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How To Use Act out In A Sentence

  • Building her account around key verbs, which she would both act out while she spoke and express in onomatopoeic rhythms and tones that (re) produced history even as she uttered it, Cufassane gave the impression that she was an expert potter even though she had never made a pot in her life. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Through play, children act out in miniature the dramas of adult life.
  • Since April 1978 it has been possible for you to contract out of Serps via a final salary scheme, and since April 1988 via a company money purchase scheme.
  • And then act outraged when they find people looking! The Sun
  • No. To me the idea that words or taunts can enrage somebody to kill and act out of anger, and our judicial system says that's okay, is barbaric.
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  • We don't have to subcontract out, so we don't lose the essence of design.
  • Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act outlaws "unfair methods of competition" but does not define unfair.
  • So I said ‘What if I prise a contract out of him for the winter as well and we all move out there?’
  • The Sarkosyl method was used to extract outer membrane protein (OMP) of chicken Salmonella.
  • Thus Aristotle avoided the idea that God was inactive and self-contemplative for an eternity, and then for some unknown reason, or by some unknown motive, commenced to act outwardly and produce; but he incurred the opposite hazard, of making the result of His action, matter and the Universe, be co-existent with Himself; or, in other words, of denying that there was any time when His outward action _commenced_. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • When teens are depressed, anxious, insecure, angry, frustrated or just plain feeling crummy inside, they often act out as a way of expressing negative feelings.
  • The mall will try to attract out-of-towners such as airline passengers who have long layovers.
  • Consequently, the enjoyable show relied heavily on voluntary audience participation to act out the battle scenes.
  • It's a great storyline to play and fun to act out. The Sun
  • This is because during your turn, you get to draw a card with a saying on it, roll a ten-sided die, and then act out a mood.
  • Besides, it is unfair to expect hard-pressed staff to act out a charade to which they are culturally unsuited. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has a contract out on you.
  • Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act outlaws "unfair methods of competition" but does not define unfair.
  • Callaghan did not act out of any malice or evil intent.
  • The contractor may subcontract out much of the work, but the contractor is where the buck stops in terms of responsibility.
  • Hospital administrators are looking for more ways to contract out even more treatment functions to private companies.
  • Firms can contract out work to one another.
  • Of course it is irksome to have to persuade one's fellow states, many of which act out of ignoble motives.
  • Companies are increasingly keen to contract out peripheral activities like training.
  • Consequently, the enjoyable show relied heavily on voluntary audience participation to act out the battle scenes.
  • Employers have always been able to contract out their workers from the scheme if they offered an acceptable alternative.
  • We often act out of fear until we accept and acknowledge our feelings and realise that love is unlimited and can not be taken away or divided. Ten Keys to Loving Relationships
  • It forces heroes and heroines to act out of character and rewards vice with virtue.
  • And then act outraged when they find people looking! The Sun
  • Sam has done a fantastic job and we hope he stays to see his contract out at Bolton.
  • Some half-mad bitch of a stepmother puts a contract out on you and later tries to finish the job herself via poison, and a renegade bolt of lightning ultimately kills her? Top 10 Classic Movies That Got it Wrong » Scene-Stealers
  • What a dumbo that he thinks that no one will check that fact out. William Shatner on 'The Tonight Show': This time, he reads Levi Johnston's REAL Tweets! |
  • They would receive commissions for particular texts, which they would then subcontract out to scribes, illuminators, and binders, to whom they also supplied materials and tools.
  • Alcohol induces unnatural feelings and makes people act out of character; it's very easy to find oneself in a frightening situation.
  • However, most people have enough self-discipline or restraint so they do not act out on these instinctual urges.
  • Employees can contract out of their employer's occupational pension scheme.
  • The dialogue-based text is ideal for reading aloud in class or for encouraging pupils to act out the stories.
  • Sometimes in a tournament I can predict the exact outcome of the shot before he makes it.
  • Companies are increasingly keen to contract out peripheral activities like training.
  • Implication is an indirect way of conveying one's own meaning; inference is a process of discovering a fact outside oneself.
  • A majority of the film is set in a sparse bedroom, where two unidentified strangers exchange abstract dialogue and act out a series of shocking images over a period of four nights.
  • Many a mother tries to act out her unrealized dreams through her daughter.
  • Stub that fact out and extinguish that opinion immediately, my lad!
  • Not only that but the fact out of all the comic-gerne root movies The Batman/The Dark Knight is one of the most believable and real and you only had ONE part that you had to doubt its believability (Dent without spoiler). Kevin's Review: The Dark Knight - The Dark Has Never Been So Bright «
  • Can you act out this scene without referring to the text?
  • Does the applicant act out of an aching loneliness, out of a need to have and control a source of love and affectional response?
  • Participants value debates because candidates must let down their protective guards and speak and act outside the control of their handlers.
