
  1. any of several plants of the genus Achillea native to Europe and having small white flowers in flat-topped flower heads
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How To Use achillea In A Sentence

  • Species to be reintroduced include the harebell (Campanula rotundifolia), oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) and sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica). Kew unveils native flower seed bank
  • The torrents of Maine are hasty young heroes, galloping so hard when they gallop, and charging with such rash enthusiasm when they charge, hurrying with such Achillean ardor toward their eternity of ocean, that they would never know the influence, in their heart of hearts, of blue cloudlessness, or the glory of noonday, or the pageantries of sunset, -- they would only tear and rive and shatter carelessly. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 59, September, 1862
  • “Now be sure not to miss the rose achillea, and my goodness, there must be a dozen varieties of aquilegia … oh, and liatris …” Ms. Evelyn called after Athen as she trudged up the hill in the direction Callie had previously scampered. A Different Light
  • KHAFAGY, S.M. and EL.FATATRY, L. (1960) A contribution to the study of Achillea santolina L. Isolation of two crystalline principles santolin and santolinol. Chapter 5
  • ‘In the past, I have cut my yellow achillea before the flowers have faded, and found that it keeps its colour beautifully when dried,’ Annemarie says.
  • The designers have chosen astrantias, roses, campanula, achilleas, an acer and an ornamental cherry.
  • Flat topped flowerheads like achillea and open daisy-like flowers such as Michaelmas daisies are particularly attractive to insects and butterflies as they are very visible and accessible.
  • Soon the columbine will appear, followed by achillea, wild grasses, coreopsis, daisies, several colors of coneflowers and asters. Remember the power of flowers in your garden
  • KHAFAGY, S.M. and EL.FATATRY, L. (1970) A phytochemical study of Achillea santolina L. Part I I l: Examination of the volatile oil. Chapter 5
  • The poorer the soil and the older the lawn, the better will be the flower display, but most park lawns will contain self-heal, daisy, achillea, and cat's-ear.
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