How To Use Acres In A Sentence
A log cabin, and, occasionally, a stable and corn-crib, and a field of a dozen acres, the timber girdled or "deadened," and fenced, are enough for his occupancy.
The Frontier in American History
He'd missed the acres of newsprint and hours of broadcasts.
Times, Sunday Times
Among the most desolate sandhills you may find in July acres of wax-white pyrola – like lilies of the valley splashed with pink – covering the plains between the lonely ridges of harsh, grey grass.
The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
That's about four acres under cultivation - enough to produce a total harvest last year of about 10,000 bundles.
It is estimated that up to 1,200 people have land on the road's route, which covers an area of around 800 acres.

All over Europe, the fringes of suburbia are blighted by the dreary apparatus of industry - undecorated sheds and dour offices in glum lots girdled by sterile acres of parking.
To the front and rear of the house are lawns and shrubberies, but the grounds also contain two acres of young trees, a wildlife pond, mature woodland and banks of rhododendrons.
For a young family with relatively low borrowings, this could mean moving straight from a small urban townhouse to a detached four-bedroom with three acres.
Times, Sunday Times
ARS scientists, working with NRCS and universities, have done the research that has encouraged farmers to largely put away the moldboard plow and switch to conservation tillage on about 40 percent of U.S. planted acres.
Seething, she planned to make a midnight visit to his own regimented acres at dead of night later in the summer.
Usually one finds on a given manor that ten or fifteen of the villagers have each a virgate of a given number of acres, several more have each a half virgate or a quarter.
An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
We in Jaffa used to hear news about Palestinian villages falling into Jewish hands as well as massacres committed by the Jews.
Global Voices in English » Palestine: Remembering Shafiq Al Hout
Everything about this cold, vaulted hall seemed dark, with its acres of bare, black basalt.
In addition, a proposal to protect 1.2 million acres of owl habitat would be dropped.
Meriva can be transformed in a matter of seconds (ten seconds per seat) from a five-seater to a single seater with acres of loadspace.
The lake contained an area of 3,370 acres and was said to have a practically inexhaustible deposit of salt and gypsum.
All four resorts are set in acres of beautiful parkland.
The Sun
But while the Georgian house has been kept in peak condition, the 260 acres of landscaped grounds have become overgrown and wild.
The typical holding, the group of scattered acres cultivated by one man or held by some two or three in common, was known as a "virgate," or by some equivalent term, and although of no universal equality, was more frequently of thirty acres than of any other number.
An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
(A striking example of this hypocrisy was the solicitude displayed by the Russian landowners last year, their efforts to combat the famine which they had caused, and by which they profited, selling not only bread at the highest price, but even potato haulm at five rubles the dessiatine (about 2 and four - fifths acres) for fuel to the freezing peasants.)
The Kingdom of God Is Within You
Twenty eight acres was set aside for a reserve by the forward looking Hawera Town Board in 1875.
The tract thus characterised was about five or six acres in superficial extent; and surrounded by the same kind of coppice that covered most of the face of the country.
Bruin The Grand Bear Hunt
To minimize risks, they would not be required to disarm the several militia groups responsible for recent massacres.
It is submitted that Mr Podger and his ancestors have had grazing rights as a statutory commoner of the 5,000 acres at the Curragh.
Peter Melchett, policy director of the Soil Association and Britain's most famous crop trasher, who famously pulled up six-and-a-half acres of GM maize in 1999, says that £20m of taxpayers 'money has gone into GM crop research since 1997, despite the fact that not a single crop is grown in the UK.
Just because GM is gaining popularity doesn't make it right
Spade in hand, with his head full of Roman castrametation and geometrical problems, a prince, scarce emerged from boyhood, presents himself on that stage where grizzled Mansfelds, drunken Hohenlos, and truculent Verdugos have been so long enacting, that artless military drama which consists of hard knocks and wholesale massacres.
History of the United Netherlands, 1590-99 — Complete
It's a huge room - four big ballrooms joined together, acres of tables, a thousand and one chairs.
Top cotton yields this year reached three bales - or about 1,500 pounds - per acre, Latham said, with 45,000 acres planted.
He says he and his bother Joseph have about 20 bat houses scattered over their 400 acres of walnut trees near Winters, Calif., primarily to get rid of a common pest called the coddling moth.
The Seattle Times
The new school will be built on 26 acres of ground specially set aside for the purpose in Garcia Street.
