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How To Use Achiever In A Sentence

  • And after Vikarna's flight, Satruntapa, unable to repress his ire, began to afflict Partha, that obstructer of foes and achiever of super-human feats, by means of a perfect shower of arrows. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
  • Underachievers, they were known for losing the mildest battle of nerves, not a cornered tiger among them.
  • Many women achievers appear to pose a threat to their male colleagues.
  • There is, if I can use the expression, a sort of gangmaster cultural phenomenon in this, that you recruit top people who really do make a difference, who really do move markets and get business and are really high achievers. Evening Standard - Home
  • He should be an achiever and upwardly mobile in his job.
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  • Studies done in the UK of children from two to 11 years show that high early achievers from disadvantaged backgrounds are overtaken between age five and 10 by low early achievers from advantaged backgrounds.
  • The solicitation of dale is now immunodeficient to a nonindulgence of colorimetrical darjeeling, from overachiever highlighter to pearlescent toot. Rational Review
  • I do not mean to suggest that every heroic act must represent some form of collusion between the will of the achiever and the finger of God.
  • O'Neill will adopt a root and branch transformation at Parkhead and the present group of non-achievers, the first team squad, will be pruned drastically.
  • Despite a massive budget and state-of-the-art facilities including not one but two test tracks, they remain perennial underachievers.
  • Psychologists call it the ‘thrill factor,’ the urge that drives high achievers, often in the public eye, into taking unnecessary risks with their reputations.
  • Low achievers in schools will receive priority.
  • Through our poverty we try to share Christ's love and respect for the so-called non-achievers, for those who are on the fringe of society.
  • Anger can be channeled as a spur to action rather than being destructive. But Mars at its best is purposeful, an achiever and self-starter, and a force to be reckoned with.
  • In some ways, Iain follows the classic profile of the early achiever.
  • The discrepancy between sporting high-achiever and sulking man-child was never more evident.
  • Great young achievers from throughout the county have been honoured for their sterling community work.
  • While green tea may be a nutritional over-achiever, other tea varieties like black and oolong are no slouches either.
  • Now, if the unknown James, Moses or Paul was to proclaim that greed is evil today in America he would likely hear his name denigrated on hate radio and hear something like "Greed: A word commonly used by liberals, low achievers, anti-capitalists and society's losers to denigrate, shame and discredit those who have acquired superior job skills and decision-making capabilities and who, through the application of those job. Thou Shall Covet
  • The achiever says his thoughts led him to success and the criminal says his thoughts led him to crime. Everybody thinks, but what we think determines our destiny. RVM 
  • Is there a guarantee that the highest achievers among you will have charmed lives, with continued success and prosperity?
  • Respect has been hard to come by for the Syracuse product, who was touted as an underachiever in college is expected to be a tweener in the pros.
  • Many women achievers appear to pose a threat to their male colleagues.
  • It's not rejection that distinguishes achievers from nonachievers - it's the way they handle failure.
  • The implication throughout the chapter is that these superachievers and zillionaires owe him favors and see him as a brother.
  • Overnight they went from well-regarded indie underachievers to national treasures. The Sun
  • Mia was everything Emily wasn't; successful, confident, an achiever.
  • Nothing," said Tom Bertram, one of several chronic underachievers employed by the Knoxville advertising firm.
  • High achievers will receive cash bonuses.
  • Low achievers in schools will receive priority.
  • The difference between dreamers and achievers is grit, guts and spirit, which the former might lack but the latter have in abundance.
  • Every A-road and motorway should have a fourth lane, where thrusting high-achievers can drive at phenomenal speeds, endangering only each other, unsafe in the knowledge they'vegot phenomenally fast reactions, a trait which is common to all business buccaneers. A lane with no limits
  • Research into group dynamics indicates that a group of high achievers, for example, do not perform as well as a mixed-ability group.
  • Entries have also been flowing in for the Young Achiever of the Year Award, and for the short story, creative writing and photography competitions.
  • OLYMPIA FIELDS, Ill. A 53-year-old former superstar whose longtime caddie is battling Lou Gehrig's disease and a self-proclaimed underachiever whose bags were carried by his recently fired father shot 5 under par to tie for the lead in the U.S. - Watson, Quigley lead U.S. Open, Tiger at even after first round
  • In fact, the model minority designation heralded upon the AAPI community in 1966 had less to do with celebrating student achievement, and had more to do with reinforcing negative stereotypes of African-American students as underachievers at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. The Truth About 'Model Minorities'
  • Many women achievers appear to pose a threat to their male colleagues.
  • He's been called, variously, a showboat, a stud, a lazybones, a workhorse, a whiner, a powerhouse, an overachiever, an underachiever, you name it.
  • A great achiever, Dr Kalam says that success does not come on a platter.
  • But what good is bawdy when its purveyors, from low to high, seem unfailingly recruited for their unsightliness, and act like overwrought underachievers or maundering bystanders?
