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How To Use Acquainted In A Sentence

  • The fable is plainly implex, formed rather from the "Odyssey" than the "Iliad;" and many artifices of diversification are employed, with the skill of a man acquainted with the beet models. Lives of the English Poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
  • I would also like to know how well acquainted he was with the Metis of western Canadathe people, their clothing, and their culture?
  • He replied, “I know not; but thou art better able to judge, being acquainted with the ways of thy man, more by token that thou art one of the sharpest-witted of women and past mistress of devices such as devise that whereof fail the wise.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • PALCA: But like scuba diving, there are certain inherent risks and they want to get you acquainted with those. Space Tourism: To Infinity And ... Right Back To Earth
  • It was not until I checked into my Lisbon hotel that the receptionist with great glee acquainted me of my dilemma. Times, Sunday Times
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Master English with Ease
  • I figured that since I am now acquainted with millionaires, I must look like one, even if I am not.
  • The oath of one of the initiated must counterbalance the most solemn asseveration of every one that is not acquainted with our holy secrets. Anne of Geierstein
  • Concerntug the v* - trade* the force of my argument goes no farther than this; — that its Juppftfliou, by the ISrihfli government only, other nations continuing the trade as ufua\ % who would of cotirfe felSC on what we funender, would anfwer the purpofes of humanity, cither to the negroes tn Africa, or to thofe already in the Weft Indies; and I have quoted* in fupport of this opinion, the authoiitiesof men (naval commander! and others) who arc intimately acquainted with the trade, though no ways intended in its continuance; and I have not yet met with any evidence or argument* to Kivtttdate their testimony. The Monthly Review
  • They were well acquainted with both and knew their history. Heidi
  • Fortunately for us, we had made ourselves perfectly acquainted with the country the previous day, and instantly realized that escape by our right (as we faced Lucknow) was impossible, because of a huge impassable _jhil_. Forty-one years in India From Subaltern To Commander-In-Chief
  • Employees should be fully acquainted with emergency procedures.
  • The most gratifying thing about starting this blog has been the opportunity to get acquainted with so many smart and charming people.
  • Doctor, are you acquainted with the poison known as curari or curarine? The Lost Despatch
  • “A poor forlorn and ignorant stranger, unacquainted with the very Alcoran of the savage tribe whom you are come to reside among — Never to have heard of Markham, the most celebrated author on farriery! then I fear you are equally a stranger to the more modern names of Gibson and Bartlett?” Rob Roy
  • Anyone who has been a member of a sorority or fraternity will be acquainted with some of the letter names.
  • But I can tell you, we feel a little better acquainted with you orthopterous fellows than we did. The Insect Folk
  • He had been, though a much younger man, acquainted with the late Sir Hildebrand; and whenever Mrs Rayland and Lord Carloraine met, which they did in cumbrous state twice or thrice a year, their whole conversation consisted of eulogiums on the days that were passed, in expressing their dislike of all that was now acting in a degenerate world, and their contempt of the actors. The Old Manor House
  • Henri de Lubac and Karol Wojtyla, who later became Pope, were already acquainted from the days of the Second Vatican Council and held one another in high esteem. The Cardinal
  • We can imagine, therefore, that among such folk a settler, of Aeolic origin like Hesiod, who clearly was well acquainted with the Ionian epos, would naturally see that the only outlet for his gifts lay in applying epic poetry to new themes acceptable to his hearers. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Faced with being reacquainted with his wife after nearly a decade, Mark Antony has his way with a passing shepherdess.
  • Of animal cardiac poisons chemists were acquainted in particular with so-called bufotalin, which is present in the skin secretion of certain species of the toad genus Bufo. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1927 and 1928 - Presentation Speech
  • He was unacquainted with the work either of Holmes or of Semmelweiss, and approached the problem from still another standpoint, drawing attention to the much higher deathrate among women delivered amid unsanitary surroundings. The Prospective Mother, a Handbook for Women During Pregnancy
  • As a result, they are usually well acquainted with both their own and other people's anger by the time they reach manhood. 50 Ways to Become a Self-Confident Woman
  • Suddenly I fear becoming even casually acquainted with a new title lest I somehow curse it to dismal failure. Atomic
  • Are you acquainted with my brother?