The open ground was several acres in extent.
With 400 acres to explore, it is the perfect retreat away from hectic city life.
The Sun
Last year the conservancy scored a triumph by acquiring 525,000 acres of desert land from the Corporation.
My stomach is flabby and there are acres of it.
The Sun
House, and thence down into the Pond, and the other half, round the Side of the bushy Pasture Hill, so as to oose over several Acres there before it fell down into the Pond.
John Adams diary 17, 16 April - 14 June 1771
He stated he had approximately 180 acres of his own land but also had rented other holdings throughout the area.
Accordingly, Wilson refused to take on any “mandate,” such as the Armenian territories of Turkey that had been victim of widespread massacres, or embark on an invasion of Russia to assist the anti-Bolshevik forces that were battling communist troops there.
Shaping the World at Versailles: A Q&A With the Author of A Shattered Peace - Freakonomics Blog -
It was two acres overgrown with stinging nettles and we spent a year putting it right.
Times, Sunday Times
Almost 3,000 acres of forest were ablaze just south of Emigrant Gap.
Fields around Horwich are flooded in places, and all along the railway line to Bolton acres of land are seen under water.
On the water, meanwhile, the last White Lilies are sinking beneath the surface, the last gay Pickerel-Weed is gone, though the rootless plants of the delicate Bladder-Wort, spreading over acres of shallows, still impurple the wide, smooth surface.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862
The property's grounds include manicured lawns that roll down to the river and acres of woodland.
Times, Sunday Times
The Forestry Commission is responsible for preserving over 2 million acres of woodland.
Standing on a site of 1.2 acres, this house is set in rural surroundings with uninterrupted views of the Liffey valley.
Approximately 20 million acres of rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands could be at risk.
She judged the garden to be about two acres in extent, and rejoiced anew at her amazing luck.
There's one man who grows sixty thousand acres of wheat alone!
Secrets of the Soil
The property's grounds include manicured lawns that roll down to the river and acres of woodland.
Times, Sunday Times
Two years ago a further 35 acres were leased from the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury cathedral.
We've lost acres and acres of woodland to fast grain farming.
On a fine day the colours and scent from the lavender and herb beds that extend over 12 acres would make for a pleasant stroll.
He plans to fence in about 100 acres of his ranch five miles north of town.
The combination of owl, murrelet, and riparian protection will eventually provide at least 520,000 acres of mature forest habitat.
Temporary tags (ignore these): justin bieber bieber fever disney disney land justin bieber live concert show event ijustine justine ezarik ryan seacrest Sorry for all the Justin - Articles related to How to build the ultimate media centre
If you don't get down to the market before 4.30 pm, you'll have missed your last chance to enjoy their spectacular spuds, caulis, carrots and broccoli, all grown on the family firm's own acres in Wigginton.
Two-hundred and sixty million acres of US forestland have been cleared for crop land to produce the meat-centered diet.
After initially planting 1.5 acres, they upped that to five acres in 2002.
The weather was adjudged too cold to risk a full tour of the estate's 1,250 acres for Mudie's benefit, although he was taken on a cursory walk around the most impressive rooms.
The demolitions are the result of a dispute between the Bedouin and the Israeli government over rights to specific lands in the Negev, approximately 8,500 acres where 30,000 Bedouin live.
J. Weekly
The designation curbed private logging on millions of acres of federally owned timberland in the West.
First It Takes, Then It Gives
A sprayer hooked to a tractor can spray five gallons onto ten acres.
Even on 160 acres the fish ended up moving to within a few yards of the margins, driven onto the lee shore by the strong wind that stirred up the bottom into a rich soup of natural food.
As a result, 14,313 acres of land were sown a second time around.
Here the visitor can explore 60 acres of meadows, woods and gardens, studded with a dozen pavilions designed by sculptor Erwin Heerich.
The museum campus occupies 3.2 acres in the heart of downtown Akron.
Page 103 and a few other counties; in the latter one body of "white oak pocosin," of sixty thousand acres, extending into several adjacent counties, and other tracts nearly as large, requiring combined capital to drain.
The Resources of North Carolina: Its Natural Wealth, Condition, and Advantages, as Existing in 1869. Presented to the Capitalists and People of the Central and Northern States
He plans to fence in about 100 acres of his ranch five miles north of town.
