
  1. strong desire to acquire and possess
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How To Use acquisitiveness In A Sentence

  • _Simple_ reflex action, or instinct, answers to the animal faculties, such as acquisitiveness, secretiveness, selfishness, reproductiveness, etc., and accomplishes two important purposes; self-preservation and the reproduction of the specie. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • Up to the year 1830 Phileas, who was thus enabled to exercise his bump of "acquisitiveness," earned every year a sum equivalent to his expenses. The Deputy of Arcis
  • But capitalism does not reward compassion and cooperation; it is driven by acquisitiveness and individualism.
  • Yet this lack of acquisitiveness, this disregard for hoarding, has earned indigenous communities sobriquets like ‘uncivilized’ or ‘primitive’.
  • They spring straight from the acquisitiveness which is a universal characteristic of human nature and indeed of animal and vegetable nature. The Unity of Civilization
  • Resist not the weakness/Such strength is in meekness" goes the Song of Spirits in Prometheus Unbound (II. iii.93-4), and this message of humility might make resistance to available forms of violence and acquisitiveness sustainable over a long and healthy life. Henry Salt on Shelley: Literary Criticism and Ecological Identity
  • The collector happened, by good luck, to have a large "acquisitiveness," and Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • His face, of a highbred and strongly marked type, emphasised by age, had the hawk-like contour, that is supposed to betoken extreme acquisitiveness. The Colonel's Dream
  • We might study if acquisitiveness is a characteristic that shows variation due to genetics across population groups. The Volokh Conspiracy » Approaching Arguments That Have A Racist Past
  • I have a tolerable "acquisitiveness" among my other organs, but think I would rather get than keep money, and to earn would always be pleasanter to me than to save. Records of a Girlhood
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