  • This is a fundamentally social act, which links trust to the ability to act autonomously, to recognise that in others, and to act outside of predefined or ascribed roles.
  • Employers have always been able to contract out their workers from the scheme if they offered an acceptable alternative.
  • Firms can contract out work to one another.
  • In the Nursery the children can act out their fantasies or fears in the privacy of the house corner.
  • Act out this dialogue in pairs and fill out the telephone message.
  • The subject matter of the social sciences is conscious sentient beings who act out of choice.
  • It wasn't his fault that he liked you more than a compatriot and did a truly contumelious act out of selfish passionate feelings towards you.
  • They gave us tax relief on the money going in, and they took my National Insurance Contributions, while encouraging pension schemes to contract out of Serps.
  • It is hoped that, by putting the contract out to competitive tender, efficiency will rise and costs will fall.
  • Kids act out in response to ridicule or ostracism.
  • I always chuckle to myself and infact out loud when your nicking someone on the Swamp and they get all pissed off at you and tell you that you should be out nicking the dealers and real bad criminals that live in the area not them all they did was smack their bird and she well deserved it blud! Locally Elected Police Chiefs, Yeah? « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Throw some actors into some costumes, put them on sets, pick some scenes for them to act out and watch them go.
  • About six million people were encouraged to contract out of the state scheme by the carrot of generous contracting out rebates.
  • Firms can contract out work to one another.
  • She helps her students select, arrange, stylize and act out rock music in preparation for theater auditions. School of Rock, Broadway Style
  • Possibly it was sheer vanity and love of easily-won applause that drove him to act out the role of mendicant campus guru.
  • Psychoanalytic theorists postulate that play is a means through which children act out unpleasant experiences and minimize resulting negative psychological impact.
  • It comes from a perfectly rational conviction that great powers never act out of pure altruism.
  • Not only did the residents accord a warm reception to the artistes, there were several volunteers to act out a scene where the bridegroom is taken out in procession in a car.
  • Sometimes in a tournament I can predict the exact outcome of the shot before he makes it.
  • So expect a dramatic, theatrical, even histrionic week in which others might surprise you by declining to act out the roles you've cast them in.
  • The trend to contract out the management of the utilities to outside companies commanded attention.
  • Companies are increasingly keen to contract out peripheral activities like training.
  • The concentrated, condensed format of the chapbook in some ways performs an inversion of the role that a Selected Poems might act out.
  • A jury of six men and six women took just an hour to decide that he was innocent of a charge of committing an act outraging public decency.
  • The children started to act out the whole incident.
  • Although being overtired and giddy can cause us to act out, so there is definite shenanigan potential. On the blueline: One game to go, vs. Canada, gold at stake
  • The children roll dice, and, depending on where they land, they have to act out or answer the questions.
  • Traditional clothing, from mukluks to fur parkas, has become valued as art and artifact outside the Inuit.
  • It's a great storyline to play and fun to act out. The Sun
  • Employees can contract out of their employer's occupational pension scheme.
  • Many of them no longer have resident artists or glass painters, and consequently subcontract out to people like my brother.
  • The dialogue-based text is ideal for reading aloud in class or for encouraging pupils to act out the stories.
  • If we only look at the world list of the richest and think proactively, there is no difficulty understanding the long-term multidimensional impact out of the deepest and widest gap between the haves and the have-nots. Look into profiteers��� pockets too.
  • He denies committing an act outraging public decency.
  • It would be shameful and alarming if the United Kingdom professed a deliberate intention to contract out of recognising that difference.
  • It's a good outcome - a neurologically intact outcome. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alas, Busteed failed to persuade the jury that his client's story was quite as true as it was interesting, and the fame of The Pickwick Papers has in fact outlived that of the roving and unhallowed lust of Mrs. Beardsley.
  • His parents appear to act out of love, out of the parental instinct to protect their child.
  • While the plight of parasitic lice and mites are unlikely to attract outpourings of public sympathy, more charismatic insects are also at risk.
  • Why don't they subcontract out the running of BahamasAir and make them keep the name?
  • We often act out of fear until we accept and acknowledge our feelings and realise that love is unlimited and can not be taken away or divided. Ten Keys to Loving Relationships
  • And when it came time to act out some Shakespeare parts, I ended up playing a hussy.
  • People put you in a box and are then almost personally offended when you act outside it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trained in psychodrama, the drama teacher's responsibility was to help children act out their emotions.
  • On the plus side, it does enable you to act out your John Le Carre Cold War fantasies with no shortage of dead letter drops and darkened doorways from which to covertly observe the locals.
  • The problem with these nasties is that they lack motivation: it's impossible to tell whether they act out of naïvety, malice or both.
  • All of the lenders claim that their agreements prohibit spamming, but plenty of lead generators then subcontract out to other lead generators, many of whom use spam.
