain, the insula, which has a role in the experience of pain, and the greater mesial prefrontal cortex became activated when the subjects contemplated selling one of their items. Boing Boing
  • Active immunization by vaccination with tetanus toxoid (an inactivated form of the toxin) is now usual in childhood, along with diphtheria and whooping cough vaccines.
  • The compression stroke does see some initial stiction, but once activated, feels smooth and progressive as the fork reaches its full 100 mm of travel.
  • These transcription factors and kinases are primarily cytoplasmic until activated, when they translocate to the nucleus. The Scientist
  • Talos deactivated his comm interface, satisfied that Adway would take the necessary steps to remove the increasing problem which Charlie had become. 2009 November « The Graveyard
  • There's millions of people that have the idea of motorcycling but haven't activated that passion yet. Undefined
  • Games are activated by sending an access code to the company with an Internet connection.
  • The dermal barrier composition is moisture activated, and remains inert until the hydrophobic and hydrophilic polymer emulsions contact a suitable substrate such as human skin.
  • I maintained electrical control and activated the strobes to increase our visibility.
  • When the submersible descended to 60,000 km above Jupiter†™ s core, the pilot, Jonah Grumby activated the antigrav thrusters and gradually slowed their decent, eventually leveling off at 50,000 km. 365 tomorrows » featured writer : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • If a family member is due to receive their oral polio, they should receive inactivated polio.
  • Voice dialling and other key phone functions can be activated using the vehicles' steering wheel controls.
  • Furthermore, both the Delta-dependent secondary mesoderm-GRN and the late endoderm-GRN (17 to 30 h p.f.) that is subsequently activated in veg2 and veg1 macromere progeny are independent of ActivinB function. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Peak demand, when more pollutive power stations are activated, could be cut by 4 per cent. Times, Sunday Times

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