  • Everyone in Ethiopia was acquainted with her.
  • She has an high opinion of her sex, to think they can charm so long a man so well acquainted with their identicalness. Clarissa Harlowe
  • they were acquainted
  • Anyway, Leo wants them to spend a month here at Christmas so we can get acquainted. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Previously, unacquainted passengers could find themselves sharing a ‘double’ berth of only eighty-eight centimetres in width.
  • Also, in the process, aspects of people's social world that are particularly important to them, but that might not even have crossed the mind of a researcher unacquainted with it, are more likely to be forthcoming.
  • I would have liked to have spent several days in Iona, prowling by myself around its haunted ruins and getting acquainted with its quaint inhabitants. The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career
  • He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland.
  • He had attended Eton and Oxford, two schools still acquainted with the study of classical antiquity, and it’s conceivable that in the media’s terms of endearment he recognized the debt owed to the very ancient Greeks, who allowed their sacred kings to rule in Thebes for a single triumphant year before putting them to death in order that their blood might fructify the crops and fields. Lewis Lapham: Domesticated Deities: About Messiahs Come to Redeem Our Country, Not Govern It
  • But Mr Brownrigg, who, I must say, had taken more pains than might have been expected of him to make himself acquainted with the legalities of his office, did not fail to call a vestry, to which, as usual, no one had responded; whereupon he imposed a rate according to his own unaided judgment. Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood
  • No doubt some such exceptional cases may be met with in the course of future investigations, for we are still imperfectly acquainted with the entire fauna of the age of stone in Denmark as we may infer from an opinion expressed by Steenstrup, that some of the instruments exhumed by antiquaries from the Danish peat are made of the bones and horns of the elk and reindeer. The Antiquity of Man
  • Before their imaginations had fully wakened out of the primeval dream, the cosmogonies and theogonies, gross and monstrous, of their national infancy, they were asked to have an opinion about the classical mythology, as represented by the Latin poets; they were made acquainted with the miracles of the lives of saints. Epic and Romance Essays on Medieval Literature
  • It is also highly embarrassing to read DeGroot's confession that he is unacquainted with prior works by Devine, who is arguably one of the most prolific and exciting scholars working in the field of Scottish history.
  • It was his first competitive action since Royal St George's, following a much-needed break in which he vegetated on the sofa and reacquainted himself with his Rangers season-ticket.
  • How much more in keeping with Christian manners that the son of the household should share in the burden of keeping the domestic machinery running smoothly, rather than misemploy his time, and grow up unacquainted with the practical duties of life! Stories Worth Rereading
  • Welsh language I think I may lay some pretensions; were I not well acquainted with it, I should not have carried off the prize at various eisteddfodau, as I have done. Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
  • I will go away from this gathering, for example, knowing the name of Trilleck of Hereford, a fourteenth-century English bishop with whose name I was previously unacquainted.
  • No state is better acquainted with the porcine menace than Texas, where more than 2 million rampaging hogs cost landowners some $52 million in damages annually, and where lawmakers recently debated a bill that would have allowed private hunters to gun down pigs from the air. The Boar War
  • Three of the people from my science class were there, and a few others I was acquainted with.
  • It is probable that the Count was in connivance with them about all this, but anybody was surely little acquainted with me who did not know that I was too busy with my art to give any time to politics, even if I had not always felt an aversion to everything smacking of intrigue. Memoirs of Madame Vigée Lebrun
  • And calycanthus buds, see how you've got to hold 'em in your hands and warm 'em before they'll give out their sweetness, jest like children that you've got to love and pet, before they'll let you git acquainted with 'em. Aunt Jane of Kentucky
  • From this conversation, together with previous ones, held with the same negro, and from after developments made to me at various places, and at different times, extending over a period of six weeks, I became acquainted with the fact -- and I _know_ it to be a _fact_ -- that there exists among the blacks a secret and wide-spread organization of a The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Hankey can be found too in various biographies of Swinburne, with whom, naturally, he was acquainted.
