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How To Use Act as In A Sentence

  • Under the cover of darkness, exotic sports cars come alive with red-hot glowing brakes, flaming exhausts and sparks from contact as drivers battle both the elements and other drivers.
  • a good deal of comfort in the fact as she sold 7-Cs at $22.50 a pair to behemothian damsels who possessed money in proportion to Myra's beauty. Gigolo
  • Mr. Peters," he said, to the tipple-boss, "I've come to act as check-weighman. King Coal : a Novel
  • These structural problems will act as a major constraint on any potential recovery in the housing market.
  • This sits badly with the Act assertion that all data be ‘obtained fairly’.
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  • The fact that many crustaceans, being omnivorous, may act as scavengers and eat the corpses of fellow aquatic creatures need not be a deterrent.
  • It may act as such, by suppressing ovulation, but it also works by making the lining of the womb hostile to the newly conceived embryo.
  • Shakily I splashed some cold water onto my stricken face, wishing the cold liquid to act as a reality check, maybe even wake me up from this painfully real nightmare.
  • John will act as a deputy for me during my absence.
  • A Mentor Business Analyst, working in a part-time role on the simulation to act as the customer to the developers, as well as to coach inductee BA's if they exist.
  • This institute shall act as a repository for all modern extrication and medical relief techniques to ensure quicker rescue and provide prompt medical relief, comparable to international standards.
  • The microbicides are also effective as a form of contraception, because they act as both a spermicide and a barrier preventing fertilisation.
  • A medium-sized dog has the same energy-impact as an average 4x4 SUV (18 mpg hwy). Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • I was so defensive because I saw people who hated New York City, or at least didn't care very much about it, trying to act as if they were extremely invested in recovering from the attacks, or opining about the causes or effects of the attacks. Seven is Angry, Sadly - Anil Dash
  • During the Cold War, the US needed Japan to act as a bulwark in Asia against the spread of communism.
  • A blind criminal delivering money to a gangster forces a motel owner to act as his eyes when he discovers the cash has been stolen. The Sun
  • They are the primary carers of children, collectors of food like coconuts and fruit, and also act as deaconesses in the church.
  • Zimbabwe, saying he did not think it was this country's right to act as a "big induna" issuing instructions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It should not be confused with night terrors or panics, in which a child becomes acutely agitated and terror-struck at night, appearing to be awake while in fact asleep and unable to be woken.
  • I shall act as you advise.
  • Store operation will be a large scale baking business model and in the meantime act as a quick access to the city main business district and upscale communities.
  • The second job of the priory was to act as a London home for the Bishop of St. Mary of Bethlehem.
  • Besides, to acquire a holding, ‘the standard of farm competence required was very modest’ (so modest in fact as to necessitate in his opinion that each allottee be placed under an instructor).
  • An adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project.
  • The title of chief was largely a matter of prestige, as authority was exercised by the consensus of those of high status, who would act as arbiters in dispute resolution.
  • Different populations living together and interacting. Populations can interact as competitors, predator and prey, or symbiotically.
  • I offered to act as mediator and tried to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties.
  • They also often seem to adhere to what I call the Zen Teflon approach to spinnable events: "if you act as if you are teflon and believe you are teflon, you will * be* teflon. GQ Profiles Barack Obama
  • The images act as both a mapping of the session itself, and as transitional objects that lie between inner and outer reality.
  • Compton proposed that the quantum of light could act as if it were a particle, and he christened this the photon.
  • The Reserve Bank is relaxed about that fiscal stimulus and believes that it will act as a stabiliser, given that economic growth is forecast to decline during the 2004-06 period.
  • Marketing itself tends to be a more specialist operation organised through trading companies who act as agents for manufacturers.
  • Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employees.
  • Her propeller shaft was fouled and she was dragging her anchor, so Endurance, some 25 miles away when the call went out, closed in at top speed to act as on-scene commander.
  • A further 932 were recruited from the public to act as a control group for comparison.
  • While the seal remains intact, the system will report that fact as well, said Steve Farrell, director of product management for hardware at Savi.
  • He was happy to act as a consultant to the company.
  • They share their environment with the mosquitoes who act as vectors for malaria.
  • In most species, the pheromones act as attractants and sexual stimulants.
  • Higher interest rates will act as a check on public spending.
  • The stable points act as attractors, and correspondingly unstable points as repellers.
  • It wants to act as a Europe-wide supervisor to catch banking problems before national governments resort to bailouts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, recognising his encyclopaedic knowledge, academic journals often invited him to act as referee. Times, Sunday Times
  • Almost, because fund expenses act as a drag on the upside and as a slight accelerator on the downside.
