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How To Use Acknowledge In A Sentence

  • The Pepper Street gang, of which Jackie was the acknowledged leader, was not a gang of drug-selling hoods.
  • In meetings Thursday with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, the country's army chief and others, Gates called the antiterror operations a success so far, "and he acknowledged to all of them that we realize that has come with a great deal of sacrifice for the military," Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said following the sessions. Stars and Stripes
  • It acknowledges that some students may be experiencing difficulty, so we should be sensitive to their needs - such as allowing make-ups.
  • Union officials privately acknowledge that Phoenix's achilles heel has always been the difficulties it would face raising the necessary finance.
  • I could not but acknowledge that the local governments had, as it seemed to him, evinced but little sympathy with Hindooism; and that whatever might be European policy in respect to religion, the East India Company might have participated in the desire which prevails in Europe to develop ancient customs, and the reasons of those customs. Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
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  • God answers our prayers because by addressing them to Him we acknowledge His Lordship and power.
  • Most critics acknowledge that there is a political core in slacktivism, even if it may be very well hidden.
  • These successes, if that is what they are, are tinged with a jealousy that legal writers elsewhere have a more publicly acknowledged involvement in moulding the law's development.
  • It is a recognition for the native title right to possess which can only be exercised in accordance with currently acknowledged laws and customs.
  • He knows that his collaboration in both wartime and personal events is morally questionable, and acknowledges this.
  • But most Western bankers now acknowledge, as Peter Boone, cohead of research at Brunswick Warburg in Moscow puts it, "" that we ignored for too long the size of the nonpayments crisis. '' A Black Hole
  • Mostly she wrote about her feelings about her body and her recent acknowledgement to herself that she was suffering from anorexia.
  • Sometimes their role as custodians and protectors of biodiversity is not even acknowledged.
  • I gave him money towards it, which he acknowledged with a nod and a ghost of a smile. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • The anniversary report is acknowledged as a tremendous achievement.
  • Located far away from the hustle and bustle of a metropolis, the choice of venue was well and truly acknowledged by all concerned.
  • The driver nodded in acknowledgement and a further 20 seconds of silence passed before he spoke again.
  • Part of pop psychology is that you should acknowledge your feelings, but there's no place for them in the workplace.
  • After initially dismissing the likelihood that consumers would "cut the cord" by turning off their pay-TV subscriptions, media executives are starting to acknowledge the need to sell smaller bundles of TV to lure younger, and more cost-conscious consumers. Cable-TV Honchos Cry Foul Over Soaring Cost of ESPN
  • For a variety of reasons it has become my custom to mention my former colleague in the acknowledgements for my books.
  • It is this ferocity that is often unacknowledged or suppressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most notably, it acknowledged the lack of consensus on the "immutability" of sexual orientation - that is, on the question whether it has a biological basis or not - but noted that it was, at the very least, "highly resistant to change. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • I acknowledge that and accept it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never a negative acknowledge why it is impossible.
  • You've been snowed, flim flammed from an early age and refuse to acknowledge it. Harlan Ellison on God
  • He doesn't say a word, merely nodding in acknowledgement of Stephen's greeting.
  • It seems appropriate therefore that disruptive pupils have full access to the curriculum which requires that schools acknowledge this in their planning.
  • Unless we are to believe naively that leisure and luxury crystallize out of thin air, we must recognize and acknowledge that the comforts of globalization are reaped from the labour and toil of others.
  • The match really was played in the best possible way: mistimed tackles were acknowledged and apologised for, yet no one held back a thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • OTOH I’ve always been fascinated by the massive blind spot in multiculti and PC discourse which refuses to acknowledge the oppressive and discriminatory elements in many non western cultures. Cheeseburger Gothic » Drop your bombs between the minarets, down Geneva way-ay-ay-aaayyy…
  • The cloud systems I am interested in exploring acknowledge this legacy but also situate themselves one step closer to an interest in the particles themselves. Carla Leitao: Cloud Architecture
  • By signing the application form you acknowledge that you accept all of the terms and conditions of this offer. The Sun
  • Instead, they got Richards to acknowledge that a motivated forger with advanced technology could fool even veteran photo analysts.
