

  1. a congenital abnormality of the skull; the top of the skull assumes a cone shape

How To Use acrocephaly In A Sentence

  • Peek was born with a condition called macrocephaly, which damaged his cerebellum. Undefined
  • Over 90 percentofpeople with Cowdensyndrome (CS) have macrocephaly and skin changes, such as trichilemmomas, papillomatous papules, and acral or plantar keratoses (thickened skin or callouses on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet), by the time they are in their late 20s. PTEN Hamartoma Tumor syndrome
  • In addition, 17 patients had excessive fatigability or exercise intolerance and several children had abnormal physical exam findings including six with facial dysmorphism, four with microcephaly, four with macrocephaly, and five with growth retardation. David Kirby: NEW STUDY - "Mitochondrial Autism" is Real; Vaccine Triggers Cannot Be Ruled Out
  • Clinical findings during early childhood may include macrocephaly and frontal bossing (unusually prominent forehead).
  • The concept of the enterprise is associated with an illness called macrocephaly [laughter]. 6TH CONGRESS OF THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERS UNION
  • In addition, 17 patients had excessive fatigability or exercise intolerance and several children had abnormal physical exam findings including six with facial dysmorphism, four with microcephaly, four with macrocephaly, and five with growth retardation. David Kirby: NEW STUDY - "Mitochondrial Autism" is Real; Vaccine Triggers Cannot Be Ruled Out
  • Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome traditionally has been diagnosed based on clinical findings of macrocephaly (large head), lipomas, hemangiomas, and penile freckling.
  • Criteria for BRRS have not been established but the diagnosis is suspected based on the presence of physical findings including macrocephaly, hamartomatous intestinal polyps, lipomas, and pigmented areas of the penis. PTEN Hamartoma Tumor syndrome
  • Other complications can include macrocephaly—fluid on the brain—cerebral hemorrhage caused by birth trauma, brittle teeth, and for some Type IIIs, basilar invagination—the second vertebra moves upward and cuts off the opening in the skull where the spinal cord passes through to the brain, causing dizziness, headache, periods of confusion, numbness, or even death. Handle with Care
  • Augmentation of the volume of the head is called macrocephaly, and there are a number of curious examples related. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
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