  • In fact ask any management specialist, from any sector, to exclude every word of jargon from a conversation, and there is likely to be silence.
  • A Zoological Society was founded in London in 1826 to act as a showcase for Britain's colonial possessions.
  • They gave the officers to understand that far from wishing to act as enemies, they were willing to afford the shipwrecked people all the assistance in their power; but these barbarians shewed, on all occasions, a perfidiousness which is peculiar to the inhabitants of these climates; when the brig had sent biscuit on shore, they seized the half of it, and a few moments after, sold it at an exorbitant price, to those from whom they had stolen it. Naufrage de la frigate la Méduse. English
  • Internal causes, such as catarrhal diseases of the stomach and weakness and emaciation from disease, may act as direct or predisposing causes. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • Her works are replete with objects teeming with personal histories and memories that also act as media to convey universal ideas.
  • A thin nylon wind shirt worn next to your skin or over an undershirt will act as a vapor barrier and trap body heat more efficiently than a wool union suit or down jacket. Winter Survival Quiz by Field & Stream's Keith McCafferty
  • Many people think the Pill is simply a preventative measure, but it does also act as an abortifacient.
  • It will act as a barrier to you in putting your own psychological discoveries directly to your reader.
  • Nitrates act as donors of nitric oxide, a molecule with a recognized potential for genotoxicity.
  • The presence of ascorbate as a cosolute had little effect on visible emission, despite its demonstrated capacity to act as a strong reductant for the indoxyl radical.
  • Did you know that overweight people tend to act as insulators and keep heat in?
  • He must ensure their safety and welfare and will act as a contact in forced marriage cases.
  • He will act as a go-between to try and work out an agenda.
  • Because the Scottish parliament has no second chamber, the committees must act as an even-handed forum to ensure that legislation is fair and foolproof.
  • Second, small partially digested food proteins, called peptides, from gluten and casein can act to disturb the normal neurotransmitter function in the brain, and third, they can act as “excitotoxins,” increasing glutamate an excitatory neurotransmitter and creating a chain reaction that overexcites, injures, inflames and ultimately kills brain cells. The UltraMind Solution
  • These senators were supposed to act as a single lawmaking unit, never disagreeing with each other and such.
  • Those troops act as a big security blanket for Seoul and Tokyo, and the last thing China wants is for either of those countries to be untethered from the U.S. security embrace.
  • Respiratory distress syndrome also known as hyaline membrane disease occurs when the underdeveloped lungs of the premature infant cannot expand and contract as they should with each inspiration. Mothering Twins
  • In the normal gut the sacculi and bands act as valves to control the descent of the feces. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • I`m hoping this precaution may act as a talisman to prevent the ceiling coming down...if I don`t put the dustsheet down, the ceiling will come down for sure, yes? Stripping again.
  • We have a cell phone plan with Iusacell that allows us to call between out two cell phones at no charge; they act as personal radiophones when we call the other cell phone. SIM cards; local mobile calls; US calling cards
  • These structural problems will act as a major constraint on any potential recovery in the housing market.
  • And I could act as if running a new household was an ambition f could concentrate on and fall in love with.
  • She said it was typical of her husband to act as he did when he swam out to reach the boys.
  • Pergolas, open steel stairs, lattices and wooden blinds all act as shadow-casters and gnomons.
  • Anthony, whose job it was to act as a buffer between editorial staff and management and who always looked as though he was on the verge of a heart attack, slammed the phone down, cursed and reached for a cigarette.
  • Will you act as witness to the agreement between us?
  • Nearly half its projects had a full or partial environmental impact assessment carried out prior to funding.
  • Each customer is looked after by a manager who will act as a personal adviser.
  • The full weight of rescue workers will act as a counterbalance while the stretcher is hanging on the rope. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aldols are bifunctional molecules possessing OH and C=O groups, which are able to act as both hydrogen donors and/or acceptors.
  • The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent .
  • These side-effects are far more severe than a hangover and can act as a strong deterrent to drinking.
  • She was running before the wind -- yawing frightfully -- her staysail let down to act as a sort of extra foresail, -- "scandalized," they call it, -- and her foreboom guyed out over the side. Captains Courageous
  • The courts employ 60 clerks who act as legal advisers to magistrates.
  • Now, on that ranch there was a zoftig little French Canadian woman named Mimi, who was Papas main squeeze, a hot little number who had a work contract as a cook. Postcards from Heaven
  • Is it not then our job to reduce the tyrannical power of our government and once again allow men to live, trade and interact as they see fit?
  • This would act as a public forum to discuss and recommend improvements to the controversial Tinkhundla system of indirect elections.