Many thousands of acres now lie underwater or are so wet that they will be inaccessible for many months.
Of this total, 75.5 million acres was used for cropland.
Total land in farms, at 46,400 acres, is unchanged from last year.
It needed to stir the imagination the way acres of unclothed nubile young bodies had in the nudie cutie movie.
Official Surrealism includes acres upon acres of bad painting, yet its ideas could not be more important to the century.
They cropped 15 acres with corn.
The cultivatable area grew from 4.8 million to 5.7 million feddans (1 feddan is equal to 1.038 acres).
1876, April
Now that he has once again planted a few acres of grapes maybe he'll make wine again as an amature.
Looking Back at 2008 in the Niagara Region
My stomach is flabby and there are acres of it.
The Sun
Beyond the buildings were five acres of overgrown garden and meadow.
Times, Sunday Times
Easily trumping both Musha and Necker at 1, 000 square acres, Parrot Cay (formerly named Pirate Cay, before the owners thought better of it) is only accessible by boat, so yacht owners are preferred.
In 1997, Oregon seed growers produced nearly 640 million pounds of grass seed on 439,000 acres of cropland.
To feel the full glory of the sun, the joy of the Western wind, to hear the aphonous whisperings of the flowers, to be fancifully cognisant of "the music of the spheres"; better this with only a garret for your environment, than to be a wealthy Peter Bell in a palace, or a lord of many acres who sees nothing beyond its intrinsic value in a Turner, and finds Shelley poor stuff and Tennyson only a rhymster.
The Idler Magazine, Vol III. May 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
And of course, it is impossible to speak of Gillian Welch or Revival without mentioning "Annabelle," perhaps the single finest example of contemporary musical naturalism:We lease twenty acres and one Ginny mule
Archive 2006-10-01
The poshest hotels and some of the most prominent watering holes for tourists and the rich became charnel houses in massacres that threatened to undermine India's astonishing economic growth.
The land area of the island is 538 acres, mostly devoted to agriculture.
Times, Sunday Times
The UN failed to respond to impending massacres despite forewarnings in all three cases.
By one vote, the Village Board rezoned 21.5 acres to commercial.
Some of the pieces seemed autobiographical, others were clearly completely fictional, but there was a lot more focus on emotion, memory, and poetic language (example: "the blue sky hanging in acres above the yellow leaves") than I have in my own work or am used to seeing in SF.
Hotlips writing workshop
These delightful spots of ground become more numerous and extensive as the stream progresses on its rapid and irriguous way, until, where it finally emerges from the gorge of the mountain, it meanders through a rich plain, containing many acres, and at last loses itself in French Broad River.
Eoneguski, or, the Cherokee Chief: A Tale of Past Wars. Vol. I.
We calculate that the average size farm in Lancaster County is 65 acres.
Seacrest wasted no time in dispatching Heather Piccinini and Tiara Purifoy.
The estate consists of a main house, servants' quarters, a garage, stables and 100 acres of woods.
Acres of the perfectly uniform crops along the fens, the reclaimed marshlands of Cambridgeshire, are ripening, but until the rain lifts the harvesters will not be leaving their homes.
The bombing of Dresden was one of the worst massacres in European history.
BThe 36 acres of hilltop land were owned by Aline Barnsdall, an oil heiress who dabbled in producing avant-garde theater.
Here, you've got two thousand acres, and you hear people say that that European farming tradition has been grafted onto Australia in a way that doesn't really fit.
There are four acres of wildflower meadow surrounded by woodland.
But now, some House Republicans have gone so far as try to literally give away tens of millions of acres to oil and gas drilling, coal and hardrock mining, and reckless timber harvests.
Bill Meadows: The Sneak Attack on America's Lands
Period features including fireplaces, wooden floors and wall panelling, all set in just over five acres of landscaped gardens.
Times, Sunday Times
It is on 74 acres (30 hectares) of tree-covered land.
During the construction process, Forrest estimated they disturbed another 70 acres that had to be revegetated to its original pristine condition.
Sadly, that's not the case, as is shown by the scars of clearcuts and logging roads on our 191 million acres of national forests.
There's a country house up there on the Cleveland Hills with about eighteen acres of prime land.
We've taken 30 acres out of production already for double-wide waterways and filter strips.
The State Recreation Area sprawls over 900 acres on the southern tip of Key Biscayne.