  • The review also acknowledged serious problems with the supply of equipment to troops in the front line, including uniforms, body armour and desert boots.
  • He acknowledged our presence with a nod of his head.
  • To Slegge's annoyance, he very soon found that if the prestige of the school was to be kept up Glyn and Singh must be in the eleven, for the former in a very short time was acknowledged to be the sharpest bowler in the school, while, from long practice together, Singh was an admirable wicket-keeper -- one who laughed at gloves and pads, was utterly without fear, and had, as Wrench said -- he being a great admirer of a game in which he never had a chance to play -- "a nye like a nork. Glyn Severn's Schooldays
  • The characters are crude, profane gangsters who acknowledge only the class distinction of power.
  • So naturally he felt a force-feeding ban should be added to the many anticruelty laws already on the books, but he also freely acknowledged the practical benefits of fighting this particular battle. The Foie Gras Wars
  • It pointed out that deaths from cancer drug toxicity are an acknowledged hazard. Times, Sunday Times
  • While we know that obesity is also a national concern, it is frightening to acknowledge the degree to which girls and women are discontent with the body they have, want a body that is unattainably thin for 98 percent of natural body shapes, are angry at their body imperfections, and are obsessed with fixing their shape. Beth Weinstock: Gloria Steinem Is Alive and Well, Reminding Us 'That Perfect Is Boring' and 'Beauty Is Irregular'
  • • Did not acknowledge support for the old system from the GP training "deanery". Undefined
  • There are certain inescapable realities that teach us humility, that force us to acknowledge we're not really masters of the universe. Tomatoes Under the Hammer
  • By the mid-fourteenth century, another specialized court emerged to hear, and record, public acknowledgements of property transfers, known as recognizances, including those made through testaments.
  • Hardwick acknowledges that moving from romantic comedy / relationship drama to the action genre is a departure for him.
  • Apologies should be taken automatically as acknowledgement of personal complicity in the crime or dereliction.
  • Or did we perhaps witness a cheeky acknowledgement by the show's writing team that Tommy needs some character traits -- other than sterility and petulance, that is -- pronto? Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • The company's Queen's Award was approved by Her Majesty in April last year in acknowledgement of export excellence.
  • In any case there is much common ground between the two schools: each can learn from the other, and those professors of asepticism who have acknowledged their debt to Lister have been wiser than those who have made contention their aim. Victorian Worthies Sixteen Biographies
  • Cases of abuse have been acknowledged, and apologies and compensation have been paid appropriately.
  • He acknowledged to no one that this ride was supposed payment for an ill-considered wager. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Cadeyrn inclined his head in acknowledgement.
  • Moyes does acknowledge that other putative claimants had seen the technology demonstrated.
  • She's telling me to acknowledge the sister and she's also bringing up the baby of the family.
  • The poem will be etched in the memorial stone - a tangible acknowledgement of the loss of life and accompanying grief, says Appleton.
  • Kind, gentle William received acknowledgement for his loyalty and he too was awarded five.
  • Am I, because I acknowledge all this, an 'adulator' of the present? Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist
  • Nowhere in Wallis' piece can I find an acknowledgement of the hard fact that we are at war.
  • He is widely acknowledged as the best player in the world.
  • She fancies herself to be above us and walked by without an acknowledgement.
  • But it is an exaggerated horror, itself suspect, which would make us unable to acknowledge the facts because of the seamy side of the facts.
  • In part, these acknowledged the continuing difficulty in establishing whale populations.
  • Concrete's strength develops as it cures, and that process is usually acknowledged to begin at the time of initial set.
  • And the privilege, ancient though it be, to beat her with a stick, to pull her hair, choke her, spit in her face or kick her about the floor, or to inflict upon her like indignities, is not now acknowledged by our law .... 'Trivial Complaints:' The Role of Privacy in Domestic Violence Law and Activism in the U.S.
  • This is too neat to be true, and doesn't sufficiently acknowledge the porousness of the boundaries between fiction and life.
  • ‘In the midst of all this,’ he writes of the era of Generation X and grunge rock, ‘satire alone could be safely, unequivocally embraced, because it acknowledged the sanctity of nothing at all.’