  • Even in towns women did not normally act as traders.
  • Sabbatarianism, with the Lord's Day Alliance, a Canadian invention, in the van; then the gradual tightening of the laws against sexual irregularity, with the unenforceable New York Adultery Act as a typical product; and lastly, the general ploughing up and emotional discussion of sexual matters, with compulsory instruction in "sex hygiene" as its mildest manifestation and the mediaeval fury of the vice crusade as its worst. A Book of Prefaces
  • Lucky, for once, to hold a real world object in the purview of your self-substantiation, the speeding taxi, super-fly, armor-plated insect god can only act as mirror in the beading rain, cancelling out any offer of assurance. The Mockingbird Sings
  • Armed drones act as judge and executioner, employing on-board systems designed by government contractors, equipt with detectors having access to electronic voting and computer trading data. Bubble Busting, Boom!
  • By the very nature of their popularity, certain people can act as role models for the young, lend their good name to charity or simply add thousands to the gate of a sporting event.
  • The ambassador has offered to act as a go-between for the two countries involved in the conflict.
  • Note that the patient has used liberal amounts of hair gel, hair spray, and perfume, all of which act as fuel and accelerants for a fire.
  • Daily life is an ongoing process of internalized discipline: parents teach their children to act as though the child next to them but in a different city isn't there; adults become hyperconscious of how long they look in a particular direction, or in what direction they step; and eventually, residents of each city come to embody their citizenship in particular ways of movement. The Little Professor:
  • Article 22 An auctioneer and his employees may not get involved as bidders in the auction sale which is arranged by themselves and may not authorize another to act as a bidder on their behalf.
  • We hope they will act as a deterrent to people. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ropes act as substitutes for brush-strokes, embodying linear patterns and animating geometric forms.
  • The body of the men remained in the clearing, conversing in knots, while two miners, buirdly fellows, rather gruffer of tongue than the rest, went to the office to act as spokesmen. A Son of Hagar A Romance of Our Time
  • Densely packed bookshelves can also act as backstops.
  • The story should act as a warning to other prospective buyers.
  • Eigen says this is too short to encode for an RNA enzyme that might act as a replicase—that is, an enzyme that increases the rate of RNA replication and reduces the mutation rate. SuperCooperators
  • The central spaces at each level collectively act as the heart of the lycée.
  • Thyme, rosemary, marjoram and lavender will act as a magnet for bees and butterflies.
  • In public healthcare systems, physicians are often salaried employees with compensation plans that may act as disincentives for innovation.
  • Mathematicians, most of whom act as Platonists, believe that mathematics is an actual ideal non-physical realm that lies behind our familiar reality of objects.
  • Chemicals in the catalytic converter act as catalysts, changing the highly hazardous gas compounds to less harmful ones.
  • When you react to a movie, you react to the whole thing, its entire gestalt of form and content - and you react as fully you, body and mind, emotions and personal history combined.
  • In a July 29th, 1971 robbery of the Banker's Trust, the accused was to act as the wheelman.
  • The developer or his land buyer should act as the catalyst in such situations.
  • The play, initially titled PenthouseLegend, was a courtroom drama and murder mystery, in which members of theaudience were selected to act as jurors and decide the play's outcome.
  • Leaves of purple shiso — a relative of mint — act as a natural dye. Times, Sunday Times
  • Try offering less dried foods, especially pellets, or offer some daphnia which is believed to act as a laxative. Practical Fishkeeping
  • Professor Benfey, followed by Mr. Keith Falconer, discovers between the Æsopic and the Hindu apologue: — “In the former animals are allowed to act as animals: the latter makes them act as men in the form of animals.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • They receive coaching and training and also act as mentors to rising swimming stars. The Sun
  • Their hilliness has allowed them to miss out on cultivation and act as wilderness preserves, though a couple have been partly quarried or suburbanized, and Mount Royal itself is either downtown or park. Canada
  • This is fine for dealing with people who have heavily cathected their avatars -- a sanction against the avatar will act as a deterrent -- but many of the griefers and other more sociopathic problem characters will not be deterred. The inevitability of voice
  • Enhancing seeds with micronutrient metals will act as an incentive to farmers cultivating micronutrient-poor soils to adopt the micronutrient-enriched seeds for use on their farms.
  • These protected gypsum plaster soil blocks developed sufficient strength to act as load bearing blockwork. Chapter 5
  • The pilots who finish the syllabus first will act as instructors for the remainder of the syllabus for the others. FALLOUT
  • There are now more than 2,000 matrons in post across the country and they act as a visible point of contact for patients, relatives and carers, giving assistance, advice and support.
  • You act as a decoy and we'll sneak out the back.
