How To Use Aconite In A Sentence

  • Aconite root contains about 0.4 per cent. of alkaloid and one-fifteenth of a grain of the alkaloid is a lethal dose. The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
  • Day after day I have obtained more satisfactory results, and now I look upon Apis mellifica as the greatest polychrest, next to Aconite, which we possess. Apis Mellifica or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
  • It was easy enough to get the small packet of powdered aconite root past the metal detectors and bomb-detection dogs. Betrayed
  • There were wild flowers here and there: pink campion, purple nightshade, white deadnettle, yellow aconite. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • The Lake Superior iron formations now consist near the surface mainly of interbanded quartz (or chert) and hematite, called _jasper_ or _ferruginous chert_ or _taconite_. The Economic Aspect of Geology
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  • Saturn also rules over many of the herbs that are potentially poisonous or toxic (eg., aconite, helleborus, nightshade).
  • To lessen the frequency of the pulse, fluid extract or tincture of aconite or veratrum may be given in water, every hour. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • The mine is well known for the rare secondary copper minerals that occur in the lode, including paramelaconite, cuprite, malachite, and dioptase.
  • Once off the A19, the roads to Kepwick were bordered by thick drifts of snowdrops and we found more growing alongside winter aconite in the small churchyard.
  • Another and oftentimes fatal mistake made by the nonprofessional is the indiscriminate and reckless use of aconite. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • In fact baking or cooking for a long time in pressurized hot water can help to neutralize the toxic aconitum in raw aconite.
  • Place aconite on a dish, sprinkle ginger, green onion and lemon . Steam boiling water.
  • As the snowdrops and winter aconite begin to depart, glory-of-the-snow, Siberian squill, dwarf iris, and puschkinia might arrive. Suzy Bales: Looking For Compounding Interest? Plant Bulbs!
  • To naturalize bulbs in your lawn, choose bulbs that blossom and fade before grass grows vigorously and requires mowing: crocus, winter aconite, snowdrops, and scilla.
  • Steinbach told me how most high-grade iron ore had been mined out of the United States by shortly after World War II, so the world turned to taconite as an alternative. Heaven’s Fury
  • Just as endearing as the snowdrop is eranthis hyemalis, commonly known as the winter aconite.
  • This would allow for the use of a variety of familiar medicinal herbs, including poisonous plants like aconite.
  • The Winter Aconite is the very 'firstling' of the year, for it blooms in advance of the Snowdrop, covering the ground with gilt spangles in the bleakest days of February. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Even then, aconite was supposedly difficult to detect unless the medical examiner chemist was looking for it specifically. Betrayed
  • Bar tops in the fireplace-warmed "Bulldog Lounge" are made from local taconite rock, flecked with red iron ore; walls are inlaid with Minnesota stone and the decorative panels are made of wood salvaged from old grain elevators. Why College Hockey Arenas Are the Cathedrals of Sports
  • But they must remember that it was almost impossible to detect certain vegetable poisons, such as aconite and atropia, without minute chemical analysis. Madame Midas
  • Other plants in the fragrant garden include a cherry plum which is allegedly a remedy for stress and anxiety and aconite, a toxic plant which in small doses is claimed to be good for colds.
  • The aconites, martagon lilies and leucojums that once thrived have been replaced by mud. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Important are the accounts of opium, aconite, hemlock, and the thorn apple, showing careful study of widely known poisons.
  • Among cardiac and nervous sedatives, digitalis, veratrum album and viride, veratria and aconite, have each, at one time or other, been employed indiscriminately. Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881
  • There were wild flowers here and there: pink campion, purple nightshade, white deadnettle, yellow aconite. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • Because it might scare off the two mining companies you have bidding for all that taconite. Heaven’s Fury
  • The other included the development of new technology that could be used to beneficiate the taconite that was still abundant there. Energy and Society~ Chapter 14~ Not One World, But Many
  • Here there's a nice 1898 Arts and Crafts style house, sheltered by beech copses with kettle nest boxes and carpeted yellow by winter aconites.
  • Other herbs, such as pinellia ternata, aconite and arisaema, are generally detoxified before use in various ways and are no longer considered poisonous.
  • It tolerates a lot of shade and is beautiful when planted together with Winter aconite and snowdrops.
