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How To Use Acorn In A Sentence

  • Their main preoccupation for the next few months will be acorns, their main winter food. Times, Sunday Times
  • If theyre taking money from ACORN, then why is Blackwater, and other thieving, lying companies funded by my tax dollars still receiving monies from the government. ACORN files lawsuit over loss of federal funding
  • Cornelius observed that the wooden bobbin dangling on a string from the window blind was the shape of an acorn.
  • Both players were found guilty of foul and abusive language towards the match official during Acorn's defeat to Normanton Knights on November 20.
  • I do not believe there is in nature such a full-acorned Boar. [ The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
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  • Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. The Sun
  • It is important to use small bags, since a large number of acorns together will generate heat.
  • What's instructive is to look at how the Obama campaign responded: challenge the facticity and factiousness of the ACORN story -- and get it explained about how ridiculous it is, and let the pictures of the McCain/Palin supporters diffuse themselves across the i-net. Colin Powell Endorses Obama
  • Acorn began slowly and allowed Stanley to dominate the early proceedings when scoring two converted tries.
  • Down in the canyon, I often see the house wren, acorn and Nuttall's woodpeckers, wrentit, and, in winter, the yellow-rumped warbler.
  • Perhaps it would be a little shore crab that betrayed itself by scuffling down amongst the corallite or sea-weed, perhaps a little fierce-looking bristly fish, which shot under a ledge of the rock all amongst the limpets, acorn barnacles, or the thousands of yellow and brown and striped snaily fellows that crawled about in company with the periwinkles and pelican's feet. Devon Boys A Tale of the North Shore
  • They gleaned and gathered fuel, nuts, berries, mushrooms, and acorns.
  • From single-celled algae called diatoms to the story of a man who plants acorns, IDFuel reminds us that inspiration for design is all around us.
  • McCain deserved to lose because he held his tongue on Obama's associations with Rev. Wright, ACORN, Bill Ayres, Palin: 'I will forever question' Rev. Wright strategy
  • A woodpecker had himself a nice fat acorn, and he was hard at work to crack it open.
  • They are looking for acorns, and can often be seen flying by with one in their beak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stair lifts stair lift Acorn, Bruno and Stannah stair lift, stairway chair lift to "buy, " and gives you " a " way of life.
  • He's the Managing Director and major shareholder in Acorn Hotels.
  • The Times of London food critic Giles Coren called Potts Dawson's first eco-conscious effort, Acorn House, "the most important restaurant to open in London in the past 200 years.
  • Naturally, that persistent little squirrel is still driving himself nuts in pursuit of an elusive acorn.
  • Omnivorous, mainly vegetarians in the winter, jays eat many kinds of nuts and seeds, including acorns, beechnuts, grain, berries, and small fruit.
  • They were not to be felled or damaged because acorns and beechnuts were important pig fodder, and therefore constituted a source of income for the state.
  • OAKLAND - The U.S. has the dollar, Europe has the euro, China has the yuan and if a local advocacy group has its way, Oakland will have the ACORN. Energy Bulletin -
  • Reuters The bride's earrings, by Robinson Pelham, were diamond-set stylised oak leaves with a pear shaped diamond set drop and a pavé set diamond acorn suspended in the centre, writes Ms. Rohwedder. The Dress
  • In summer it nests in holes in trees, and at present is walking about under oaks and eating acorns. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was half tempted to pick up a nearby acorn and chuck it at his head, in a feeble attempt to render him unconscious, thereby allowing myself to return back to my sleeping bag.
  • The oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of reality. Napoleon Hill 
  • Although their diet includes some acorns and beechnuts in the fall, pileated woodpeckers eat mostly ants, flying insects, grubs, and some seeds and fruits.