  • So perfect was his jockeyship, so clever his management of the animal he mounted, so intimately acquainted was he with every cross-road in the neighborhood of the metropolis -- a book of which he constructed, and carried constantly about his person --, as well as with many other parts of England, particularly the counties of Chester, York, and Lancaster, that he outstripped every pursuer, and baffled all attempts at capture. Rookwood
  • English speakers understand that in perceiving tomatoes, grapes, etc one is acquainted with sensuous features.
  • An observant traveller, unacquainted with the historical antecedents of the friars in the Philippines, could not fail to be impressed by the estrangement of religious men, whose sacred mission, if genuine, ought to have formed an inseverable bond of alliance and goodfellowship. The Philippine Islands
  • The author was well acquainted with classical drama, as may be seen in his use of stichomythia, amongst other things, and possibly in his preference for a Grecian story. The Growth of English Drama
  • We can imagine, therefore, that among such folk a settler, of Aeolic origin like Hesiod, who clearly was well acquainted with the Ionian epos, would naturally see that the only outlet for his gifts lay in applying epic poetry to new themes acceptable to his hearers. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Davis, who has written extensively about the dangers of our fire ecology, is well-acquainted with the burn area.
  • Both men are well acquainted with the'dark arts '. Times, Sunday Times
  • I first met with each of the eight youths for a preintervention interview that allows us to become acquainted and for me to familiarize myself with their understanding of their behavioral challenges.
  • Were you acquainted with a friend of mine, Daniel Green?
  • It is possible that members of tribes were recruited into the royal armies and became acquainted with courtly dress and ornaments.
  • The shaddock of Java is a magnificent fruit, and surpasses those of any other country with which I am acquainted. Trade and Travel in the Far East or Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia and China.
  • Employees should be fully acquainted with emergency procedures.
  • You will soon become fully acquainted with the procedures.
  • Sprinkling the starter diet or a small quantity of oat groats on the mat close to the feeder allows the pigs to become acquainted with the feeder.
  • (I may here remark that I suppose myself to be better acquainted than any living authority, with the ridgy effect of a wedding – ring, passing unsympathetically over the human countenance.) Great Expectations
  • The Greeks and Romans were not acquainted with the employment of peat as fuel, but it appears from a curious passage which I have already cited from Pliny, N. H., book xvi., chap. 1, that the inhabitants of the North Sea coast used what is called kneaded turf in his time. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 01 (historical)
  • We would finish our classes and go out to the field to become acquainted with our planes. The Other Side of Me
  • It must also be remembered that the currents of air vary in their directions, according to their elevation, and were the aeronaut perfectly acquainted with aerial currents, he might, by raising or lowering himself, find a wind blowing in the direction in which he wished to proceed, and the last problem of aerostation would be solved. Wonderful Balloon Ascents
  • Amid all the contradictory accounts of how an aspiring actress became acquainted with the media billionaire one consistency has emerged. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something I shall add of my own present judgment in this matter; but with willing, express submission unto those whom the use and experience of things, with knowledge of foreign parts, skill in the rules of commonwealths, acquaintedness with the affections and spirits of men, have enabled to look punctually into the issues and tendencies of such a toleration. The Sermons of John Owen
  • He was certainly closely acquainted with her before her marriage and, according to three 16th-cent. accounts, confessed to the king that she had been his mistress and was not fit to be a royal consort.
  • Unlike unacquainted individuals, friends do not need to establish to each other that they have a sense of humor.
  • Once there were no two hearts so open, no feelings so in harmony. Now we are strangers, worse than strangers, for we may never become acquainted.
