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How To Use Acerb In A Sentence

  • In summary, Dr. Green, after studying and researching this question for over 20 years, it is my firm conviction that aspartame lowers seizure threshold, mimics or exacerbates a wide variety of neuropsychiatric disorders, contributes to the incidence of certain cancers, and because of it's impact on the hypothalamic "appestat" plays a significant role in the world-wide epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Psychiatry Professor informs Hawaii House Health Committee of Dangers of Aspartame, as Medical Professional
  • In chronic smoldering cases, inflammatory bowel disease can be misdiagnosed, and treatment with steroids only exacerbates the infection.
  • Simon Jenkins, a columnist with the UK's Guardian recently called Zuma a rapist and a racketeer in perhaps one of the most acerbic pieces yet the Guardian has published on Zuma.
  • Also, bronchodilators may demonstrate different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characteristics during an acute exacerbation of asthma.
  • What is left in ‘her’ wake, however, is an acerbically astute representation of a social environment in which mothers are routinely erased, undervalued, and ‘trapped’ within the domestic milieu.
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  • Acerbic performance practices and pinched, puny instrumentation made these works seem severe.
  • Both antihistamines and anticholinergics can have anticholinergic side effects, including dry mouth, urinary retention, blurred vision, and exacerbation of narrow-angle glaucoma.
  • But, they add, the feminization of medicine is helping to lower physician salaries, encourage part-time doctoring and exacerbate a looming shortage of physicians.
  • But, it warned, such behaviour 'would exacerbate the effects of a subsequent snapback'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Effortlessly unravelling the twists and turns of medieval Italian politics, Stonor Saunders is stylish in her prose style, languid in her learning and acerbic in her judgments.
  • This is not to diminish the roles that homophobia played or continues to play in exacerbating the problem.
  • Soon, however, social turmoil swept the country, weakening the monarch's effectiveness as an arbiter of political disputes, and exacerbating communal violence among Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa, the three major ethnic communities.
  • That will exacerbate China's need to increase its exports, said Cornell University economist Prasad.
  • The idea of our intelligence operation here is to make those situations safer, not to exacerbate them with thoughtlessness. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Its traditional disadvantages of high entry costs leading to illiquidity have been exacerbated, making it more difficult, particularly for the smaller investor, to get a foot on the ladder.
  • These high elevation communities are naturally subject to increased atmospheric moisture, cooler temperatures, and higher winds, but also now suffer from the effects of acid rain deposition, which tend to be exacerbated in high elevation communities, and from the depredations of an introduced homopteran insect, the wooly adelgid (Adelges spp.). Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
  • Further exacerbating the situation, issues of staff and patient safety have led to further bed closures at some hospitals.
  • The girl's afore-mentioned burden - a phenomenon - had been perpetually exacerbated by Carl's boorish, bullying behaviour towards her.
  • The difference will be exacerbated because birds, the most well-represented endotherms in the analysis, demonstrate constrained phenological plasticity due to photoperiodic induction of gonad maturation and migration, especially for long-distance migrants. The Guardian World News
  • Historically, I'm better with deadlines, too, and that was exacerbated by a few years of working nightside at a newspaper, in charge of getting stuff to the press in time. "I used to feel that I spent too much of my time in my pajamas doing nothing..."
  • This is exacerbated by the actors' cloth-eared delivery - stresses invariably in the wrong places render potentially hilarious lines peculiar and baroque.
  • Women's vulnerability has been exacerbated by unequal access to basic resources, especially prenatal and post-natal healthcare services.
  • Apple's iPod has largely been responsible for the problems now faced by Sirius and XM -- problems which have been acerbated by the irresponsible over-spending on programming by Sirius's CEO Karmazin, who should not be bailed out by the FCC by allowing the merger. Charles Warner: My Hyperbole Was Wrong
  • Everyone hereabouts knows the situation; we all avoid doing anything to exacerbate it. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • After the invocational four-poem opening of 'Let's Just Say,' the book moves to 'Some of These Daze,' Bernstein's prose dispatches in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, and on to the acerbic intimacies of 'World on Fire,' which critiques clichés like 'what are we fighting for?' The Chicago Blog: Press Release: Bernstein, Girly Man
  • His passion for woo-woo may be exacerbated by the fact that he has what I call a Conan Doyle problem. James Randi Educational Foundation
  • These harmful effects can also be exacerbated by the adoption of increased protectionist measures by trading blocs against non-bloc countries.