  • She received a special award in acknowledgement of all her hard work.
  • Nay, was not the "Araucana," which Spain acknowledges as its epic, written without even the aid of paper; on scraps of leather, as the stout fighter and voyager snatched any moment from that wild warfare? The Best of the World's Classics, Vol. V (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland III
  • Even though the authorities were unwilling to acknowledge the extent of the disaster, some Western aid was accepted.
  • The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, which grants patents, acknowledged a backlog of 700, 000 applications and an average decision wait time of close to three years.
  • Though some like to dwell on that horror while others ignore it entirely, I believe it is only true to the remarkableness of America if we acknowledge both the horror of that age and the unique American triumph in overcoming it. Bart Motes: Hillary Clinton for Supreme Court
  • The red-coated, many-antlered buck acknowledged the lordship of the spirit of the place and dozed knee-deep in the cool, shaded pool. All Gold Canon
  • This is a fact that most smokers readily acknowledge .
  • I was slow to acknowledge their response as I broke my leg, but thank you, one and all.
  • Illness therefore, can sometimes reflect psychological processes which are either unacknowledged or seemingly unrealisable.
  • Again this year, Saturday night's Harvey Awards ceremony will be emceed by "PVP" creator Scott Kurtz, who acknowledges the necessity for some event growth -- even as he's a bit nostalgic for an even smaller 'Con. BALTIMORE COMIC-CON: Has it become the supreme antidote to San Diego?
  • Whether they do so or not, let's hope he takes a good look in the mirror over the coming months, learns from Botham's errors, acknowledges that Garry Sobers was the exception rather than the norm, accepts his vincibility and sets greater store by the runs column than the wickets.
  • Margaret wrote back saying that I should bring it up in class and acknowledge my feelings.
  • Instead, she would like to see ethnological museums acknowledge these objects' power to enchant, to inspire people to search for meanings.
  • Mark wrote a very nice letter, and I acknowledged it.
  • Swindon Counselling Service, a registered charity, has 16 years of experience in helping people to get through rough patches in their relationships and also come to terms with unacknowledged emotions.
  • The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Defense Department.
  • The poet, who acknowledged her lesbianism only late in a long, distinguished career, perhaps had her sexual identity in mind in this poem.
  • Is it asking too much for the paperback edition to at least acknowledge that there's been some change?
  • The prime minister used his keynote speech at Labour's spring conference in Gateshead to acknowledge it was largely his fault that his bond with the public had frayed.
  • She is respectful of individual†™ s personal timetables and idiosyncrasies and always seeks to bring the best out in everyone. acknowledges other†™ s gifts and talents. master brainstormer, always suggesting possible fundraisers and prospective corporate or community partners. adept at seeking out possible grants and competently applying for them with great success. First Book Blog
  • It is not enough to acknowledge the importance of collective entrepreneurship; clear and consistent signals must reinforce the new story.
  • At least Bardem acknowledges that he has a certain seductive intensity. People Magazine Proves What I Knew In My Heart To Be True: Javier Bardem is Hot! | Best Week Ever
  • We implore you to acknowledge that the Department of Justice cannot reasonably be a party to such tyranny.
  • Mr. Roney acknowledges that some retrofit related to supplying additional ties is necessary.
  • In return for such a privilege we implicitly acknowledge that there are reciprocal obligations incumbent upon us.
  • Such explanations fail to acknowledge the possibility that schools may a responsible for creating and sustaining disruptiveness.
  • The limits of human knowledge, and thus of any religious system, must always be recognized and humbly acknowledged as the product of human finiteness.
  • These days, computers are programmed to acknowledge errors in less than graceful ways when something goes wrong: They flash a brusque error message, telling you that you have goofed.
  • Wertheimer acknowledges this in the statement, ‘Some individuals may consider these hormones to be abortifacients if they interfere with implantation.’
  • Needless to say, their answers have been little more than an acknowledgement of receipt.
  • Tom acknowledged her presence by a brief glance.
  • But we must also acknowledge the significance of computing and digital design.
  • She passed the captain and, refusing to acknowledge him, lifted her chin high and looked in the other direction.