  • I recently received an e-mail from a friend stating how the "expletive" - Democrats were trying to steal the election via "expletive" - ACORN registering a "expletive" - bunch of criminals and non-existent, non-entities and how the "expletive, expletive, expletive" - need to be taken out and shot. What is "known" about ACORN
  • ACORN has over 700 employes and helps millions of low income people. if only 4 or 5 employes screw up, why punish the whole organization especialy when those employes have already been fired. Justice Dept. inspector general to launch limited ACORN investigation
  • They are looking for acorns, and can often be seen flying by with one in their beak. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have been grown from acorns collected from the Major Oak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Midway through his piece, Hoyt concedes the Times erred when it reported that O'Keefe entered the ACORN offices dressed as a pimp "in the outlandish costume -- fur coat, goggle-like sunglasses, walking stick and broad-brimmed hat ... Peter Dreier: Why ACORN Fell: The Times , Lies, and Videotape
  • Oh sorry, you can only vote twice in Chicago, when acorn is involved and when it is a liberal ... DNC calls GOP fundraising letter 'shameful'
  • This same Lethlean article also refers to another kind of porridge, one made from ground corn - polenta - which was also the Italian word to describe gruels made in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance from things like spelt, chestnut flour and the aforementioned millet and acorns. At My Table
  • It puts forth leaves in spring, and last year a thousand volunteers came to collect its acorns at the end of the summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • This includes zucchini, pattypan, butternut, acorn, and pumpkin.
  • AB is right, everybody is on pins and needles, especially Acorn. *How* much trouble is ACORN in right now? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Small acorns grow into great oak trees.
  • Stitched with colorful silk threads on a wool ground, primarily in cross-stitch, it features an acorn and carnation border, three wide floral bands, and averse.
  • What I find so attractive about poteau(x) rose(s) (lit. "pink pole") as an equivalent for "eggcorn" is not it is a common misspelling for pot aux roses (it isn't; the substitutions are overwhelmingly jocular, including in film and literature), but that it has undergone the double eggcornification process, just like æcern-acorn-eggcorn. POT AUX ROSES.
  • They are looking for acorns, and can often be seen flying by with one in their beak. Times, Sunday Times
  • «ACORN seems to be having a hooker advisement problem. It’s pretty much just “Reaganesque” at this point. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Those men go to collect acorns like wild beasts; they live like wild beasts. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
  • The great oaks of the concept continued to grow, as it were, from little acorns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Congress that defunded ACORN had also bailed out Goldman Sachs, AIG, JP Morgan, and other financial services corporations that lacked transparency, committed unethical or illegal acts, and engaged in practices that led to the crash of our financial system. John Atlas: Missing From the NPR/Juan Williams Debate: "The ACORN Deal"
  • The molecular phylogeny does agree in one respect with the morphological one in that there are close similarities between the larvae of hemichordates (acorn worms and pterobranchs) and some echinoderms.
  • In the History of the Roan School this is described as ` three bucks trippant proper with a crest, a buck's head proper holding in its mouth an oak branch vert, acorn or’.
  • You're speaking corresponding with someone who is outraged by the actions of ACORN, who wonders, when he votes, if his franchise has been made irrelevant by the fog of false data created by their "canvassers"; with someone who is outraged that his taxes go to support professional rabble rousers with no demonstrable purpose except to foment unrest. Jeffrey Rosen on the two important race cases that will be argued in the Supreme Court in the next few days.
  • You remove the tannin by leaching it out of the ground-up acorn meal but are left with a fairly tasteless mush for making pancakes or the like.
  • A local speciality is charcuterie - around 50,000 wild boar roam the island foraging for the chestnuts and acorns that give the meat its distinctive flavour.
  • I was drawn to one of the dustless white walls, which had a decorative plaster border, a representation of acorns and leaves. 'The Little Stranger'
  • Oak trees come from acorns. The Treasure Seekers
  • The player shortage took its toll on Acorn after the break but Wadsworth steadied the nerves with his fourth try as they hung on to win.
  • They cache extra acorns in holes in the ground, and pound on hard nuts with their bills to break them open.
  • Getting paid from ACORN while collecting their welfare checks is pretty lucrative isn't it? Palin gives 'stirring' gun rights speech at NRA dinner, says group
  • See they never had any coffee in Europe, it was what they call ersatz coffee, and this was made out of kind of charred acorns and they'd grind it up and that was their so-called coffee.