  • But this time the results have only compounded and exacerbated the problems of the Republican Party.
  • He was invalided out of the army with a badly arthritic knee, exacerbated by his injuries.
  • She was not exactly your blonde bombshell type: plump, short, always casually dressed, and bitingly acerbic whenever she had the chance.
  • If SB-1070 ends up exacerbating racial profiling, as many have predicted is likely, it will also open local police agencies up to a slew of lawsuits related to potential civil rights abuses. Think Progress » Huckabee: New Law Will Open Arizona Up To A ‘Lawsuit Bonanza’
  • Known for his acerbic wit, sharp tongue, and occasional profanity, he stood out among the colorless bureaucrats who ruled Poland.
  • On stage, he's smart but unacademic; attractive yet mildly awkward; friendly but acerbic.
  • In addition to skewing the country's age distribution, the one-child policy has probably exacerbated its dire gender imbalance. Many more baby boys are born in China than baby girls.
  • But the WEA leadership, uncomfortable with political comment, preferred a blanket adherence to official neutralism, exacerbating strained relations with their energetic editor, William Emrys Williams.
  • Chihuahuas are also very stubborn and the "human" or babylike manner in the way many are treated by their owners just exacerbates this problem. Pets
  • Along comes a referee intent on making peace but instead of getting both sides to kiss and make up the peacemaker only exacerbates the situation.
  • In fact, the rolling brown-outs and outrageous prices in the California energy market in 1999-2000 were reportedly exacerbated by production cut-backs in the face of the urgent demand.
  • On the seventh, all the symptoms were exacerbated; had no sleep, but the urine of the same characters, and the understanding disordered; alvine dejections bilious and fatty. Of The Epidemics
  • His mismanagement of the economy and his corruption exacerbated the poverty of the population, which was thus unable to benefit from the country's wealth in mineral resources.
  • Avoid scrubs, because rubbing can irritate this skin condition and exacerbate the flushing.
  • Flying on the wings of an ubiquitous electric slide guitar, a distinctive if quavering voice, and her acerbically accurate songwriting, the Ottawa songwriter has crafted what sounds suspiciously like a Canadian roots rock classic.
  • Separated from a certain fascination that there was for her in Edward's acerb wit, she saw that he was doing a dastardly thing in cold blood. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • And if they think they're suffering from any kind of asthmatic exacerbation, they need to see their doctor and aggressive treatments sooner rather than later. Breaking News: CBS News
  • Landlords believe that the Rent Acts unfairly interfere with freedom of contract and exacerbate the housing shortage.
  • Then acerb old John Cotton and some other Boston ascetics Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • Ad interitum plerumque homines comitatur, licet medici levent plerumque, tamen non tollunt unquam, sed recidet acerbior quam antea minima occasione, aut errore. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The premature closure of Fairhaven Road and problems caused by access from Frenches Road to Linkfield Lane exacerbates the situation.
  • Hurtling through the air, it seemed, with a sense of fierce speed, the varied clangors of the train, the ringing of the rails, the frequent hoarse blasts of the whistle, the jangling of the metallic fixtures, the jarring of the window-panes, all were keenly differentiated by her exacerbated and sensitive perceptions, and each had its own peculiar irritation. The Ordeal A Mountain Romance of Tennessee
  • Tenderness dismayingly cut with acerbities. Times, Sunday Times
  • In rural areas that will exacerbate the sex ratio very markedly.
  • Kudos is due to Sarah Millican, whose brilliant eye for observation and viciously acerbic style gives her the chops to win over all but the most committed chauvinists. This week's new comedy
  • Stepahnie, what you write has value, but it glosses over the fact that there are millions, yes, millions, of your fellow citizens who HAVE behaved in a very prudent risk averse manner, and they are going to get hammered along with everyone else, and policies which exacerbate the exposure the risk averse to hammering caused by the behavior of the imprudent/mendacious discourages prudent risk averse behavior in the future. Matthew Yglesias » On So-Called “Irresponsible” Borrowers
  • The cast deals admirably with a difficult script which is peppered with acerbic one-liners and wonderfully witty wisecracks.