  • Here there are obvious earth shapes that tell of a village abandoned in the seventeenth century, and we saw a lovely patch of snowdrops and aconites, the prettiest harbingers of spring.
  • Pinellia combination with aconite - the strongest, with double aconite, it works overnight.
  • It deserves notice that he experimented with the most boasted substances - cinchona, aconite, mercury, bryonia, belladonna.
  • Today there is new crocus, white and yellow, yellow aconite, and a strange, small saffron flower, contained by broad shafts of weed.
  • The parade of little bulbs includes crocus, winter aconite, dwarf iris (Iris reticulata), puschkinia (Pushkinia libanotica), checkered lilies (Fritillaria meleagris), spring starflower (Ipheion uniflorum), species tulips and grape hyacinth. Suzy Bales: Spring Bulbs: Nature's Wonders
  • Here there are obvious earth shapes that tell of a village abandoned in the seventeenth century, and we saw a lovely patch of snowdrops and aconites, the prettiest harbingers of spring.
  • The garden has countless seasons, from the first peeking up of the winter aconite through the early spring snows through the last carrots pulled from under their quilts of leaves in late December. It’s Always More Subtle Than You Think « Looking for Roots
  • One of the earliest is the winter aconite Eranthis hymalis, whose little rounded yellow flowers start appearing shortly after New Year.
  • Pluto said he might, if he could overcome Cerberus without weapons; and this he did, struggling with the dog, with no protection but the lion's skin, and dragging him up to the light, where the foam that fell from the jaws of one of the three mouths produced the plant called aconite, or hellebore, which is dark and poisonous. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • Lift, divide and spread out winter aconites while still in leaf.
  • Then had come brilliant spots and splashes of color on the summer slopes -- purple butterwort, golden ragweed, aconite, buttercup, deep crimson mossy patches of saxifrage, rosy heather, catchfly, wild geranium, cinnamon rose. Days of the Discoverers
  • The mine is well known for the rare secondary copper minerals that occur in the lode, including paramelaconite, cuprite, malachite, and dioptase.
  • _Local Action_, as seen in (a) corrosive poisons; (b) irritant poisons, causing congestion and inflammation of the mucous membranes -- _e. g._, metallic and vegetable irritants; (c) stimulants or sedatives to the nerve endings, as aconite, conium, cocaine. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • Monkshood is another name for aconite, aka wolfsbane.
  • Lift, divide and spread out winter aconites while still in leaf.
  • LOL- just kidding. but do the docs read your blog too? oh- desert_man, i wondered about the aconite too, 'til i realized the context of the whole prescription. it must have been aconitum homeopathic, not raw aconite. i guess. The Perfect Woman
  • (buttercups) and aconitum (aconite), all of which prefer cool weather and have showy blooms. Drupal
  • The parade of little bulbs includes crocus, winter aconite, dwarf iris (Iris reticulata), puschkinia (Pushkinia libanotica), checkered lilies (Fritillaria meleagris), spring starflower (Ipheion uniflorum), species tulips and grape hyacinth. Suzy Bales: Spring Bulbs: Nature's Wonders
  • I was in the lab, so we had a chat, yes—about trichothecenes—and also about our work on other plant toxins, such as abrin from Abrus precatorius and the toxin from aconite. Day of the Dandelion
  • Other kidney tonics based on Rehmannia 6 add more ingredients, such as cinnamon bark and aconite, to warm the kidneys.
  • All that land is filled with taconite, which is the stuff they turn into iron. Heaven’s Fury
  • At Huggate, due to a microclimate or the vagaries of the night, it was mild and spring-like; and a thrush sang the chance of snowdrops and winter aconites.
  • I also ran around outside with the Little Bird for a while and took this picture of our first flowers – winter aconite. Creative Every Day, Part 11: Recovery « Looking for Roots
  • Loaded, I made for St Mary's Church in the corner, with a graveyard, an Anglo-Saxon shaft, and bright with snowdrops and aconites.
  • Snowdrops and winter aconites herald the transition between winter and spring.
  • The Chinese medical diagnosis was water qi disease, thus ginseng and aconite were used, as indicated for yin type edema.
  • Among cardiac and nervous sedatives, digitalis, veratrum album and viride, veratria and aconite, have each, at one time or other, been employed indiscriminately. Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881
  • Have been necking vitamin C, zinc, garlic pills, gelsemium, aconite and lucozade in attempt to get rid of it.
