

  1. having no hue
    neutral colors like black or white

How To Use achromatic In A Sentence

  • Dr. Gruithuisen, of Munich, maintains that he has descried through his large achromatic telescope "great artificial works in the moon erected by the lunarians," which he considers to be "a system of fortifications thrown up by the selenitic engineers. Moon Lore
  • Lincoln checked her watch and nodded as an emaciated gray bus spluttered dead; pausing on its way to the ring of featureless, achromatic roads which led to the main structure of South Street ferry port.
  • The classic leukodystrophies include adrenoleukodystrophy, Krabbe's globoid cell, and metachromatic leukodystrophy, and a few other less well known entities.
  • AIDS * leprosy * malaria * Adult-onset vanishing white matter leukoencephalopathy * Late-onset metachromatic leukodystrophy * Cerebral - Articles related to Africa making dramatic strides in malaria fight
  • You have heard us talk about the MLD, the metachromatic leukodystrophy program, and we have had some delays in starting our pivotal trial, mostly associated with difficulties in our contract manufacturing, producing the enzyme there. Home Page
  • This might not necessarily be a real appearance for it is conceivable that such traces of colour might be due to the telescopes employed not having been truly achromatic, that is, not sufficiently corrected for colour; but making every allowance for this possible source of mistake there yet remains proof that the colour which has often been seen has been real. The Story of Eclipses
  • Petzval produced an achromatic portrait lens that was vastly superior to the simple meniscus lens then in use.
  • The matrix or ground substance of cartilage is strongly basophilic and stains metachromatically with toluidine blue and other similar basic dyes.
  • Random branches hung aimlessly above her head and the neighbors' rose bushes stretched thinly across their metal fence like an achromatic spider web.
  • I am at present engaged on the theory of the achromatic object-glass, with regard to spherical chromatism -- a subject upon which, I believe, nearly all our text-books are silent, but one nevertheless of vital importance to the optician. Men of Invention and Industry
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