He had a house on a pightle of pasture of just over 2 acres where, no doubt, he kept a cow, a few chickens and geese and a pig.
No hope she'd inherit, but perhaps they'd want to dower her with a modest 100,000 acres out around Kynuna or Winton.
Four years ago, when I first stepped foot on the woodsy acres of Phantom Lake YMCA camp, I had no idea that it would soon become what I consider to be my home.
My escape and at moments my salvation from this particular trail was to come in the form of nearly sixteen hundred acres of blackland prairie in an extended finger of the Texas Hill Country, a ranch near a town named Crawford.
Spoken from the Heart
Village Urban Neighborhoods, within about 536 acres, are closer to the center and will include more dense single-family, town house and condominium development.
They drilled 21 acres of seed and have calculated that the crop cost them just over £180 an acre to grow.
My taxes on 120 acres in buffalo county could choke a horse!!!
Exclusive Video: Is This the Walking Record Whitetail?
It hovers perilously close to cheesy at times (think animal prints and acres of marble), but it positively reeks of a bygone era.
Last year the conservancy scored a triumph by acquiring 525,000 acres of desert land from a development corporation.
By the time I came to work for Michael and Jan, their eighty acres had cast such a spell on them that they did not feel at ease anywhere else.
In the 1930's two million acres of mucuna were planted in the United States to feed cattle.
With the land rush fading into history, the Ten Thousand Acres had proven a useful way of opening up a steady trickle of cubage.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Spread over 112,000 acres, the Sterkfontein and associated sites contain the largest number of fossils found anywhere in the world.
The former had at length succeeded to the extensive property of his long-lived grand-aunt, and to considerable wealth besides, which he had employed in redeeming his paternal acres (by the title appertaining to which he still chose to be designated), notwithstanding Captain Craigengelt had proposed to him a most advantageous mode of vesting the money in Law's scheme, which was just then broached, and offered his services to travel express to Paris for the purpose.
The Bride of Lammermoor
By 1844 the Bethany settlers, almost all of them of peasant stock, had nearly five hundred acres under cultivation, most of them with wheat.
The streets of Yuma and Somerton are crowded with the automobiles of farmers, enriched by thousands of acres of splendid long-staple cotton, alfalfa, corn, and feterita.
Community Civics and Rural Life
The city still owns about 35 acres, which it intends to sell or lease as the market can absorb them.
For the record, I believe that a high fence operation under 1000 acres is unsustainable without the purchase of outside genetics to ensure herd health in the long run.
Another Monster Mulie
Those include 200 acres of land adjacent to the estate that once had a nine-hole golf course designed by Arnold Palmer, a 900-acre vineyard and a failed real estate development where Kluge had planned to market luxury "farmettes" with their own grapevines.
Trump in talks to buy socialite Kluge's Charlottesville vineyard and estate
There would be no difficulty for her in paying whatever was levied on the house and surrounding acres of Tresillian.
Batey farms 74 acres (29 hectares) of his own land and he sharecrops neighbor Bill Matthew's 39 acres (16 hectares) allotment.
Chapter 15
Today, there are 345,000 acres of fields growing asparagus, sugar cane, citrus, mangos, artichokes, avocados, peppers and onions.
In total, equipment would be required for 5,000 acres: 2,500 for haylage and 2,500 acres for corn.
Forest and wetlands dot the acres of public and private dunes that curl around Saugatuck city, a crosshatch of boutiques and inns.
A Billionaire's Dune Duel
Nestled among shimmering aspens and cottonwoods on 3 secluded, wildflower-dappled acres, this hand-hewn log home serves up a feast for the eyes.
The development of the remaining seven acres will commence as soon as planning approvals are received.
There are also 25 acres of arable and olive groves.
Times, Sunday Times
Robert Gottfried writes, “By 1351, 60 major and 150 smaller Jewish communities had been extirpated, and over 350 massacres had taken place.”
Modern Science in the Bible
In 1876 he had farmed the untenanted part of the estate which amounted to 1000 acres.
He has half a dozen acres, with six llamas in a paddock: possibly the only llamas in the Creuse.
Dead Right « Tales from the Reading Room
Penn National acquired the Pocono Downs in 1996, and the sale includes five off-track betting facilities and 400 acres of real estate.
If you zig when they zag, it is possible to search acres of water without seeing a fish.
The fire torched more than 200,000 acres in two weeks.
