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How To Use Acre In A Sentence

  • While on the way thither she fell in with a polacre-rigged ship flying the The Naval History of the United States Volume 1 (of 2)
  • Those morning glories are grown every year along the south face of the historic, well-preserved post-and-beam barn that is the center of Heritage Farm; the 890-acre spread a few miles north of Decorah that Seed Savers Exchange now calls home. Kurt Michael Friese: Memories of a Life Spent Saving Seeds
  • When it comes to rock music, the line is thin dividing the sacred and the profane. Christianity Today
  • From the early 1620s, coastal Indians supplied wampum (sacred shell beads, polished and strung in strands, belts, or sashes) to Dutch traders who exchanged it with inland natives for beaver pelts.
  • Building anew on the old sacred texts, these innovations brought a spiritual renewal to every major faith.
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  • Certainly observant Jews remember the crusaders as evil butchers, who on their way to Jerusalem, slaughtered and massacred many thousands of Jews and decimated entire Jewish communities such as Speyer, Worms and Mayencea and of course, when they arrived in Jerusalem, put the holy Jews of the city to the sword. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • A log cabin, and, occasionally, a stable and corn-crib, and a field of a dozen acres, the timber girdled or "deadened," and fenced, are enough for his occupancy. The Frontier in American History
  • Fontaine has prettily set it off, and an anonymous writer has composed it in Latin Anacreontic verses; and at length our Prior has given it with equal gaiety and freedom. Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3)
  • He'd missed the acres of newsprint and hours of broadcasts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 100-acre wind farm near Strabane is currently capable of producing 6.6 kilo watts of power per hour.
  • The tapu (sacredness) must be lifted from the manuhiri (visitors) before one can enter.
  • This fully restored Tuscan farmhouse with pool is on an acre of land in a rural location with panoramic views. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certain batik designs, like the parangrusak motif, are still considered sacred as they were specially designed for sultans, their consorts and crown princes.
  • Among the most desolate sandhills you may find in July acres of wax-white pyrola – like lilies of the valley splashed with pink – covering the plains between the lonely ridges of harsh, grey grass. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • That's about four acres under cultivation - enough to produce a total harvest last year of about 10,000 bundles.
  • Brahms finished off his sacred choral music with the Op. 110 motets, another trilogy.
  • With names such as Codex Sinaiticus, the Macregol Gospels and the Valenciennes Apocalypse, they evoke lost empires and ancient monasteries as surely as archaeopteryx and ceratosaurus conjure up primeval swamps and forests. GetReligion
  • The 150-acre site is being sold at public auction in five lots on June 25.
  • The massacre was carried out by enemy troops.
  • It is estimated that up to 1,200 people have land on the road's route, which covers an area of around 800 acres.
  • The opera is permeated with the Masonic sacred number - three.
  • I report here an observation of attempted predation by a tayra in the western Amazon, in Acre, Brazil.
  • There is no inviolable sacred ground when it comes to reform.
  • All over Europe, the fringes of suburbia are blighted by the dreary apparatus of industry - undecorated sheds and dour offices in glum lots girdled by sterile acres of parking.
  • To the front and rear of the house are lawns and shrubberies, but the grounds also contain two acres of young trees, a wildlife pond, mature woodland and banks of rhododendrons.
  • The "logic" underlying the sacred cosmos is taken for granted because it is equally applicable to different social situations. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • They did not dare to challenge the sacred cow of parliamentary democracy.
  • Devotion to the Sacred Heart was the characteristic note of the piety of Saint Gertrude the Latest Articles
  • According to the report, the massacre occurred after the guerrillas had tried to force the workers to stage a strike against the company.
  • The 1.1-acre site has access to a small bathing area and harbour enclosed by a concrete pier and a breakwater.
  • They based their predictions on one million-acre feet a year deficit of the Colorado River, massive amounts of evaporation from the lake and the viscous effects of a warming world from climate change. Dr. Reese Halter: Global Warming, Drought and the Grim Reaper
  • In Hegelian aesthetics, the sacred art of the sublime can only be the art of poetry.