  • The final tests have shown that in various samples of prepared aconite, the aconine and benzoyl aconine were 1/2000 or 1/250 that of aconitine respectively.
  • Why aren't the aconites and snowdrops showing and out first?
  • In the UK, although the legal situation is somewhat ambiguous, it appears that all forms of aconite are effectively banned for internal use.
  • Pack spaces with spring bulbs - aconites, miniature daffodils, little tulips - anything you fancy.
  • The final tests have shown that in various samples of prepared aconite (fu zi) the aconine and benzoyl aconine were 1/2000 or 1/250 that of aconitine respectively.
  • To naturalize bulbs in your lawn, choose bulbs that blossom and fade before grass grows vigorously and requires mowing: crocus, winter aconite, snowdrops, and scilla.
  • To stave off colds, she should combine it with aconite at the first sign of a scratchy throat or a congested feeling in the head.
  • The asphalt uses taconite tailings as a substrate instead of rock aggregate, which is more widely used in asphalt but doesn't produce a product that is as durable as the tailings-based asphalt.
  • It is certain, however, that through them various new and useful drugs, such as senna, aconite, rhubarb, camphor, and mercury, were handed down through the Middle Ages, and that they are responsible for the introduction of alcohol in the field of therapeutics. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume II: The Beginnings of Modern Science
  • The Mesabi Iron Range contains some 110 miles of small towns built at the turn of the last century along a seam of iron ore called taconite.
  • By chance, the following afternoon, I came across some aconites among the potted plants on sale in a DIY store.
  • When I stood up to leave, Steinbach seemed disappointed that all I wanted to do was find out about taconite. Heaven’s Fury
  • The snowdrops and aconites are nearly over but crocuses and daffodils are taking their place in the spotlight, and the foliage of early tulips may be poking through already.
  • Conclusion:Retention time and affection time of aconite alkaloids after used with thunberg fritillary bulb omni-alkaloids were longer than these before matching.
  • It is used by itself to treat most metabolic poisons (including poisoning by aconite and overuse of ephedrine and other stimulants).
  • Some of these methods such as the detoxification of aconite by preparing it with salt and/or long…decoction are a mainstay of TCM practice.
  • To naturalize bulbs in your lawn, choose bulbs that blossom and fade before grass grows vigorously and requires mowing: crocus, winter aconite, snowdrops, and scilla.
  • There were wild flowers here and there: pink campion, purple nightshade, white deadnettle, yellow aconite. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • In the Book of Venoms, he listed arsenic, aconite, hellebore, laurel, opium, bryony, mandrake, leopard's gall, and menstrual blood.
  • An unusual occurrence of dioptase associated with paramelaconite, atacamite, cuprite, chrysocolla, and plancheite is described in ore from the Algomah mine, Ontonagon County, Michigan.
  • Old Haji Wali lost his appetite, complained of indigestion, and clamoured to return home; Ahmed Kaptán suffered from Sulb ( "lumbago") and bad headache; whilst Lieutenant Yusuf was attacked by an ague and fever, which raised the mouth thermometer to 102 degrees -- 103 degrees, calling loudly for aconite. The Land of Midian — Volume 1
  • It would normally be at this point that I would intervene with some suitably shallow, sneering, right-of-centre barb about how the aconite patch could do with a good carpeting of agent orange, but I will refrain and enjoin with diplo and p-w in a most heartful way, urging you to keep it up, in your most excellent Women's Realm way. Aconite Acolyte
  • It's attached to the winter aconite, Eranthis hyemalis and also to a type of horsetail, Equisetum hyemale.
  • Another doctor who killed his three wives, this time with aconite, escaped the hangman's noose by taking cyanide.
  • Irregular action of the heart in a person falling asleep produces the well-known sensation of suddenly falling through space, and it seems quite possible that the combination of a delirifacient like belladonna with a drug producing irregular action of the heart like aconite might produce the sensation of flying. The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
  • An increasingly important source of iron for commercial uses is taconite, a mixture of hematite and silica.
  • There were wild flowers here and there: pink campion, purple nightshade, white deadnettle, yellow aconite. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • One of its manifestations was naturalistic sweeps of winter aconite, bluebells, daffodils or anemones multiplying by the thousands in woodlands.
  • She is familiar with aconite; it's usually the first remedy I reach for when a child starts to feel sick.