  • Acrostichum, a Bolbophyllum, a rare Aristolochia foliis palmatis, 7 lobis, subtus glaucis; sapor peracerbus, floribus _siphonicis_. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Critics said mark-to-market accounting can exacerbate market swings, or be "procyclical," by forcing write-downs and emergency capital raising precisely at times when the economy is weakest. Regulators Draw Fire in Congress
  • She was reportedly a tough character, bitterly acerbic and tragically alcoholic.
  • Some biologic links between coarse particles and exacerbation of respiratory problems support these findings.
  • These difficulties were exacerbated by the almost complete absence of indigenous, vertically-integrated companies.
  • To suggest that an exogenous antigen (such as those found in the MMR vaccine) can somehow trigger or exacerbate mitochondrial myopathies is laughable. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Dr. Kerr attributed this increase to exacerbation in the type, and epidemicity of the disease. Prisoners Their Own Warders A Record of the Convict Prison at Singapore in the Straits Settlements Established 1825
  • Sanctions from Arab League member states would exacerbate the damage to Syria's already atrophied economy, following a European oil embargo and dwindling foreign-exchange reserves. Arab League Delays Discipline Against Syria
  • But anecdotal and scattershot as it may be, it's also one of the most acerbically amusing books ever written on bars and gives one a real appreciation of saloon talk. The All-American Place
  • Obesity that prevents ambulation exacerbates venous hypertension because the calf muscle is not working to keep the veins pumping the blood out of the leg.
  • The problem is exacerbated by the simple fact that only one side, Hamas, can call an effective halt to this because if Israel calls a ceasefire Hamas feel disobliged to observe it. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The problem is exacerbated by the various fashions in librarianship - how many libraries now prefer to be called ‘resource centres’ or other such jargon?
  • President-elect Obama has picked a centrist economist team that includes leaders who played a role in short-sighted decisions that exacerbated the current crisis. Art Levine: $7 Trillion Meltdown 101: How We Got Here, What to Do Now
  • Today the Fed has not only lost that touch but, given the way our political and financial system currently operates, its own policies exacerbate the cycle of overexuberance and incautious lending that will bring on the next major crisis (and presumably another severe recession). The Fed, Innovation And The Next Recession
  • The irredentist ideology was eventually exacerbated by the fascist regime, which used it as an ideological mask for its expansionist policy.
  • Cum acerbae famis tempore grauis atque inexplicabilis indicta coemptio profligatura inopia Campaniam prouinciam uideretur, certamen aduersum praefectum praetorii communis commodi ratione suscepi, rege cognoscente contendi et ne coemptio exigeretur, euici. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Those with an active respiratory infection, coagulopathy, asthma exacerbation, or change in corticosteroid regimen within 14 days of intended device installation should wait until the condition clears before undergoing treatment. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • This killer disease of young people in dense cities caused coughing and was evidently exacerbated by polluted air, just as it was relieved by the pure air of the mountains.
  • Why am I sure the Pope's reply will be couched in some stupid definition of "exacerbate" along the lines of "encourage promiscuous behaviour"? News from the House of Sticks -
  • The allocation of land to men means that women's dependence upon husbands is exacerbated despite an increase in material well-being.
  • Influenza or rhinovirus (common cold) infections in adults, or respiratory syncytial or other viruses in young children, can exacerbate or lead to asthma.
  • The dramatic changes I experienced after just a few lessons were because some of my problems were caused or exacerbated by quite easily rectifiable postural faults.
  • Hostility to the existing political setup is being exacerbated by growing unemployment lines and widening social inequality.
  • Rising energy costs, which are a result of a growing scarcity, as well as inflation, are exacerbating the situation.