  • Big Acorn, Tyro, and Sunrise were all uncrowded, well covered and groomed, but my legs reminded me of my seniority and I retired no pun intended to upload some photos! Connie Lawn: Wintergreen Resort's Eighth Annual Wounded Warrior Weekend
  • Since then the eggcorn has become something of a mascot at Language Log; today Mark discusses it further, giving the example "hand few" used for handful and quoting Geoff Pullum to the effect that "eggcorns are tiny little poems, a symptom of human intelligence and creativity," and ends with an Update mentioning a fact I should have recalled myself: the word acorn itself contains an earlier misunderstanding. PUTTING THE CORN IN ACORN.
  • By way of accompaniment, we roasted acorn squash and red peppers, sautéed red onions, and made a big salad of farmers' market lettuces and shaved fennel.
  • Cornelius observed that the wooden bobbin dangling on a string from the window blind was the shape of an acorn.
  • Circe now drove them all together into a stye, and flung down beechmast, and acorns, and cornel berries, for them to eat. Stories from the Odyssey
  • Another alternative is to collect acorns and put them wet in a polythene bag outside. The Sun
  • Now, when he gathers early acorns or leaves, the stuff of our neighborhood treks, we photograph them or draw pictures directly into the journal.
  • The third common bird of Himalayan streams is the plumbeous redstart or water-robin (_Rhyacornis fuliginosus_). Birds of the Indian Hills
  • Oak trees provide acorns, dogwoods and sumac provide red berries through the fall and winter and serviceberry bears edible berries in late spring or early summer.
  • The wide range of trophic resources consumed by Geotrupidae dung beetles and the generally accepted saprophagous habits of the Scarabaeoidea ancestors suggest that the consumption of acorns constitutes a faculty that takes advantage of previous morphological adaptations. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In winter, they feed on berries, seeds, and acorns, in trees or shrubs or on the ground.
  • Plant foods vary from fruits to nuts, including wild grapes, cherries, apples, persimmons, berries, and acorns.
  • The body is dumpy, tapering to an acorn-shaped posterior; the legs are very long, resembling those of the spider when outspread; the hinder legs are disproportionately long and curved, being thus excellently adapted to enlace and press the little pilule of dung. Social Life in the Insect World
  • Washington is at the extreme northern edge of the breeding range of the Acorn Woodpecker.
  • We've seen evidence of this sort of voter 'enticement' by groups such as ACORN - where, in 2008, two ACORN workers in Milwaukee were accused of offering pre-paid gasoline cards or restaurant gift cards to people in exchange for registration. Sharron Angle Campaign: Harry Reid 'Intends To Steal This Election'
  • Great oaks from little acorns grow. 
  • The acorn harvest was an important ritual, for acorns were an important part of the Indians' diet.
  • Decorate your house by bringing the outside in, using pinecones and acorns!
  • Unless acorn is saying “opps we should not have fired them” in that case, restore their employment, and give um back pay. A copy of the ACORN/Breitbart/O’Keefe/Giles suit… - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Great oaks from little acorns grow. 
  • In fall and winter they feed principally on acorns, other nuts, seeds, and fruits.
  • An acorn is tiny compared to its parent, but a kiwi lays an egg a quarter her own weight.
  • What does a bumper crop of acorns have to do with the deer tick population?
  • Obama's extensive relationship with ACORN -- which his campaign has sought to conceal from the squirrel and human communities -- raises serious questions about the judgment of the person who wants to be chief executive of our economy. Nuts - Swampland -
  • Paint the cone form green and glue on acorns, small pinecones, buckeyes, or sweetgum balls to decorate it (hold each in place until the glue sets).
  • The gown's skirt and long, bell-shaped sleeves were a waterfall of bri lliant aqua over deep emerald, all over deep blue, and trimmed in silver to complement Acorna's complexion. Massage
  • While we don't have tall trees, our neighbors do, and the firs and oaks that surround our property drop acorns and provide homes for jays, woodpeckers, robins and sparrows.
  • Zimbabwe won by nine runs From little acorns grow gnarled great oaks of despair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some dolls had cloth bodies with a small round gourd, acorn, or apple for a head.