  • The only encyclopædia since 1772 with which I am acquainted, that is planned with a view to the presentation of a general body of doctrine, is the unfinished Encyclopédie Nuevelle of Pìerre Diderot and the Encyclopædists (Vol 1 of 2)
  • I had acquainted myself with marijuana and hash a long time before I moved to Amsterdam.
  • They had spoken to one or two fellow-guests with whom Hugh was acquainted. DOUBLE DECEIT
  • No-one personally acquainted with the couple was permitted to talk to the Press.
  • Were you acquainted with a friend of mine, Daniel Green?
  • I am acquainted with the names of at least eight such people.
  • Although, therefore, the learned divine's monument, with his name duly inscribed, is to be seen at the east end of the churchyard at Aberfoyle, yet those acquainted with his real history do not believe that he enjoys the natural repose of the tomb. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
  • They who conversed with him knew him to have many humours which were very intolerable; they who were but little acquainted with him took him to be a man of much knowledge, and called his morosity gravity. Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon — Volume 02
  • I thought it time my children and I were reacquainted with our family.
  • ANN LIVERMORE: Livermore has become acquainted with many corners of HP's sprawling business in her 28-year career with the company, with management positions in sales, research and development and business management. Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
  • He himself would have been personally acquainted with the complainant and in that respect lacked independence.
  • Christian should reluctantly give up, one by one, the pleasures of the world; and look back upon them, when relinquished, with eyes of wistfulness and regret: because he knows not the sweetness of the delights with which true Christianity repays those trifling sacrifices, and is greatly unacquainted with the _nature_ of that pleasantness which is to be found in the ways of Religion. A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Middle and Higher Classes in this Country, Contrasted with Real Christianity.
  • The only encyclopaedia since 1772 with which I am acquainted, that is planned with a view to the presentation of a general body of doctrine, is the unfinished Encyclopedie Nuevelle of Pierre Leroux and Jean Reynaud. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists
  • Our only refuge is in the worms, and how to account for the transmutation of any worm with which we are at present acquainted into a form like the Leptus, with its mandibulated mouth and jointed legs, seems at first well nigh impossible. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • Whether you're a fan, or largely unacquainted as I was, this CD has pleasures and delights in store for you.
  • He quickly got acquainted with the new regulations.
  • I became acquainted with someone I call my plant "wonk" -- a walking human thinktank of botany named Eric. Danielle Crittenden: Help, My Botanical Clock Is Ticking!
  • One successful poultryman I am acquainted with gives, as the first feed, dog biscuit crushed. Outdoor Sports and Games
  • London was preceded by a quick trip to visit friends in Oxford, where I reacquainted myself with the Radcliffe Camera and the Ashmolean Museum, and saw a tiny, perfect exhibition of armillary spheres and other navigational and scientific instruments exquisitely fashioned of brass at the Museum of the History of Science or Old Ashmolean. London
  • No one I know is on this show, except possibly for the very few happily married childed couples with solid jobs I am acquainted with--except all of those are also either poly, kinky, or science fiction authors as well, and those are not groups represented on Thirtysomething. Throwdown!
  • fully acquainted with the facts
  • I could scarcely be called acquainted with her, though I had been into her room and called with others. Brook Farm
  • He says that when the painting hangs in Edinburgh it will offer a real chance, even for those previously unacquainted with Raphael, to understand the development of his style.
  • His wife was the daughter of a laundress, in whose house he had lodged thirty years ago, when new to London but already long-acquainted with hunger; they lived in complete harmony, but Mrs Hinks, who was four years the elder, still spoke the laundress tongue, unmitigated and immitigable. New Grub Street
  • They were already well acquainted, which would save him the trouble of first finding and then getting to know a stranger. ALEXANDER THE CORRECTOR
  • I would not hire someone who reacted with suspicion, hostility and defensiveness to areas of knowledge with which he or she was not already acquainted.
  • France was getting acquainted yesterday with the dashing young investment banker who has shot from obscurity to stardom and controversy as the country's new socialist economy minister. Times, Sunday Times
  • 1819 Moorcroft made it even plainer still that he was fully acquainted with what we now know as navicular disease. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • He was acquainted with Mr Boyle and had met him on a number of occasions.