  • In practice, it was the spaces in between the scant few megastructures that were built that diluted the concept; too large to accommodate themselves into the existing fabric of city living, yet not distinct enough to act as attractors.
  • Satellites, robotic probes, or instrument packages can act as payloads.
  • South-facing classrooms required solar protection and, to maintain daylighting, horizontal visors were designed to act as reflectors, bouncing light up on to the ceiling.
  • ZhongHao law office will act as legal counsel during the course of this campaign.
  • ‘These persons act as social mobilisers who reach out to the community with a holistic approach,’ she said.
  • His comic act became boring recitations of his troubles with police who would bust up his act as "obscene."
  • The few adults who were allowed to accompany the children had too many demands on them to act as full-time baby minders.
  • His family is struggling and scrambling to deal with not only the emotional issues but the financial impact as well.
  • Conclusion Both CSS and CH may act as initiator in carcinogenesis, and may synergistically initiate tumors when CSS and CH were exposed simultaneously.
  • STIs can often be passed on during intimate physical contact as well as full sexual intercourse, including sexual foreplay, anal, and oral sex.
  • Your Honour, that would be a matter and it would have to be dependent on considerations relating to the contract as a whole.
  • Bishop Packer will act as chief consecrator on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Metropolitan of the province.
  • The bankruptcy order does not act as an automatic stay of all proceedings against the bankrupt.
  • From the ranks of ayatollahs, who will already have their own followings among the theological students, five or six are chosen to become the Grand Ayatollahs who act as models to be imitated.
  • Pick those that have a low-slung wide waistband to act as a cover up. The Sun
  • Perhaps the recent troubles were a wake up call to those in the church who at first could not believe what was happening, maybe once again it must act as the apostles did after the visitation of the Holy Spirit.
  • The insect's bright colours act as warning signals to its predators.
  • The council would elect a board of directors to act as consumer advocates on judicial, legislative or regulatory health-care matters.
  • In addition, they act as remote sniffers, providing protocol-level analysis of data flow.
  • Members of the 1922 Committee executive, who act as the shop stewards for the parliamentary party, predict that the mid-term bruising endured by Barack Obama will come early for Mr Cameron, probably this time next year. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Cultural ambassadors act as envoys for what's best in America.
  • Accented and umlauted vowels, and diacritical marks on consonants must be avoided, because they act as roadblocks and break the speed of a typist.
  • These act as a buffer between businesses and the public bodies they are seeking information from.
  • It is disgraceful act as a man in republican party show such a coward and hypocritic act .. Sanford, 'humbled and broken,' makes vow to state
  • But he was prepared to act as Guntram's agent in his dealings with bishop Theodore of Marseilles.
  • We must keep our feet on the ground and stay solid and compact as a team. Times, Sunday Times
  • High marginal tax rates may act as a disincentive to working longer hours.
  • In effect, they act as replacement storage controllers for the devices they are virtualizing.
  • Today we have forests choked with small trees, which burn easily and act as ‘ladder fuels,’ carrying fire into the crowns of surrounding larger trees.
  • Forts were constructed to garrison auxiliary troops, and to act as supply bases; in time these attracted civilian settlements.
  • In the Multiple Interactive College English Teaching Model, students act as a self-regulated learner, a center of teaching, a participant in communication and also a sharer of information resources.
  • A reduction in corporate tax should act as a stimulus to economic activity.
  • Some say that wherever Selfridges is based it will attract shoppers and that it will act as a magnet to other top stores wanting to be in the vicinity.
  • In conditions similar to those encountered in burning domestic waste, thermolysis of Teflon produces halogenated organic acids, which act as greenhouse gases and may promote global warming.
  • The front passenger seat can fold flat to act as a picnic table or worktop.
  • Nothing seems forced or fabricated, and the way in which they interact as families is natural and genuine.
  • The former president has agreed to act as an intermediary between the government and the rebels.
  • Fly ash particles act as viscosity increaser wall in the aluminum foam.
  • They remain firmly allied to the South, and their troops in combat zones along the border would still act as a tripwire in any North/South war.
  • Look for something that can act as a shield, like a dustbin lid.
  • The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent .
  • His role as adjutant was to act as Gibson's right-hand man for all the administrative and organisational aspects of the new squadron.
  • I think it will act as a wake-up call. The Sun
  • And I could act as if running a new household was an ambition f could concentrate on and fall in love with.
  • For golf widows, there will be a five-star Four Seasons hotel and spa that will act as an informal private club for residents.