  • [Dr. Johnson again.] acorn ... the nut of the oak usu. seated in or surrounded by a hard woody cupule of indurated bracts. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 2
  • They feed on fallen acorns and beechmast. Times, Sunday Times
  • York Acorn starlet Ryan Gallacher notched his 100th try of the season as his under-8s team beat Eastmoor Dragons by ten tries to two.
  • You can place all gourds, pumpkins, or apples in separate containers, sprinkling the leaves and acorns about as desired, or you may prefer to mix them all together.
  • The old bur oak's leaves are now large and leathery, the green acorns nearly the size of golf balls.
  • Great oaks from little acorns grow. 
  • Pannage always lasts 60 days but the start date varies according to the weather - and when the acorns fall.
  • The oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of reality. Napoleon Hill 
  • Henry encountered, in their continuation of Chacornac's half-finished enterprise of ecliptical charting, sections of the Milky Way defying the enumerating efforts of eye and hand. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • The idea is that great trees grow from small acorns. The Sun
  • Some of us, however, see biology as an unfolding of one or a few initial designs, designed to grow into the tree of life as an acorn is designed to grow into an oak. A Message About ID
  • From little acorns, mighty companies grow. The Sun
  • Each acorn was cleaned, weighed, and examined for insect larvae exit holes, splits in the shell, and protruding radicles.
  • NOTE: Definitive and often exclusive coverage of the entire ACORN story has been untiringly performed by The Brad Blog, whose dogged persistence can be credited for much of the progress toward justice and exposure found above. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Birds that have been observed to make incisions for sap include the North American sapsuckers and other woodpeckers including Acorn Woodpecker, White-fronted Woodpecker, and various European and Asian species.
  • I won't bet, but I'll hope, that real soon, by way of an honest and un-acorned electoral process, they'll be sent to the corner with all the other psychotics to brood about lost power. Latest Articles
  • The Republican leadership has never really challenged ACORN, it took a group of low-budget conservative film makers to take down this organization, or at least make it radioactive from here on out to get Republicans to challenge the organization. Senate votes to strip ACORN of federal funding, 83-7. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • I guarantee the wingnuts claim that Cleaver refused to press charges so it would not be known that the spitter was a Union or Acorn plant. Balloon Juice
  • She would come back at dusk with arms full of small frogs, or large insects, with wild fruit and berries, or acorns and mushrooms.
  • We gathered acorns and hazelnuts and beechnuts in the woods.
  • Indeed, just now there are too many acorns for even such greedy birds as crows and magpies.
  • Any of the many winter squashes, such as acorn, delicata, hubbard, kabocha, or red kuri, can stand in for the most popular winter squash of all: the butternut. Ann Gentry: Last Minute Winter Squash Recipes For Holiday Cooking
  • While the caterpillar will not kill the oak tree, the loss of leaves means the trees produce fewer acorns.
  • Otherwise, Van Jones, Yosi Sergant, and ACORN would not have been fired or distanced from the current White House. 'Saturday Night Live' offers whiff of Glenn Beck |
  • Minor crops, such as papaw, jujube and acorn, are given equal space next to apples, pears and walnuts. and Your Budget Mother Earth News Latest 10 Articles
  • So Dems let's see, 7 Democratic Senators voted to keep funding ACORN and their child prostitution rings and a comedian is one of the Senators from MN; do you really want to talk about who's qualified and who's not? McMahon says WWE antics not a liability to Senate run
  • If any of my Russian readers know of a Russian word or phrase that's sometimes replaced by a semantically clearer, though historically incorrect, version, like "eggcorn" for acorn or "poteau rose" for pot aux roses, please mention it in the comments. POT AUX ROSES.
  • Acorns were falling, tupelo berries were ripe in the river bottoms, squirrels were feeding heavily, leaves were on the trees and the obligatory frost was close enough that warbles were not a problem. What Happened to Squirrel Hunting?
  • However, only terrestrial species have been tested, such as barn swallows, tree swallows, dunnocks, alpine accentors, and acorn woodpeckers.
  • Similarly, hickory, walnut, and acorn nutshells have been recovered from Late Paleoindian and Early Archaic contexts at the Hester site, Smith's Ferry, Pickens County, and Rodgers Shelter.