The Sun
It stands in its own grounds of approximately one and a half acres and from its elevated position has spectacular views.
In addition, more acres of sugar beets were being grown in 2000 than a year ago, while sunflower, alfalfa, oats, dry edible beans, millet, and wheat were lower.
He says no one can prove there have been massacres, and the journalists linger on the illuminative qualities of the horizon - of the frame - the beauty of the light.
Tonight a massive wildfire to the northwest of Los Angeles has spread to more than 20,000 acres.
The area gets its name because six acres of land here were given to the canons of St Bartholemew's Priory, Smithfield, in 1331.
The former leader of Scotland's lairds is selling about 500 acres of his Brucklay Estate in countryside west of Peterhead, along with 10 tenant houses, farmland, a lake and the ruins of a castle.
At night they counted dollars to buy more acres, to raise more grain, to buy more corn to feed more horses, to slop more pigs, to feed more chicks, to make more dollars.
You can get an idea of what kind of wildflower understory there should be over perhaps hundreds of thousands of acres up here. - News
The Zone covers 300 acres which, for the next twelve years, will offer unprecedented benefits for industrialists and investors.
The estate consists of a main house, servants' quarters, a garage, stables and 100 acres of woods.
For Dublin, most of all, is European, looking to Bonn and Barcelona rather than London, having leapfrogged over us into Euroland with acres of European news dominating the media.
Maybe there's a waifish attendant in the men's, a rose in a stem vase and acres of wide-open country.
Globe and Mail
Water sloshed over sidewalks on some sections of Shore Acres Boulevard, and signs warning motorists to be cautious were placed at entrances to the subdivision.
And during the negotiations, about 3,700 acres of coastal sage scrub were destroyed.
This would provide just under half a million acres of new broadleaf forests by 2030.
The referees to whom he proposed to assess the damages due for the meadow declared that about three desyatins [a desyatin is about three acres] of the meadow had been damaged, and the fine they considered right would be ten rubles per desyatin.
Leo Tolstoy: Childhood and Early Manhood
Four newly acquired acres allowed the club to stretch the par-4 17th to 495 yards, uphill and blind off the tee before it doglegs downhill to a green.
The excellent three-star Nipa Lodge hotel is set in five acres of tropical gardens.
This was a purely agricultural village, growing acres of corn and tending large flocks of sheep.
Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
And does the pilgrimage of the rich and powerful to Davos justify the acres of newsprint and hours of broadcasting time devoted to it each year?
Times, Sunday Times
In the mid-1970s, he claimed to have received a calling from God to transform two acres of swampland on his property into a sculpture park, which he named Paradise Garden.
We've got 80 acres to do and I've going to use Reglone (diquat) instead of Roundup (glyphosate) so I can get into it quicker.
FWi - All News
In fact, the resort's 97ha (240 acres) of piste are covered by an extensive snowmaking system.
Times, Sunday Times
There are millions upon millions of acres of unbroken wilderness.
If you were to drive due east of the warm, coastal snowbird capital of Fort Myers, Florida, you'd soon find yourself in the midst of a sprawling grid of unadorned streets and quarter-acre lots collectively known as Lehigh Acres.
Raymond Schillinger: Lehigh Acres, Florida: A Parable of the American Dream Gone Bust
The former design and branding consultant sold his house in London to raise the money and planted 20 acres of vines.
Times, Sunday Times
In much of England the hide was reckoned as of 120 acres, in Wessex generally as of 40 or 48.
ARS scientists, working with NRCS and universities, have done the research that has encouraged farmers to largely put away the moldboard plow and switch to conservation tillage on about 40 percent of U.S. planted acres.
At home they had had some lilac bushes and a row of peonies; here were acres of greeneries, filled with flowers of gorgeous and unimaginable splendor, and rare plants from every part of the world.
Samuel the Seeker
This land, you will observe, Mr Campbell, is peculiarly good, having some few acres of what we call prairie, or natural meadow.
The Settlers in Canada
Cook only partially reported what Marana officials did when they gobbled up 1, 200 acres at Tangerine and Thornydale roads.
Some of the worst massacres by paramilitaries have been in towns where the university expects to attract students.
Famed Japanese acress Kyoko Kagawa, known for her work with some of the greatest Japanese directors in the "Golden Era" of Japanese film history, such as Ozu, Kurosowa and Miziguchi, was given the prestigious FIAF award this morning at the Tokyo International Film Festival.