  • The enthusiasm and support of the lesbian fans is vital, but their contribution can not be publicly acknowledged.
  • But yet her letters never contained any acknowledgement of my letters, and she never addressed anything to me.
  • They were treated as nonentities by the legal and social adjudicators of British later, Australian Tasmania, allowed grudgingly to occupy land on the islands without ever being acknowledged as its owners, and referred to dismissively as “half-castes” or, vaguely, as “the Islanders.” The Song of The Dodo
  • You know it has been used by thousands -- by millions -- and has strewed the land with desolation, and peopled hell with its victims; and you cannot but acknowledge that you would at once cease to make the liquor, did you not _hope it would continue to be used_. Select Temperance Tracts
  • Too many parents have been too afraid ever to acknowledge the real state of our affairs to their children.
  • Bill was the first to see his shortcomings and acknowledge the exploratory and experimental character of his work.
  • But they're quick to acknowledge the problems too ... Male speaker Unemployment is the main problem.
  • We would acknowledge receipt of Indictment 86-1246 and waive formal reading.
  • The disparity is acknowledged in the Bill with an attempt at a discount scheme, but that disparity has not been overcome.
  • World War II is too large a story to be capsulized in one effort, even by the talented Ken Burns, which he himself acknowledges. The War and The Movies
  • T. S. Eliot is acknowledged as a famous twentieth century master of modernism.
  • He acknowledges that different value systems are incompatible.
  • Izzard's prominence has increased in the US after roles in TV series The Riches and 2008 thriller Valkyrie - but he admits the country has yet to acknowledge him as a transvestite .
  • We further acknowledge that there are sincere people who disagree with us, and with the teaching of the Bible and Christian tradition, on questions of sexual morality and the nature of marriage.
  • suggestive and adumbrative manner" -- not, indeed, he acknowledges, a romantic manner, and yet "quite distinct from the classical"; i.e., because of the transcendental character of a portion of his poetry. A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • So, in acknowledgement and protest of Final Destination, I started playing a geography game online. 12 levels, progressing from easy to hard. FINAL DESTINATION FRANCHISE LACKS FINALITY
  • And if I thought I caught my name whispered on the breeze, I chose not to acknowledge it. Brush of Darkness
  • The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Defense Department.
  • In fact your book cites a lot of poetry including that of Judith Wright who acknowledges that there's an unbridgeable gap between herself and her close friend, Oodgeroo Noonuccal.
  • The name most common here, "vanner" is probably the one least acknowledged, in England, said Arnold. Shelbyville Times-Gazette Headlines
  • It also acknowledges that patients differ in their choice of therapies according to their aptitudes and inclinations towards the various options.
  • Belle acknowledged them briefly as she entered the chateau. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • Joe Donnelly's greatest love is twentieth-century design and the decorative arts, on which he is an acknowledged authority.
  • Police acknowledge that they may cause embarrassment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nervous because she was due to play in two chukkas' time, Perdita refused even to acknowledge Daisy's presence.
  • When U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald's office subpoenaed state agencies for hiring records in the fall of 2005, Blagojevich acknowledged S.aggers was a subject of the review. Undefined
  • Powlett showed no signs of leaving the house, which, even the many women in the village, who envied her for her prettiness and neatness and disliked her for what they called her airs, acknowledged that she managed well. Through the Fray A Tale of the Luddite Riots
  • Co-conference chair Jennifer Pahlka from TechWeb acknowledged that the title definitely seemed to get under people's skin. BBC News | Technology | World Edition
  • Although religious in a superficial and sententious way, she regards God as a servant, not a master, and she acknowledges no limits, either God's or the law's, to the exercise of her will.
  • Corporation chiefs told her that unless she acknowledged that using the word golliwog was unacceptable, she could not work on the show again. Home | Mail Online
  • So, don't forget to acknowledge the ‘truth’ each night before beddy-bye time.
  • It's possible Doc sought to ride us round them, skirting their flank without looking left nor right to acknowledge their being there.
  • I thank them for their continuing dedication and hard work in generating most of the funds, which enable the Foundation to provide the service which is acknowledged and valued in both counties.
  • He gave us the name of a rabbi in New York who was an acknowledged expert in these questions.