  • Perhaps some people indeed think of it as a video game, which is why they may act out all sorts of asocial needs on the avatars walking across their screen.
  • The puppeteer sits in back of a white screen and moves the puppets to act out stories.
  • Where it really falls down is that even in respect of private activity, employers can contract out of the protections.
  • Surely it would be more useful to seek the whys and wherefores, to conceive of root causes why July is a month for many to act out?
  • It is the court's function to control illegality and to make sure that a body does not act outside its powers.
  • For instance, high levels of father involvement are associated with children who are more sociable, confident and self-controlled, and less likely to act out in school or engage in risky behaviors as teenagers, writes journalist Emily Anthes in a review of the scientific literature on the subject. Christine Carter, PhD: Fathers Day: Dads: Not Just Back-up Mommys
  • Indonesians expect foreign executives to act out elaborate rituals of etiquette as a precondition for establishing a good working relationship.
  • Employees can contract out of their employer's occupational pension scheme.
  • People recite poems, or act out little skits to portray their feelings.
  • In fact, this is a pretty rugged piece of machinery to withstand this 200-mile an hour impact out there in Utah.
  • We act out the nativity and sing about 50 Christmas carols, it's lots of fun.
  • Youngsters will be given the chance to act out some of their favourite scenes from the movies at a stunt camp being run in the city over the summer.
  • By the middle of the century, many kings, princes, bishops, and nobles had clearly become reluctant to ‘represent’, act out, their status and grandeur.
  • I don't prefer e-reading either, but seriously, if someone had a GUN to my head (an actual LOADED gun), I'd read it out loud, change my voice for characters, act out the scenes, the whole nine yards ... and then buy the gun-wielder a drink afterward, just to seal the life-preserving deal. You Asked For It
  • I used to come home and act out the movie for the kids.
  • We often act out of fear until we accept and acknowledge our feelings and realise that love is unlimited and can not be taken away or divided. Ten Keys to Loving Relationships
  • Get pairs of students to act out the dialogue in front of the class.
  • It would be shameful and alarming if the United Kingdom professed a deliberate intention to contract out of recognising that difference.
  • Consequently, the enjoyable show relied heavily on voluntary audience participation to act out the battle scenes.
  • People put you in a box and are then almost personally offended when you act outside it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Act out this dialogue in pairs and fill out the telephone message.
  • They will act out their disvalue with the attendant social problems that ensue.
  • Act out this dialogue in pairs and fill out the telephone message.
  • Children can act out their fantasies in a secure environment.
  • Anyone who has seen Campbell's work develop over the years will have found it hard to forget his bizarre and vivid dreamscapes, where unlikely figures act out impossible narratives on the stage of his canvases.
  • Children can act out their fantasies in a secure environment.
  • The imposed settlement also gave the province's health boards the unfettered right to contract out the hospital workers' jobs.
  • Note that this is different than paradoxical intention in which you act out repeatedly what you are overly afraid of doing, such as come home after dark.
  • And those who believe the mistakes of the past 170 years entitle Maori to receive special treatment and to act outside the law. Scoop Audio and Video Podcast
  • We often act out of fear until we accept and acknowledge our feelings and realise that love is unlimited and can not be taken away or divided. Ten Keys to Loving Relationships
  • Children who are not getting the attention they want from their parents often act out or misbehave because they are assured of being noticed that way.
  • Women's groups yesterday act out a skit outside the Ministry of National Defense to call for military academies to increase their enrollment quotas for female students.
  • Now the universe is inhabited by in dividual beings; endowed generally with free will, allowing them to act out of harmony with the whole, to do as they will both deliberately and instinctively. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • She argues that the way you are within the family is not the way you act outside with your peers and that many younger siblings behave like firstborns with their friends.
  • Can you act out this scene without referring to the text?
  • It's a little unbecoming for an older man to be ordering young women to wear bikinis and act out roles that might be called ‘male fantasies.’
  • They would receive commissions for particular texts, which they would then subcontract out to scribes, illuminators, and binders, to whom they also supplied materials and tools.
  • BHP, the world's largest supplier of seaborne hard coking coal through a joint venture with Japan's Mitsubishi Corp., said the clause remains in place for the majority of its products from the region and is likely to impact output, sales and costs for the remainder of the calendar year. BHP's Iron Ore Output Rises, But Floods Hit Coal
  • It would be possible to contract out into approved occupational schemes.
  • The orle is a narrow bordure following the exact outline of the shield, but within it, showing the field between the outer edge of the orle and the edge of the shield.
  • And yet it never occurred to them to go home and use a real gun to act out the on-screen violence.
  • Many institutions have specialized cytometry labs, while smaller companies can contract out for the service. The Scientist
  • They subcontract out the repair and maintenance of their rental car fleet.

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