  • This process will change you into a believer, into an expecter, and when you become such, you will in due course become an achiever. The Power of Positive Thinking
  • The Volunteers upheld their reputation of talented underachievers with the first-round loss and Harris again faltered in NCAA Tournament play. NCAA Men's Basketball - N.C. Charlotte vs. Tennessee
  • Doesn't this frustrate the superachiever? Times, Sunday Times
  • Is there a guarantee that the highest achievers among you will have charmed lives, with continued success and prosperity?
  • The other is a chronic underachiever, undependable, disreputable, a thoroughly wild child.
  • He squandered the money brought in by the sale of Emile Heskey and Neil Lennon on over-priced under-achievers.
  • They are the thinkers, the overachievers, the rational, problem solving, liberal minded, intellectual elite.
  • He was a top achiever, a high flier destined for great things.
  • Money and adulation are rightly due to high achievers but the very worst garner recognition too.
  • The editrix of British Vogue joined the cream of British womanhood Women Achievers who lunched with Queen Elizabeth on March 11th.
  • his son would never be the achiever that his father was
  • The achiever says his thoughts led him to success and the criminal says his thoughts led him to crime. Everybody thinks, but what we think determines our destiny. RVM 
  • I am a name nude known to collectors, an overdosed under-achiever, greatest pilot to the inhospitable middle-class rationale. Oogy Wawa
  • As one of this country's great achievers, he was also a friendly, approachable and kindly man who gave great encouragement to others in his field.
  • Everyone who is nominated is awarded a certificate and the outstanding achievers are invited to a gala dinner to receive their award plus £500 courtesy of the award sponsors.
  • For each scholarly level at the end of the month a prize is rewarded for the highest achiever and quarterly we award the girl or girls with the least black marks to her name with a prize as well.
  • High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true. Robert H. Schuller 
  • Three workers with Bexley Care Trust have been recognised as outstanding achievers in the field of health and social care.
  • I don't think it's fear of the unknown; I've always been something of an over-achiever, going out of my comfort zone.
  • Kalpana Chawla, her name now enshrined in the galaxy of super achievers, was a rare bird indeed.
  • I took this as a justification for my slacker life, quietly snickering at the achievers and believers.
  • Growing up in Lancaster County, Kenneff was considered a fine schoolboy, a high achiever.
  • Women achievers, however, find it difficult to find men willing to sacrifice their careers to become house husbands.
  • The Motivational section carries success stories of amazing achievers in India and overseas.
  • The world's greatest achievers have been those who have always stayed focused on their goals and have been consistent in their efforts. Dr Roopleen 
  • Some of the biggest success stories at home and abroad were not the highest achievers at school but still managed to make a name for themselves.
  • We cheer for the underdog, but only clap for the superachiever. Globe and Mail
  • High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true. Robert H. Schuller 
  • New leaders, achievers, and entrepreneurs have emerged.
  • These students are part of an exclusive group of high achievers.
  • I'd hate to be seen as a non-achiever, so I would like to think that I have an entrepreneurial future of some kind.
  • If your child is a high achiever but overstudies so as not to receive less than an A+, help him or her gradually study a little less to show that it has only a little effect on grades.
  • Only 12 members had any academic qualifications, and the highest achievers were those from mainstream schools.
  • So many women today were independent high achievers, controlling their own money and their own lives.
  • He's been called, variously, a showboat, a stud, a lazybones, a workhorse, a whiner, a powerhouse, an overachiever, an underachiever, you name it.
  • Unfortunately for our beloved Sean Elliott, the Spurs are notoriously soft underachievers come playoff time.
  • The post-work party had high performers and big achievers from the banking fraternity.
  • She plays Tracy Flick, an extreme overachiever who has set her prissy little heart on becoming president of the school council.
  • As we have seen, it can be very difficult to distinguish between a gifted student who is genuinely bored with the pace of the regular curriculum and an underachiever who uses the term bored to describe her inner state of anxiety and emptiness. The Unmotivated Child
  • She belongs round the back of the bike sheds, her hair is lank, her eyes are usually dull, and she is not expected to be a high-achiever academically.
  • However, at home, vacations, my office at lunch - I love seeing a nicely sculpted male on the cover, and I do prefer a little more semi-naked ... my imagination is an overachiever only does fabulously well with just a little hint. Angels' Blood Countdown: Lora Leigh - Nauti Intentions ARC
  • This is also the site of the ‘Everest summiteers Club’, where from Tensing Norgay to India's first woman achiever, Bachendri Pal, all have recorded their autograph.
  • They contested one county final in that time but had such a rich and bountiful supply of under-age talent that the senior team were regarded as underachievers.
  • The oldest photographic business in the world, it possesses pictures of a succession of kings, queens, viceroys, vicereines, spiritual leaders, business achievers and society ladies.
  • The other is a chronic underachiever, undependable, disreputable, a thoroughly wild child.
  • The highest public honor our democracy can bestow will never go begging in a country full of ambitious over-achievers.
  • The fact of the matter is that companies spotlight individual achievers whose success makes the organization look good.