  • Soon, Laemmle moved west and opened a movie studio on a 230-acre ranch north of Hollywood.
  • Around his neck he wore his white robe, the bottom of which was stained red by the blood that now defiled the sacred hall's floor.
  • In Ireland and Great Britain, sacred wells derive their distant origins from megalithic and Celtic times.
  • For a young family with relatively low borrowings, this could mean moving straight from a small urban townhouse to a detached four-bedroom with three acres. Times, Sunday Times
  • ARS scientists, working with NRCS and universities, have done the research that has encouraged farmers to largely put away the moldboard plow and switch to conservation tillage on about 40 percent of U.S. planted acres.
  • That the nunnery was a sacred place, and ought not to be profaned by the admission of enemies of the church. Awful Disclosures Containing, Also, Many Incidents Never before Published
  • Seething, she planned to make a midnight visit to his own regimented acres at dead of night later in the summer. SANDS OF TIME
  • Richard Kraft: Something With Birds In It | A site-specific installation composed of four elements, Something With Birds In It invokes the friction and fluidity between familiar polarities--between the sacred and profane, sense and nonsense, play and violence, reflection and action. Bill Bush: Seeing Red: This Artweek.LA (October 24-30, 2011)
  • Situated on an elevated rock outcropping 15 km from Kurdjali, it has been regarded as a sacred site for thousands of years.
  • Other major constituents include limonene (lemony), thymol (thyme-like), cadinene (green-like) and germacrene (spicy and woody). Sechuan Buttons: The Taste of Electricity
  • Still, one may never make use of a printed Torah, tefillin, or mezuzah for sacred purpose.
  • Love unexpressed is sacred. It'shines like gems in the gloom the hidden heart.
  • In his million-acred temple, he stood -- cold, white and useless -- leaning upon his broken staff; while timorous leadership gaped at his still majesty -- Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • In the meantime, down the road in Piraeus where Melina Mercouri was filmed in 1960 singing a song about her sacred day off from work called Never On A Sunday, the Chinese last June took over full control of the major container dock, pledging to spend $700 million to construct a new pier and upgrade existing docks. Vanessa Andris: Greece: Never on a Sunday But Bail Us Out on Monday? Defeat or Development
  • For three years or so the squares lay open, and their sacred turf was trodden by the feet of working-class children, a sight to make dividend-drawers gnash their false teeth.
  • The people communicate with him by way of ascetic disciplines on certain sacred mountains.
  • Over the course of the year, he's almost hit on the head by a sparrowhawk, gets a whiff of "bad badger breath" when three cubs cannon into his lap, and watches two stoats massacre a screaming leveret, their normally creamy bibs "the colour of a slaughterman's apron". A Year in the Woods: The Diary of a Forest Ranger by Colin Elford
  • To emphasize the fact that the zikkurat was the temple for the god, a small room was built at the top of the zikkurat, [1341] and it was a direct consequence of this same distinction between a temple for the gods and a temple for actual worship that led to assigning to zikkurats special names, and such as differed from the designation of the sacred quarter of which the zikkurat formed the most conspicuous feature. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • Thus shall we show that loyalty to this government of freemen is a sacred and paramount obligation, to be thrown off only less easily than loyalty to God. God's Ways Unsearchable
  • Tattooed crosses, icons and parts of the Sacred Land are all talismans and amulets which are treasured with respect.
  • Usually one finds on a given manor that ten or fifteen of the villagers have each a virgate of a given number of acres, several more have each a half virgate or a quarter. An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
  • We in Jaffa used to hear news about Palestinian villages falling into Jewish hands as well as massacres committed by the Jews. Global Voices in English » Palestine: Remembering Shafiq Al Hout
  • Finally, In this place angels are called cherubim, for the same reason that the name of the body of Christ is transferred to the sacred bread of the Lord's Supper. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Summarising, political correctness is a one-way street: they may use every form of rudeness but we must treat their concerns as sacred; this must be fought.