  • Bonaparte a kind of acerbity and bitter irony, of which he long endeavoured to discover the cause. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • Safety and tolerability assessments of the treatment versus placebo group will be performed and secondary efficacy endpoints will include long-term microbiological responses, time to an exacerbation, severity of exacerbations, length of time to resolve exacerbations, and changes in spirometry and in quality-of-life measurements. Undefined
  • [15] "Spettacolo certamente memorabile, vedere insieme due Re potentissimi tra tutti i Principi Cristiani, stati poco innanzi si acerbissimi inimici, non solo riconciliati, e congiunti di parentado, ma deposti i segni dell 'odio, e della memoria delle offese, commettere ciascuno di loro la vita propria in arbitrio dell' altro con non minore confidenza, che se sempre fossero stati concordissimi fratelli. The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 3
  • The syndrome is cyclic with exacerbations and remissions occurring in a randomized pattern.
  • Deepening poverty exacerbated by rising prices and pegged wages will lead to growing anti-government hostility.
  • One possible stimulus that may exacerbate asthma is chronic sinusitis.
  • This way came Dr. John, in visage, in shape, in hue, as unlike the dark, acerb, and caustic little professor, as the fruit of the Hesperides might be unlike the sloe in the wild thicket; as the high-couraged but tractable Villette
  • Many of these clinical problems are already recognized as being rooted in, or exacerbated by, stress; it is Sarno's association of these disease entities with repressed rage that makes his theory unique.
  • These high elevation communities are naturally subject to increased atmospheric moisture, cooler temperatures, and higher winds, but also now suffer from the effects of acid rain deposition, which tend to be exacerbated in high elevation communities, and from the depredations of an introduced homopteran insect, the wooly adelgid (Adelges spp.). Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
  • In rural areas that will exacerbate the sex ratio very markedly.
  • These problems exacerbate legitimate business risks and discourage people from long-term investments.
  • It has exacerbated many existing weaknesses (rise of e-tailing, rise of e-books, creeping omnipotence of e's and hyphens), and has forced publishers to examine their business models. Nathan Bransford: Publishing's Winner's Curse
  • Tavistock Street already has a number of problems which seem to be exacerbated by a policy of housing the waifs and strays of the borough nearby.
  • Everyone hereabouts knows the situation; we all avoid doing anything to exacerbate it. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • All component Ying Guang of stair is slippery, fruity, did not highlight, acerb part, the person that lest be opposite, use is caused innocently harm.
  • The 1906 Burke Act exacerbated land loss on the reservation by removing the twenty-five-year restriction on sales of Indian allotments.
  • ‘Because I'm one of the things that's being negotiated,’ I said acerbically, with my tone as much a grudge toward him as bitterness at being in my position.
  • These difficulties were exacerbated by the almost complete absence of indigenous, vertically-integrated companies.
  • We expected that family conflict and depression symptoms would generally function as mediators, but also assessed whether they would exacerbate or attenuate the effects of parental drinking problems on children's adjustment.
  • Agriculture in Africa is rain-fed, and when those rains fail so do the crops, exacerbating food insecurity.
  • There is much to be said against indulging in golden-ageism whereby the acerbities and absurdities of the past disappear into the glow of nostalgia. The Decline and Fall of Literature
  • At worst, they could exacerbate it: by further fragmenting England's teaching workforce and by promoting low professional expectations.
  • This effect has been exacerbated because the artistic mission of almost every artist these days is to get scarier, a reflection of the stressy and random world in which we live.
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Labyrinth of Life, enjoyed the perplexities and quarrels of the scene, and exacerbated the already furious combatants by their poignant infantile satire. Burlesques
  • Praesertim quum tormentum ei vita sit, bona spe fretus, acerba vita velut a carcere se eximat, vel ab aliis eximi sua voluntate patiatur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He is known for his acerbic wit and his mean streak.
  • Landlords believe that the Rent Acts unfairly interfere with freedom of contract and exacerbate the housing shortage.
  • The Professor, already exacerbated by the study of the humanities, was in a state of acute erethism. The War of the Wenuses
  • How can the war continue, they ask, if it's exacerbating the problem it was meant to solve?
  • Instead they see low concentrations of magnesium as a natural phenomenon exacerbated by air pollution.
  • Besides those aeruginous not ripe outside, some banana appearance are very yellow, but taste however fleshy qualitative hair is good, even some hair are acerbity.
  • That unequal distribution of income exacerbated an already widening gulf in income.