  • She found that the most coordination occurred in the conversations of the pairs who were unacquainted and the pairs who disliked each other.
  • With rich, pure prose Hoffman charts the always unexpected progress of Gretel Samuelson from the time Gretel is a young girl already acquainted with betrayal and grief, until she finally leaves home. Local Girls: Summary and book reviews of Local Girls by Alice Hoffman.
  • Twelve unacquainted multiparous sows were mixed in pairs after weaning.
  • In any case, it was unlikely that John would commit any solecism of protocol, since he was already well acquainted with her, she having been one of his wife's bridesmaids.
  • The unusual early burst of demand is partly attributable to the fact that this has been an on-again, off-again deal for such along time that investors are well-acquainted with the company, making it possible for them to decide to buy even before AIA management goes on tour to drum up interest. Demand for AIA's Offering Picks Up
  • Strange canine characters are pleased to get acquainted and never have you been more popular.
  • My second catalyst was also well acquainted with various forms of mysticism, occultism and meditation.
  • But, intimately acquainted with the Kirshner world through his familial ties, Andras's repugnance is complicated by a potent blend of envy, exile, and secret longing.
  • As a result, they are usually well acquainted with both their own and other people's anger by the time they reach manhood. 50 Ways to Become a Self-Confident Woman
  • Graham, riding solitary through the redwood canyons among the hills that overlooked the ranch center, was getting acquainted with Selim, the eleven-hundred-pound, coal-black gelding which Dick had furnished him in place of the lighter Altadena. CHAPTER XXI
  • a tanker is a routine matter: men and material are well acquainted. Pilots - Part 1
  • Mixing at young ages reduces fighting in unacquainted domestic pigs.
  • I became acquainted with the science of anatomy: but this was not sufficient; I must also observe the natural decay and corruption of the human body.
  • Pipes entered into this opinion the more willingly, as he had all along believed the senior to be a sort of wizard, or some cacodaemon, whom it was not very creditable to be acquainted with. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • As a person who was well acquainted with all the people of the camps, she would be invaluable in our dealings with the various families. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • That a servant is for the most part, 1. unacquainted with his master's designs, 383. 2. restrained with a degenerous awe of mind, Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • For those who are not acquainted with Christmas crackers, they're little packages in garish paper.
  • We're all well acquainted with the saga of his resistance to it and his exile from the ring. Times, Sunday Times
  • But death in its more sordid and terrible aspects was a thing with which I had been unacquainted till now. Chapter 2
  • Today many of us are acquainted with persons of other religious traditions.
  • The Labrador journeys acquainted Murie with both Indians and Eskimos from whom he learned durable skills and values.
  • Four witnesses who were acquainted with the plaintiff testified that they thought of him when they read the article.
  • Doctor, are you acquainted with the poison known as curari or curarine? The Lost Despatch
  • The Colonel, being an old soldier, and thoroughly acquainted with his work, is especially restiff under the authority of an officer so poorly fitted for his position as our Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals As Seen From the Ranks During a Campaign in the Army of the Potomac
  • Almost cotemporary with these was L. Gellius, who was not so much to be valued for his positive, as for his negative merits: for he was neither destitute of learning, nor invention, nor unacquainted with the history and the laws of his country; besides which, he had a tolerable freedom of expression. Cicero's Brutus or History of Famous Orators; also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker.
  • Mr. Grignion attended and gave an account that the Workman he had employed to examine the Enamel had acquainted him that the enamel is not so good as that produced the last year. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • unacquainted with city ways
  • He sees things, anticipates events, and often prearranges them; smells war if the secretary of the navy is seen to run for a street-car, is intimately acquainted with The Voice in the Fog
  • Steve reckons it is probably a blessing that he has yet to be acquainted with the MP.
  • He sprinkles his prose with references to the old guard as if to mollify unacquainted readers with names of recognizable authors.