  • The public rendering of songs is not wrong if due acknowledgement is given to the lyricist, composer and musicians.
  • He acknowledged that it would not have been out of character for him to have uttered such a phrase.
  • -- In this solemn and impressive prayer, in which they make public confession of their sins, and deprecate the judgments due to the transgressions of their fathers, they begin with a profound adoration of God, whose supreme majesty and omnipotence is acknowledged in the creation, preservation, and government of all. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • They are a great group of skilled and committed people who have made a real difference in a lot of unacknowledged and uncredited ways.
  • Talk to them of education; they will readily acknowledge that it's "a braw thing to be weel learned," and begin a lamentation, which is only shorter than the lamentations of Literary and General Lectures and Essays
  • In it he acknowledged that it had been a'long and bruising' campaign season. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have always acknowledged that when that occurs and kahawai are caught as a by-catch, it is entirely appropriate that fishers can take them home, smoke them, and provide them on the roadside for New Zealanders to enjoy.
  • The acknowledged master of chiaroscuro was, of course, Rembrandt.
  • Reyes acknowledges making a mistake but says she doesn't understand why the bank would let her repeatedly overdraw her account without immediately notifying her. Banks find ways to boost fees; checking accounts latest target
  • The European Union trade commissioner acknowledges on this broadcast last night that it is a concerning and troubling problem.
  • He has not yet even had the courtesy to acknowledge receipt of my letter.
  • The courage of the victims in taking the witness stand is acknowledged and applauded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another set of therapies which are generally acknowledged to be helpful are the physical ones which are mostly based around massage.
  • Nevertheless, his ideas still retain a potent though unacknowledged influence in Chinese minds.
  • The agents did acknowledge the letter, saying that they would look into the matter and that they hoped to write again shortly.
  • To date he has not even received an acknowledgement of his letter.
  • What Amis has also acknowledged as a writer is that nice things aren't necessarily as funny as nasty things.
  • There is now acknowledged open warfare between the prime minister and the chancellor.
  • I acknowledge the local people of this rohe, and I thank them for their generosity in hosting us here in Whakatane. NZ On Screen
  • I rose and was about to clap my hat upon my head and burst away, in wrathful indignation from the house; but recollecting — just in time to save my dignity — the folly of such a proceeding, and how it would only give my fair tormentors a merry laugh at my expense, for the sake of one I acknowledged in my own heart to be unworthy of the slightest sacrifice — though the ghost of my former reverence and love so hung about me still, that I could not bear to hear her name aspersed by others — I merely walked to the window, and having spent a few seconds in vengibly biting my lips and sternly repressing the passionate heavings of my chest, I observed to Miss The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
  • The driver was clearly indignant that I hadn't avoided him, and refused to acknowledge the crowd of about 20 pedestrians, all shouting that he had jumped two red lights.
  • We acknowledge that political compromise may indeed explain the typical process surrounding the implementation of major change in most organizations.
  • Misjudging the survival of Romano-British life, Gregory had planned archbishoprics based on London and York, but political realities were acknowledged in 601 when Augustine was enthroned as first archbishop of Canterbury.
  • I was standing right next to her, but she didn't even acknowledge me/my presence.
  • Such explanations fail to acknowledge the possibility that schools may a responsible for creating and sustaining disruptiveness.
  • And, a base spokesman acknowledged the cooler ban did not prohibit knapsacks, soft-sided fabric coolers or wagons.
  • The reduction in their grant is an acknowledgement that they have been paid too much.
  • There was outrage in some quarters, but most critics and viewers acknowledged the film as a masterpiece. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every year on the anniversary of D-Day, for example, we acknowledge the heroism and sacrifice of those who stormed the beaches of Normandy.
  • A period of passionate love gives way to companionate love, where there is a readiness to accept and acknowledge a partner’s flaws and sacrifices are made for each another.
  • I acknowledge that and accept it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authors would like to express regret in the inadvertent omission of these acknowledgements.
  • So why did the officials acknowledge that the ground was a sandpit only when the media visited final practice on Thursday? Times, Sunday Times
  • Others, though, refused even to acknowledge that much.
  • According to the Times, Amazon effectively acknowledged that the deletions were a bad idea. Who Owns Your eBook?