  • In one day I have learned about the life history of acorn barnacles, that it can see in its early stages, that at its cyprid larval stage it sniffs out adult barnacles, then touches them, then attaches its small body next to adults. Barnacle philosophy
  • The pigs rooted for acorns in the forest.
  • Compare, for example, the innumerable small round seedlets of the poppyhead with the solitary large and richly stored seed of the walnut, or the tiny black specks of mustard and cress with the single compact and well-filled seed of the filbert and the acorn. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • ZihuaCornerBar said: I have an FM3, but rarely mention that when I trave in/out of Mex via plane ... Would I make it?
  • Imagine a sturdy, bountiful oak tree producing acorns that will germinate successive oak trees.
  • Here in the 1844 the Wellington Monument was erected which tells the story of the acorns.
  • Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. 
  • The examiner is calling for RICO to be applied to ACORN. Telling Illegal Immigrants That They Can’t Vote Is Apparently A Crime « Tai-Chi Policy
  • The oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of reality. Napoleon Hill 
  • An acorn is tiny compared to its parent, but a kiwi lays an egg a quarter her own weight.
  • The oak is implicit in the acorn.
  • As well as an opportunity to exhibit new work — besides the monumental pieces, there will be 25 smaller, studio-sized pieces representing, as Ms. Malone describes it, "an autumn harvest of nuts and berries, acorns, pumpkins, gourds, fennel, atomics and seeds" — this show celebrates Ms. Malone's homecoming to London. A Potter's Monumental Inspiration
  • Here is a way to enjoy winter squash raw – pureed it becomes tender. acorn or butternut squash, peeled, seeds removed, and chopped cup raw almond butter (available at natural foods stores) tablespoon Curry Powder (page 000), or a curry powder of your choice teaspoon nutmeg cups pure water inch fresh gingerroot teaspoon Celtic salt Brigitte Mars: Wonderful Winter Squashes
  • However, only terrestrial species have been tested, such as barn swallows, tree swallows, dunnocks, alpine accentors, and acorn woodpeckers.
  • The church will be decorated with oak leaves and acorns to bring strength and comfort to the bereaved and injured.
  • Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. 
  • The greys can also eat acorns easily, which reds cannot. Times, Sunday Times
  • National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Ken Spain goes one better, "It's hard to decipher which is the most fraudulent notion -- the fact that ACORN is a law-abiding entity worthy of a $4.2 billion bailout or that $1.1 trillion in out-of-control government spending is going to defy the experts and have some sort of immediate effect on the economy. Bertha Lewis: ACORN: The Bogeyman in the GOP Closet
  • Their dwellings he describes as dens without chimneys, and their food in many parts consisted of a horrible bread made of acorns ground, and mixed with clay. Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings
  • Yeah, and as we peasants labor in the fields we can tug our forelocks as our betters flit by in their high-speed trains as they travel in style and comfort between ACORN meetings. Most intriguing and yet curiously disappointing headline of the day
  • If Walter Annenberg is worthy of "castigation," then so is the conservative Pew family whose including Tides and ACORN. Classical Values
  • We picked up horse chestnuts on the corner for the feel and look of them, and then gathered acorns and hazelnuts and beechnuts in the woods.
  • But the sight is no ways strange, young man; when the summer fades into autumn, and moonlight nights are long, and roads become unsafe, you will see a cluster of ten, ay of twenty such acorns, hanging on that old doddered oak. — Quentin Durward
  • And men, content with food which came with no one’s seeking, gathered the arbute fruit, strawberries from the mountainsides, cornel-cherries, berries hanging thick upon the prickly bramble, and acorns falling from the spreading tree of Jove. "The real problem with literary types is..."
  • Squirrels cached artificial acorns with pericarps of red oak acorns and ate those with shells of white oak regardless of the internal chemical composition of either type of acorn.
  • Oak trees provide acorns, dogwoods and sumac provide red berries through the fall and winter and serviceberry bears edible berries in late spring or early summer.