  • An expectation can act as an inertial fulcrum in the morphogenic field, shutting out possibilities for emergent learning, rather than encouraging spontaneity and creativity. Willow Dea: Habit #5 Intention and Expectation: The Impact on the Class
  • a distant lymphatic prematurely expels her ova; these act as emboli to the nearest lymphatic glands, whence ensues stasis of lymph, regurgitation of lymph, and partial compensation by anastomoses of lymphatic vessels; this brings about hypertrophy of tissues, and may go on to lymphorrhoea or chyluria, according to the site of the obstructed lymphatics. Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
  • Arlington denied Liam Lawlor offered to act as a consultant and said no money was paid to him.
  • Evolution is as firmly established a scientific fact as the roundness of the Earth.
  • Parents cannot be expected to act as 24-hours-a-day chaperones.
  • Historical and meaningful events such as this often act as a catalyst for change.
  • If all goes ahead as planned, the orbiter will remain above Mars, once its work is done in 2004, to act as a communications satellite for future missions.
  • GMS will provide overall Project Management and direction and will act as the sole point of contact to the Client.
  • One is that the light-sensitive pigments of the eye could also act as magnetic sense organs.
  • Since they cannot photosynthesize sufficiently to maintain themselves under such conditions, seed reserves are expected to act as an important source of carbohydrates in the roots of established seedlings in shaded conditions.
  • A Mentor Business Analyst, working in a part-time role on the simulation to act as the customer to the developers, as well as to coach inductee BA's if they exist.
  • Long drawn lines interspersed amid the text act as scripted silences, musical rests.
  • Lip-reading can act as compensation for loss of hearing.
  • These heaters also can act as backup heat sources for hydronic radiant-heat systems and solar water heaters.
  • Given the infelicitous effects of other utterances in the play, Titus's vow during this extended ritual does not act as directly or causatively as he thinks it does.
  • Would you be willing to act as a witness to my signature when I sign my will?
  • A reduction in corporate tax should act as a stimulus to economic activity.
  • But you will need to persistently remind yourself of this fact as you persevere today's unpleasant conditions as well as our "bouncy" showery weather in the coming days. Forecast: Temps up and down with rain around
  • A 2.75 - in.-thick latex layer of concrete is placed on top to act as a short-term sacrificial layer that soaks up winter road salts and chemicals.
  • Grove Projects will also act as consulting engineer.
  • A spokesman said:'This arrest should act as a clear warning to others who are actively seeking to cause distress and potentially harm others. Times, Sunday Times
  • Access is from the entry foyer via transition stairs and ramped vestibules that also act as gallery spaces.
  • A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.
  • He can opt to treat the contract as rescinded or choose to continue under the contract by treating it as only a partial breach.
  • A brace of dead geese, embodying the classical Roman method of augury, act as an image of mortality.
  • In between these waggons the women are placed for safety, for it is a noticeable fact that very large numbers of women have followed their husbands and fathers to the war, not to act as viragoes, not to play the wanton, not to unsex themselves, not to handle the rifle, but to nurse the wounded, to comfort the dying, and to lay out the dead. Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) Letters from the Front
  • Often one will act as a 'destroyer' and the other takes on the playmaking brief. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the night the team and their equipment have been loaded onto the chartered vessel Normand Pioneer which will act as mother-ship for the British operation.
  • Butter and margarine act as a waterproof layer for bread against wet foods like sliced tomato.
  • They had laid cash, including a hefty tip, on the silver plate, and commandeered an unused dessertspoon to act as a paperweight.
  • He can act as a cypher, a mouthpiece for other's voices.
  • However, many new serums act as a protective barrier and seem to improve hair suppleness, too.
  • Ghotit was founded by Ofer Chermesh, a lifelong dyslectic and entrepreneur who for years had envisioned in his mind the exact assistive technology solution that would address his writing and reading hardships; and by his friend Dr. Robert Iakobashvili a high performance computing expert that undertook the challenge of translating Ofer's dream into a reality. Stephen's Lighthouse: Dyslexia
  • Adding just a drop of peppermint essential oil will act as an emotional pick-me-up to dispel winter blues.
  • The System Drive is comprised of two sections, the core OS, which account for about 20 GB of your first hard drive in the system, the rest of the drive contain what they call the tombstone files, which act as file pointer to the actual locations of all your files. Anime Nano!
  • The federal army has been called in to act as a buffer in areas of high tension.
  • What is needed is for afew players to decide that since there must even­tu­ally be acollec­tive response, they might as well just act as if it was happening, and do some­thing brave with the confi­dence that they will even­tu­ally be backed up. » Blog Archive » Canada to World: Plan On Us Failing on Climate
  • He just couldn't bring himself to turn in his fellow brethren, so for the moment, he had to playact as one of them.

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