  • Amid all the contradictory accounts of how an aspiring actress became acquainted with the media billionaire one consistency has emerged. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the fifth year in a row students took part in the Week of Welcome, a weeklong celebration that acquainted them with the campus as well as its many organisations.
  • It was as if he walked in a new and monstrously populous jungle and was unacquainted with its ways and denizens. CHAPTER XXV
  • That is to say, we are not acquainted with the duffer who foozled fifteen strokes. Public Opinion
  • It may be necessary, therefore, to explain to those who are unacquainted with the Italian mode of speaking in this respect that the Italians always speak of what we should call the fourteenth century as the "trecento," what we should call the fifteenth, as the Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 102, June, 1876
  • If we consider, in fact, that by far the largest proportion of recorded existing species are known only by the study of their skins, or bones, or other lifeless exuvia; that we are acquainted with none, or next to none, of their physiological peculiarities, beyond those which can be deduced from their structure, or are open to cursory observation; and that we cannot hope to learn more of any of those extinct forms of life which now constitute no inconsiderable proportion of the known Flora and Lectures and Essays
  • If a man be acquainted with the cause of any nature (as whiteness or heat) in certain subjects only, his knowledge is imperfect; and if he be able to superinduce an effect on certain substances only (of those susceptible of such effect), his power is in like manner imperfect. The New Organon
  • Local security sources could have acquainted him with these facts if he had asked before making his assertions last Thursday.
  • I told him that I was very well acquainted in some parts of Michigan, that I had been in Canada and that a great many people there called me a "Kentuckian;" and I didn't know as it mattered what I was called so long as I was able to pay him for his cattle. The Bark Covered House
  • The film delves into hidden family secrets, dramatising the escalation of an incestuous relationship between a brother and sister who have been recently reacquainted.
  • Every one resident in the midland counties must be acquainted with the word _nog_, applied to the wooden ball used in the game of "shinney," the corresponding term of which, _nacket_, holds in parts of Scotland, where also a short, corpulent person is called a _nuget_. Notes and Queries, Number 180, April 9, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • This pathetic record was well known to every American who was passingly acquainted with current events as of September 11, 2001.
  • By the time we reached Slavonice, we were well acquainted with the crazy gables, layered up with arches and pediments like toytown building blocks, or flanked with scrolling S's like Quaker wigs.
  • Are you fully acquainted with the facts?
  • It is a vulgar error -- an abuse of terms -- the mere jargon of jockeyship, to say that the horse needs suppling to perform this, or any other air of the manége, or anything else that man can make him do; all that he wants is to be made acquainted with the wishes of his rider, and inspired with the desire to execute them. Hints on Horsemanship, to a Nephew and Niece or, Common Sense and Common Errors in Common Riding
  • I see no difficulty with the proposition that Shakespeare was acquainted with Roger Manners, fifth Earl of Rutland.
  • Such repetitions are unnecessary; any one who is acquainted with the action of Natrum mur., will at once perceive that the psora-destroying effect of this agent had not been neutralized by Apis Mellifica or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
  • Now new generations can become acquainted with this powerful, evocative and moving story.
  • You are acquainted, of course, with the modern rule of giving the bastions a salient angle of fifteen degrees in excess of half the angle of the figure in all figures from the square up to the dodecagon? Fort Amity
  • I am not personally acquainted with the gentleman in question.
  • He was acquainted with the Arabic language; wherefore, when he came to the Emeer Moosa, he saluted him; and the emeer returned his salutation, and treated him with honour. The Arabian Nights Their Best-known Tales
  • Students must be minimally acquainted with some basic biology principles.
  • To be acquainted with the merit of ministry, we need only observe the condition of the people. 
  • By meanes of a neere dwelling neighbour (that was his very deare and intimate friend) he came acquainted with every part of the house, and prevailed so far, that one evening, when she and her husband supt at a neighbours house; he compassed accesse into the same bed chamber, where Silvestra used most to lodge. The Decameron
  • Please be unacquainted, and bring nothing with you.
