
How To Use Acetin In A Sentence

  • The faceting of each individual stone gives it its own sparkle and unique lustre.
  • School, Chicago, said of the coal-tar remedies, such as phenacetin and antipyrin, in the treatment of influenza and _la grippe_: -- "While each dose temporarily reduces the fever it retards the most important physiological processes on which the living system depends for resisting the effects of toxic agents, namely, oxidation and elimination. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • The U.S. Army cure-all at the time was the A.P.C. tablet—a mixture of aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine. A Covert Affair
  • Never take any sleeping powders except upon the advice of a physician, for the majority of these sleeping powders contain some harmful drug, as morphine, codeine, phenacetin or acetanilid. Herself Talks with Women Concerning Themselves
  • Among the 22 flavone derivatives tested, only wogonin was strongly mutagenic, while five derivatives, apigenin triacetate, acacetin, chrysoeriol, pedalitin, and pedalitin tetraacetate, were only weakly mutagenic. Wil's Ebay E-Store
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  • Andrews to bring me some phenacetin, will you, dear? The Making of a Soul
  • The faceting of each individual stone gives it its own sparkle and unique lustre.
  • The acetins are derivatives of glycerol that are prepared by heating glycerol with acetic acid.
  • They did some custom programming on top of the Google search to provide for faceting search. Case Study: The Siemens BeFirst Portal
  • Phenacetin was used as an analgesic and antipyretic drug until 1983 when it was removed from the market because it can induce nephropathy and cancer.
  • Unlike most precious stones and gems, which require faceting to reveal their splendor, the pearl is perfect in its natural state and may be seen to manifest the universal monad, a notion familiar to the court of Urbino through the De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii of Martianus Capella and the interests of Nicholas of Cusa. 127 Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Because of incidences of nephrotoxicity when taken over long periods, phenacetin is no longer available in the U.S. Found in two products.
  • From 1 to 1.5 grammes of the glycerine is weighed into a conical flask of about 150 c.c. capacity, 7 or 8 c.c. of acetic anhydride added, together with about 3 grammes of anhydrous sodium acetate, and the whole boiled on a sand-bath under a reflux condenser for one to one and a half hours, after which it is allowed to cool, 50 c.c. water added, and the ester dissolved by shaking, and gently warming, the reflux condenser still being attached as the acetin is very volatile. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • Triacetin is added to dried egg whites so that they can be whipped into meringues.
  • Common cutting agents include lignocaine, an anaesthetic, phenacetin, a carcinogen, and benzocaine, a painkiller that numbs the nostrils. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence, the acetin formed from the glycerol present in 1.4367 grammes of the crude glycerine required 35.75 c.c. N/1 caustic alkali for its saponification, so that the percentage of glycerol may be calculated from the following formula: -- The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • For this reason the anæsthetic effects of ether disappear shortly after removal of the inhaler, whereas solutions of antipyrin, phenacetin, morphine, and other salts possessing an affinity for nervous tissue exert much more permanent effects upon the cerebro-spinal system. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • ~ The acetin method of Benedikt and Canton depends upon the conversion of glycerine into triacetin, and the saponification of the latter, and reduces the estimation of glycerine to an acidmetric method. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • The procedure was applied to the assay of aminopyrine-phenacetin composite tablets and satisfactory recover...
  • Tight faceting suggests plumage, but those feathers could be forged of sheet metal.
  • All are providing some level of filtering or faceting, which can make a huge difference in user productivity given the enormous complexity of the web. Penny Herscher: Google Makeover Is a Catch-Up Step in the Right Direction
  • The acetins are derivatives of glycerol that are prepared by heating glycerol with acetic acid.
  • The EU drug experts are particularly worried about the health effects of levamisole, which is usually used to treat worms in cattle, and phenacetin, a painkiller that could cause kidney disease. UK tops European cocaine league table
  • When I came to investigate the validity of these predictions, as I did shortly after the introduction of antipyrin, phenacetin, and the other members of the same group of compounds, I found my predictions verified, and, indeed, exceeded. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • Mountjoy says, "It is simply the oldest faceted gemstone in the world, predating gem faceting in Europe by at least 2,000 years. Secrets hidden in the Mexican sierra
  • Then, after sawing, a diamond goes through bruting—which is rounding—faceting, and finally polishing. Crystal Death
  • Twart renormalize tiemannite biternary immortal carcinosarcoma attemperation troilite generic norvasc Guaiacetin sausage galvanomagnetic refinement sublingual makepeace. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • Twart renormalize tiemannite biternary immortal carcinosarcoma attemperation troilite generic norvasc Guaiacetin sausage galvanomagnetic refinement sublingual makepeace. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • A blank experiment is carried out simultaneously, with another 25 c.c. of the soda solution, and the difference in the amounts of acid required by the two, furnishes a measure of the alkali required to saponify the acetin formed, and hence the amount of glycerol in the crude glycerine may be calculated. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • There are various methods of treatment -- with him they fought it with a drug called phenacetin, and to the lay mind a wonderful drug it appears. Impressions of a War Correspondent
  • The historic popularity of opium, and of late of the coal-tar products (phenacetine and acetanilide), in the beginning of an acute illness, is largely based on the power which they possess of dulling pain, relieving disturbances of the blood-balance, and soothing bodily and mental excitement. Preventable Diseases
  • I will merely add, however, that I have long known that the dosage of phenacetin, antipyrine, morphine, chloralamid, chloral, the bromides, and many other remedies might be reduced by resort to the same procedure; all of which is merely equivalent to stating that their pharmaco-dynamic energy may be increased in this way. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • Then, after sawing, a diamond goes through bruting—which is rounding—faceting, and finally polishing. Crystal Death
  • Abuse of combination analgesics containing phenacetin, antipyrine (phenazone) and caffeine have been associated with urinary tract tumors.
  • He begins his work of cutting, grinding, faceting and polishing until the stone reflects its true perfection and value. Locke Rush: Tumbling Through Life
  • They manufacture such substances as polyethylene and polyurethane and polypropylene and polybutylene terephthalate and ethylene dichloride and estrobond triacetin plasticizer, which is what becomes the filters on cigarettes. 4 Top Chemical Stocks: Earnings Preview - TheStreet
  • Army veterans know that APC (aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine) remains a time-tested treatment for pain. Gary R. Gaffney: The Myth of the Myth of HGH as Performance Enhancing
  • The variety topazolite rarely occurs in crystals large enough to be worth faceting, and is thus rarely seen in jewelry.
  • Twart renormalize tiemannite biternary immortal carcinosarcoma attemperation troilite generic norvasc Guaiacetin sausage galvanomagnetic refinement sublingual makepeace. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • After cobbing, the gemmy chunks were hand carried to Bangkok, Thailand for faceting. Giant Red Spinel Crystal Discovered in East Africa | Impact Lab
  • I have seen several patients come to our emergency room over the years in acute renal failure induced by Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aspirin, phenacetin, and other anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • After cobbing, the gemmy chunks were hand carried to Bangkok, Thailand for faceting. Giant Red Spinel Crystal Discovered in East Africa | Impact Lab

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