

  1. the state of being achievable

How To Use achievability In A Sentence

  • For the same reason that I counsel my children on how to handle themselves in a confrontation, rather than attempting to modify the behavior of everyone with whom they may come into contact with: achievability. Self defense and the reasonable woman
  • Positive thinking leads us to confidence and optimism, negative thinking blinds us to possibility and achievability. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The experiment proposed by Fry and Walther intends to make use of the first BCH Inequality, dispensing with auxiliary assumptions, but the second BCH Inequality will also be reviewed here, because of its indispensability in case the optimism of Fry and Walther regarding the achievability of certain desirable experimental conditions turns out to be disappointed. Bell's Theorem
  • We must balance interest and risk, achievability and cost, clarity of mission and support from others in what ultimately is an exercise in prudent judgment. Berger Speech On Foreign Policy At Csis
  • Assess the degree of trust, honesty and fairness you can expect from each participant and what bearing that will have on the tone of the conversation and achievability of your and others' objectives.
  • The achievability of that dream is what made this country the envy of the world and made us, its citizens, proud. Robert Fuller: President Obama's Politics of Dignity
  • Experts say benchmarks range in specificity and achievability. What are Iraq's Benchmarks?
  • Positive thinking leads us to confidence and optimism, negative thinking blinds us to possibility and achievability. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • I think the EPA realized that there were still considerable issues with the achievability of the rules," Ms. Meads said. Pollution Rule Delayed Amid Cost Complaints
  • It's audacity versus achievability," says Will Pomerantz, the foundation's space prize director. Google Offers $20 Million X Prize to Put Robot on Moon
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