  • Reynolds seems here to be denying one of the most valuable purposes of books, namely to provide information about and arouse interest in subjects with which the reader is entirely or largely unacquainted.
  • A rich English merchant?" interrupted Moses, "we Jews are acquainted pretty well with all the _rich_ English merchants. Under the Waves Diving in Deep Waters
  • The fable is plainly implex, formed rather from the Odyssey than the Iliad; and many artifices of diversification are employed, with the skill of a man acquainted with the best models. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • He has gone through a very extensive course of reading, and is acquainted with all the sciences.
  • Lilah is not acquainted with her, which also means the readers have yet to meet her.
  • Platyrrhini proper, the only observation with which I am acquainted is due to Pansch, who found in the brain of a foetal Cebus Apella, in addition to the sylvian fissure and the deep calcarine fissure, only a very shallow antero-temporal fissure (scissure parallele of Gratiolet). Note on the Resemblances and Differences in the Structure and the Development of the Brain in Man and Apes
  • I've not known Bill for very long of course, though I'm glad to have been acquainted with a quiet, dignified man, with a wry sense of humour and a Granddad's twinkle in his eye.
  • In spite of the intensifying situation, Emily's unacquainted voice was tranquil and soothing.
  • They were already well acquainted, which would save him the trouble of first finding and then getting to know a stranger. ALEXANDER THE CORRECTOR
  • These assertions will be estimated at the proper value by those who are acquainted with Trenchard's pamphlets, pamphlets in which the shocking word villainous will without difficulty be found, and which are full of malignant reflections on William. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 5
  • I am very well acquainted with all the haunts and resorts of female nightwalkers.
  • Basic facts of Indian history and life are laboriously spelt out in early chapters while in others the author assumes that readers know the meanings of Hindi words such as sannyasi someone who has renounced worldly things and be acquainted with the workings of Indian 'vote banks'. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • I happened to get acquainted with the widow of some departed high Anglo-Indian official.
  • Once there were no two hearts so open, no feelings so in harmony. Now we are strangers, worse than strangers, for we may never become acquainted.
  • It happened that the doctor, who knew everything, was well acquainted with dactylology and the latest sign language, used in the instruction of deaf mutes, and as it seemed likely that our stay in our present abode might be Daybreak; a Romance of an Old World
  • Accordingly she returned home and acquainted the girl with what had taken place adding, "O my daughter, verily the Basha loveth thee and his wish is to wed thee: he hath been a benefactor to us, and thou wilt never meet his like; for that he is deeply enamoured of thee and the byword saith, 'Reward of lover is return of love.' Arabian nights. English
  • I'm acquainted with that person.
  • The first of these principles, which we have before alluded to and described, is that of "individuation;" that principle by which an infant or child is induced to concentrate the powers of its mind upon a new object, and that to the exclusion for the time of every other, till it has become acquainted with it. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • This laboratory system breadboarding enabled ESA to get acquainted with the intricacies of coherent, free-space optical communication.
  • Readers are given every reason not to bother setting out for these places, and instead become acquainted with them via this cartographical gem. Across the Universe
  • Sleeping through the night was inconceivable, too, as official visits outside the working day, very early in the morning or long after work, were the most productive in an industry well acquainted with the overnight flit.
  • Bibby is well acquainted with danger. He's also a student pilot, a bareback rodeo bull rider and a sky driver.
  • I speak understandingly on this subject, for I have made myself acquainted with it both theoretically and practically.
  • Young IRELAND was acquainted with a son of a bookseller, who dealt in _old books_: the blank leaves of these books supplied the young author with paper; and he found out the way of making proper ink for his purpose. Advice to Young Men And (Incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Youth, a Bachelor, a Lover, a Husband, a Father, a Citizen, or a Subject.
