How To Use acropetal In A Sentence
- These features might be partly associated with the acropetal development of the terminal inflorescence.
- Similarly, meristem activities in the same acropetal sequence or on the whole-root-system architecture have not yet been compared.
- In every case, the basipetal movement was greater than the acropetal movement.
- The different types of flowers are initiated acropetally along the axis of the inflorescence.
- Bracts are initiated acropetally on the racemose inflorescence, or below the terminal flower.
- The hairs are oriented acropetally, while in the proximal part of the sac they grow basipetally, i.e., oriented toward the lemma-sac interface.
- Xylem flow carries the transpiration stream and is normally entirely acropetal.
- The abaxial surface of the wings bears hairs that are directed acropetally to the awn/wing interface and then become oriented towards the tip of the wing.
- One year after its extension period, each shoot develops axillary branches (including the relay shoot) whose vigour increases acropetally.
- Bracts are initiated acropetally on the racemose inflorescence, or below the terminal flower.