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  1. a moss in which the main axis is terminated by the archegonium (and hence the capsule)

How To Use acrocarp In A Sentence

  • One that remained had been converted into a permanent home, protected from the house-flattening storms by a stand of macrocarpa which enveloped completely the house.
  • It is built of macrocarpa from Orton Bradley Park.
  • Timbers - jarrah, kauri, macrocarpa - were hand adzed to ‘give them a woody character, and the forest origin of the timber is not lost.’
  • They searched low and then high, finally spying Tiger at the tip-top of a macrocarpa tree.
  • Perspective moves back as the canvases widen to capture the sweep of the plains and the Port Hills, flanks of foothills, cloud shadows swarming over land, rows of vigilant macrocarpa, rashes of pine forest.
  • Canopy cover was dominated by Quercus macrocarpa with a relative frequency of 63% of quadrats with a wooded canopy.
  • The brighter side to the carnage is that it has hit exotic species hardest, particularly pines and macrocarpas.
  • Further north in the ecoregion, the transitional grassland ecoclimate supports a vegetation of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) groves, mixed tall shrubs, and intermittent fescue grasslands. Northern mixed grasslands
  • Beside the field was a thick tangled patch of macrocarpa trees.
  • The site can still be picked up by a line of macrocarpas stumps.
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