  • It required the extraordinary acumen of the great Cuvier at once to recognize, when the first specimens [v. 03 p. 0069] of the _Gyrinus edulis_ or _Axolotl_ of Mexico were brought to him by Humboldt in the beginning of the 19th century, that these Batrachians were not really related to the Perennibranchiates, such as _Siren_ and _Proteus_, with which he was well acquainted, but represented the larval form of some air-breathing salamander. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • Of course the circumspection of suspicious swains had never gone the length of making her a social proscript; for the number of those whose hearts, as they approached her, beat only just fast enough to remind them they had heads as well, had kept her unacquainted with the supreme disciplines of her sex and age. The Portrait of a Lady
  • Aligore had become well-acquainted with that whip over the last several hours; the spiderweb of streaked gashes along his back was a testament to this fact.
  • The argument and the language in this sentence are pretty nearly on a par; for as misery makes men acquainted with dissimilar companions, why may not parsimony conglutinate heterogeneous compositions? Notes and Queries, Number 71, March 8, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • With this branch of their work, Captain Tempe was determined that they should be thoroughly acquainted, and they were taught how to use cover of all kinds with advantage; how to defend a building, crenelate a wall, fell trees to form an obstacle across roads, or a breastwork in front of them; and how to throw themselves into square, rapidly, to repel cavalry. The Young Franc Tireurs And Their Adventures in the Franco-Prussian War
  • Rather, he drew a picture of the opportunities to be presented to the boys in seeing the new land, of what he called the comforts of their snug cabin and of the advantages that must come to all young men in becoming acquainted with the little-known frontiers of their country. On the Edge of the Arctic or, An Aeroplane in Snowland
  • You will probably be unacquainted with the meaning which attaches to the figure of the product, but it will occur to you that the 9 of spades is regarded as the disappointment in cartomancy. Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • He was — what is the phrase I'm looking for — not intimately acquainted with his subject.
  • If either Diana and Edith, Diana and Frank, or Edith and Frank are strangers, then Alice and the unacquainted pair make three people who do not know one another.
  • She had a peculiar feeling of acquaintedness and of aloofness, intimate knowledge and a separation of sharp finality caused her to stare at him with so intent a curiosity that Mrs. Cafferty noticed it. Mary, Mary
  • I am not personally acquainted with her.
  • Students of literature who are sympathetic to, and at least partially acquainted with, speech act theory should find the arguments stimulating.
  • Hervey, 'that she wondered that a man who was so well acquainted with the female sex should be surprised at any instance of caprice from a woman.' Belinda
  • Of course the circumspection of suspicious swains had never gone the length of making her a social proscript; for the number of those whose hearts, as they approached her, beat only just fast enough to remind them they had heads as well, had kept her unacquainted with the supreme discipline of her sex and age. The Portrait of a Lady
  • To be acquainted with the merit of ministry, we need only observe the condition of the people. 
  • I married a transman, so I'm well-acquainted with all the shades of gender expression a female-bodied person can achieve.
  • I threw myself headlong into my father's work, acquainted myself with all the plans, their merits and defects, read besides in special books, made myself a master of the theory of strains, studied the current prices of materials, and (in one word) "devilled" the whole business so thoroughly, that when the plans came up for consideration, Big Head Dodd was supposed to have earned fresh laurels. The Wrecker
  • Emily finally learns Lorelai is dating Luke, and demands to get reacquainted with him over a passive-aggressive dinner.
  • I became acquainted with callithump when I straightened out the asparagus-bed. Dwellers in Arcady The Story of an Abandoned Farm
  • There are some other geniuses that Mr. Bazzard has become acquainted with, who have also written tragedies, which likewise nobody will on any account whatever hear of bringing out, and these choice spirits dedicate their plays to one another in a highly panegyrical manner. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
  • Freud remarks about this belief that "Hans was a homosexual (as all children may well be), quite consistently with the fact, which must always be kept in mind, that he was acquainted with only one kind of genital organa genital organ like his own" (SE 10: 110; italics in original). Patriarchal Fantasy and the Fecal Child in Mary Shelley's _Frankenstein_ and its Adaptations

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