  • No one from acorn is in jail or was even arrested. Think Progress » Salt Lake City GOP Cancels Keynote Speech By Inspirational Speaker ACORN Pimp James O’Keefe
  • Deer eat acorns like popcorn, as do feral hogs, squirrels and raccoons.
  • I think pragmatically the politics are such that we would be wise to resist grants and/or contracts directly to ACORN, Inc. but try and either set up separate corporations … or use existing corporations … that are less overtly moving the money di- rectly into ACORN, Inc., though in truth it would be going there in other ways. Radical-In-Chief
  • It has been estimated that a single jay could ‘plant’ up to 3000 acorns in a single month.
  • Add an acorn, or pinecone and you have a very impressive napkin ring.
  • He holds a garland of morning glories, a personal emblem signifying affection and awakening, while leaves and acorns from the scrub oak of the land are a sign of courage and independence.
  • To see the problem here more clearly, let's look at a different biological system, say, an acorn.
  • Acorns come from oak trees, which were a very common tree in Medieval England.
  • \par Acorna suddenly had a vision of translucent yellow puslike substances frozen in place as m ore solid, foamy-looking yellow substances, also frozen, towered above. Massage
  • I should mention that while I was critiquing my work, a dog started to trot across the park, but I managed to plunk him in the head with an acorn before he could wreck my work.
  • Julia herself planned to plant some trees here, including those grown from acorns she had collected, and her ideas are incorporated in the design.
  • There were crisp husks of beechmast and cast acorn cups underfoot in the russet slime of dead bracken where the rains of the equinox had so soaked the earth that the cold oozed up through the soles of the shoes, lancinating cold of the approaching winter that grips hold of your belly and squeezed it tight. Archive 2004-12-01
  • They occurred throughout Eastern North America where they fed on acorns and beechnuts.
  • There is a well-designed town trail which is appropriately named after the acorn.
  • The oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of reality. Napoleon Hill 
  • The leaves on a pedunculate oak have no stalks and the acorns do. Times, Sunday Times
  • While we don't have tall trees, our neighbors do, and the firs and oaks that surround our property drop acorns and provide homes for jays, woodpeckers, robins and sparrows.
  • This is the area of the brain called the parietal lobe where evidence is typically gathered like acorns just gather, gather, gather. CNN Transcript Oct 29, 2008
  • In Baltimore, ACORN staff assured O'Keefe and Giles that the group doesn't "discriminate" - i.e., has no standards whatsoever. Latest Articles
  • Hardy and wily, the pigs snuffle out acorns, chestnuts, roots and grass.
  • Erroneous as it may be, the substitution involved more than just ignorance: an acorn is more or less shaped like an egg; and it is a seed, just like grains of corn. Communication
  • The wingnuts shriek "ACORN" the way half-mad street-corner radicals used to rail against "Rockefeller," or the way anti-Semites invoke "Goldberg" or "Hymie" -- but that's understandable, because it keeps the subject simple and the Antichrist obvious, which is the way angry right-wingers like their politics. No More Mister Nice Blog
  • For those of you with actual lives, the buckeye is a little round brown nut that is kind of like an acorn except much less cute. Oh, It Sends a Message Alright
  • The change takes place about the situation of a spacious open sward; here the jungle is thick, the trees consisting principally of Q. glauca, which is a noble tree, with immense lamellated acorns, Pendulous lichens are here common, Hymenopogon parasiticus, Lomaria of Khegumpa! Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • great oaks grow from little acorns
  • We picked up likewise very large acorns with a depressed lamellated cap, and two fruits of Castanea, one probably the same with that from Myrung. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Me, I'm happy to watch the oaks as they slowly unfold the last of their leaf canopy and begin the long process of producing a new crop of acorns.
  • the oak is implicit in the acorn
  • Locate alfalfa, wheat, soybeans, acorns, or food plots with grassy or brushy bedding cover nearby. Bag More Big Bucks By Finding the Dominant Doe
  • Our only autumnal worry on a picnic was avoiding a bombardment of acorns from surrounding oaks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Acorn Rugby Club has tried to cut down possible injuries to players by building a fence to keep the playing area free from broken glass, needless dog dirt and people's rubbish.
