How To Use Acetanilid In A Sentence

  • The new order that requires manufacturers to substitute acetanilid for acetphenitidin does no more than replace fog with mist. Civics and Health
  • Does nerve sex have a headache massage acetanilide method?
  • SO_ H. Anilides, compounds in which the amino group is substituted by an acid radical, are prepared by heating aniline with certain acids; antifebrin or acetanilide is thus obtained from acetic acid and aniline. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • If each molecule of acetanilide produces one molecule of hydroge bromide, what volume of HBr gas should be evolved from the reaction?
  • The labels required by law are often deceptive and convey no adequate idea of the amount of drug consumed; for example, 240 grains of acetanilid to an ounce seems a small quantity of drug for a powder, but when one considers that there are only 480 grains in an ounce, it will be seen that each powder is one half acetanilid. General Science
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  • Chloroacetanilide herbicides are widely used for the control of annual grasses and broad-leaf weeds in a variety of major crops such as maize and soybeans.
  • One by one Mr. Adams tells about these medical fakes: habit-forming laxatives, head-ache powders full of acetanilid, soothing-syrups and catarrh-cures full of opium and cocaine, cock-tails subtly disguised as "bitters", "sarsaparillas", and "tonics". The Profits of Religion, Fifth Edition
  • Never take any sleeping powders except upon the advice of a physician, for the majority of these sleeping powders contain some harmful drug, as morphine, codeine, phenacetin or acetanilid. Herself Talks with Women Concerning Themselves
  • Influence of certain drugs upon the toxicity of acetanilide and antipyrine. All About Coffee
  • Use our expansive on-line directory to source acetanilide and other products and services from thousands of suppliers.
  • When aniline is reacted with excess acetic acid under dehydration conditions a white, crystalline material is formed, acetanilide.
  • An important adulterant, which should always be tested for, is acetanilide (antifebrin), which may be detected by the characteristic isocyanide odour produced when musk containing this substance is boiled with alcoholic potash, and a few drops of chloroform added. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • Except it consisted of a deadly combination of cocaine, acetanilid, and some rather nasty alkaloid botanicals. Dance Of Death
  • The headache tablet is most likely one of the coal tar drugs like acetanilid, and that is positively harmful when taken too often. Evening Round Up More Good Stuff Like Pep
  • Their action is dependent upon one of the modern coal-tar products, usually acetanilid, because it is the cheapest. The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
  • The historic popularity of opium, and of late of the coal-tar products (phenacetine and acetanilide), in the beginning of an acute illness, is largely based on the power which they possess of dulling pain, relieving disturbances of the blood-balance, and soothing bodily and mental excitement. Preventable Diseases
  • They produced antikamnia medicines containing the coal tar derivative, acetanilid, an anti-fever drug with pain relieving properties somewhat related to paracetamol, but which would be later shown to be a toxic compound not to mention addictive. Boing Boing
  • The relief afforded by most headache mixtures is due to the presence of antipyrin or acetanilid, and it has been shown conclusively that these drugs weaken heart action, diminish circulation, reduce the number of red corpuscles in the blood, and bring on a condition of chronic anemia. General Science
  • But, unfortunately, acetanilid is also the one with the most depressant action on the heart. The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)

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