How To Use Acrocomia In A Sentence
I rest under the shade of the _corozo_ palm, and quaff the wine of the _acrocomia_.
The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
Dispersed in the grasslands are trees of Crecentia cujete, Ceiba pentandra, Lecythis minor, Ochroma pyramidale, Prosopis juliflora, Cavanillesia platanifolia and palms trees of Sabal mauritiiformis, Acrocomia aculeate, Attalea butyracea and several Bactris spp.
Sinú Valley dry forests
For drink, the denizen of the high table-land find his favourite beverage -- the rival of champagne -- in the core of the gigantic aloe; while he of the tropic coast-land refreshes himself from the juice of another native endogen, the acrocomia palm.
The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
Woody species in the better drained savannas and woodlands include Tabebuia ochracea, Luehea paniculata, Acacia albicorticata, Acrocomia aculeata, Astronium fraxinifolium, Cordia glabrata, Pithecellobium scalare, Pseudobombax marginatum, and Samanea tubulosa.
Beni savanna
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