  • He hates Lew Prescott from a long time ago, and he hates the thought of his backyard turning into a taconite dynamite range, so he hired you to stop it by scaring people away from buying the land. Heaven’s Fury
  • She was given Du Huo Angelica and Loranthes Combination (Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang) with the addition of 4 gms of prepared aconite to relieve the chronic arthritic condition and pains.
  • One of its manifestations was naturalistic sweeps of winter aconite, bluebells, daffodils or anemones multiplying by the thousands in woodlands.
  • Both Rehmannia six and Rehmannia eight, the latter with the addition of cinnamon bark and prepared aconite are the two most frequently prescribed formulas used for tonifying kidney yin and yang respectively
  • For each, there are several kinds of geologic concentrations that represent actual or potential resources; consequently, for each we may expect the depletion history to consist of a series of production-history curves, as availability and cost dictate a steplike descent from high-grade hematite to taconite to iron-rich intrusive bodies, and from bauxite to alunite to high-alumina clays. Limits to Exploitation of Nonrenewable Resources (historical)
  • Among the minor bulbs, safe choices are snowdrops (Galanthus); winter aconite (Eranthis); Scilla, Muscari, Chionodoxa and Hyacinthoides hispanica. The Brightest Bulbs
  • By early March, Lakes & Rivers gardeners are heartened by the blossoms of winter aconite, glory of the snow, snowdrops and snowflakes.
  • She was loaded with 26,000 tons of taconite at Superior, WI, on Nov.9, 1975 and left the port of Duluth-Superior, at the western end of Lake Superior shortly after 2: 00 p.m. in fair weather but with a foul forecast lying in wait.
  • For Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency characterized by coughing of thin, watery sputum, deep pulse and urinary problems, add Cinnamon Bark and prepared aconite.
  • Apparently, taconite is a Precambrian sedimentary rock—whatever that means—which is usually made up of about 25 to 30 percent iron ore. Heaven’s Fury
  • Winter aconite, snowdrop, and striped squill flower in February or March.
  • There was a bunch of winter aconites on the table, and stripes of sunshine on the floor alternated with deep darkness.
  • Carefully rake leaves away from clumps of snowdrops and aconites, replanting any that have been lifted by frost.
  • Jaros said 2,500 pounds of iron ore pellets, also known as taconite, would be extracted from the ship at one time and deposited in an onshore scale. Daily Telegram Homepage RSS
  • The Three Arterial Sedatives: veratrum, aconite and gelsemium.
  • Our favorite mode of administering both veratrum and aconite is to add ten drops of the tincture to ten or fifteen teaspoonfuls of water, of which one teaspoonful may be administered every hour. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • And iron is in a lot of what we use in the world, so taconite equals money. Heaven’s Fury
  • When the chilblains vesicate, ulcerate or slough, it is better to omit the aconite and apply the other components of the liniment without it. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • As the upper petal of the Aconite, and the upper lip of fome ringent flowers. The language of botany : being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, principally by Linneus ...
  • Aconite is used for laryngitis and sore throat following exposure to cold, dry winds. Stay Well This Winter
  • However, to understand the more subtle indications we might get a clue from the homeopathic indication for aconite which are symptoms caused by shock.
  • AIM: Radix Aconite is unprocessed parent root tuber of Aconitum carmichaeli Debx. containing toxic diterpenoid alkaloids such as mesaconitine, aconitine and hypaconitine.
  • A friend says: ‘I had the flu and aconite fixed me in one day.’
  • So do bulbs such as winter aconite, crocus, snowdrop, Iris reticulata, and Cyclamen coum.
  • It deserves notice that he experimented with the most boasted substances - cinchona, aconite, mercury, bryonia, belladonna.
  • In ten minutes I learned a lot more about taconite than I really wanted to know, but I appreciated the cost of the education so I listened patiently. Heaven’s Fury
  • There may be nervousness at night, trembling limbs, though not as anxious as Aconite.
  • Licorice is combined with prepared aconite to counteract its toxicity.
  • ‘precipitium’ (Coryat) ‘precipice’; ‘aconitum’ (Shakespeare) ‘aconite’; English Past and Present
  • Some of these methods such as the detoxification of aconite by preparing it with salt and/or long boiling decoction are a mainstay of TCM practice.

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