  • Revolutions in tinpot republics don’t solve problems; they exacerbate them. Matthew Yglesias » Carter on Gaza
  • The land of area of state Bei Hua is a few limy clay, and get the influence of maritime climate, the grape here is so early, but thicker acerbity.
  • The play's most penetrating moments occur when Ensler veils her disgust and sorrow at the lengths some women will go to to achieve physical perfection, under a veneer of sharp characterisation and acerbic wit.
  • No trouble if you can pay through the nose and leave our honoured government all your property," Thomas commented acerbically. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • His question wasn't acerbic, but quite inquisitive.
  • They strongly deplete animal populations and notably reduce a number of rare and vulnerable species through habitat degradation, sport hunting and especially through exploitation for bushmeat, which is exacerbated by drought-related food deficits. Western Africa and biodiversity
  • And the growing differences in income are exacerbated by growing but unmeasured differences in health insurance, as well as various business perks such as free cars or expense accounts.
  • He is intensely irritating, with a cockiness untempered by charisma and exacerbated by a grating accent he brought from England when his family emigrated.
  • Along with other farmers and environmentalists, she points to the Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest hydro-power project as a resource nightmare that has exacerbated the drought.
  • And to add insult to injury , MercuryRet - rograde, an astral condition infamous for frustration - n, exacerbate - s existing tensions.
  • The most acerbically incisive advice comes from British author Will Self. We don’t need no stinking rules « Write Anything
  • That doesn't mean it shouldn't be done simply because this kind of muckraking exacerbates cynicism about public officials.
  • The essential oils in this herb ease muscle spasms in your gastrointestinal tract and may also decrease your body's production of pepsin, a digestive enzyme that exacerbates indigestion.
  • They would exacerbate the problems of unbalanced power that threaten any cooperative relationship.
  • Exacerbating the problem, bacteria constantly exchange bits of DNA with one another, spreading that resistance.
  • Crime makes an easy political issue, and there could well be a contest for who can offer the toughest line, and who most acerbically will apportion blame.
  • Thereupon followed a soft discussion that was as near being acerb as nails are near velvet paws. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Apple's iPod has largely been responsible for the problems now faced by Sirius and XM -- problems which have been acerbated by the irresponsible over-spending on programming by Sirius's CEO Karmazin, who should not be bailed out by the FCC in allowing the merger. My Hyperbole Was Wrong - TheCharlieWarnerReport
  • Caused by number of idle rural labor force, further exacerbating the urban - rural dual economic antagonism.
  • The whole story angered de Lescure, whose temper was acerbated by his own inactivity and suffering, and whose common sense could not endure the seeming folly of putting confidence in so mysterious a warrior. La Vend�e
  • The sonata is a major work that combines the young composer's acerbic wit and uncompromising harmonic astringency with a lyrical bent and cross-cultural echoes of Far Eastern musical modes.
  • As the exuberant Ford encores with the roistering folk-punk of Nothing at All and his acerbic signature tune, Cheer Up (You Miserable Fuck), it's clear that he is an artist deserving of a far wider audience. David Ford
  • The NATO intervention exacerbated the humanitarian crisis.
  • Even as he held magisterial power over the audience (he asked for quiet and got it) during the autobiographical ‘Freehold,’ Springsteen offered not an oversincere paean to his hometown but an acerbically funny look at small-town life.
  • Analysts said margin calls exacerbated the decline. Inflation Worries Drag on Indexes
  • Lindsay-Abaire, who won a Pulitzer Prize for "Rabbit Hole," his absorbing study of a grieving family that became a movie with Nicole Kidman, is working in a more acerbically comic vein in "Good People," the story of McDormand's Margaret Walsh, a hard-luck single mom and lifelong denizen of heavily Irish working-class South Boston. In New York, 'Good People' a sign of hope for this theater season
  • It is clear that by continuing to recruit disproportionately from the more affluent groups in society, higher education is exacerbating social class divides.
  • The apparently untreated road was progressively freezing-over, exacerbating the problem.
  • Thomas's witty and sometimes acerbic voice became the other side of her inner dialogue.
  • However, as the upside potential is exacerbated, so is the downside risk.