  • In November of 1997, after a massacre in Luxor that killed fifty-eight tourists and provoked overwhelming revulsion, Egypt's Gamaa al-Islamiya halted its armed struggle. Backfire
  • Still others, who are initiated by those making a craft of sacred rites, are worthy of astonishment and pity.
  • Our sacred pig is bigger than any other fatted sow out there. John Feffer: Worshiping the Sacred Pig of the Pentagon
  • Here there are some fine early sacred paintings.
  • The"sacred ecosystem," as executive director Hawk Rosales calls it, isthreaded by waters like Wolf Creek (right), focus of aproject to restore salmon habitat.
  • Everything about this cold, vaulted hall seemed dark, with its acres of bare, black basalt. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • In addition, a proposal to protect 1.2 million acres of owl habitat would be dropped.
  • With time, that study may even reveal the nature of sacred lands, and tell us what powers were invested in the kahuna nui.
  • The term garland was also technically used to signify a crown of precious metal, often adorned with gems, made for the arrangement of natural or artificial flowers before the altar or sacred image at festival times. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Meriva can be transformed in a matter of seconds (ten seconds per seat) from a five-seater to a single seater with acres of loadspace.
  • The lake contained an area of 3,370 acres and was said to have a practically inexhaustible deposit of salt and gypsum.
  • All four resorts are set in acres of beautiful parkland. The Sun
  • But while the Georgian house has been kept in peak condition, the 260 acres of landscaped grounds have become overgrown and wild.
  • All people have regarded virginity as something sacred, and God has so honored it that he willed that his son be born of a virgin, fecundated, however, by the Holy Ghost. Satyricon
  • The typical holding, the group of scattered acres cultivated by one man or held by some two or three in common, was known as a "virgate," or by some equivalent term, and although of no universal equality, was more frequently of thirty acres than of any other number. An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
  • (A striking example of this hypocrisy was the solicitude displayed by the Russian landowners last year, their efforts to combat the famine which they had caused, and by which they profited, selling not only bread at the highest price, but even potato haulm at five rubles the dessiatine (about 2 and four - fifths acres) for fuel to the freezing peasants.) The Kingdom of God Is Within You
  • Twenty eight acres was set aside for a reserve by the forward looking Hawera Town Board in 1875.
  • Lamb calculated dollars per acre for his first experimental plots last year, most of it labor costs for weed control.
  • The particle is an irritant, which causes the oyster to produce a lacquer-like substance called nacre. Daily Readings from Love Your Life
  • In Ireland the idea of sacredness was carried out in another way. Illuminated Manuscripts
  • The tract thus characterised was about five or six acres in superficial extent; and surrounded by the same kind of coppice that covered most of the face of the country. Bruin The Grand Bear Hunt
  • Perhaps the most ecumenically minded Catholic independent schools are the twenty-one members of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, and many Jesuit schools also have substantial non-Catholic enrollments.
  • To minimize risks, they would not be required to disarm the several militia groups responsible for recent massacres.
  • PCP produce flowers as you take flexeril to get rewards credit cards One such pharmacy sacred heart diet for the medicine business schools so mortgage loan rate bioterrorism health insurance quote sensitive mortgage broker career for successful internet gambling home fosamax call a elavil determine paxil asthma can be obesity say new drugs viagra alternative suicidality whether or progressive triple 7s blackjack suppressant medicine is var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • Further, the co-op would increase acreage and invest in plants for the long term.
  • Whenever we come together in celebration - sacred or secular - we bring into focus a vortex of energy that renews both us and the place.
  • It is submitted that Mr Podger and his ancestors have had grazing rights as a statutory commoner of the 5,000 acres at the Curragh.
  • Peter Melchett, policy director of the Soil Association and Britain's most famous crop trasher, who famously pulled up six-and-a-half acres of GM maize in 1999, says that £20m of taxpayers 'money has gone into GM crop research since 1997, despite the fact that not a single crop is grown in the UK. Just because GM is gaining popularity doesn't make it right
  • The property sleeps nine and has ready access to woodland walks and a five-acre wildlife reserve with bird hides and a trout lake.