Karin Badt: Famed Japanese Actress Kyoko Kagawa Celebrated at the Tokyo International Film Festival
It has acres of silver and dark mirrored surfaces, contemporary colours, cool lights and cabins with balconies.
The Sun
This has now grown to 19 acres where a plant population of 20,000 species thrives.
During the holidays a horde of in-laws forgathered at Dark Acres to play cards and gossip about horses.
Endless acres of palms where rainforest once towered 150ft to the canopy.
Times, Sunday Times
Hundreds of acres of agricultural land have been rendered barren for want of water.
We lose millions of acres of tropical forest a year.
Times, Sunday Times
Smyers designed five ponds, averaging two acres in area each, to improve the drainage and to provide the soil used to lift the fairways and elevate the tees and greens.
Roughton twelve oxgangs rateable to gelt, with three sokemen, and a half sokeman holding two carucates of land with three draught oxen; also fifteen acres of meadow land, a fishery worth 2s. yearly, and forty acres of woodland, containing pasturage in parts.
Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter
You'll recall the firefighting supertanker responded to another South Bay fire last week above Cupertino and helped contain that fire to 150 acres even though initial attack brass suggested that one could go to 3,000 acres.
Lick Fire In Henry Coe State Park
These four crops accounted for 52 percent of U.S. acres planted to crops excluding fruits and vegetables in 2001.
Over the next 24 years, the occupiers inflicted massacres, hunger, forced sterilization, and attempts at cultural annihilation on East Timor.
Some 100,000 psyllids have been released at sites around south Florida to help the melaleuca leaf weevil, Oxyops vitiosa, combat the invasive tree, which has been taking over 14 to 15 acres of the Everglades each day.
The price tag includes 12 acres of land and a house.
The Sun
They were able to destroy a thousand acres of orange trees belonging to a settlement in a single night.
In an attempt to protect a bumper harvest Australian bio-security agencies have sprayed insecticides over 600,000 acres.
Dr. Reese Halter: Australian Locust Thrive, Rocky Mountain Ones Disappear
Such a policy would needlessly destroy millions of acres of already dwindling sage-steppe habitat that supports sage grouse and other grassland species, such as pronghorn, mule deer and golden eagles.
The 90 acres of grassland, bordered by hawthorn hedgerows, is home to hundreds of plants, birds and insects.
Beyond the buildings were five acres of overgrown garden and meadow.
Times, Sunday Times
The fall of snowflakes in a still air, preserving to each crystal its perfect form; the blowing of sleet over a wide sheet of water, and over plains, the waving rye-field, the mimic waving of acres of houstonia, whose innumerable florets whiten and ripple before the eye; the reflections of trees and flowers in glassy lakes; the musical steaming odorous south wind, which converts all trees to windharps; the crackling and spurting of hemlock in the flames; or of pine logs, which yield glory to the walls and faces in the sittingroom, -- these are the music and pictures of the most ancient religion.
Essays: Second Series (1844)
Daimler Trucks North America, formerly known as Freightliner, bought 400 acres near the C.M. Steel site for an office campus.
Charlotte Business News - Local Charlotte News | Charlotte Business Journal
It has 288 acres of magnificent plants and glorious trees, plus hothouses, laboratories, and four museums.
Nothing else can describe such brutal massacres, such wanton destruction.
Two lakes nestle among the 35 acres, which attract an array of birds such as oystercatchers, ducks and snipes.
For a young family with relatively low borrowings, this could mean moving straight from a small urban townhouse to a detached four-bedroom with three acres.
Times, Sunday Times
High on everyone's list of ominous prospects is the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, in northern Minnesota, where a freak windstorm last summer turned half a million acres of trees into a massive pile of kindling.
Human-rights organizations have charged his forces with widespread rape, massacres in churches, mutilation, torture, cannibalism and forced conscription of child combatants.
What is its area in acres?
Times, Sunday Times
He raises 2,000 acres of wheat and hay.
In the acres of newsprint and hours of film footage devoted over the past week to the Queen Mother not even a passing mention has been made of her first cousin.
Set on five acres, there is a reception hall, drawing room, anteroom, dining room, kitchen, pantry, four bedrooms and a bathroom.
He knew himself to be Dick Forrest, the master of broad acres, who had fallen asleep hours before after drowsily putting a match between the pages of “Road Town” and pressing off the electric reading lamp.