  • As the Washington Post's Hank Stuever acerbically wrote last week about the current season: It's all bunnies, baby dolls and broads – and bridezillas and bimbos, if you get into reality TV. The Playboy Club: men only
  • Reoxidation of the polysilicon sidewall prior to silicon nitride spacer formation exacerbates the undercut.
  • I think the programs created by the New Deal and the monetary jury-rigging that went on in our society exacerbated the Great Depression and pushed us farther down. The Perry Doctrine
  • 'acerbity' meant that 'you ate nothing but vegetable food,' and so on all down the list. Rilla of Ingleside
  • Foods high in histamine, such as fermented foods, may exacerbate urticaria and angioedema in these individuals.
  • During periods of disease exacerbation, however, the amount and type of fiber may have to be decreased until overt inflammation subsides.
  • Dismal stock markets have led to a significant drop in fund-raising by Indian firms and global headwinds have further acerbated the situation. Dark Days Ahead for Bankers
  • And certainly targeted cash transfers are preferable to far costlier and more distorting policies, such as export bans or general food subsidies, that, as visiting fellow Nora Lustig pointed out, push the adjustment off on international markets and further exacerbate global price pressures. Kimberly Ann Elliott: Another Food Price Spike: Weather Again to Blame for Wheat, Corn Pushed by (Even Worse) Ethanol Policies
  • He said that had ‘exacerbated the losses by delaying and distracting the board from swift and corrective action’.
  • If you're not familiar with the show, House is a brilliant but acerbic diagnostician who can solve cases others can't. Management
  • Get up in the morning acid of lumbar acerbity backache, shoulder, a headache?
  • This has been exacerbated by having to pore over 75 hours of footage.
  • Friction between the generations is exacerbated when younger staff grasp the new idea and their creativity is suddenly released.
  • This caused a significant disturbance in the market and exacerbated a backwardation in the price of tin.
  • Her marriage to Jason Robards will have exacerbated this - his drinking was uncontrollable.
  • The acerbic Australian, equally at home dissecting serious cultural issues and Japanese endurance game shows, will be reading from his new collection of essays and dispensing bons mots, acid witticisms and Antipodean insights.
  • The Order, grown rigid and ossified as old bone, in many ways has exacerbated the basic fault of human consciousness. THE BROKEN GOD
  • It has the subtle acerb taste with violets and wood berries perfumes.
  • With the rating agencies calling even America's triple-A rating into question, not all the euro-zone summit meetings, of which there have been many and will be many more, can persuade lenders that it is a good idea to make capital available to Greece, or Portugal, or Ireland on terms that will not stifle growth in those countries and acerbate their downward spiral. Advice for Eurocracy: Take a Tip From Nike and 'Just Do It'
  • He also warned Nato not to "exacerbate" its presence in the region. Russia and Norway resolve Arctic border dispute
  • Recent events have exacerbated intra-Kurdish antagonisms, but also concretized the autonomy that already exists.
  • Scimus etiam resurrectionem ejus fuisse confirmatam acerbissimorum ipsius inimicorum testimoniis; item resurrectione mortuorum, qui apertis sepulchris revixerunt, ac in urbe The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • It has certainly exacerbated the extent to which people are afraid of terrorist attacks.
  • (All acerbated, of course, by the fact that I basically have only one more day in Madrid, since I am leaving so early in the morning on Thursday I probably won't even bother trying to go to bed ...) Breakfast in Bed
  • Any problems with parenting are routinely exacerbated by poverty, inadequate housing, harassment, and constant anxiety about losing the child.
  • Such an abounding, affectionate, friendly, loving feeling did this avocation beget; that at last I was continually squeezing their hands, and looking up into their eyes sentimentally; as much as to say, — Oh! my dear fellow beings, why should we longer cherish any social acerbities, or know the slightest ill-humor or envy! Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • This syndrome is frequently misdiagnosed as anxiety, tension or psychotic exacerbation’.
  • Then there were exchanged certain melodious acerbities, which proved that these ladies had entered the lists on previous occasions, and that each was well practised in the other's methods of warfare. In and out of Three Normady Inns
  • And when the junketeers provide the studios with endless streams of negative, acerbic criticism, the studios readily invite them to the next junket and the next junket, where they can live for free and ask dumb questions of famous people.