  • In fact, the term sacra pagina or "the sacred page" has long been used in Christian tradition to emphasize the theological dimension of Scripture. The Sacred Page
  • Spade in hand, with his head full of Roman castrametation and geometrical problems, a prince, scarce emerged from boyhood, presents himself on that stage where grizzled Mansfelds, drunken Hohenlos, and truculent Verdugos have been so long enacting, that artless military drama which consists of hard knocks and wholesale massacres. History of the United Netherlands, 1590-99 — Complete
  • One acre of pasture can provide adequate grazing but requires more management and equipment.
  • It's a huge room - four big ballrooms joined together, acres of tables, a thousand and one chairs.
  • All the energies of life flow through those who are open to its many forms—undercurrents of earth and overcurrents of sky, bioelectric fields of plants and animals, magnetically charged attractions of intimacy and relationship, and even the danced opposites of the sacred and profane. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Top cotton yields this year reached three bales - or about 1,500 pounds - per acre, Latham said, with 45,000 acres planted.
  • He was put on a little silver tray, and an ingeniously wrought siphon showered him with pure water, which the faqir had no doubt drawn from some sacred well or spring. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • He says he and his bother Joseph have about 20 bat houses scattered over their 400 acres of walnut trees near Winters, Calif., primarily to get rid of a common pest called the coddling moth. The Seattle Times
  • The potent datura fruit has been used in sacred rites since prehistoric times. The Fruit Hunters
  • The amounts of seed required per acre for the different kinds are about as follows: mammoth fifteen to twenty pounds; red (medium) twelve to fifteen pounds; crimson twelve to fifteen pounds; and alsike ten to twelve pounds. Apple Growing
  • In this case, the total acreage is 156 or 150, depending again on your preference in acreage calculation. Living in Dryden: Hamlet density
  • The new school will be built on 26 acres of ground specially set aside for the purpose in Garcia Street.
  • It has three-quarters of an acre of land, but a refurb is required. Times, Sunday Times
  • The open ground was several acres in extent.
  • Irigaray wonders why law and community have to be founded on violence as in Freud's founding of culture on parricide in Totem and Taboo and symbolic sacrifice as in Girard's Violence and the Sacred: ‘Why did speech fail?’
  • The wide range of water availability cited in this study, somewhere between not another drop left to an additional million acre-feet, should concern all headwater communities who are targets for future or increased transmountain diversions," she says. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • The ancient line between sacred and profane is hard for us to grasp now. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Amongst the intricate arabesques little angels'-heads were embossed, and on one side a group of cherubs was bearing a "monstrance" with the sacred Host through silver clouds. Marzio's Crucifix and Zoroaster
  • The industry will consider major changes, he says: " Nothing is a sacred cow.
  • For the first time, I've experienced a most unwelcome intrusion into the most sacred of personal spaces - the toilet trap.
  • He quarreled with the papal legate, Pelagius, and returned to Acre for a time in 1220.
  • Frontiers which have held for over forty years are no longer sacred.
  • With 400 acres to explore, it is the perfect retreat away from hectic city life. The Sun
  • Another genius discovery from Lebanon: "Trouver la perle rare est une chose, en trouver 26 en est une autre: une Libanaise a eu la surprise de sa vie en découvrant 26 graines nacrées dans une huître dans un restaurant de poisson et fruits de mer dans le sud du pays ." thanks Martin Tuesday, September 09, 2008
  • Teachers of martial art are shouldering the sacred task of and developing it in and universities.
  • Last year the conservancy scored a triumph by acquiring 525,000 acres of desert land from the Corporation.
  • Let's not make a sacred cow of the monarchy.
  • At that temple you could find no dust or dirt anywhere in the sacred precincts.
  • Ahead of him he saw the Sacred Veil upon which was embroidered two cherubim, male and female each embracing the other.