  • I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter of 25 July.
  • He acknowledged Ernest's roll as godfather of the movement and Ernest stayed involved for a number of years.
  • Are you prepared to acknowledge your responsibility?
  • The international man, however, does always acknowledge his debt of gratitude to his parents and to the other members of his family.
  • It is well that he acknowledgeth both them and us to have reason of miscontentment at holidays, from their corruptions and superstitions. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • At the same time, he acknowledges several potential problems - including the fact that China is a developing country with a large population and what he calls a "weak economic foundation and uneven development". China Offers Earthquake Condolences to Japan
  • But it is also acknowledged that states can establish and maintain regimes in the absence of hegemonic power.
  • On that occasion, by his own acknowledgement, he allowed the situation to get to him and he was beaten.
  • The White House and Democrats in Congress will urge passage of a “clean” debt limit increase, without amendments, though they acknowledge that cannot pass in the Republican-controlled House.
  • As gourmets of the world acknowledge, Chinese food vies with that of France for world supremacy.
  • So if in the heat of charter renewal and spending cuts radio is the unacknowledged elephant, it risks getting thinner and paler. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they're quick to acknowledge the problems too ... Male speaker Unemployment is the main problem.
  • It is right to acknowledge, however, that the contractual position as between the parties may also negative the imposition of a duty of care in tort.
  • This report is an acknowledgement of the size of the problem.
  • What the Vatican II Fathers said on this subject is readily understood, not as a patently absurd claim that Muslims believe God is three coeternal, coessential, and coequal Persons, but as a simple acknowledgement of those few matters of faith where Muslims agree with the Truth. Tissier de Mallerais speaks The details of the doctrinal talks
  • When his error was proved he had to acknowledge the corn.
  • Because they tend to be compassionate and sensitive, they respond best to personal recognition and acknowledgement.
  • In the silence - observed by everyone but Ruth, who gave a talk each evening - I felt unseen, unacknowledged.
  • But I agree also with Jeff and the writer of this piece that the artificiality of “genre” versus “literary” needs to be broken down, and the way that works of art borrow from, syncretize, and rework genres needs more acknowledgement. Genres of Fiction, and Why They Aren’t Discrete Entities
  • Every past or present Israeli transgression is evidence of its wickedness, whereas Arab ones, if they are acknowledged at all, are “understandable.” Think Progress » Gingrich: ‘This Is, In Fact, World War III’ And The U.S. ‘Ought To Be Helping’
  • There was widespread acknowledgement that the absence of the Unionist parties had created a partial vacuum.
  • I smiled a polite greeting, but the woman hardly acknowledged me.
  • A fall in some crimes in South Yorkshire has brought praise from the police authority, which has acknowledged that more work needs to be done to reduce violent offences.
  • He acknowledges using mostly American meat on his Cayman menu, but he is in dialogues with local farmers for produce such as callaloo, a leafy vegetable, which he serves with a grilled pork chop for 29 Cayman Islands dollars $35. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Both the semi-autobiographical Denisovich and the non-ficiton Archipelago described Gulag life in harrowing detail, and forced the West to finally acknowledge the grave human rights abuses perpetrated inside Stalin’s brutal work camps, which at their peak housed more than two million prisoners. Russian Gulags: Then and Now | Disinformation
  • The ad, which the spokesman acknowledged is a small buy, will begin airing on Wednesday. Massachusetts Republican targeted in new TV ad
  • And, a base spokesman acknowledged the cooler ban did not prohibit knapsacks, soft-sided fabric coolers or wagons.
  • It was as though, having given up the struggle themselves, they could more freely acknowledge the value of it.
  • Numerous interviews with cold callers, all reluctant to be named, readily acknowledge that they rarely call women.
  • Another set of therapies which are generally acknowledged to be helpful are the physical ones which are mostly based around massage.
  • Several times from wing to a desk at center stage he glanced out at the audience to acknowledge the applause.
  • We acknowledge our sin and trespass. Christianity Today
  • While childbirth was acknowledged as potentially dangerous to both mother and child, birthing was viewed as a natural process, and midwives intervened as little as possible.

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