  • Also, computer industry trends toward distributed computing, and nomadic or mobile computer users, only exacerbate security challenges.
  • Cue much acerbic observation of the modern marriage. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of this belies the jocular public persona he presents - the outspoken larrikin with an acerbic wit, strong views, a black sense of humour, a love of food and old American cars, and a loathing of sport.
  • New South Wales has entered an early bush fire season, which is being exacerbated by extremely low levels of rainfall, dry winds and high temperatures.
  • His aggressive reaction only exacerbated the situation.
  • The energy shortages were exacerbated by the severe winter.
  • The course of sycosis is chronic; it is marked by exacerbations and remissions.
  • A Russia policy of isolation and encirclement is not compatible with the contemporary geopolitical playing field, and we have seen this policy (in striking similarity to other, similar policies) exacerbate the hostility and corruption of the very regime it was meant to moderate. Matthew Yglesias » Michael McFaul on Russia
  • Although litigation may be necessary at some point, Mr. King's lawsuit has only served to "exacerbate" negotiations with BP, Mr. Riley said in an interview. Spill Payments Irk Alabama Business
  • Fevers, not of the intermittent type, if they become exacerbated every third day are dangerous; but if they intermit in any form whatever, this shows that they are not dangerous. Aphorisms
  • Hur had awn teh tite-tite blak jeens, ohai heels wif hur toez wif brite fayk toenaylz showin, glittur loshun awn hur skin, a too-tite shurt dat had ‘racerbak’ wif hur blak braw-straps showin, nastee hares, an enuff mayk-upz foar abowt 4 wimmenz. Construktshen wirker - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Everything Booth did only seemed to ex-acerbate the problem. The Black Hole
  • Treatment strategies included chest physiotherapy and oral or IV antibiotics adjusted to the results of bacteriological studies during acute exacerbations of lung disease.
  • The rest includes a number of brief curiosities he claims to have written in his sleep, an sfnal abecedary, amusements at the expense of Picasso and one of the field's prominent editors, and more (over seventy items in all), all deft and witty and many of them blessed with an acerbic bite. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Many other factors can lead to and exacerbate health problems, including heredity, family eating habits and a lack of exercise, he said.
  • Lord Chancellor, and increased in acerbity as he described what he called the altered mind of his honourable and learned friend the The Prime Minister
  • You should have a sassy woman who knows her food but also has acerbic comments to make about corporate America and the food industry.
  • Written with erudition and firm, if sometimes quirky, opinion, the book is interlarded with humor and acerbic comment.
  • Stern warnings broadcast over the student public-address system in the evening of 8 October exacerbated the situation.
  • The loss of the fleet oiler USS Pecos to Japanese action exacerbated the situation further.
  • The morning my review ran, I got a call from an agent friend who is cultivated, extraordinarily smart and superbly acerb. When Words Fail
  • The situation was made worse by the 1986 earthquake, which exacerbated the housing shortage and destroyed or damaged numerous schools.
  • Instead of letting up, they exacerbate their injuries, potentially causing permanent damage.
  • On the second day all the symptoms were exacerbated; late in the evening had a proper stool from a small clyster; the night quiet. Of The Epidemics
  • He is smart as he could acerbate the problem by riding in with chaps and spurs and strut and the attitude that I AM THE WAY! history repeats Is Obama too soft on Iran?
  • Furthermore, because of the lag between identifying a downturn and taking action, often the fiscal boost arrived just as the economy was turning up, thus exacerbating the stop-go cycle rather than stabilising output.
  • At the interpretation stage, misclassifying benign child behavior as negative, which we term a negative appraisal bias, may also exacerbate one's tendency to discipline in an overreactive manner.
  • A Minneapolis attorney said the city has "exacerbated" problems at the station over the years by being too involved The Austin Daily Herald
  • Low levels of class consciousness are exacerbated by clientelism, which links the peasant through personal relationships to some one in another class.
  • Unemployment at 70% is exacerbating poverty, prostitution, backstreet abortion and honour killing.
  • Debt defaults are soaring and forced asset sales are exacerbating the decline.

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