  • Nowadays, partisans on one side of the aisle mercilessly assail their opponents as nefarious ideologues bent on the destruction of the nation, while claiming the sacred mantle of the Founding Fathers as exclusively their own. Morgan Pehme: Strip Politics: A Cure for Incivility
  • Religious scholars and students were moved by it as a piece of Jewish and Israeli literature that functioned neither as a traditional religious text nor as a profanity of sacred ideas.
  • Kai Tia Island, situated in the Toey Ngam Bay, is an important habitat for coral reefs and marine life and is also considered a spiritually sacred place.
  • The length of the acre, forty rods, has given rise to one of the familiar units of length, the furlong, that is, a "furrow-long," or the length of a furrow. An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
  • In July, crews fighting a blaze in a three-acre manure lagoon at a dairy farm in Washington smothered the flames with more of the same - a blanket of wet cow manure.
  • To create a canon of sacred writings is to create a collection which will be in some sense normative for the community for which it is intended.
  • We tell each other this story and make our children perform it for our sacred holidays - Thanksgiving Day, the Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Lincoln's Birthday.
  • I concentrated on sliding into his life, his history, his sacred imperial flesh, flesh that a person could be killed on the spot for touching with their eyes, let alone his dirty ungentle hands.
  • He has a 600-acre beef farm near Benalla, in north-east Victoria.
  • The recent massacre in Acteal has forced the government to shake off its stupor, at least for a while.
  • Tennessee had the largest total acreage of farm land and crop land, and North Carolina had the least.
  • 1972 - Israeli Athletes are taken hostage by Palestinian Black September (group) at 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich massacre.
  • When he was in Hesse he approached the town of Geismar and came upon a oak tree sacred to Thor, the German god of thunder.
  • My stomach is flabby and there are acres of it. The Sun
  • In South America the sacred use of the psychedelic ayahuasca has moved from the native populations of the Amazon Basin into the urban centers where it is the central sacrament in their religious praxis.
  • In his tours he found sacred woodlands ‘most carefully protected’ in many districts-from the Devara Kadus of Coorg in the south to the deodar temple groves in the Himalaya.
  • Nor the priests, and if a snake appeared in her studio to guard the sacred ampulla she was never aware of it. SANDS OF TIME
  • The love of the Sacred Heart was the fire which consumed her, and devotion to the Sacred Heart is the refrain of all her writings. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Daily Telegraph, Mr Johnson said: "They have taken the sword of common sense to the great bloated encephalopathic sacred cow of 'elf and safety. Evening Standard - Home
  • What is the acreage of the farm?
  • Then snatching up some of the flowers, which ornamented the table, he swore that Juba should henceforward be called Anacreon, and that he deserved to be crowned with roses by the hand of beauty. Tales and Novels — Volume 03
  • House, and thence down into the Pond, and the other half, round the Side of the bushy Pasture Hill, so as to oose over several Acres there before it fell down into the Pond. John Adams diary 17, 16 April - 14 June 1771
  • Dedicated to a sincere belief in the venality of man, refusing to let any sacred cow go ungored, it's like Curb Your Enthusiasm for a lower tax bracket. Funny, Silly Sunny Philly - Tuned In -
  • Anacreon", written during this time, had to be performed in the small Theatre de la Foire Saint-Germain (where he directed the performances from 1789-1792) because the grand opera house was closed to him. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • He defended a sacred "complementarity" of the sexes, essentially relegating women to the service of others and to her own biology, from which she is cautioned not to seek "liberation. Angela Bonavoglia: Benedict in America: The Man Show
  • He stated he had approximately 180 acres of his own land but also had rented other holdings throughout the area.
  • But this served only to stimulate the already keen energies of the Federal forces, who waded knee-deep through the clear Potomac, and trudged along over the 'sacred soil' with a willingness unchecked by the cold nor'wester that raged on that July morning. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 3, March, 1862
  • a private office sacred to the President
  • Accordingly, Wilson refused to take on any “mandate,” such as the Armenian territories of Turkey that had been victim of widespread massacres, or embark on an invasion of Russia to assist the anti-Bolshevik forces that were battling communist troops there. Shaping the World at Versailles: A Q&A With the Author of A Shattered Peace - Freakonomics Blog -
  • It was two acres overgrown with stinging nettles and we spent a year putting it right. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plan of Florence in 1427 shows a group of twenty unmistakable 'insulae', each of them about 1-1/8 acre in area, that is, very similar in size to the 'insulae' of Turin. Ancient Town-Planning
  • Both the Mayans and Aztecs believed the cacao bean had magical, or even divine, properties18), suitable for use in the most sacred19) rituals of birth, marriage and death.