  • From small acorns great oaks grow. Times, Sunday Times
  • I throwed an acorn at him, and he scooted up a tree quicker'n scatt. Danny's Own Story
  • Learn how to plant Burr oak tree acorns with expert tips on growing oak trees from acorns in this free gardening video.
  • Quail typically hunt for seeds, grain, grasses, plant leaves and buds, acorns, and insects.
  • But it also makes sense; as a Pre-Plant, an acorn is like an egg, sort of. Eggcorns: Folk Etymology Creating New Meanings Every Day
  • They also collected a broad variety of wild herbs, wild vegetables such as acorns, water chestnuts, and broad beans, and possibly wild rice.
  • 6D: Nut with a cupule (ACORN) - remembered this feature from some earlier discussion we had about the word "cupule Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle
  • Not surprisingly, considering his unspeculative cast of mind, the amount of theology and doctrine in this simple faith could be put in a flea's navel with enough room left over for two aspirins and an acorn (to steal from Fred Allen). John D. Rockefeller Jr.: An Exchange
  • The kermes, a dwarf oak, a ridiculous tree which a man can jump over, surprises me by the wealth of its acorns, which are large, ovoidal growths, the cup being covered with scales. Social Life in the Insect World
  • Even in a drought year the champ yields a bumper crop of bitter fruits: About six acorns per square foot cover the ground beneath its canopy.
  • But what do they say about little acorns...? The Sun
  • Plant Nomenclature • Family Cucurbitaceae - Genus Cucurbita • species pepo - summer squash, pumpkin, acorn squash maxima - hubbard, buttercup, kabocha moschata - butternut, Long Island Cheese mixta - variety or cultivar Zephyr, Howden, Tiptop Blue Ballet, bonbon Waltham butternut Green striped cushaw - Also in the Cucurbitaceae family: Cucumis melo Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • I think pragmatically the politics are such that we would be wise to resist grants and/or contracts directly to ACORN, Inc. but try and either set up separate corporations … or use existing corporations … that are less overtly moving the money di- rectly into ACORN, Inc., though in truth it would be going there in other ways. Radical-In-Chief
  • Acorns and black gum fruits also ripen in autumn.
  • Acorn-grinding mortars can be found in granite boulders scattered throughout the camp.
  • There were May flowers, violets and anemonies, in spring time; box, whortle, and black berries, in summer, and acorns and walnuts in autumn. No and Other Stories Compiled by Uncle Humphrey
  • The elaborately carved oak Sanctuary lamp is very ornate with acorn and vine leaf laurelling about the pedestal.
  • In the 1980s, groups such as the activists at ACORN began pushing charges of "redlining" - claims that banks discriminated against minorities in mortgage lending. All Today's News - Sightline Daily
  • Based on Urbana's calculations, for every two ACORN members who continue to support the organization, one has quit in disenchantment. Peter Dreier: Why ACORN Fell: The Times , Lies, and Videotape
  • Great oaks from little acorns grow. 
  • You regurgutate the DNC talking points, using the phrases "bussed in mobs" on the Republicans dime etc. ... and yet, how did you react to Code Pink, MoveOn. org and Acorn. Town hall meeting on health care turns ugly
  • The sweet nut within the acorns is coveted by songbirds, ground birds, small mammals like squirrels and chipmunks, and even deer.
  • A potion of stitchwort and acorns prepared in wine was a well-used remedy.
  • Chipmunks, like other ground squirrels, eat seeds and acorns of woody plants, nuts, grains, and fruit.
  • When walking outside collect some colorful leaves, pinecones and acorns, then gather together a bunch of small pumpkins, gourds, apples and Indian corn.
  • One of ACORN's legacies is the thousands of its former staff people who over many years learned organizing, research, and lobbying skills from ACORN and went on to work in many other public interest and grassroots activist and advocacy groups -- unions, immigrant rights and environmental groups, health reform groups, consumer groups, and even as staffers to progressive legislators. Peter Dreier: Why ACORN Fell: The Times , Lies, and Videotape
  • To see the problem here more clearly, let's look at a different biological system, say, an acorn.

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