  • High achievers and go-getters are naturally attracted to such challenges and will organise their own funding and resources in a quest to win that prize.
  • Communities love to claim the achievers in sports and academia, the artists, and the good kids.
  • I, like the wannabe overachiever that I am, duly raised my hand and bought a pack of airmail fold-up notelets in readiness for my first missive.
  • She Googled me, looked at my website, and wrote something along the lines of, "Wow you're so accomplished! I'm the greatest underachiever of all time.
  • There will be significant encouragement of high achievers through bursaries and scholarships.
  • This young girl, Gabrielle, is in her second year at the "Fenris Badulf School of Telemarketing Young Overachievers After School Program" funded 100% by the money you send Fenris. My Celebration of Set Parade
  • What really hurt them was being labelled as under-achievers.
  • Sales managers aren't likely to be impressed with this self-proclaimed underachiever.
  • Among the high achievers was Hannah, who made the grade in physics, biology, chemistry, maths and general studies.
  • I noticed a mark on my neck about a year ago, but in my haste to get my son to soccer practice, skiing lessons, PTA meetings, working on homework with him, being classroom mom, working 35 hours at my job and being an overall over-achiever, I did not go to the doctor and have the "freckle" checked out. On a personal note... Skin Cancer Part I
  • His classmates remembered him as a born leader, an achiever, a magnetic personality.
  • Many high achievers schedule time in their day for a catnap.
  • His presence goes a long way toward explaining why the Seahawks have gone from early-season underachievers to playoff contenders.
  • Schools are mollycoddling pupils, producing a generation of unhealthy underachievers, the government's education agency has warned.
  • Niamh is one of a small group of top achievers in the recent music examinations at senior level who is being honoured at this event.
  • In Bangalore to choreograph the fashion show of women achievers of the City to raise funds for the Cancer Patients' Aid Association, Hemant Trivedi is more famous as a fashion designer.
  • But many Americans consider him something of an under-achiever, one writer even coining the phrase 'Luke Donald Disease' for any British player making a ton of money without winning. WalesOnline - Home
  • Conor O'Neill is your typical underachiever, a good-looking, sulky drifter who's a ticket scalper and a gambler on the wrong side of the dice.
  • In other words, they represent the texture of the real world, not the rarefied existence of aspirant high achievers.
  • One of the society's activities has been to erect plaques honouring the great range of achievers with Yorkshire roots.
  • Carla Buckle, from Heworth, York, was shortlisted for the Young Achiever of the Year award.
  • Toni is a high achiever but has the mildest form of ataxic cerebral palsy and needs a scribe to help with note taking as she has a tremor in her hand.
  • I believe that we need to be goal setters and achievers.
  • Most of all I just loved my horses, even if they were complete non-achievers. "
  • But the idea that children are little more than cannon fodder for the exam system is more likely to limit horizons and enthusiasm for learning than it is to turn out a generation of high-achievers.
  • It is a heartening trend, and ample proof that youngsters are looking to follow the footsteps of achievers who conquer new domains.
  • Not only that, Obama -- reflecting the agonizing number of economic potholes and his inability to get rid of them -- is increasingly being viewed by Wall Street as a non-achiever, a veritable misfit when it comes to concocting a meaningful plan to revitalize the economy and a likely one-term occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Dan Dorfman: Kinks In Obama's New Era of Hope
  • Parents of chronic underachievers are also likely to link large rewards to unrealistic improvements in performance, such as straight As for a child who has been making Ds and Fs for the last two yean. The Unmotivated Child
  • The families of these children were professional, successful, and high achievers in numerous pursuits.
  • Pshaw: who wants to be the quirky underachiever? Times, Sunday Times
  • In a high-achieving family, he is the under-achiever. Times, Sunday Times
  • All top achievers regardless of their field of excellence would have to agree on the importance of: goal setting and visioning; excellent instruction and feedback; hard work and practice; and the ability to perform.
  • High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true. Robert H. Schuller 
  • We must, as goal setters and achievers, find the correct balance between reward for enterprise and sustainability.
  • Considering the views of those proven achievers helps drive an even greater wedge between centralization and decentralization as a guiding organizational principle.
  • Many women achievers appear to pose a threat to their male colleagues.
  • Too modest to celebrate her success in Pollock, she is fascinated by achievers such as Olympic athletes.
  • Valuable tips to raise themselves from mere seekers to achievers were provided by way of formal discourses, informal lectures, and games.
  • High achievers will receive cash bonuses.
  • An awards ceremony will be held in January, when one individual will be named Employee of the Year and receive the Achiever of the Year Award.
  • Unless the manager reaches a level of excellence and effectiveness that sets him apart from the others whom he is managing, he will be merely a face in the crowd and not an achiever.
  • And yes, even the players acknowledge the team is a perennial underachiever.
  • Indeed, in some states there are no differences between the average university entrance scores of boys and girls and high achievers of both genders perform about equally well.
  • But it has a radically different conception of the forces that empower achievers.

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