  • He could keep his fish, but had to fell and cut four arpents of trees an arpent is 0.85 percent of an acre over the next year and live on the place as well. Bird Cloud
  • Almost 3,000 acres of forest were ablaze just south of Emigrant Gap.
  • She spent her early childhood on a 160-acre tract known as Mankiller Flats, given to her grandfather as part of a settlement the federal government made for forcing the Cherokee to move to Oklahoma from their tribal lands in the Carolinas and Georgia in the 1830s. - News
  • Fields around Horwich are flooded in places, and all along the railway line to Bolton acres of land are seen under water.
  • More recent Indian medicine men carried charms, fetishes and sacred talismans in similar deerskin bags that must have been a potent symbol of tribal authority.
  • Drawn primarily from the Metropolitan's collections, the exhibition features more than fifty instruments from small personal types such as panpipes and courting whistles to larger forms played at performances heard by the entire community, such as the exquisitely carved temple drums of the Austral Islands or the imposing sacred slit gongs of New Guinea.'s Exclusive New York City Event Calendar : Art
  • Woodview, a four-bedroom detached house, is situated on a third of an acre and covers an area of 2,150 square feet.
  • On the water, meanwhile, the last White Lilies are sinking beneath the surface, the last gay Pickerel-Weed is gone, though the rootless plants of the delicate Bladder-Wort, spreading over acres of shallows, still impurple the wide, smooth surface. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862
  • He had no respect for everything I held sacred .
  • The one acre site has become a valuable asset to local schoolchildren.
  • In Africa the snake is still sacred with many tribes.
  • Though V.F. elevated all of its elect to the same celestial plane, once apotheosized, nobody was sacred. Vanity Fair: The Early Years, 1914-1936
  • Perhaps a purer time is near, when, upborne by a sense of the dignity of romance and the sacredness of life, man will refrain from laying rough hands on his mute brothers. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • The property's grounds include manicured lawns that roll down to the river and acres of woodland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Champs-Elysées, du Sacre du printemps dont le scandale triomphal éclipsa totalement Jeux, une partition bien trop complexe, diaphane, subtile, ésotérique presque, que l'on a mis une cinquantaine d'années à comprendre réellement. AvaxHome
  • Donald Birger, president of InstaCredit Automart, which sold more than 3,000 vehicles in 2008 through its two dealerships in Collinsville, Ill., and O'Fallon, Mo., says he initially was "leery" of the remote disabling systems, in part because he thought customers might object. Late on a Car Loan? Meet the Disabler
  • The Forestry Commission is responsible for preserving over 2 million acres of woodland.
  • Standing on a site of 1.2 acres, this house is set in rural surroundings with uninterrupted views of the Liffey valley.
  • Approximately 20 million acres of rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands could be at risk.
  • She judged the garden to be about two acres in extent, and rejoiced anew at her amazing luck.
  • During this same period of Flotilla Face-Offs with the IDF, Pakistan, my nation of matrilineal and patrimonial heritage has witnessed the extraordinary massacre of 120 moderate, pacifist Muslims, followers of the Ahmadiyyah movement that subscribes to peaceful, pluralistic Islam. Qanta Ahmed, MD: Israel and the Flotilla: On the Dangers of a Binary View
  • The temple is the most sacred site in Nepal, widely venerated by members of at least four major sectarian Buddhist persuasions, each with distinct ethnic and caste affiliations.
  • 'Hindu tradition and history is replete with stories and references to' bhumi ', to mother earth, and we want to help Hindus re-learn these sacred teachings and find new relevance for them in the modern world,' said Centre director Shaunaka Rishi Das, who helped formulate the project. India eNews
  • There's one man who grows sixty thousand acres of wheat alone! Secrets of the Soil
  • We fought with renewed strength, and together we reclaimed our sacred ground.
  • The property's grounds include manicured lawns that roll down to the river and acres of woodland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two years ago a further 35 acres were leased from the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury cathedral.
  • Sci Fi was one of the last sacred places on the outskirts of mainstream commercialism, which is what made it so great! SciFi Changes Its Name to "SyFy"
  • There are countless yogis, jnanis, tapasvis, siddhas, and rishis who dwell in the sacred realm of the Himalayas.
  • Deep was the grief of the brethren of Three Fountains when they were summoned to attend the sacred office of demission which was to shut out A Child's Book of Saints
  • In other words, there are qualitative differences in places; some are sacred, some are not.
  • Finding logic in the rules of kashrut is a frustrating task, as the anthropologist Marvin Harris entertainingly recounts in his book The Sacred Cow and the Abominable Pig. The Kosher Conversion
  • We've lost acres and acres of woodland to fast grain farming.
  • Wrestlers wash their faces, mouths and armpits before entering the dohyo (ring), on whose sacred sand neither shoes nor women may tread. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Mantle from an oyster with pink nacre on its inner shell will produce a pink pearl, even if it's put into an oyster with a black shell. PEARL COVE
  • On a fine day the colours and scent from the lavender and herb beds that extend over 12 acres would make for a pleasant stroll.
  • Situated on an elevated rock outcropping 15 km from Kurdjali, it has been regarded as a sacred site for thousands of years.
  • The property is situated on approximately three quarters of an acre of mature garden.
  • Few things were sacred to Henry, but local history was one of them.
  • There is a farm on a neck of land belonging to this town (Marblehead, Mass.), which has peculiar advantages for collecting sea kelp and sea moss, and these manures are there used most liberally, particularly in the cultivation of cabbage, from eight to twelve cords of rotten kelp, which is stronger than barn manure, and more suitable food for cabbage, being used to the acre. Cabbages and Cauliflowers: How to Grow Them A Practical Treatise, Giving Full Details On Every Point, Including Keeping And Marketing The Crop
  • Lo, Pythonic brethren and sistren sic, our sacred fools are back, bearing sumptuous gifts for the discerning comedic and musical connoisseur. Gregory Weinkauf: Not the Messiah : Monty Python Strikes Again!
  • The acacia, which, in Scripture, is always called 'shittah' and in the plural 'shittim,' was esteemed a sacred wood among the Hebrews. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • A properly adjusted swather is critical for cutting large a acreage in a timely fashion.
  • This is a massacre, or assome one elseposted withmorbid enthusiasm, an example of "beating the crap" out of people. Gaza and Tijuana; What if Rocket Bombs Were Launched from Mexico Into California
  • Our guardianship is a sacred trust, which the Fortress of the Senate shall ever hold true. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • He plans to fence in about 100 acres of his ranch five miles north of town.
  • Additional material found in certain psalters includes refrains used for antiphonal psalmody and appendices containing canticles or other sacred writings.
  • Many designs are found on ancient tiles, such as heraldic devices, monograms, sacred symbols with texts, architectural designs, figures, and patterns. English Villages
  • The combination of owl, murrelet, and riparian protection will eventually provide at least 520,000 acres of mature forest habitat.
  • The seigneur would, in turn, subdivide his acreage to tenants who paid a nominal rent, cleared, and farmed the land.
  • Instead, the record reveals the true force of his songs: bouncy, repetitive chamber pop nuggets, gilt with glockenspiels, tambourines and evocative sacred-sexual imagery.
  • Dryland milo yields are ranging from 20 to 110 bushels per acre with an average of 60.
  • One of the things I dislike very much is when they begin to tear down that which is sacred to others.
  • And sacred symbols, from cave paintings to mandalas, are as old as the struggle to understand our world.

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